Avoid '#' from becoming a line break in a flat file - abap

I have an extract report that creates a flat file to place it in AL11.
Now, one of the description fields has a value that contains #.
My data:
Name | Address
John | Text#123
My flat file:
When I download the file, I would expect it to be:
Name Address
John Text#123
But what it looks like:
Name Address
John Text
How can this be avoided? Is there any unicode that can be translated into a # when the file is downloaded?


Transpose/Pivot Excel file in Pentaho (using multiple files)

I've been having some trouble with the following situation: There's an Excel file I need to use which has the information in the following format:
ColumnA | ColumnB
Name | John
Business | Pentaho
Address | Evergreen 123
Job type | Food processing
NameBoss | Boss lv1
Phone | 555-NoPhone
Mail | thisATmail
What I need to do is get all column A as different columns, ending with 7 different columns, each one with one value, which is the data in column B. Additionally, the integration is reading the filename as an extra output field:
'${FILES_ROOT}/proyectos/BUSINESS_NAME/B_NAME_OPER/archivos_fuente/NĂ“MINA BAC - ' ||nombre_empresa||'.xlsx' as nombre_archivo
--, nombre_empresa
FROM "public".maestro_empresa
The transformation for the Excel file I have it as this:
As can bee seen, in the fields tab of the transformation, added manually each column, since the data in the Excel file does not has headers.
With this done, I am not sure how to proceed from here in order to get the transposed data I need. What can I do?
End result I am looking forward is something like this:
Name | Business | Address | Job type | NameBoss | Phone | Mail | excel_name
John | Pentaho | Evergreen 123 | Food processing | Boss lv1 | 555-NoPhone | thisAtMail | ExcelName.xlsx
With step 'Row demoralizer', you can do this easily. AT first you need to take input from excel file -> you need to use 'Row demoralizer' step. You can see sample from HERE.
Note: Remove ''Id'' column from my sample if you always suppose to get one line.
If you ColumnA values are dynamic /not specific . You can use THIS Metadata Injection sample ( where you need to take same excel input twice. But not require to specify column name). Please run transformation "MetaDataInjectionPV.ktr"

extract names substring using openrefine

using openrefine, i need to achieve the following:
in a given column with people's names,
i must extract all content before the last dot (.) into a new column named firstname.
By extraction, i mean move the data, so that the initial column does not contain what is already moved to the firstname column.
On a second pass, i need to remove from the names column, and move to the firstname column, everything that follows what is after the (,) comma. How would you approach this?
names column | lastname | firstname
M., E. Handman | Handman | M., E.
Surrey, Sam Bill | Surrey | Sam Bill
My effort is trying to make it work with something like:

postgis query for addresses (with osm data)

I want to make queries for addresses to postgis database with data from openstreetmap, check if such address exist in database and if so, get coordinates. Database was filled from .pbf file using osmosis. This is schema for the database http://pastebin.com/Yigjt77f. I have addresses in form of city name, street name and number of street. The most important for me is this table:
CREATE TABLE node_tags (
k text NOT NULL,
v text NOT NULL
k column is in form of tags, one that I'm interested are: addr:housenumber, addr:street, addr:city and v is corresponding value. First I'm searching if name of city matches one in database, than in results set I'm searching for street and than for house number. The problem is that I don't know how to make SQL query that will get this result with asking only once. I can ask first only for city name, get all node_id that match my city and save them in java program, than make queries asking for each found(matching my city) id_number (list from my java program) for the street, and so on. This way is really slow, because asking for more detailed information (city than street than number) I have to make more and more queries and what is more I have to check a lot of addresses. Once I have matching node_id I can easily find coordinates, so that's not a problem.
Example of this table:
node_id | k | v <br>
123 | addr:housenumber | 50
123 | addr:street | Kingsway
123 | addr:city | London
123 | (some other stuff) | .....
100 | addr:housenumber | 121
100 | addr:street | Edmund St
100 | addr:city | London
I hope I explained clearly what is my problem.
This is not as easy as you might think. Addresses in OSM are hierarchically, like in the real world. Not all elements in OSM have a full address attached. Some only have addr:housenumber and simply belong to the nearest street. Some have addr:housenumber and addr:street but no addr:city because they simply belong to the nearest city. Or they are enclosed by a boundary relation which specifies the corresponding city. And instead of addr:housenumber there are sometimes also just address interpolations described by the addr:interpolation key. See the addr key wiki page for more information.
The Karlsruhe Schema page in the OSM wiki explains a lot about addresses in OSM. It also mentions associatedStreet relations which are sometimes used to group house numbers and their corresponding streets.
As you can see a single query in the database probably won't suffice. If you need some inspiration you can take a look at OSM's address search engine Nominatim. But note that Nominatim uses a different data base scheme than the usual one in order to optimize address queries. You can also take a look at one of the many routing applications which all have to do address lookups.

SQL Stored procedure extract data

Is this possible in a Oracle 11g SQL stored procedure? I need to get the data base on the list.txt with field ID. 1,3,5 to query in customer table and export the result in result.txt
Table name: Customer
ID|Name |Country
1 |Mark |USA
2 |Allan|UK
3 |James|USA
4 |Todd |UK
5 |Mike |UK
File: list.txt
Result exported in text file
1 |Mark |USA
3 |James|USA
5 |Mike |UK
This link should help you read data from the | separated file. The example shows hw to read from a CSV, however it is just a matter of replacing the ,(comma) character within the example with a |(pipe) character.
The link also contains a reference that shows how to create CSV files using PL-SQL. Again, here all you need to to do is to replace the ,(comma) character within the example with a |(pipe) character.
Also, you need to ensure that you have permissions to read from and write to the folder locations that contain the text files you want to process.

Flat File Import: Remove Data

(Posted a similar question earlier but HR department changed conditions today)
Our HR department has an automated export from our SAP system in the form of a flat file. The information in the flat file looks like so.
G/L Account 4544000 Recruiting/Job Search
Company Code 0020
| Posting Date| LC amnt|
| 01/01/2013 | 406.25 |
| 02/01/2013 | 283.33 |
| 03/21/2013 |1,517.18 |
G/L Account 4544000 Recruiting/Job Search
Company Code 0020
| Posting Date| LC amnt|
| 05/01/2013 | 406.25 |
| 06/01/2013 | 283.33 |
| 07/21/2013 |1,517.18 |
When I look at the data in the SSIS Flat File Source Connection all of the information is in a single column. I have tried to use the Delimiter set to Pipe but it will not separate the data, I assume due to the nonessential information at the top and middle of the file.
I need to remove the data at the top and middle and then have the Date and Total split into two separate columns.
The goal of this is to separate the data so that I can get a single SUM for the running year.
Year Total
2013 $5123.25
I have tried to do this in SSIS but I cant seem to separate the columns or remove the data. I want to avoid a script task as I am not familiar with the code or operation of that component.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I would create a temp table that can import the whole flat file, after that do filter on SQL level
An example
Create TABLE tmp (txtline VARCHAR(MAX))
BCP or SSIS file into tmp table
Run Query like this to get result ( you may need adjust string length to fit your flat file)
WITH cte AS (
CAST(SUBSTRING(txtline,2,10) AS DATE) AS PostingDate,
CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(txtline,15,100),'|',''),',','') AS NUMERIC(19,4)) AS LCAmount
FROM tmp
WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(txtline,2,10)) = 1
FROM cte
GROUP BY YEAR(PostingDate)
maybe you could use MS-Excel to open the flat file, using pipe-character as the delimeter, and then create a CSV from that, if needed.
Short of a script task/component (or a full-blown custom SSIS component), I don't think you'll be able to parse that specific format in SSIS. The Flat File Connection Manager does allow you to select how many rows of your text file are headers to be skipped, but the format you're showing has multiple sections (and thus multiple headers). There's also the issue of the horizontal lines, which the Flat File Connection won't be able to properly handle.
I'd first see if there's any way to get a normal CSV file with this data out of SAP. If that turns out to be impossible, then you'll need some sort of custom code to strip out the excess text.