How to assign value to on Google image page using vba selenium - vba

I am working on google reverse image,Now i design code for initial click and after first click i want to assign image url on google page but unable to assign image url to on web form.Following is my code,suggestion required regarding how to assign image url for search purpose.
Dim d As WebDriver
Set d = New ChromeDriver
d.Start "Chrome"
d.Get "
Sleep 3000
d.FindElementByXPath("/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/form/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2] /span").Click
d.Timeouts.ImplicitWait = 5000
d.FindElementByCss(".nfyh2c").SendKeys " "

I resolve my issue using below mentioend code and updating my chrome webdirver,driver should same as your current chrome browser version.
Set myelement = d.FindElementById("Ycyxxc", timeout:=0, Raise:=False)
If myelement Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("no element found")
myelement.SendKeys ("")
End If


Selenium VBA - Runtime Error 11 ElementyNotVisible Error element not interactable

I am using the below mentioned code for automation of Edge Browser
The code is working fine except for "If then Else" block.
The complete script is as follows
Dim Obj As New WebDriver
' search for company - SF 1cr and above
Sub EdgeAutoSF1CRA0()
Set Obj = New Selenium.EdgeDriver
Dim ele As WebElement
Dim By As New Selenium.By
Obj.SetCapability "ms:edgeOptions", "{""excludeSwitches"":[""enable-automation""]}"
Obj.Start "edge", ""
Obj.Get "https://*********************"
Obj.FindElementByName("croreAccount").SendKeys ("Search")
Obj.FindElementById("borrowerName").SendKeys (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C5").Value)
Obj.Wait 30000
If Obj.FindElementByCss("#downloadReport").Attribute("Style" = "display") = "none" Then
End If
End Sub
In the If then Else statement I want to search for the style attribute of the id "downloadReport" for "display :none"
The code on website is < a href="downloadStatusReport" id="downloadReport" style="display: none;"><div class="download-icon">Download</div></a>
However, code always evaluate the statement as False and proceeds to execute the command "Obj.FindElementByXPath("//*[#id='downloadReport']/div").Click"
The attribute name is style, not capitalized Style.
You can construct the locator so that the desired style value will be a part of locator itself.
You can use FindElements instead of FindElement so it will return you a list of matching elements so as if such element found it will return a non-empty list, otherwise it would be an empty list. With this you can check if returned list is empty or not, as following:
If Not IsEmpty(Obj.FindElementsByCss("[id='downloadReport'][style*='none']")) Then
End If
In short, there is no merit in locating an element with style attribute set as display: none;. Even through you locate the element, you won't be able to click on it. So the If-Then-Else logic won't work as intended.
Instead find the desired element which is visible and enabled element, so you can invoke click on it.

Webdriver Selenium not loading new page after click()

I´m using selenium to scrape a webpage and it finds the elements on the main page, but when I use the click() function, the driver never finds the elements on the new page. I used beautifulSoup to see if it´s getting the html, but the html is always from the main. (When I see the driver window it shows that the page is opened).
html = driver.execute_script('return document.documentElement.outerHTML')
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
I´ve used webDriverWait() to see if it´s not loading but even after 60 seconds it never does,
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "ddlProducto")))
also execute_script() to check if by clicking the button using javascript loads the page, but it returns None when I print a variable saving the new page.
selectProducto = driver.execute_script("return document.getElementById('ddlProducto');")
Also used chwd = driver.window_handles and driver.switch_to_window(chwd[1]) but it says that the index is out of range.
chwd = driver.window_handles

Locating elements in section with selenium

I'm trying to enter text into a field (the subject field in the image) in a section using Selenium .
I've tried locating by Xpath , ID and a few others but it looks like maybe I need to switch context to the section. I've tried the following, errors are in comments after lines.
from selenium.webdriver import Firefox
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
opts = Options()
browser = Firefox(options=opts)
sign_in = '/html/body/div[1]/main/p/a'
email = '//*[#id="username"]'
pword = '//*[#id="password"]'
signin = '/html/body/div/main/div[2]/div[1]/form/div[3]/button'
search = '/html/body/div[8]/header/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/input'
name = 'John McCain'
#click on first result
first_result = '/html/body/div[8]/div[3]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/main/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/span/div/span[1]/span/a/span/span[1]'
#hit message button
msg_btn = '/html/body/div[8]/div[3]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div/main/div/div[1]/section/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/a'
## find subject box in section
section_class = '/html/body/div[3]/section'
browser.find_element_by_xpath(section_class) # no such element
browser.switch_to().frame('/html/body/div[3]/section') # no such frame
subject = '//*[#id="compose-form-subject-ember156"]'
browser.find_element_by_xpath(subject).click() # no such element
compose_class = 'compose-form__subject-field'
browser.find_element_by_class_name(compose_class) # no such class
id = 'compose-form-subject-ember156'
browser.find_element_by_id(id) # no such element
css_selector= 'compose-form-subject-ember156'
browser.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector) # no such element
wind = '//*[#id="artdeco-hoverable-outlet__message-overlay"]
browser.find_element_by_xpath(wind) #no such element
A figure showing the developer info for the text box in question is attached.
How do I locate the text box and send keys to it? I'm new to selenium but have gotten thru login and basic navigation to this point.
I've put the page source (as seen by the Selenium browser object at this point) here.
The page source (as seen when I click in the browser window and hit 'copy page source') is here .
Despite the window in focus being the one I wanted it seems like the browser object saw things differently . Using
window_after = browser.window_handles[1]
allowed me to find the element using an Xpath.

Getting HRESULT: 0x800A01B6 Exception while getting elements from InternetExplorerMedium website

I'm trying to make some code on that opens a website and logs in, and after that runs a report. Everything has been working fine when I try to get any of the from the website, but the ones that have this instruction within the OnClick property = "return oamSubmitForm('inputParamView:paramForm','inputParamView:paramForm:_idJsp106');"
Basically, if you see the following code, you see that I click on some of the CheckBoxes and it works just fine, but when I retrieve the button, it doesn't type an input, it actually has the link of the website when I use a whatc while debugging.
This is my code (I skipped the login section):
Private Sub open Page()
ieb = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorerMedium()
ieb.visible = True
ieb.Silent = True
While Not (ieb.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
End While
If v.checked = False Then
End If
v = ie.Document.GetElementById("inputParamView:paramForm:inputParametertuesday")
If v.checked = False Then
End If
v = ie.Document.GetElementById("inputParamView:paramForm:_idJsp106")
v.Click() '<-- IT FAILS HERE Exception HRESULT: 0x800A01B6
If I check the watch it shows mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass {http://example.example/qpreport/savedpages/savedReports.faces#}
if I check the source code from the page, this is the element that I'm trying to get:
<a id="inputParamView:paramForm:_idJsp106" onclick="return
oamSubmitForm('inputParamView:paramForm','inputParamView:paramForm:_idJsp106');" href="#"
I don't know if it has anything to do with the property OnClick.
I will appreciate any of your help trying to solve this issue.
I found the solution by myself. I just had to instance the element I was retrieving as mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass
after that, I was able to click on it.
Dim l As mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass = ieb.Document.GetElementById("inputParamView:paramForm:_idJsp106")

Selenium : Make chrome browser window hide for a while till login

I am using Selenium for chrome browser automation(OS-windows only). I want to open a webpage and fill a login form , submit.But i dont want to show this login page(chrome browser) to the user.That is user will not see the chrome window which shows filling the form and clicking submit. The user must be able to see chrome only after clicking submit(which i click in my code). So i need to hide the chrome(only this window,but if user has kept some other chrome window open they should not be made visible false) for a while and then after login i want to make chrome window visible.
Below is a part of code in which chrome browser opens with login page and form filled automatically and submit is clicked and new page navigated(after login)
Dim service As ChromeDriverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService
Dim driver1 As ChromeDriver = Nothing
Dim driver As EventFiringWebDriver
Dim chromeOptions As New OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions()
service.HideCommandPromptWindow = True
driver1 = New ChromeDriver(service, chromeOptions)
driver = New EventFiringWebDriver(driver1)
AddHandler driver.Navigated, AddressOf OnNavigated
Dim myLink1 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("userName"))
Dim myLink2 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("password"))
So now can I make the chrome window to not visible till login and then make it visisble in selenium or is there any other trick where I can achieve the same.