Matplotlib output too small to read - matplotlib

In adjusting the domain of a function to find certain parameters in a matplotlib plot, I found that when I try to isolate the part I need, the output becomes so small that details are impossible to see. I've tried refreshing the kernel with no change and plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] hasn't been effective either.
This is my current code, with unused options in the function removed.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def P_cubic(V,T,Tc,Pc,ParamSet,omega=0):
R = 8.31446261815324 #J mol^-1 K^-1
Tr = T/Tc
if ParamSet == 'vdW':
elif ParamSet == 'RK':
elif ParamSet == 'SRK':
elif ParamSet == 'PR':
alpha = (1+(0.37464+1.54226*omega-0.26992*omega**2)*
sigma = 1+np.sqrt(2)
epsilon = 1-np.sqrt(2)
Omega = 0.07780
Psi = 0.45724
Zc = 0.30740
a = Psi*alpha*R**2*Tc**2/Pc
b = Omega*T*Tc/Pc #m3 mol-1
P = R*T/(V-b)-a/((V+epsilon*b)*(V+sigma*b))
return P
Tc = 512.5 #K
Pc = 8.0840E6 #Pa
omega = 0.565831
T = 473 #K
b = 0.07780*T*Tc/Pc #m3 mol-1
V = np.arange(0,1,0.001)
Vrange = b*V #m3 mol-1
PPa = np.empty(len(Vrange))
for i in range(len(Vrange)):
PPa[i]=P_cubic(Vrange[i],T,Tc,Pc,'PR',omega) #Pa
Pbar = PPa*1.0E-5 #bar
plt.ylabel('P /bar')
plt.title('Variance of Pressure with Volume of Pure Methanol at 473 K')
plt.text(15,-6,f'b = {b:.2E} m^3/mol');
Below are screenshots with the output at varying figsize parameters to show that plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] is not helping.
How do I fix this so that I can see the details of the plot?

There are two reasons for this. First, the size unit of the graph is inches, so the specified number itself is small, resulting in a smaller graph. Secondly, the default coordinates of the annotations are based on the data, so the x-value is 15, which is far from the graph, so the figure is automatically smaller. So, I think you need to set the graph size and fix the x-value of the annotations.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.ylabel('P /bar')
plt.title('Variance of Pressure with Volume of Pure Methanol at 473 K')
plt.text(1.1,-6,f'b = {b:.2E} m^3/mol')
#plt.text(1.1,-6,f'b = {b:.2E} m^3/mol', transform=ax.transData)


How do I stop python from drawing a new colorbar every iteration

I made this code as a CFD of sorts for fun, and I want to add a color bar to show the velocity of the fluid in different places. Unfortunately, every time it plots a new frame it also plots a new colorbar rather than refreshing the old one. I'd like to get it to refresh rather than draw a new one entirely. Any help would be appreciated. Plotting Begins on line 70
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True
#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
pyplot.imshow(np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2),cmap = "bwr")
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")
pyplot.colorbar(label="Velocity", orientation="horizontal")
if __name__ == "__main__":
In your code you are adding a new colorbar at every iteration.
As far as I know, it is impossible to update a colorbar. The workaround is to delete the colorbar of the previous time step, and replace it with a new one.
This is achieved by the update_colorbar function in the code below.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param, norm=None):
"""The name is misleading: here we create a new colorbar which will be
placed on the same colorbar axis as the original.
# colorbar axes
cax = None
if len(fig.axes) > 1:
cax = fig.axes[-1]
# remove the previous colorbar, if present
if cax is not None:
if norm is None:
norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))
mappable = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mappable, orientation="horizontal", label="Velocity", cax=cax)
def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
cmap = "bwr"
#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
# clear previous images
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
img = np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2)
ax.imshow(img ,cmap = cmap)
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")
update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param=img)
if __name__ == "__main__":
One thing you can definitely improve is the following line of code, which defines the values visible in the colorbar:
norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))
Specifically, you'd have to choose a wise (conservative) value for vmax=. Currently, vmax=np.amax(param), but the maximum is going to change at every iteration. If I were you, I would chose a value big enough such that np.amax(param) < your_value, in order to ensure consistent colors for each time step.

Is there a way to have multiple rectangles displayed at the same time using visual.Rect in PsychoPy?

I'm trying to create stimuli that consist of 100 small lines in the centre of the screen, with orientations sampled from a Gaussian distribution (please see the image link below):
Orientation stimuli
I've managed to achieve something that almost fits the bill, but this code only works in isolation:
from psychopy import visual, core, event
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random
import random
Lines = visual.Rect(
win=win, name='Lines',
width=(0.015, 0.0025)[0], height=(0.015, 0.0025)[1],
lineWidth=1, lineColor=[1,1,1], lineColorSpace='rgb',
fillColor=[1,1,1], fillColorSpace='rgb',
opacity=1, depth=-2.0, interpolate=True)
lines_hpos = np.random.uniform(-0.49,0.49,100)
mu = 315
sigma = 15
for i in range(100):
Lines.pos = [lines_hpos[i],np.random.uniform(-0.49,0.49)]
Lines.ori = random.gauss(mu, sigma)
I've tried to manipulate this code so that I can integrate it into the full experiment I'm designing in PsychoPy's experiment builder. I run the below code in the experiment builder's coding window calling 'gdist' and 'loc' as values for the 'Orientation' and 'Position' of the rectangles, respectively:
import random
gdist =[]
loc = []
lines_hpos = np.random.uniform(-0.49,0.49,100)
mu = 90
sigma = 20
for i in range(100):
rloc = [lines_hpos[i],np.random.uniform(-0.49,0.49)]
gauss = random.gauss(mu, sigma)
When I attempt to run the experiment, I get an error return and the experiment fails to start:
File "C:\Users\r02mj20\AppData\Local\PsychoPy3\lib\site-packages\psychopy\visual\", line 238, in __del__
File "C:\Users\r02mj20\AppData\Local\PsychoPy3\lib\site-packages\pyglet\gl\", line 97, in errcheck
ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down
I'm assuming this has something to do with pyglet not liking the idea of there being 100 rectangles all at once (side note: the script works fine if range(1)). If anyone has any suggestions for how I might fix or work around this problem, I'd be eternally grateful.
i don't see any problem with this idea, except you better use visual.Line instead of Rect, and your units of measure are not described; the key to preserving video memory is BufferImageStim, btw
from psychopy import visual, core, event, monitors
from psychopy.iohub.client import launchHubServer
import random
import numpy as np
MU = 315; SIGMA = 15
num_lines = 100
io = launchHubServer(iohub_config_name='iohub_config.yaml')
display = io.devices.display
mon = monitors.Monitor(name = display.getPsychopyMonitorName())
win = visual.Window([640, 480], units='pix', viewScale = 1.0,
monitor = mon, winType='pyglet',
fullScr = False, waitBlanking = True, useFBO = True, useLights = False,
allowStencil=False, allowGui = True,
screen = display.getIndex(), colorSpace = 'rgb255', color = [128,128,128],
name = 'my_win01')
rects = []
lines_hpos = np.random.uniform(-0.49, 0.49, num_lines)
for i in range(num_lines):
line_rect = visual.Rect(win=win, size=(0.001, 1.0), units='norm',
pos=(0,0), lineWidth=1, lineColor=[1,1,1], fillColor=[1,1,1], opacity=1, depth=-2.0,
name='lines_rect', interpolate=True, autoLog=False, autoDraw=False)
line_rect.pos = [lines_hpos[i], np.random.uniform(-0.49,0.49)]
line_rect.ori = random.gauss(MU, SIGMA)
rect_buffer = visual.BufferImageStim(win, buffer='back', stim=rects, sqPower2=False, interpolate=False, name='rect-buffer', autoLog=True)

Scipy Optimize minimize returns the initial value

I am building machine learning models for a certain data set. Then, based on the constraints and bounds for the outputs and inputs, I am trying to find the input parameters for the most minimized answer.
The problem which I am facing is that, when the model is a linear regression model or something like lasso, the minimization works perfectly fine.
However, when the model is "Decision Tree", it constantly returns the very initial value that is given to it. So basically, it does not enforce the constraints.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
I am using the very first sample from the input data set for the optimization. As it is only one sample, I need to reshape it to (1,-1) as well.
x = df_in.iloc[0,:]
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
This is my Objective function:
def objective(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
y = 0
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)
Y = y[0]
return Y
Here I am defining the bounds of inputs:
range_max = pd.DataFrame(range_max)
range_min = pd.DataFrame(range_min)
B_min =[]
for i in range(range_max.shape[0]):
b_max = range_max.iloc[i]
b_min = range_min.iloc[i]
B_max = pd.DataFrame(B_max)
B_min = pd.DataFrame(B_min)
bnds = pd.concat([B_min, B_max], axis=1)
These are my constraints:
con_min = pd.DataFrame(c_min)
con_max = pd.DataFrame(c_max)
Here I am defining the constraint function:
def const(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
Y = []
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)[0]
Y = pd.DataFrame(Y)
a4 =[]
for k in range(Y.shape[0]):
a1 = Y.iloc[k,0] - con_min.iloc[k,0]
a2 = con_max.iloc[k, 0] - Y.iloc[k,0]
a3 = [a2,a1]
a4 = np.concatenate([a4, a3])
return a4
c = const(x)
con = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': const}
This is where I try to minimize. I do not pick a method as the automatically picked model has worked so far.
sol = minimize(fun = objective, x0=x,constraints=con, bounds=bnds)
So the actual constraints are:
c_min = [0.20,1000]
c_max = [0.3,1600]
and the max and min range for the boundaries are:
range_max = [285,200,8,85,0.04,1.6,10,3.5,20,-5]
range_min = [215,170,-1,60,0,1,6,2.5,16,-18]
I think you should check the output of 'sol'. At times, the algorithm is not able to perform line search completely. To check for this, you should check message associated with 'sol'. In such a case, the optimizer returns initial parameters itself. There may be various reasons of this behavior. In a nutshell, please check the output of sol and act accordingly.
If you have not yet resolved your issue, try using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution instead of scipy.optimize.minimize. I ran into similar issues, particularly with decision trees because of their step-like behavior resulting in infinite gradients.

Plot random points a specified distance apart

I'm trying to come up with a function that plots n points inside the unit circle, but I need them to be sufficiently spread out.
ie. something that looks like this:
Is it possible to write a function with two parameters, n (number of points) and min_d (minimum distance apart) such that the points are:
a) equidistant
b) no pairwise distance exceeds a given min_d
The problem with sampling from a uniform distribution is that it could happen that two points are almost on top of each other, which I do not want to happen. I need this kind of input for a network diagram representing node clusters.
EDIT: I have found an answer to a) here: Generator of evenly spaced points in a circle in python, but b) still eludes me.
At the time this answer was provided, the question asked for random numbers. This answer thus gives a solution drawing random numbers. It ignores any edits made to the question afterwards.
On may simply draw random points and for each one check if the condition of the minimum distance is fulfilled. If not, the point can be discarded. This can be done until a list is filled with enough points or some break condition is met.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Points():
def __init__(self,n=10, r=1, center=(0,0), mindist=0.2, maxtrials=1000 ) :
self.success = False
self.n = n
self.r = r
self.d = mindist
self.points = np.ones((self.n,2))*10*
self.c = 0
self.trials = 0
self.maxtrials = maxtrials
self.tx = "rad: {}, center: {}, min. dist: {} ".format(self.r, center, self.d)
def dist(self, p, x):
if len(p.shape) >1:
return np.sqrt(np.sum((p-x)**2, axis=1))
return np.sqrt(np.sum((p-x)**2))
def newpoint(self):
x = (np.random.rand(2)-0.5)*2
x = x*
if self.dist(, x) < self.r:
self.trials += 1
if np.all(self.dist(self.points, x) > self.d):
self.points[self.c,:] = x
self.c += 1
def fill(self):
while self.trials < self.maxtrials and self.c < self.n:
self.points = self.points[self.dist(self.points, < self.r,:]
if len(self.points) == self.n:
self.success = True
self.tx +="\n{} of {} found ({} trials)".format(len(self.points),self.n,self.trials)
def __repr__(self):
return self.tx
center =(0,0)
radius = 1
p = Points(n=40,r=radius, center=center)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x,y = p.points[:,0], p.points[:,1]
ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(center, radius, fill=False))
If the number of points should be fixed, you may try to run find this number of points for decreasing distances until the desired number of points are found.
In the following case, we are looking for 60 points and start with a minimum distance of 0.6 which we decrease stepwise by 0.05 until there is a solution found. Note that this will not necessarily be the optimum solution, as there is only maxtrials of retries in each step. Increasing maxtrials will of course bring us closer to the optimum but requires more runtime.
center =(0,0)
radius = 1
mindist = 0.6
step = 0.05
success = False
while not success:
mindist -= step
p = Points(n=60,r=radius, center=center, mindist=mindist)
print p
if p.success:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x,y = p.points[:,0], p.points[:,1]
ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(center, radius, fill=False))
Here the solution is found for a minimum distance of 0.15.

matplotlib x-axis ticks dates formatting and locations

I've tried to duplicate plotted graphs originally created with flotr2 for pdf output with matplotlib. I must say that flotr is way easyer to use... but that aside - im currently stuck at trying to format the dates /times on x-axis to desired format, which is hours:minutes with interval of every 2 hours, if period on x-axis is less than one day and year-month-day format if period is longer than 1 day with interval of one day.
I've read through numerous examples and tried to copy them, but outcome remains the same which is hours:minutes:seconds with 1 to 3 hour interval based on how long is the period.
My code:
colorMap = {
'speed': '#3388ff',
'fuel': '#ffaa33',
'din1': '#3bb200',
'din2': '#ff3333',
'satellites': '#bfbfff'
otherColors = ['#00A8F0','#C0D800','#CB4B4B','#4DA74D','#9440ED','#800080','#737CA1','#E4317F','#7D0541','#4EE2EC','#6698FF','#437C17','#7FE817','#FBB117']
plotMap = {}
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 5), dpi = 300, edgecolor='k')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
realdata = data['data']
keys = realdata.keys()
if 'speed' in keys:
speed_index = keys.index('speed')
keys.insert(0, 'speed')
i = 0
for key in keys:
if key not in colorMap.keys():
color = otherColors[i]
colorMap[key] = color
i += 1
label = u'%s' % realdata[keys[0]]['name']
plotMap[keys[0]] = {}
plotMap[keys[0]]['label'] = label
first_dates = [ r[0] for r in realdata[keys[0]]['data']]
date_range = first_dates[-1] - first_dates[0]
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday = 1, interval=1))
ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(24), interval=2))
plotMap[keys[0]]['plot'] = ax1.plot_date(
[r[1] for r in realdata[keys[0]]['data']], colorMap[keys[0]], xdate=True)
if len(keys) > 1:
first = True
for key in keys[1:]:
if first:
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel(u'%s' % realdata[key]['name'])
first = False
plotMap[key] = {}
plotMap[key]['label'] = u'%s' % realdata[key]['name']
plotMap[key]['plot'] = ax2.plot_date(
dates.date2num([ r[0] for r in realdata[key]['data']]),
[r[1] for r in realdata[key]['data']], colorMap[key], xdate=True)
plt.legend([value['plot'] for key, value in plotMap.iteritems()], [value['label'] for key, value in plotMap.iteritems()], loc = 2)
plt.savefig(path +"node.png", dpi = 300, bbox_inches='tight')
could someone point out why im not getting desired results, please?
I moved the formatting block after the plotting and seem to be getting better results now. They are still now desired results though. If period is less than day then i get ticks after every 2 hours (interval=2), but i wish i could get those ticks at even hours not uneven hours. Is that possible?
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))
xax.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(24), interval=2))
This seemed to give me what i wanted:
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))
You are making this way harder on your self than you need to. matplotlib can directly plot against datetime objects. I suspect your problem is you are setting up the locators, then plotting, and the plotting is replacing your locators/formatters with the default auto versions. Try moving that block of logic about the locators to below the plotting loop.
I think that this could replace a fair chunk of your code:
d = datetime.timedelta(minutes=2)
now =
times = [now + d * j for j in range(500)]
ax = plt.gca() # get the current axes
ax.plot(times, range(500))
xax = ax.get_xaxis() # get the x-axis
adf = xax.get_major_formatter() # the the auto-formatter
adf.scaled[1./24] = '%H:%M' # set the < 1d scale to H:M
adf.scaled[1.0] = '%Y-%m-%d' # set the > 1d < 1m scale to Y-m-d
adf.scaled[30.] = '%Y-%m' # set the > 1m < 1Y scale to Y-m
adf.scaled[365.] = '%Y' # set the > 1y scale to Y
doc for AutoDateFormatter
I achieved what i wanted by doing this:
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))