How can I code for an anticontrol U1 gate in qiskit? There are references for anticontrol X but no U gate - physics

Some of them use this code to implement the anticontrol X gate

U1Gate is being replaced by PhaseGate (aka p). If you still want to use u1, replace the import PhaseGate in this example by import U1Gate as PhaseGate:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import PhaseGate
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
circuit.append(PhaseGate(3.14159).control(1, ctrl_state="0"), [0, 1])
q_0: ─o─────
q_1: ─■─────
The method control takes the amount of qubits to control on (in this example, 1) and the ctrl_state. In this case, an anticontrol (aka open control) applies phase rotation on q_1 if the q_0 == 0.


Black box optimization with Scikit Optimize

I have to optimize a black-box problem that depends on external software (no function definition neither derivatives) that is quite expensive to evaluate. It depends on several variables, some of them are real and some other are integers.
I think Scikit Optimize may be a good choice.
I was wondering if the following example (from the Scikit Optimize documentation) may be adapted to my actual problem. Being "f" an external function that provides the cost of a given set of parameters. Here it is a dummy function just to be reproducible. But, instead of depending just on "x", make it dependable on "y" and "z" being one of them restricted to integer values.
I have seen some other examples of Scikit Optimize oriented to hyperparameter optimization (based on Scikit Learn), but they seem less clear for me.
Here is the minimum reproducible example (that crash):
import numpy as np
from skopt import gp_minimize
from import Integer
from import Real
def f(x,y,z):
return (np.sin(5 * x[0]) * (1 - np.tanh(x[0] ** 2)) *np.random.randn() * 0.1-y[0]**2+z[0]**2)
search_space = list()
search_space.append(Real(-2, 2, name='x'))
search_space.append(Integer(-2, 2, name='y'))
search_space.append(Real(0, 2, name='z'))
res = gp_minimize(f, search_space, n_calls=20)
print("x*=%.2f, y*=%.2f, f(x*,y*)=%.2f" % (res.x[0],res.y[0],res.z[0],
Best regards and thank you
You can use the decorator function use_named_args from scikit-optimize to pass your search space with names to your cost function:
import numpy as np
from skopt import gp_minimize
from import Integer
from import Real
from skopt.utils import use_named_args
search_space = [
Real(-2, 2, name='x'),
Integer(-2, 2, name='y'),
Real(0, 2, name='z')
def f(x, y, z):
return (np.sin(5 * x) * (1 - np.tanh(x ** 2)) *np.random.randn() * 0.1-y**2+z**2)
res = gp_minimize(f, search_space, n_calls=20)
Note that your OptimizeResult res is storing the optimized parameters in the attribute x which is an array of the best values. That is why your code crashes (i.e. there are no attributes y and z in res). You could get a dictionary with mapped names and optimized values as following:
optimized_params = { res.x[i] for i, p in enumerate(search_space)}

How does GEKKO optimization with bounded variables work?

I am using GEKKO to estimate the parameters of a differential equation and I have bounded one of the variables between 0 and 1. However, when I solve the ODE, I get values outside of the bounds for this variable, so I was wondering if somebody knew how GEKKO finds the solution, as this might help me resolve the issue.
Here is the code I use to fit the data. This gives me a solution x and u where x is between 0 and 1.
However, afterwards, I try to solve the ODE using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, with the initial value of u that I got, and the solution I get for u is not between this bounds. Since it should be unique, I am wondering what is the process that GEKKO follows to find the solution (does it proyect the values to the bound or how does it deal with this?) Any comment is very appreciated.
Here is an MVCE. If you run it you can see that with GEKKO, I get a solution between the bounds and then, when I solve the ODE with solve_ivp, I don't get the same solution. Can you explain why this happens and how can I deal with it? I want to use solve_ivp to predict the next values.
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
time=[0.0, 0.11784511784511785, 0.18855218855218855,\
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time= [0.0, 0.11784511784511785, 0.18855218855218855,\
x_data= [0.0003777630481280617, 0.002024573836061331,\
0.0008954383363035536, 0.005331749410182463]
x = m.CV(value=x_data, lb=0); x.FSTATUS = 1 # fit to measurement
x.SPLO = 0
sigma = m.FV(value=0.5, lb= 0, ub=1); sigma.STATUS=1
d = m.Param(0.05)
k = m.Param(0.001)
b = m.Param(0.5)
r = m.FV(value=0.5, lb= 0); r.STATUS=1
m_param = m.Param(1)
u = m.Var(value=0.1, lb=0, ub=1)
a = m.Param(0.999)
Kmax= m.Param(100000)
m_param/(k+b*u)-d), u.dt() == \
m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
m.options.NODES = 5 # collocation nodes
m.options.EV_TYPE = 1 # linear error (2 for squared)
m.solve(disp=False, debug=False) # display solver output
def model_case_3(t, z, r, k, b, Kmax, sigma):
x, u= z
dxdt = x*(r*(1-a*u**2)*(1-x/(Kmax*(1-a*u**2)))-m/(k+b*u)-0.05)
dudt = sigma*((-2*a*(b**2)*r*(u**3)+4*a*b*k*r*(u**2)\
return [dxdt, dudt]
sol = solve_ivp(fun=model_case_3, t_span=[0.0, 0.2356902356902357],\
y0=[0.0003777630481280617, u.value[0]],\
t_eval=[0.0, 0.11784511784511785, 0.18855218855218855,\
0.2356902356902357], \
args=(r.value[0], 0.001, 0.5,1000000 , sigma.value[0]))
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,3), constrained_layout=True)
ax1.plot(time, x.value, time, sol['y'][0])
ax2.plot(time, u.value, time, sol['y'][1])
It is not an issue with the version of Gekko as I have Gekko 0.2.8, so I am wondering if it has anything to do with the initialization of variables. I run the example I posted on spyder (I was using google colab) and I got the correct solution, but when I run the rest of the cases I got again negative values for u (solving with solve_ivp), which is quite strange.
You can add a bound to a variable when it is created by setting lb (lower bound) and ub (upper bound).
z = m.Var(lb=0,ub=10)
After you create the variable, the bound is adjusted with .lower and .upper.
z.LOWER = 1
z.UPPER = 9
Here is an example problem that shows the use of bounds where x is constrained to be greater than 0.5.
from gekko import GEKKO
t_data = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1]
x_data = [2.0, 1.6, 1.2, 0.7, 0.3, 0.15]
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = t_data
x = m.CV(value=x_data,lb=0.5,ub=3); x.FSTATUS = 1 # fit to measurement
k = m.FV(); k.STATUS = 1 # adjustable parameter
m.Equation(x.dt()== -k * x) # differential equation
m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
m.options.NODES = 5 # collocation nodes
m.solve(disp=False) # display solver output
k = k.value[0]; print(k)
A plot of the results shows that the bounds are enforced but the model prediction does not fit the data because of the lower bound constraint (x>=0.5).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot solution
label='Predicted (k='+str(np.round(k,2))+')')
# plot exact solution
t = np.linspace(0,1); xe = 2*np.exp(-k*t)
plt.plot(t,xe,'k:',label='Exact Solution')
plt.xlabel('Time'), plt.ylabel('Value')
Without the restrictive lower bound, the solver optimizes to best fit the points.
x = m.CV(value=x_data,lb=0.0,ub=3)
Response 1 to Question Edit
The only way that a variable (such as u) is outside of the bounds is if the solver did not report a successful solution. To report a successful solution, the solver must satisfy the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions for optimality. I recommend that you check that it satisfied all of the equations by checking that m.options.APPSTATUS==1 after the m.solve() command. If you can include an MVCE ( that has sample data so the script can run, we can help you check it.
Response 2 to Question Edit
Thanks for including a minimal reproducible example. Here are the results that I get with Gekko 0.2.8. If you are using an earlier version, I recommend that you upgrade with pip install gekko --upgrade.
The solver reports a successful solution.
EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
The solution was found.
The final value of the objective function is 0.03164650667928192
Solver : IPOPT (v3.12)
Solution time : 0.23339999999999997 sec
Objective : 0.0316473666078486
Successful solution
The constraints x>=0 and 0<=u<=1 are satisfied. Could it just be an issue with an older version of Gekko?

Can't minimize function

I just want to minimize a simple function, every example i' ve watch didnt get me anywhere.
import math
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import scipy.optimize as optimize
def f_gob(x, y, z):
return -1*(math.log(c_1)+delta*(math.log(c_2)+alpha*math.log(n-l)+beta*math.log(z)))
x0 = [0.8,0.2,0.6]
res = minimize(f_gob, x0)
Thank you very much.
Better is:
def f_gob(a):
x = a[0]
y = a[1]
z = a[2]
c_1= ((1/x-y/x)+R*k_1)/(1+delta*(1+alpha))
return -1*(math.log(c_1)+delta*(math.log(c_2)+alpha*math.log(n-l)+beta*math.log(z)))
The main issue is that the current levels of the three decision variables x,y,z are passed on as a single array, which I call a. I just unpack the individual members to keep things close to what you had. Passing things on as an array makes sense, especially if you want to allow for large numbers of variables (say hundreds).
For further information see the documentation: the third sentence explains the format of the function to be called. Also check the examples.

Scipy Butter bandpass is not producing the desired results

So I'm trying to bandpass filter a wav PCM 24-bit 44.1khz file. What I would like to do is bandpass each frequency from 0Hz-22Khz.
So far I have loaded the data and can display it on Matplot and it looks like the following.
But when I go to apply the bandpass filter which I got from here
I get the following result:
So I'm trying to bandpass at 100-101Hz as a test, here is my code:
from WaveData import WaveData
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
from import read
import numpy as np
from WaveData import WaveData
class Filter:
def __init__(self, wav):
self.waveData = WaveData(wav)
def butter_bandpass(self, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
return b, a
def butter_bandpass_filter(self, data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
b, a = self.butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
y = lfilter(b, a, data)
return y
def getFilteredSignal(self, freq):
return self.butter_bandpass_filter(data=self.waveData.file['Data'], lowcut=100, highcut=101, fs=44100, order=3)
def getUnprocessedData(self):
return self.waveData.file['Data']
def plot(self, signalA, signalB=None):
if signalB != None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# file = WaveData("kick.wav")
# fileA = read("kick0.wav")
f = Filter("kick.wav")
a, b = f. butter_bandpass(lowcut=100, highcut=101, fs=44100)
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=22000) ##Filted signal is not working?
f.plot(h, w)
I dont understand where I have gone wrong.
What #WoodyDev said is true: 1 Hz out of 44.1 kHz is way way too tiny of a bandpass for any kind of filter. Just look at the filter coefficients butter returns:
In [3]: butter(5, [100/(44.1e3/2), 101/(44.1e3/2)], btype='band')
(array([ 1.83424060e-21, 0.00000000e+00, -9.17120299e-21, 0.00000000e+00,
1.83424060e-20, 0.00000000e+00, -1.83424060e-20, 0.00000000e+00,
9.17120299e-21, 0.00000000e+00, -1.83424060e-21]),
array([ 1. , -9.99851389, 44.98765092, -119.95470631,
209.90388506, -251.87018009, 209.88453023, -119.93258575,
44.9752074 , -9.99482662, 0.99953904]))
Look at the b coefficients (the first array): their values at 1e-20, meaning the filter design totally failed to converge, and if you apply it to any signal, the output will be zero—which is what you found.
You didn't mention your application but if you really really want to keep the signal's frequency content between 100 and 101 Hz, you could take a zero-padded FFT of the signal, zero out the portions of the spectrum outside that band, and IFFT (look at rfft, irfft, and rfftfreq in numpy.fft module).
Here's a function that applies a brick-wall bandpass filter in the Fourier domain using FFTs:
import numpy.fft as fft
import numpy as np
def fftBandpass(x, low, high, fs=1.0):
Apply a bandpass signal via FFTs.
x : array_like
Input signal vector. Assumed to be real-only.
low : float
Lower bound of the passband in Hertz. (If less than or equal
to zero, a high-pass filter is applied.)
high : float
Upper bound of the passband, Hertz.
fs : float
Sample rate in units of samples per second. If `high > fs / 2`,
the output is low-pass filtered.
y : ndarray
Output signal vector with all frequencies outside the `[low, high]`
passband zeroed.
Note that the energe in `y` will be lower than the energy in `x`, i.e.,
`sum(abs(y)) < sum(abs(x))`.
xf = fft.rfft(x)
f = fft.rfftfreq(len(x), d=1 / fs)
xf[f < low] = 0
xf[f > high] = 0
return fft.irfft(xf, len(x))
if __name__ == '__main__':
fs = 44.1e3
N = int(fs)
x = np.random.randn(N)
t = np.arange(N) / fs
import pylab as plt
plt.plot(t, x, t, 100 * fftBandpass(x, 100, 101, fs=fs))
plt.xlabel('time (seconds)')
plt.legend(['original', 'scaled bandpassed'])
You can put this in a file,, and just run it with python to see it create the following plot:
Note I had to scale the 1 Hz bandpassed signal by 100 because, after bandpassing that much, there's very little energy in the signal. Also note that the signal living inside this small a passband is pretty much just a sinusoid at around 100 Hz.
If you put the following in your own code: from fftBandpass import fftBandpass, you can use the fftBandpass function.
Another thing you could try is to decimate the signal 100x, so convert it to a signal that was sampled at 441 Hz. 1 Hz out of 441 Hz is still a crazy-narrow passband but you might have better luck than trying to bandpass the original signal. See scipy.signal.decimate, but don't try and call it with q=100, instead recursively decimate the signal, by 2, then 2, then 5, then 5 (for total decimation of 100x).
So there are some problems with your code which means you aren't plotting the results correctly, although I believe this isn't your main problem.
Check your code
In the example you linked, they show precisely the process for calculating, and plotting the filter at different orders:
for order in [3, 6, 9]:
b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=2000)
plt.plot((fs * 0.5 / np.pi) * w, abs(h), label="order = %d" % order)
You are currently not scaling your frequency axis correctly, or calling the absolute to get the real informatino from h, like the correct code above.
Check your theory
However your main issue, is your such steep bandpass (i.e. only 100Hz - 101Hz). It is very rare that I have seen a filter so sharp as this is very processing intensive (will require a lot of filter coefficients), and because you are only looking at a range of 1Hz, it will completely get rid of all other frequencies.
So the graph you have shown with the gain as 0 may very well be correct. If you use their example and change the bandpass cutoff frequencies to 100Hz -> 101Hz, then the output result is an array of (almost if not completely) zeros. This is because it will only be looking at the energy of the signal in a 1Hz range which will be very very small if you think about it.
If you are doing this for analysis, the frequency spacing tends to be much larger i.e. Octave Bands (or smaller divisions of octave bands).
The Spectrogram
As I am not sure of your end purpose I cannot clarify exactly which route you should take to get there. However, using bandpass filters on every single frequency up to 20kHz seems kind of silly in this day and age.
If I remember correctly, some of the first spectrogram attempts with needles on paper used this technique with analog band pass filter banks to analyze the frequency content. So this makes me think you may be looking for something to do with a spectrogram? It lets you analyze the whole signal's frequency information vs time and still has all of the signal's amplitude information. Python already has spectrogram functionality included as part of scipy or Matplotlib.

Solution to transcendental equation with both Mathematica and Python

I have the following issue with finding the roots of a non-linear equation. The equation is the following:
tanh[ 5* log [ (2/t)^(0.00990099) (1+x)^(0.990099) (1-x)^(-1) ] ]-x = 0
Solving this with NSolve, for {t, 0, 100} returns the following with Mathematica:
This what I was expecting by plotting the resulting roots versus the time parameter within this range. Now, I have tried to replicate this result with Python by using scipy.optimize.root but it seems that my code returns as a solution any value that I use as an initial condition, hence it is nothing else that the identity map. This can be also see in the pic below, where I used an initial condition 0.7:
I have provided the code below:
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import root
#Setting up the function
def delta(v,t):
epsilon = 10**(-20)
return np.tanh( 5*np.log( (2/(1.0*t+epsilon))**(0.00990099)*(1+v+epsilon)**(0.990099)*(1-v+epsilon)**(-1)))-v
#Setting up time paramerer
time = np.linspace(0, 101)
res = [root(delta, 0.7, args=(t, )).x[0] for t in time]
print res
plt.plot(time, res)
I am not really sure if I am using the scipy.optimize.root correct, since the function looks ok as far as what I expect from its behaviour. Perhaps a mistake in the way I pass the args?
The root-finding methods that begin with a bracketing interval [a, b] (one where f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs) are generally more robust than the methods that begin with a single point x0 of departure. The reason is that the former have a definite field to work with, and can refine it iteratively. The bisection method is a classical example of these, but it's slow. SciPy implements more sophisticated methods such as brentq. It works fine here, with the bracket of [-0.1, 0.1] (which should be enough from looking from the Mathematica plot).
Also, t=0 is problematic in the equation, as it's not even defined then. Put a small positive number like 0.01 instead.
time = np.linspace(0.01, 101, 500)
res = [brentq(delta, -0.1, 0.1, args=(t, )) for t in time]