Using Update statement with the _PARTITIONDATE Pseudo-column - sql

I'm trying to update a table in BigQuery that is partitioned on _PARTITIONTIME and really struggling.
Source is an extract from destination that I need to backfill destination with. Destination is a large partitioned table.
To move data from source to destination, I tried this:
update t1 AS destination
set destination._PARTITIONTIME = '2022-02-09'
from t2 as source
WHERE <> "1";
Because it said that the WHERE clause was required for UPDATE, but when I run it, I get a message that "update/merge must match at most one source row for each target row". I've tried... so many other methods that I can't even remember them all. INSERT INTO seemed like a no-brainer early on but it wants me to specify column names and these tables have about 800 columns each so that's less than ideal.
I would have expected this most recent attempt to work because if I do
select * from source where <> "1";
I do, in fact, get results exactly the way I would expect, so that query clearly functions, but for some reason it can't load the data. This is interesting, because I created the source table by running something along the lines of:
select * from destination where DATE(createddate) = '2022-02-09' and DATE(_PARTITIONTIME) = '2022-02-10'
Is there a way to make Insert Into work for me in this instance? If there is not, does someone have an alternate approach they recommend?

You can use the bq command line tool (usually comes with the gcloud command line utility) to run a query that will overwrite a partition in a target table with your query results:
bq query --allow_large_results --replace --noflatten_results --destination_table 'target_db.target_table$20220209' "select field1, field2, field3 from source_db.source_table where _PARTITIONTIME = '2022-02-09'";
Note the $YYYYMMMDD postfix with the target_table. This indicates
that the partition corresponding to YYYYMMDD is to be overwritten
by the query results.
Make sure to distinctively select fields in your query (as a good practice) to avoid unexpected surprises. For instance, select field1, field2, field3 from table is way more explicit and readable than select * from table.


How to use a table's content for querying other tables in BIgQuery

My team and I are using a query on a daily basis to receive specific results from a large dataset. This query is constantly updated with different terms that I would like to receive from the dataset.
To make this job more scaleable, I built a table of arrays, each containing the terms and conditions for the query. That way the query can lean on the table, and changes that I make in the table will affect the query without the need to change it.
The thing is - I can't seem to find a way to reference the table in the actual query without selecting it. I want to use the content of the table as a WHERE condition. for example:
[term1, term2, term3]
select * from dataset
where dataset.collumn like '%term1'
or dataset.collumn like '%term2'
or dataset.collumn like '%term3'
If you have any ideas please let me know (if the solution involves Python or JS this is also great)
You can "build" the syntax you want using Procedural Language in BigQuery and then execute it. Here is a way of doing it without "leaving" BQ (meaning, without using external code):
DECLARE statement STRING DEFAULT 'SELECT col FROM dataset.table WHERE';
FOR record IN (SELECT * FROM UNNEST(['term1','term2','term3']) as term)
SET statement = CONCAT(statement, ' col LIKE "', '%', record.term, '" OR');
SET statement = CONCAT(statement, ' 1=2');

Redshift showing 0 rows for external table, though data is viewable in Athena

I created an external table in Redshift and then added some data to the specified S3 folder. I can view all the data perfectly in Athena, but I can't seem to query it from Redshift. What's weird is that select count(*) works, so that means it can find the data, but it can't actually show anything. I'm guessing it's some mis-configuration somewhere, but I'm not sure what.
Some stuff that may be relevant (I anonymized some stuff):
create external schema spectrum_staging
from data catalog
database 'spectrum_db'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::############:role/RedshiftSpectrumRole'
create external database if not exists;
create external table spectrum_staging.errors(
id varchar(100),
error varchar(100))
stored as parquet
location 's3://mybucket/errors/';
My sample data is stored in s3://mybucket/errors/2018-08-27-errors.parquet
This query works:
db=# select count(*) from spectrum_staging.errors;
(1 row)
This query does not:
db=# select * from spectrum_staging.errors;
id | error
(0 rows)
Check your parquet file and make sure the column data types in the Spectrum table match up.
Then run SELECT pg_last_query_id(); after your query to get the query number and look in the system tables STL_S3CLIENT and STL_S3CLIENT_ERROR to find further details about the query execution.
You don't need to define external tables when you have defined external schema based on Glue Data Catalog. Redshift Spectrum pics up all the tables that are in the Catalog.
What's probably going on there is that you somehow have two things with the same name and in one case it picks it up from the data catalog and in the other case it tries to use the external table.
Check these tables from Redshift side to get a better view of what's there:
And these tables for queries that use the tables from external schema:
select * from SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY
select * from SVL_S3LOG order by eventtime desc
select * from SVL_S3QUERY where query = xyz
select * from SVL_S3PARTITION where query = xyz
was there ever a resolution for this? a year down, i have the same problem today.
nothing stands out in terms of schema differences- an error exists though
select recordtime, file, process, errcode, linenum as line,
trim(error) as err
from stl_error order by recordtime desc;
/home/ec2-user/padb/src/sys/cg_util.cpp padbmaster 1 601 Compilation of segment failed: /rds/bin/padb.1.0.10480/data/exec/227/48844003/de67afa670209cb9cffcd4f6a61e1c32a5b3dccc/0
Not sure what this means.
I encountered a similar issue when creating an external table in Athena using RegexSerDe row format. I was able to query this external table from Athena without any issues. However, when querying the external table from Redhift the results were null.
Resolved by converting to parquet format as Spectrum cannot handle regular expression serialization.
See link below:
Redshift spectrum shows NULL values for all rows

BigQuery command line tool - append to table using query

Is it possible to append the results of running a query to a table using the bq command line tool? I can't see flags available to specify this, and when I run it it fails and states "table already exists"
bq query --allow_large_results --destination_table=project:DATASET.table "SELECT * FROM [project:DATASET.another_table]"
BigQuery error in query operation: Error processing job '':
Already Exists: Table project:DATASET.table
Originally BigQuery did not support the standard SQL idiom
INSERT foo SELECT a,b,c from bar where d>0;
and you had to do it their way with --append_table
But according to #Will's answer, it works now.
Originally with bq, there was
bq query --append_table ...
The help for the bq query command is
$ bq query --help
And the output shows an append_table option in the top 25% of the output.
Python script for interacting with BigQuery.
USAGE: [--global_flags] <command> [--command_flags] [args]
query Execute a query.
bq query 'select count(*) from publicdata:samples.shakespeare'
query <sql_query>
Flags for query:
--[no]allow_large_results: Enables larger destination table sizes.
--[no]append_table: When a destination table is specified, whether or not to
(default: 'false')
--[no]batch: Whether to run the query in batch mode.
(default: 'false')
--destination_table: Name of destination table for query results.
(default: '')
Instead of appending two tables together, you might be better off with a UNION ALL which is sql's version of concatenation.
In big query the comma or , operation between two tables as in SELECT something from tableA, tableB is a UNION ALL, NOT a JOIN, or at least it was the last time I looked.
Just in case someone ends up finding this question in Google, BigQuery has evolved a lot since this post and now it does support Standard.
If you want to append the results of a query to a table using the DML syntax feature of the Standard version, you could do something like:
INSERT dataset.Warehouse (warehouse, state)
FROM UNNEST([('warehouse #1', 'WA'),
('warehouse #2', 'CA'),
('warehouse #3', 'WA')])
As presented in the docs.
For the command line tool it follows the same idea, you just need to add the flag --use_legacy_sql=False, like so:
bq query --use_legacy_sql=False "insert into dataset.table (field1, field2) select field1, field2 from table"
According to the current documentation (March 2018):
You should add:
--noreplace or --replace=false

Subquery in `where` with comparison operator

Let's say I have a large table partitioned by dt field. I want to query this table for data after specific date. E.g.
select * from mytab where dt >= 20140701;
The tricky part is that date is not a constant, but comes from a subquery. So basically I want something like this:
select * from mytab where dt >= (select min(dt) from activedates);
Hive can't do it, however, giving me ParseException on subquery (from docs I'm guessing it's just not supported yet).
So how do I restrict my query based on dynamic subquery?
Note, that performance is key point here. So the faster, the better, even if it looks uglier.
Also note, that we haven't switched to Hive 0.13 yet, so solutions without in query are preferred.
Hive decides on the partition pruning when building the execution plan and thus has to have the value of the max(dt) prior to execution.
Currently the only way to accomplish something like this is breaking the query into two parts, when the first will be select min(dt) from activedates, its results will be put into a variable.
2nd query will be : select * from mytab where dt >=${hiveconf:var}.
Now this is a bit tricky.
You could either execute the 1st query into OS variable like so :
a=`hive -S -e "select min(dt) from activedates"`
And then run the 2nnd query like so :
hive -hiveconf var=$a -e "select * from mytab where dt >=${hiveconf:var}"
or event just :
hive -e "select * from mytab where dt >=$a"
Or, if you are using some other scripting language you can replace the variable in the code.

Adding column headers to hive result set

I am using a hive script on Amazon EMR to analyze some data.
And I am transferring the output to Amazon s3 bucket. Now the results of hive script do not contain column headers.
I have also tried using this:
set hive.cli.print.header=true;
But it does not help. Can you help me out?
Exactly what does your hive script look like?
Does the output from your hive script have the header data in it? Is it then being lost when you copy the output to your s3 bucket?
If you could provide some more details about exactly what you are doing that would be helpful.
Without knowing those details, here is something that you could try.
Create your hive script as follows:
USE dbase_name:
SET hive.cli.print.header=true;
SELECT some_columns FROM some_table WHERE some_condition;
Then run your script:
$ hive -f hive_script.hql > hive_output
Then copy your output to your s3 bucket
$ aws s3 cp ./hive_output s3://some_bucket_name/foo/hive_output
I guess that direct way is still impossible (HIve: writing column headers to local file?).
Some solution would be export result of DESCRIBE table_name to file:
$ hive -e 'DESCRIBE table_name' > file
And write some script that add column names into your data file. GL!
I ran into this problem today and was able to get what I needed by doing a UNION ALL between the original query and a new dummy query that creates the header row. I added a sort column on each section and set the header to 0 and the data to a 1 so I could sort by that field and ensure the header row came out on top.
create table new_table as
0 as sort_col, --header row gets lowest number
'field1_name' as field1,
'field2_name' as field2,
'field3_name' as field3
some_small_table --table needs at least 1 row
limit 1 --only need 1 header row
union all
1 as sort_col, --original query goes here
) a
order by
sort_col --make sure header row is first
It's a little bulky, but at least you can get what you need with a single query.
Hope this helps!
It might be just a typo (or a version-dependent change), but the following works for me:
set hive.cli.print.headers=true;
It's "headers" instead of "header"