Android Serialization Jackson deserialize using JsonTypeInfo - kotlin

Good morning. I'm trying to figure out how to deserialize a parameter but I can't find the solution. In practice, the response JSON should populate or not a field based on the value I get from another type of field, which is numeric and can be 0 or 1.
In particular (seeing following serialization) in MyData class there is a property called "mutable_value" that can be 1 or 0. when is 1 I must serialize b_property, else I must serialzie c_property.
I'm trying to achieve it but I don't know where I can do my case if 0 or 1...
The class I serialize is the following:
data class ClassResponseData(
val code: String,
val data: MyData,
) {
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
visible = true,
property = , // <-------------what I must do here?
defaultImpl = MyData.DefaultValue::class
value = MyData.BType::class,
name = "new_domain"
value = MyData.CType::class,
name = "new_domain"
sealed class MyData{
data class DefaultValue(
val bValue: String,
val cValue: String,
val mutableValue: Int
data class BType(
val bValue: String,
val mutableValue: Int
) : MyData()
data class CType(
val cValue: String,
val mutableValue: Int
) : MyData()
What I'm doing wrong?


How do I write Nested Generics in Kotlin's Sealed Classes

I'm trying to come up with a data model that allows me to do the following:
Define a type of Task and change its Status
This Status can be either InProgress or Completed
In the case of a completed Status, I want to be able to add data, that is specific to the Task that was completed.
Initially, I came up with this data model:
sealed class Task<R : TaskResult> {
abstract val status: TaskStatus<R>
data class A(
val data: String,
override val status: TaskStatus<NoResult>,
) : Task<NoResult>()
data class B(
val data: String,
override val status: TaskStatus<TaskBResult>,
) : Task<TaskBResult>()
sealed class TaskStatus<R : TaskResult> {
object InProgress : TaskStatus<NoResult>()
data class Completed<R : TaskResult>(val result: R) : TaskStatus<R>()
sealed class TaskResult {
object NoResult : TaskResult()
data class TaskBResult(val resultData: String) : TaskResult()
Here you have Task.A and Task.B, where:
A completed Task.A only accepts NoResult
A completed Task.B only accepts TaskBResult
However, when I run this:
fun main() {
val taskA = Task.A(
data = "data",
status = TaskStatus.InProgress
status = TaskStatus.Completed(
result = NoResult
val taskB = Task.B(
data = "data",
status = TaskStatus.InProgress
status = TaskStatus.Completed(
result = TaskBResult(
resultData = "resultData"
I get the following compile error for setting the initial status of Task.B:
status = TaskStatus.InProgress
Type mismatch.
Required: TaskStatus<TaskResult.TaskBResult>
Found: TaskStatus.InProgress
Does anyone know how to change the data model so I'm allowed to run this (or a very similar) main function?
This could work with a very little change: just make TaskStatus a covariant generic class and make InProgress a TaskStatus<Nothing>. This is a typical strategy you can use when you have "special case" objects that represent no state. After this change, your code should compile:
sealed class Task<R : TaskResult> {
abstract val status: TaskStatus<R>
data class A(
val data: String,
override val status: TaskStatus<TaskResult.NoResult>,
) : Task<TaskResult.NoResult>()
data class B(
val data: String,
override val status: TaskStatus<TaskResult.TaskBResult>,
) : Task<TaskResult.TaskBResult>()
sealed class TaskStatus<out R : TaskResult> {
object InProgress : TaskStatus<Nothing>()
data class Completed<R : TaskResult>(val result: R) : TaskStatus<R>()
sealed class TaskResult {
object NoResult : TaskResult()
data class TaskBResult(val resultData: String) : TaskResult()
fun main() {
val taskA = Task.A(
data = "data",
status = TaskStatus.InProgress
status = TaskStatus.Completed(
result = NoResult
val taskB = Task.B(
data = "data",
status = TaskStatus.InProgress
status = TaskStatus.Completed(
result = TaskBResult(
resultData = "resultData"

Is there a way to not inherit a specific property?

I'm trying to group my classes like images.
It is a structure in which one header and several items are gathered in one group to form a list.
If the Header property and Item list properties are placed in the sealed class, the subclass inherits this, so the structure becomes strange.
So, I want to make it impossible to inherit only Header property and Item list property in sealed class. Is there a way?
sealed class GroupedItem(val layoutId : Int = 1) {
val header: Header = Header() // I want to make inheritance impossible
val itemList: List<Item> = listOf() // I want to make inheritance impossible
data class Header(
val id: String = "",
) : GroupedItem(someValue)
data class Item(
val id: String = "",
val set: Int = 1,
) : GroupedItem(someValue)
Grouping example
for (i in 0 until headerNumber) {
val headerText = "Header $i"
val header = GroupedItem.Header(headerText)
val itemList = arrayListOf<GroupedItem.Item>()
val indexNumber = Random.nextInt(2, 5)
for (j in 0 until indexNumber) {
val itemText = "Item $j"
val groupedItem = GroupedItem(header, itemList)
fun main() {
val test = RoutineItem.Header()
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at RoutineItem$Header.<init>(hello.kt)
at RoutineItem$Header.<init>(hello.kt:18)
at RoutineItem.<init>(hello.kt:15)
at RoutineItem.<init>(hello.kt)
at RoutineItem$Header.<init>(hello.kt:22)
at RoutineItem$Header.<init>(hello.kt:18)
at RoutineItem.<init>(hello.kt:15)
at RoutineItem.<init>(hello.kt)
The way you're defining it, a Header is a GroupedItem, and every GroupedItem has a Header, which is incorrect, right? It seems like you want one of these:
GroupedItem represents a category of items that go in your groups, i.e. Headers and ItemLists:
You can use an interface, but a sealed class is fine for this (and gives you the GroupedItem.Thing namespacing). Since GroupedItem is a general category, it shouldn't contain a Header or anything else, just like a Vehicle shouldn't have a Car property
GroupedItem represents a structure that contains a Header and an ItemList (possibly optional):
In this case, Header isn't a GroupedItem at all (same as a Wheel isn't a Car) and shouldn't inherit from it - it has no relation to that class. GroupedItem just happens to include a Header as a property.
If you want the GroupedItem.Thing naming scheme to keep things organised, you can just make Header a class within GroupedItem (not an inner class though):
class GroupedItem(
val header: Header = Header(),
val itemList: List<Item> = listOf()
data class Header(
val id: String = "",
data class Item(
val id: String = "",
val set: Int = 1,
you'll have to sort out where layoutId is coming from though.
honestly though, I think you probably want both of these things:
GroupedItem to represent things that go in groups
Group for an actual concrete group of those things
class Group(
val header: Header = Header()
val itemList: List<Item> = listOf()
sealed class GroupedItem(val layoutId : Int = 1) {
data class Header(
val id: String = "",
) : GroupedItem(someValue)
data class Item(
val id: String = "",
val set: Int = 1,
) : GroupedItem(someValue)

How to create a customize primary constructor of sub data-class in Kotlin

I have a class structure like below:
abstract class AuthorizeSalesRequestDto {
open val sequenceNumber: Int = 0
open val currentService: String = ""
open val amount: Int = 0
open val taxOthers: Int = 0
open val trainingMode: Boolean = false
data class CreditAuthorizeSales(
override val currentService: String = "Credit"
) : AuthorizeSalesRequestDto() {
data class UnionPayAuthorizeSales(
override val currentService: String = "UnionPay"
) : AuthorizeSalesRequestDto() {
I want to init the CreditAuthorizeSales and UnionPayAuthorizeSales like below:
val creditObject = CreditPayment(
sequenceNumber = 1,
amount = 100,
taxOthers = 10,
trainingMode = true
I create class structure because future will be more data class like CreditAuthorizeSales for different service. But I can't figure out a way to make a constructor like above.
Can somebody please help me with the syntax or change the class structure? Thanks in advace!!!
Note: Enviroment
Kotlin v1.4.3

Kotlin Data class setter using class fields

I have a redis entity using a kotlin data class and its Id should be a combination of few other fields from the same class.
Can this be achieved by defining setter for Id field instead of computing it outside of data class?
data class Game(
val generatedId: String = "Default_ID",
val name: String,
val location: String,
val homeTeam: String,
val awayTeam: String
// want something like this
var generatedId : String = "DEFAULT_ID"
get() = "${name}${location}"
// or even better
var generated_Id : String = "${name}${location}"
Did you try to do something like this?
data class Game(
val name: String,
val location: String,
val homeTeam: String,
val awayTeam: String,
val generatedId: String = "${name}${location}"

Kotlin data class + Gson: optional field

I have the following data class in Kotlin:
data class RouteGroup(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
Sometimes I need to create an object with both fields, sometimes with only one of them.
How can I do this?
This is not the duplicate of this question: Can Kotlin data class have more than one constructor?
That question shows how to set a default value for a field. But in my case, I don't need to serialize the field with the default value. I want a field to be serialized only when I explicitly assign a value to it.
it is easy you have to use the nullable operator
data class RouteGroup #JvmOverloads constructor(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String? = null,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int? = null
You may need something like this:
sealed class RouteGroup
data class RouteGroupWithName(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String
) : RouteGroup()
data class RouteGroupWithId(
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
) : RouteGroup()
data class RouteGroupWithNameAndId(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
) : RouteGroup()
Or you can use nullable fields and named parameters like this:
data class RouteGroup(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String? = null,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int? = null
val routeGroupWithName = RouteGroup(name = "example")
val routeGroupWithId = RouteGroup(id = 2)
val routeGroupWithNameAndId = RouteGroup(id = 2, name = "example")