String comparison in Mybatis SQL Fails - sql

There are two cases, one of which passes while other fails.
Case 1: Fails or Returns 0 for all #{password} values
SELECT #out = CASE WHEN (SELECT CONVERT( VARCHAR(MAX), DECRYPTBYKEY(hashed_key)) AS someKey FROM t_key_table WHERE is_active = 1) = '#{password}'
Case 2: Passes on correct ${password} value and returns 0 for others
SELECT #out = CASE WHEN (SELECT CONVERT( VARCHAR(MAX), DECRYPTBYKEY(hashed_key)) AS someKey FROM t_key_table WHERE is_active = 1) = '${password}'
Currently my reasoning is that #{} returns PreparedStatement which might hinder with the comparison process, but i am unable to find any specific doc or something concrete to help me understand this. Any help is appreciated.


SQL : Update value when the value in the database is null

I know this is already asked question and possible to be close.
But i really want a answer, I already searched through the internet, Read documentations, Blogs, and Question to SO.
This is my Query so Far,
declare #count numeric
select #count = (select count(1) from E496_TitleReference a where
exists (select 1 from #tempTransactions b where a.EPEB_RoD = b.tEPEB_RoD and
a.EPEB_ENO = b.tEPEB_ENO and a.EPEB_ID = b.tEPEB_ID and a.Title_Seq = b.tTitle_Seq))
update E496_TitleReference
set PrintStatus = '{0}',Is_AESM=isnull(-1,Is_AESM)
from E496_TitleReference a where
exists (select 1 from #tempTransactions b where a.EPEB_RoD = b.tEPEB_RoD and
a.EPEB_ENO = b.tEPEB_ENO and a.EPEB_ID = b.tEPEB_ID and a.Title_Seq = b.tTitle_Seq)
if ##rowcount <> #count
rollback tran
Print "Error: There is an error on table E496_TitleReference."
For eg, In my table in Database i have column name Is_AESM, In Is_AESM column it have 4 values.
Something like this.
Now when i run my script, it has no problem when i run it,
In this query it will detect if Is_AESM is null, it will update Is_AESM = -1 if not it will retain the value.
Now my problem is, if my query detect Is_AESM has a null value, it will update all the value to -1.
The result is something like that. Now i want is update only the null value not all the value in column Is_AESM.
I think this query is wrong Is_AESM=isnull(-1,Is_AESM).
Any ideas will be a big help.
You may try with coalsece() function
update E496_TitleReference
set PrintStatus = '{0}',Is_AESM=coalsece(Is_AESM,-1)
from E496_TitleReference a where
exists (select 1 from #tempTransactions b where a.EPEB_RoD = b.tEPEB_RoD and
a.EPEB_ENO = b.tEPEB_ENO and a.EPEB_ID = b.tEPEB_ID and a.Title_Seq = b.tTitle_Seq)
you need to replace order of parameters.
Is_AESM=isnull(Is_AESM, -1)
You can use COALSECE function. It returns the first non-null entry from the given list. So:
This will return IS_AESM value if it is not null (since it is the first non-null value)
Else if IS_AESM is NULL then it returns -1 (since it is the non-null value)

Mathematical Function within Sql Case Statement

I am trying to come up with a sql statement which converts the odometer if stored in km to miles. If the odometer is stored in miles, it leaves as it is.
After the conversion, it then needs to check for Search paramters i.e Mileage.
The steps I have taken is using the Case Statement.
Here is my snippet of the select statement that I am using currently:
#Mileage NVARCHAR(75) = NULL,
#IsMiles BIT = 1,
#Converted NVARCHAR(75) = NULL
SELECT [Id],Odometer,IsMiles,
CASE IsMiles when 0 THEN OdometerValue * 0.62137
else Odometer end
FROM [dbo].[Vehicle]
where IsMiles = 0
Is there anyway to pass the Result of the case statement to ConvertedOdometer. I want to use that value to evaluate against the search Mileage parameters.
Something like this with this condition:
(ConvertedOdometer >=0 AND ConvertedOdometer <= #Mileage)
I am new to Case statement so have used these guides:
Sql School
Some Blog
Perhaps something like this ...
#Mileage NVARCHAR(75) = NULL,
#IsMiles BIT = 1,
#Converted NVARCHAR(75) = NULL
select a.* from
(SELECT [Id],Odometer,IsMiles,
CASE when IsMiles=0 THEN OdometerValue * 0.62137 else Odometer end as ConvertedOdometer
FROM [dbo].[Vehicle]
where IsMiles = 0)a
where a.ConvertedOdometer >=0 AND
a.ConvertedOdometer <= #Mileage

MSSQL 2008: Problems with the 'Case' - statement

I'm having some troubles finding a solution to my SQL-Problem. I've tried google but so far my search didn't give me any statisfactory results.
I have an SSRS report with two parameters:
#SupplierId NVARCHAR (May contain NULL)
#EmployeeId NVARCHAR (May contain NULL)
My original query retrieved all the employees who came in service during the last year:
SELECT Name, Surname from dbo.Employee Where Employee.DateInService > DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE())
Right now i want to add those parameters to the query using the following logic.
Remark this is pseudo SQL:
FROM ...
WHERE Employee.DateInService > DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE()) AND
IF (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0 Or #SupplierID IS NULL ) THEN
dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
dbo.Employee.SupplierId = #SupplierId
My search sofar led me to the Case statement. I made a query which contains an syntax error (obviously). My base query:
FROM ...
WHERE Employee.DateInService > DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE()) AND
CASE WHEN (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0) THEN
dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
dbo.Employee.SupplierId = #SupplierId
Error: Syntax error near '='.
Question 1: Why does he give an error near the '='?
Question 2: How do i correctly implement the following:
CASE WHEN (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0 "Or #SupplierId is null" ) THEN
Instead of
CASE WHEN (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0) Then dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
WHEN (#SupplierId IS NULL) Then dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
ELSE dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId END
Note: if i've missed a post during my google searches, please don't hesitate to point it out.
Thanks for your help
You can't change the actual query predicate like that with CASE - there are 2 distinct queries depending on the value of #SupplierId. You can conditionally apply the filter as follows (I've assumed the #SupplierId = null flow is the same as the whitespace branch:
FROM ...
WHERE Employee.DateInService > DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE())
(dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
AND (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0 OR #SupplierId IS NULL))
(dbo.Employee.SupplierId = #SupplierId AND LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) > 0)
Although this can be prone to query plan sniffing related performance issues, in which case you might need to consider an alternative approach, e.g. using parameterized dynamic sql to build up and execute the sql, as there are 2 distinct process flows through the query.
As per Ypercube's comment above, in order to provide the boolean result needed for the predicate, if you can find a hack workaround is to find a way to project a COMMON scalar from each of the CASE .. WHEN row and then do a comparison of the scalar. In the example below, projecting a yes / no flag.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee
WHEN (LEN(RTRIM(#SupplierId)) = 0 OR #SupplierId IS NULL)
THEN CASE WHEN dbo.Employee.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
ELSE CASE WHEN dbo.Employee.SupplierId = #SupplierId THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
END = 1;
But the big problem with this approach is performance - the above will require a full scan to determine the results.

Conversion from nvarchar to float isn't working

I am unable to get the following query to work due to errors upon conversion from nvarchar to float; I need to convert theData field to float in order to round it, but the data is originally an NVARCHAR(20) because the column holds character data as well. I've tried casting each of the instances of theData to float but it still didn't work, can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
UPDATE tblData SET tblData.theNumericData = CASE WHEN IsNumeric([theData]) = 1
THEN Round(Convert(float, [theData]),(Len([theData])-Charindex('.',[theData])))
WHERE tblData.theFlag =1;
I have tried the following two variants...
UPDATE tblData SET tblData.theNumericData = CASE WHEN IsNumeric([theData]) = 1
THEN Round(Convert(float, [theData]),(Len(Convert(float, [theData]))-
Charindex('.',Convert(float, [theData]))))
WHERE tblData.theFlag =1;
UPDATE tblData SET tblData.theNumericData = CASE WHEN IsNumeric([theData]) = 1
THEN Convert(nvarchar(20),Round(Convert(float, [theData]),(Len(Convert(float,
[theData]))- Charindex('.',Convert(float, [theData]))))) ELSE Null END
WHERE tblData.theFlag =1;
Can't answer the question because we don't know the error you're getting but... you should move the case to where... it'll make it more readable.
UPDATE tblData
SET tblData.theNumericData = Convert(float, [theData])
WHERE IsNumeric([theData]) = 1 AND tblData.theFlag =1;

SQL multiple if statements, same result set, different argument

I am writing a stored proc that calculates a WHOLE bunch of different things, but I have a bit in it, that is repeated about 9 times.
if #argA = 1 (true)
select Count(samples) from dbo.X where type = #argAType
if #argB = 1 (true)
select Count(samples) from dbo.X where type = #argBType
if #argC = 1
select Count(samples) from dbo.X where type = #argCType
and so on...
how can I write a function (or something similar) that I can pass in a bit (true or false), and other argument, and only return the result set if true???
Is this what you're looking for? This is the best I can deduce based on the question as it's currently posted.
FROM dbo.X
(type=#argAType AND #argA=1)
(type=#argBType AND #argB=1)
(type=#argCType AND #argC=1)
In function form, I think this is right:
SELECT #count = COUNT(samples)
FROM dbo.X
(type=#argAType AND #argA=1)
(type=#argBType AND #argB=1)
(type=#argCType AND #argC=1)
RETURN #count