Nextjs authentication - authentication

I'm doing the first step into Nextjs and I'm stacked in defining the authentication part. I understand that Nextjs tipically rely on NextAuth for authentication. My first thogth was to enable provider like google but I don't understand how to avoid new user registration. The application I'm thinking need to have a login to protect routes but not the registration part. Basically I need to decide on my own who can access.
In realty I started working on an express backend that rely on session cookie and MongoDb (no jwt involved) but now I'm a bit confused on how to proceed.
Is there a way to avoid registering new user with providers?
What is your suggestions?
Many thanks

Authentication in a Nextjs application is just like any another react application.
Although NextAuth is great, but you don't have to rely on it if you don't want to.
Picture a Nextjs app like a basic react application. Same goes for authentication. Nothing specific to Nextjs in this one.
You can keep auth related data in cookies/headers and write a middleware, use it getServerSideProps call for all the pages you want to protect, to redirect the user to login page if the session has expired/or is invalid.
You can create custom integrations with identity platforms which would allow you to have an option to whether or not create an account for a user once you have received the data from the particular identity platform.


Auth0 embedded login flow

We are trying to implement Auth0 in our next+fastify based application. The login page is custom and we want to integrate the login using the embedded login from the fastify server.
I am naive to oAuth and Auth0, I have a few doubts around it:
How do we verify the token? Do we verify the JWT and maintain the token on or fastify server or should we always the validate the token on Auth0 endpoint? I tried calling the userinfo endpoint which resulted in rate limiting. So, I interpret if we just verify the JWT on server instead of sending to Auth0 server. Also we send and maintain the JWT in cookies to validate the client always. Is the understading correct?
Is embedded login safe enough to be used in production? Are there any risk associated around it?
Is the approach correct? Is there any alternative way to implement the login flow? We also need to integrate reset password and rest of the functionality. I have read the SDK docs and it seems to have support for all.
Thanks a lot in advance
There are several options to validate a token issued by auth0, they recommend you to take advantage of middleware to verify the token. Multiple frameworks have their own middleware to check and validate JWT. It's as easy as integrate middleware with your application and perform validation when you need it. Check this:
In my opinion, it is always better to go with the Universal Login option of auth0, since embedded login sometimes incur into the cross origin authentication issue. Remember, when a user tries to log into your application using auth0, it redirects the user to another domain that differs from the one serving your application. In my experience, using the universal login provides you more information about the login process of your users, and that makes the process of debugging errors and auth processes easier. You can read more about login with auth0 here:
Yep, you can integrate the reset password process, which is almost entirely handled by auth0 itself. As I said earlier, we use Universal Login for our applications since it provides more control over the authentication flow. That doesn't mean you can't use Embedded login, it is a very good option too, but it seems more focused in UX rather than control auth flow.
Check this link if you still have doubts about the best approach:

Using Microsoft.Identity.Web to authenticate users for WebApp+API, and how to manage lifecycle

I'm trying to create a webapp that uses multi-tenant Azure AD for authentication & authorization. I'm trying to follow the docs, using Microsoft.Identity.Web, and the pieces aren't clicking for me.
I've been able to successfully create a web app where users are able to login, get redirected back to my site, and get an id_token saved to their browser cookies so the web app is able to tell who they are. However, my web app also contains APIs itself, and it isn't clear to me how we're supposed to obtain an access_token, as well as manage the lifecycle by way of refresh_tokens, for calling APIs on the web app itself. In fact, refresh doesn't seem to be covered at all in the docs for Microsoft.Identity.Web.
Instead of the dedicated SDK, I've also tried using AddCookie()+AddOpenIdConnect() (the more generic solution). Using these middleware options I've successfully been able to obtain an id_token, access_token, and refresh_token. (Which seems to connect all the pieces of access, and refresh/lifecycle.) However, all of those tokens take up a fair amount of cookie space, and cause 431 Request Header Fields Too Large errors from Kestrel without customization.
It's clear that the intention is for access/refresh tokens to be stored server-side on some sort of in-memory or distributed cache. However, the documentation doesn't seem to outline how to deal with "web apps" that ALSO contain API controllers, and furthermore doesn't seem to outline how to deal with token refreshes in general.
Does anyone have any better in-code examples of how to configure a WebApp that authenticates users with Azure AD, and also properly handles refreshing the id/access tokens using the refresh_token?
Refresh tokens are automatically handled by MSAL.NET, which is used by Microsoft.Identity.Web.
We suggest you have a look at the following sample: but you would have the same clientID (and app) for your web app and web API.
Please also look at

Authenticating a Vuejs frontend with an Express Backend

I am looking for some advice on implementing authentication when the client and the server live in separate projects.
The Server
This API was built as an Express Server. It has routes for CRUD operations with a MySQL database. It also has a user model that utilize bcrypt to encrypt passwords. There is no Frontend, in this project.
The Client
This is a Vue project made with the vue-cli and hits the above API to get the data to display.
The Issue
I need to add authentication. I was thinking I would do this with express-session, but I am a little confused with how exactly it works. All of the tutorials I have seen use express-session in combination with passport. This seems fine, but in all the examples passport forwards to a login page that lives on the server. This is usually written in handlebars or some other templating framework. I am not sure the best way of implementing since the login page lives in the client project.
How I thought it worked (Am I missing something?)
I was originally of the impression that for a new user express-session would create a token that I would save in the users table (maybe generated at login and stored temporarily). Once the user logs in with the correct password this token is passed to the client to be stored as a cookie. When the client wants access to restricted data, it would pass the token as a Authentication header to the server to get permission.
The Questions
Since my projects are separated is passport still useful for my use case?
Is it secure to create the session cookie on the server and send the token to the client as a response to the client's login POST?
Do I need to store the session token in the database?
Is there a better option?
In my project I have almost the same setup, and I ended up with JWT to generate an access token.
The cycle begins with the user sending his/her email and password to my login endpoint.
In this stage I hash the password using some secret string, fetch the user from database and check if authentication succeed.
After that I generate an access token with an expiring time set, and I expected this access token in all protected routes.
With this approach you can easily implements refresh token to exchange at time to time, saving the refresh token in your database.
This is very simple and Is good to you understand how the process of authentication is done.

How to Implement Role Based Authentication with JWT in Python

I am looking to implement a role based authentication in a Vue/FastApi application. I come from a background of using Web Forms in and it was fairly simple to hide and show certain forms depending on if the user is an Admin, or a Manager, or Employee etc. Is there a way to do this with Vue/FastApi with JWT?
You will have to split the authentication in two:
Authentication via Vuejs. This is independent from fastapi. The only shared thing will be the fact that upon login, vue will authenticate to fastapi (like a man in the middle that forwards information). Vue will then cache the received JWT token (or whatever token received) and keep it in a session (so that in case of page reload the user does not have to login again). As soon as the user logs out, erase the token from the vue app.
Authentication via FastAPI. Here, you simply authenticate with username and password, get a JWT token as response (or any other token you want) and use such token for the following requests.
Basically, once vue receives user - password, it will authenticate to the fastapi api, get the token and store it somewhere (this depends on how you implement it and on vuejs, I haven't used so I can't say anything).
Connecting to your background, the .net form equivalent would be the vue login form, but I recommend you to first follow some tutorials on vuejs in order to first understand how it works and have a proper understanding of how it works and which are some possibilities for achieving something.

Best practice for first-party auth in a native app

We have an auth infrastructure based on OAuth2 that is integrated into a variety of web apps within our organization. We also have a pure native application with no middle-ware of its own, and we want to integrate authentication into this native application. This application already has its own internal login mechanism with a native login screen, and we don't want to have it start launching external components like web browsers in order to display login windows. We are both the app provider and the auth provider, so the concern of the app having visibility into the user's credentials is less of an issue -- we trust ourselves to not intentionally do anything untoward with the user's credentials, and it's the same people writing a login form in the app as writing it on a web site. :-)
We are trying to figure out how best to support having the application continue to collect credentials the way it does now, but use them to obtain an auth token within our auth framework. With the APIs in place right now, the only way I can see for it to be done is to bake a Client Secret into the native app so that it can use a Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant request, since the code that would normally be making this call doesn't have a server side to live in. This feels really wrong, somehow. :-P
As far as I can see it, many of the structures of OAuth don't really apply to this app because it's not living in the context of a web browser, it doesn't have any concept of a "domain" nor any sort of "cross-domain" restrictions. It has been suggested that perhaps we create middleware for this app just for the purpose of exchanging authentication codes for tokens, but the rationale for that seems to be that this middleware theoretically ought to be able to somehow vet requests to determine whether they are legitimately from the application, and I don't see any way to do that that couldn't be faked by anyone with access to the client application code. Basically, the only purpose such middleware would serve would be to make the Client Secret irrelevant with respect to getting auth codes for credentials.
One thought that came to us was, how does something like Windows do it? Windows very obviously uses a native login form, but then some flow exists whereby the credentials that are entered are used for authentication and presumably, deep in the internals of the OS, for obtaining an auth token. Does anybody know if this architecture is documented anywhere? Does Microsoft's architectural choices here have any relation to OAuth2? What is the "best practice" for an application if you take it as a given that it doesn't have middleware and has its own native login form?
FWIW you don't need a client secret to use ROPC Grant to obtain or refresh tokens if the client is configured as a public client, i.e. a client that isn't capable of storing a secret.
RFC8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps encourages using a native user agent for your scenario, using authorization code flows with PKCE. Authorization services like Okta and Auth0 have jumped onboard too, although they still recommend ROPC if the client is "absolutely trusted".
RFC6819 OAuth 2.0 Security discourages ROPC, but also says "Limit use of resource owner password credential grants to scenarios where the client application and the authorizing service are from the same organization", which are first-party apps.
So while the security verdict seems to be that authorization code+PKCE is the best practice, the UX hurdle of showing a user a browser window to log into a native app seem to be keeping ROPC alive. It's difficult to tell if that UX is jarring because people aren't used to it or because people can't get used to it.