In our application there are four SQL Server databases:
While connecting to SQL Server using liquibase we use db2 in connection string and then perform deployment.
As db2 is used in connection string DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK and DATABASECHANGELOG are created in db2 database.
As a part of deployment, every SQL script has database name at the start like
USE db1
—update/delete statements
USE db2
—update/delete statements
USE db3
—update/delete statements
USE db4
—update/delete statements
If the last script in the deployment is db2 (as it is specified in the connection string and the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK and DATABASECHANGELOG) are created in db2 database. Then the deployment succeeds
But if the last script is of some other database (other than db2) I get an error:
liquibase.exception.LockException: liquibase.exception.LockException: Did not update change log lock correctly.
Seems it goes to search the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK and DATABASECHANGELOG in the database in which last script is deployed.
How I can handle this?

Found in: Liquibase lock - reasons?
Sometimes if the update application is abruptly stopped, then the lock remains stuck.
Then running
against the database helps.
You may also need to replace LOCKED=0 with LOCKED=FALSE.
Or you can simply drop the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, it will be recreated.


SSIS schema switching deadlocks

I have an SSIS package which takes data that has changed in the last 1/2 hour and transfers it from a DB2 database into a SQL server. This data is loaded into an empty import table (import.tablename) then inserted into a staging table (newlive.tablename). The staging table is then schema switched with the live (dbo) table within a transaction. FYI, the dbo tables are the backend to a visualization tool (Looker)
My problem is that the schema switching is now creating deadlocks. Everytime I run the package, it affects different tables. I've been using this process with larger tables before (also backend to Looker) and have not had this problem before.
I read in another post that the user was having a similar problem because of indexes but all the data has been written to the destination tables.
Any ideas or suggestion of where to look would be much appreciated
The schema switching code is within a Execute SQL Task in the SSIS Package with:

Liquibase Update Command doesn't drop elements (tables, functions, procedure...) from my database despite SQL script absent from my solution

I use liquibase tool to manage a postgres database. I work as the following :
I have a solution composed of different folders containing SQL scripts responsible for schema creation, tables creations, types creation, procedures creation, etc... Then, I have a ChangeLog file in xml format, containing the following informations :
includeAll path="#{Server.WorkingDirectory}#/02 - Schema" relativeToChangelogFile="false"
includeAll path="#{Server.WorkingDirectory}#/03 - Types" relativeToChangelogFile="false
includeAll path="#{Server.WorkingDirectory}#/04 - Tables" relativeToChangelogFile="false"
includeAll path="#{Server.WorkingDirectory}#/05 - Fonctions" relativeToChangelogFile="false"
includeAll path="#{Server.WorkingDirectory}#/06 - Stored Procedures" relativeToChangelogFile="false"
I run liquibase via command line :
liquibase --changeLogFile=$(Changelog.File.Name) --driver=$(Driver.Name) --classpath=$(Driver.Classpath) --url=$(BDD.URL) --username=$(BDD.Login) --password=$(BDD.Password) update
This enable Liquibase to take all the SQL scripts in the different folders listed in the changelogFile, compare it with the current database at url $(BDD.URL), and generate a delta script containing all the SQL queries to be executed to have a database corresponding to my solution.
This works well when I add new scripts (new tables or procedures) or modify existing scripts, my database is correctly updated by the command line, as expected. BUT it does not do anything when I delete a script from my solution.
To be more factual, here is what I want :
I have a SQL file containing the query "CREATE TABLE my_table" located in the folder "04 - Tables".
I execute the update command above, and it creates the table "my_table" in my database.
I finally do not want this table in my database any more. Thus I would like to simply remove the corresponding SQL script from my solution, and then run again the "update" command to simply remove my table in my database, generating automatically a "DROP TABLE my_table" by the liquibase "update" command. But this is not working as Liquibase doesn't record any change when I remove a sql file (whereas it does when I add or modify a file).
Does anyone know a solution to this ? Is there a specific command to drop an element when there is no "CREATE" query for this element, in a SQL solution ?
Many thanks in advance for you help :)
You will need to explicitly write a script to drop the table.
Other option is to rollback the change IF YOU HAVE Specified the Rollback SQL as part of your original SQL script.
There is a Pro Version option to rollback a single update , with free / community version, you can rollback last few changes in sequence
ex; I did "liquibase rollbackCount 5" will rollback the last 5 changes that were applied ONLY IF I HAD Coded the rollback sql needed as part of my script.
My Sql script sample that included the code to rollback is
--rollback drop TABLE test.user1 ; drop table test.cd_activity;
CREATE TABLE test.user1 (
user_type_id int NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE test.cd_activity (
activity_id Integer NOT NULL
userid int);

Liquibase validation failed after modifying the entity

I wanted to change the data type of one field from string to date. So i dropped the table in db. Then modified the liquibase file and ran the application. now it complains with the following message.
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
So after that I reverted the liquibase file changes and ran the application. This time no error but it is not creating the table.
Please help me how to solve this issue.
I assume the failed validation was an error about checksums. This happens when you modify a changeset which was already executed and try to execute it again.
Liquibase keeps all executed changesets in a table called databasechangelog, so it can find out which changesets can be skipped during execution.
To execute a changeset again, delete the corresponding from this table before, and run Liquibase again.
When using Liquibase, you shouldn't (in general) modify the database outside of Liquibase - the main exception being if you are a developer working on your own private development database. If you are in that state (working on your own private database), then when you modify the database outside of Liquibase (i.e. dropping a table) you will also need to delete the row in the DATABASECHANGELOG table that corresponds to the table create statement so that when you re-run liquibase update it will re-create the table.

adding lock option to Create Table statement in Sql Server 2005

I am busy creating tables in Sql Server from a Sybase database. In the Sybase database when the tables are created an option 'lock allpages' was used, how can I replicate this when creating the tables in Sql Server 2005.
In SQL Server you cannot specify a lock option for the table in CREATE TABLE. You can at most disable row level and page level locking by adding the WITH ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF or WITH ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS_OFF. The equivalent of locking the entire table in SQL Server is to use a lock hint WITH (TABLOCK) when running queries and updates on the table, but that is not recommended.
My recommendation would be to just ignore this option when transferring the tables from Sybase to SQL Server.
What do you want to achieve with this "lock allpages" option? Is the database you're working on up and running productively? If not, in SQL Server, you can restrict access to the entire database to a single user:
and that way you're sure no one else if going to come in your way and fiddle around until you're totally done :-)
Set it back to "normal" usage with:

PostgreSQL - Rename database

I need to rename the database but when I do in
PGAdmin : ALTER DATABASE "databaseName" RENAME TO "databaseNameOld" it told me that it cannot.
How can I do it?
(Version 8.3 on WindowsXP)
The first error message : Cannot because I was connect to it. So I selected an other database and did the queries.
I get a second error message telling me that it has come user connect. I see in the PGAdmin screen that it has many PID but they are inactive... I do not see how to kill them.
Try not quoting the database name:
ALTER DATABASE people RENAME TO customers;
Also ensure that there are no other clients connected to the database at the time. Lastly, try posting the error message it returns so we can get a bit more information.
For future reference, you should be able to:
-- disconnect from the database to be renamed
\c postgres
-- force disconnect all other clients from the database to be renamed
SELECT pg_terminate_backend( pid )
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid( )
AND datname = 'name of database';
-- rename the database (it should now have zero clients)
ALTER DATABASE "name of database" RENAME TO "new name of database";
Note that table pg_stat_activity column pid was named as procpid in versions prior to 9.2. So if your PostgreSQL version is lower than 9.2, use procpid instead of pid.
I just ran into this and below is what worked:
1) pgAdmin is one of the sessions. Use psql instead.
2) Stop the pgBouncer and/or scheduler services on Windows as these also create sessions
Unexist told me in comment to restart the database and it works! Restarting the database kill all existing connection and then I connect to an other database and was able to rename it with my initial query.
Thx all.
Instead of deploying a nuke (restarting the server) you should try to close those connections that bother you either by finding where are they from and shutting down the client processes or by using the pg_cancel_backend() function.
When connected via pgadmin, the default database will be postgres.
This will not work.
You need to right click on server in pgadmin and set Maintenance DB to some other DB and save. Then retry and it should work if no other connections exists.
For anyone running into this issue using DBeaver and getting an error message like this:
ERROR: database "my_stubborn_db" is being accessed by other users
Detail: There is 1 other session using the database.
Disconnect your current connection, and reconnect to the same server with a connection that doesn't target the database you are renaming.
Changing the active database is not enough.
ALTER DATABASE old_database RENAME TO new_database;
old_database means already existing database.
new_database means need to modify this name.
Example: ALTER DATABASE profile RENAME TO address;