what would be the best practice for http request in webapi project with softdelete - httprequest

I am working on a webapi .Net5 project. I am using SQLserver and EF5 to store my entities. Each of my entities has a property called IsDeleted, which I use for remove(IsDeleted=true) and restore(IsDeleted=false).
I am a bit confused which http request method should I use for my remove/restore endpoints.
I am updating a partial part of my entity (isdeleted), so I was thinking about PATCH
I also don't want to show the client that I am doing soft delete, then for remove, I was thinking about DELETE but I really do not delete any entity from my resources
I was also thinking about PUT, but in both cases, I do not have any request body and therefore it is very rare that a PUT method has not have any body .
I saw in some StackOverflow question and answers that they recommend to use a POST method for restore and DELETE for remove when using the soft delete but did not really understand why.
Anybody knows what would be the correct way of doing that and why?

Using HTTP DELETE to update IsDeleted = true is up to you as the API designer. There's no law saying HTTP DELETE must hard-delete whatever it refers to.
If the client does not know you're soft-deleting the record it'd be entirely appropriate to use DELETE.
I work with a system which has soft-delete, but it is not hidden from the client app / user. So to soft-delete it is either a PUT request to api/some_endpoint/24601 with "status": "ARCHIVED" within the payload, or a POST request to api/some_endpoint/24601/actions with a similar payload. (PATCH may be more appropriate than PUT but the API designers have stuck with PUT throughout.)


POST or PUT instead of DELETE when delete is blocked at web server

We have an crud API developed with POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods supported. We have since discovered that DELETE is blocked at web server level in our organization so any requests to the API for DELETE via browser are blocked. We were informed to update our API to a POST for supporting DELETE. In the delete request Our API then calls another API with a DELETE request which is supported.
So the flow is
browser -> PUT/POST -> ourAPI -> DELETE -> anotherAPI
The old URI was DELETE /{entity}/{code}
I am updating to /{entity}/{code}/delete - but unsure if it makes more sense as a PUT or POST, I know POST isn't idempotent but the DELETE request to second API will be.
Whether to use POST or PUT could depend on how attempting to delete a non-existent entity should be handled.
If the request should succeed silently as if the entity existed, the action is idempotent - so PUT seems appropriate.
If the request should trigger an error (404 or at least server-side logging), POST seems appropriate.
It doesn't really matter as long as it's clear to the users.
Here's and example of a POST delete from this very site: https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/delete-answer.

REST API DELETE valid call

I am in a middle of a discussion here. Imagine that you have I want to delete all records from a collection using REST to https://api.example.com/files.
Is DELETE https://api.example.com/files a valid call?
You can refer published guidance regarding REST.
It appears to be a valid scenario.
Similar discussion here: Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?
Is DELETE https://api.example.com/files a valid call?
Semantically, DELETE /files is no different from DELETE /anythingElse; that's the promise of the uniform interface, that all resources understand the methods to mean the same thing.
In the case of DELETE, the semantics are currently defined by RFC 7231.
The DELETE method requests that the origin server remove the association between the target resource and its current functionality. In effect, this method is similar to the rm command in UNIX: it expresses a deletion operation on the URI mapping of the origin server rather than an expectation that the previously associated information be deleted.
If your server happens to delete a bunch of rows in its data store when handling this request? That's just a side effect - it's an implementation detail of no concern to anyone other than the server itself.
In general, it is assumed that the origin server will only allow DELETE on resources for which it has a prescribed mechanism for accomplishing the deletion.
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect.

Using HTTP DELETE method to cancel an action in progress

I provide a programming interface for people who wish to place orders using my site.
They can use GET and POST methods on /api/v1/orders to place an order and to view list of all orders placed by them. They can also use the GET metod on /api/v1/orders/<order_id> in order to view specific details of one order.
There is a need to provide a way to cancel an order, however the records themselves need to be kept.
I would like to get feedback from more seasoned developers on whether it would be a sane decision to:
a) implement the DELETE verb on /api/v1/current_orders/<order_id>, which would delete it from the list of "current" orders (by marking it as cancelled). The downside is that it will make use of a different noun, which may be confusing.
b) implement the DELETE verb on /api/v1/orders/<order_id> with the same functionality as in a). This is somewhat misleading, as the entity will not really be deleted, and the consumer should be aware of that.
c) implement the POST verb on /api/v1/cancellations/<order_id> (or POST on /api/v1/cancellations with the order_id in the JSON payload). This seems to be less than ideal because a resource will not be created as a result of that request. However, the consequences of using this endpoint seem to be clearer.
d) ...?
I am aware that there is not always a "perfect" solution to designing endpoints for a REST API, but keeping in mind the need for clarity and intuitiveness and with a high regard for best practices, which of the options is "optimal"?
What about PATCH verb on /api/v1/orders/<order_id> indicating that it is cancelled?
HTTP PATCH : Allows to do partial modifications in an entity. While POST creates a new one, and PUT replaces an existing one, PATCH just updates the properties you are sending, leaves the rest at they are.
You would need only to send something like { isCancelled:true} as HTTP PATCH, then your code would update the entity and take action like cancel any outstanding work.

In HTTP, does PUT and POST send data differently?

From what I know you can send JSON data via POST, but should PUT be specifically sending information in the URI or can you do both?
Both POST and PUT can be used for create and update operations in different situations. So what exactly is the difference between PUT and POST?
In a nutshell: use PUT if and only if you know both the URL where the resource will live, and the entirety of the contents of the resource. Otherwise, use POST.
POST is an incredibly general verb. Because it promises neither safety nor idempotence, and it has a relatively loosely-worded description in the RFC, you can use it for pretty much anything. In fact, you could make all of your requests POST requests because POST makes very few promises; it can behave like a GET, a PUT, or a DELETE if it wants to. It also can do some things that no other verb can do - it can create a new resource at a URL different from the URL in the HTTP request; and it can modify part of a resource without changing the whole thing (although the proposed but not widely-accepted PATCH method can do something similar).
PUT is a much more restrictive verb. It takes a complete resource and stores it at the given URL. If there was a resource there previously, it is replaced; if not, a new one is created. These properties support idempotence, which a naive create or update operation might not. I suspect this may be why PUT is defined the way it is; it's an idempotent operation which allows the client to send information to the server.
RFC 2616 - HTTP 1.1
RFC 5789 - PATCH method for HTTP
Martin Fowler, the Richardson Maturity Model
From HTTP's point of view, the request format is the same.
You can send the request body the same way, it is just handled differently by your application code...
The POST verb is traditionally used to create a resource
The PUT verb is traditionally used to update a resource
PUT uploads a new resource on the server. If the resource already exists and is different, it is replaced; if it doesn't exist, it is created.
POST triggers an action on the server. It has side-effects and can be used to trigger an order, modify a database, post a message in a forum, or other actions.

Confused about Http verbs

I get confused when and why should you use specific verbs in REST?
I know basic things like:
Get -> for retrieval
Post -> adding new entity
PUT -> updating
Delete -> for deleting
These attributes are to be used as per the operation I wrote above but I don't understand why?
What will happen if inside Get method in REST I add a new entity or inside POST I update an entity? or may be inside DELETE I add an entity. I know this may be a noob question but I need to understand it. It sounds very confusing to me.
#archil has an excellent explanation of the pitfalls of misusing the verbs, but I would point out that the rules are not quite as rigid as what you've described (at least as far as the protocol is concerned).
GET MUST be safe. That means that a GET request must not change the server state in any substantial way. (The server could do some extra work like logging the request, but will not update any data.)
PUT and DELETE MUST be idempotent. That means that multiple calls to the same URI will have the same effect as one call. So for example, if you want to change a person's name from "Jon" to "Jack" and you do it with a PUT request, that's OK because you could do it one time or 100 times and the person's name would still have been updated to "Jack".
POST makes no guarantees about safety or idempotency. That means you can technically do whatever you want with a POST request. However, you will lose any advantage that clients can take of those assumptions. For example, you could use POST to do a search, which is semantically more of a GET request. There won't be any problems, but browsers (or proxies or other agents) would never cache the results of that search because it can't assume that nothing changed as a result of the request. Further, web crawlers would never perform a POST request because it could not assume the operation was safe.
The entire HTML version of the world wide web gets along pretty well without PUT or DELETE and it's perfectly fine to do deletes or updates with POST, but if you can support PUT and DELETE for updates and deletes (and other idempotent operations) it's just a little better because agents can assume that the operation is idempotent.
See the official W3C documentation for the real nitty gritty on safety and idempotency.
Protocol is protocol. It is meant to define every rule related to it. Http is protocol too. All of above rules (including http verb rules) are defined by http protocol, and the usage is defined by http protocol. If you do not follow these rules, only you will understand what happens inside your service. It will not follow rules of the protocol and will be confusing for other users. There was an example, one time, about famous photo site (does not matter which) that did delete pictures with GET request. Once the user of that site installed the google desktop search program, that archieves the pages locally. As that program knew that GET operations are only used to get data, and should not affect anything, it made GET requests to every available url (including those GET-delete urls). As the user was logged in and the cookie was in browser, there were no authorization problems. And the result - all of the user photos were deleted on server, because of incorrect usage of http protocol and GET verb. That's why you should always follow the rules of protocol you are using. Although technically possible, it is not right to override defined rules.
Using GET to delete a resource would be like having a function named and documented to add something to an array that deletes something from the array under the hood. REST has only a few well defined methods (the HTTP verbs). Users of your service will expect that your service stick to these definition otherwise it's not a RESTful web service.
If you do so, you cannot claim that your interface is RESTful. The REST principle mandates that the specified verbs perform the actions that you have mentioned. If they don't, then it can't be called a RESTful interface.