Choosing a AES key in order to get a given output from the input - cryptography

I am studying cryptography, and curious if it would be possible to have the input turned into something that I could control, given that I could use any key. And how should I compute it?
example of what I mean: With input "123" I want to have the output "456", what key should I use ?


Confused about Tensorflow Algorithm function

Colab notebook
Under the section on Feature Columns, there is this specific line of code
feature_columns = [ ]
for feature_name in CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS:
vocabulary = dftrain[feature_name].unique()
I'm struggling to understand what this is doing. I don't really know what to search up too as I'm still quite new to programming. Why is there a need for this line? I understand that it outputs all unique values of the specified feature_name, but don't get how it's linked to the next line.
When you don't understand a function just google the module name (TensorFlow) and the function name. I found the documentation for tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list described here. To quote the documentation:
Use this when your inputs are in string or integer format, and you have an in-memory vocabulary mapping each value to an integer ID. By default, out-of-vocabulary values are ignored.
What this section of code is doing is going through each column and mapping each unique string value to a unique integer (its location in the vocabulary list). Transforming your column using this type of mapping is common for categorical data. The reason that unique is needed is because tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list needs a unique list as an argument before it can work its magic.
In the future please put all necessary code in the question. It should not be required to visit another link to answer your question.

How to replicate sha256 hash example from CyberSource REST API documentation?

I am investigating the CyberSource REST API and want to test the JSON Web Token Authentication method as documented here:
I am unable to replicate the sha256 hash of the JSON payload described in the JWT Payload/Claim Set section.
"clientReferenceInformation" : {
"code" : "TC50171_3"
"orderInformation" : {
"amountDetails" : {
"totalAmount" : "102.21",
"currency" : "USD"
I've attempted to use the sha256sum command in binary and text format on a file containing the payload example. I've also attempted running this command on different permutations of this payload, such as without whitespace or newlines.
I expect to get the example hash of
but instead get
f710ef58876f83e36b80a83c8ec7da75c8c1640d77d598c470a3dd85ae1458d3 and other dissimilar hashes.
What am I doing wrong?
Since the alleged "example" hash contains 33 hex characters one can see that it is not a possible valid output of SHA256. So there is nothing you can do to make your example match theirs.
There is also a base64 example in that discussion, but it is also not valid base64. By adding an extra padding character '=' to the base64 it can be made valid, and decoding it reveals that it mostly matches the alleged SHA256 hash.
My guess is that the values on that page are just examples of what values look like to the human eye rather than test vectors you are supposed to match exactly.
Probably you are not doing anything wrong. Hash functions have a avalanche effect, wherein any different bit in the input changes a lot the output hash. If the site's original example used a different encoding, or had a different order for the JSON elements, or even had more or less tabs, spaces, line breaks, or any other "trash" character, you'll have a hard time to find a fitting message for the hash showed in the site.
Usually, cryptographic solutions use canonicalizations to avoid this kind of problem (different hash values for semantically equal messages). However, the JWT specification doesn't specify any type of canonicalization for JSON.
In short, I think you don't have to worry about this. Your JWT implementation will be correct as long you use a valid (correctly implemented) hash function.
Also, I noticed that the JWT specification doesn't specify a "Digest" field for the JWT payload. So, you may not even need to use this field. Unless CyberSource REST API makes it mandatory.

SHOW KEYS in Aerospike?

I'm new to Aerospike and am probably missing something fundamental, but I'm trying to see an enumeration of the Keys in a Set (I'm purposefully avoiding the word "list" because it's a datatype).
For example,
To see all the Namespaces, the docs say to use SHOW NAMESPACES
To see all the Sets, we can use SHOW SETS
If I want to see all the unique Keys in a Set ... what command can I use?
It seems like one can use client.scan() ... but that seems like a super heavy way to get just the key (since it fetches all the bin data as well).
Any recommendations are appreciated! As of right now, I'm thinking of inserting (deleting) into (from) a meta-record.
Thank you #pgupta for pointing me in the right direction.
This actually has two parts:
In order to retrieve original keys from the server, one must -- during put() calls -- set policy to save the key value server-side (otherwise, it seems only a digest/hash is stored?).
Here's an example in Python:
aerospike_client.put(key, {'bin': 'value'}, policy={'key': aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND})
Then (modified Aerospike's own documentation), you perform a scan and set the policy to not return the bin data. From this, you can extract the keys:
keys = []
scan = client.scan('namespace', 'set')
scan_opts = { 'concurrent': True, 'nobins': True, 'priority': aerospike.SCAN_PRIORITY_MEDIUM }
for x in (scan.results(policy=scan_opts)): keys.append(x[0][2])
The need to iterate over the result still seems a little clunky to me; I still think that using a 'master-key' Record to store a list of all the other keys will be more performant, in my case -- in this way, I can simply make one get() call to the Aerospike server to retrieve the list.
You can choose not bring the data back by setting includeBinData in ScanPolicy to false.

How to export SJCL AES key back to raw format?

After I imported SJCL AES key using new sjcl.cipher.aes(rawKey), how can I get rawKey value back from the key instance?
As far as I know it is not easily possible.
Looking at the code, the key is immediatly transformed using the S-Box. The result ist stored in this._key, so you could get that result and then use the reverse S-Box to restore rawKey. This should work, but just storing the key in a variable is of course way simpler.

Identifying a substitution cipher random key. (English text)

Crypted English normal text (A-Z) using a random generated substitution cipher.
read the whole text storing in some arrays the frequencies for each character/bigram/trigram and comparing them to:
cons: letters/bigrams/trigrams with close percentage (like "c" and "u")
my software should be able to guess the max. possible characters from the crypted text (minimum 2000 characters).
I have to guess at least 18-20 letters.
is there a way/known algorithm to guess all the characters => full key ?
or can you give me some useful references or advices on how I could improve the whole guessing process ?
I think you're on the right track. The only way you could recover the full key would be if the all characters (or all-1) are present in the plain text.
I'd be thinking along the lines of making some statistical guesses and then statictically checking the results for the plaintext Bigrams/Trigrams which result. Or checking whole words (if you know where the word boundaries are) against a word list.