v-if contains advanced statement - vue.js

I have images with contains alt different names, and I want to make a filter with these names, what I want to do is for example if the "current_variant" is red I want to show images that have '#red' and images that do not have '#' together '#yellow' in that case.
1.image [image_alt#red]
2.image [image_alt#yellow]
3.image [image_alt]
4.image [image_alt]
current_variant.alt = image_alt#red
with this line, I manage to call images with alt names but the problem is on the second statement removes the first because it includes '#'
v-if="current_variant.alt == '{{ media.alt }}' !== current_variant.alt.indexOf('#') > -1"

Your description is not clear but let me guess...
You probably have a list of images let's say a gallery and you are trying to do something similar to this:
It would be very helpful though if you added more info on what you are trying to do.


Can t find the xpath for Following button instagram for selenium

I try to get the xpath for the following button on instagram making an automate unfollowing soft. enter image description here
I found it just like this:
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
But i want to itterate over all ,,Following" Buttons , but like this is stuck at the first one!
This is my Code:
fBody = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='isgrP']")
for i in range(1, 1500):
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class=" qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
print("Am apasat follow")
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[#class="aOOlW -Cab_ "]').click()
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollTop + arguments[0].offsetHeight;', fBody)
print("Ma bag la somn 1 min")
Selenium does Not "like" empty or white spaces in the attributes.
I suggest using a CSS selector and using *= in order to find text contains:
Avoid using white or empty spaces and, underscores (_) and hyphens (-) for the element's attributes.
I think the classes on the elements change as yours do not match with mine. Here is a more generic XPath that matches the "following" button.
When using this in a test I found it instantly failing unless I surrounded it with an explicit wait condition.
Ill post my example when Instagram stops giving me connectivity issues.

Selenium finding elements returns incorrect elements

I'm using Selenium to try and get some elements on a web page but I'm having trouble getting the ones I want. I'm getting some, but they're not the ones I want.
So what I have on my page are five divs that look like this:
<div class="membershipDetails">
Inside each one is something like this:
<div class="membershipDetail">
VIP Membership
They DO all have this same link, but they don't have the same text ('VIP Membership' would be replaced by something else)
So the first thing was to get all the divs above in a list. This is the line I use:
listElementsMembership = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(div[class^='membershipDetail'])
This gives me five elements, just as I would expect. I checked the 'class' attribute name and they are what I would expect. At this point I should say that they aren't all EXACTLY the same name 'membershipDetail'. Some have variations. But I can see that I have all five.
The next thing is to go through these elements and try and get that element which contains the href ('VIP Membership').
So I did that like this:
for elem in listElementsMembership:
elemDetailsLink = elem.find_element_by_xpath('//a[contains(#href,"EditMembership")]')
Now this does return something, but it always got me the element from the FIRST of the five elements. It's as if the 'elem.find_element_by_xpath' line is going up a level first before finding these hrefs. I kind of confirmed this by switching this to a 'find_elements_by_xpath' (plural) and getting, you guessed it, five elements.
So is this line:
elemDetailsLink = elem.find_element_by_xpath('//a[contains(#href,"EditMembership")]')
going up a level before getting its results? If it is, now can I make it not do that and just restrict itself to the children?
If you are trying to find element with in an element use a . in the xpath like below:
listElementsMembership = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(div[class^='membershipDetail'])
for elem in listElementsMembership:
elemDetailsLink = elem.find_element_by_xpath('.//a') # Finds the "a" tag with respect to "elem"
Suppose if you are looking for VIP Membership:
listElementsMembership = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(div[class^='membershipDetail'])
for elem in listElementsMembership:
value = elem.find_element_by_xpath('.//a').get_attribute("innerText")
if "VIP Membership" in value:
And if you dont want iterate over all the five elements try to use xpath like below: (As per the HTML you have shared)
//div[#class='membershipDetail']//a[text()='VIP Membership']
//div[#class='membershipDetail']//a[contains(text(),'VIP Membership')]
You've few mistake in that css selector.
Quotes are missing.
^ is for starts-with, not sure if you really need that. In case it's partial matching please use * instead of ^
Also, I do not see any logic for the below statement in your code attempt.
The next thing is to go through these elements and try and get that
element which contains the href ('VIP Membership').
Code :
listElementsMembership = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("div[class*='membershipDetail']")
for ele in listElementsMembership:
e = ele.find_element(By.XPATH, ".//descendant::a")
if "VIP Membership" in e.get_attribute('href'):
print(e.text, e.get_attribute('href'))
You can give an index using a square bracket like this.
elemDetailsLink = elem.find_element_by_xpath('(//a[contains(#href,"EditMembership")])[1]')
If you are trying to get an element using XPath, the index should start with 1, not 0.

Macro to replace/encapsulate text in PhpStorm/IntelliJ?

For example I have the text login and I want to wrap in in a function call like {{ __('login') }} by just selecting the text and hitting a key combination to perform the change for me, speeding up my work flow.
Is there a way of doing this with PhpStorm/IntelliJ?
Thanks to #LazyOne for providing info; i want to expand according to your question.
your template text will be as following if you want to surround texts like login;
{{ __('$SELECTION$') }}$END$
or if you want surround texts like 'login'
{{ __($SELECTION$) }}$END$
After you finalize your live template by selecting applicable context, it will be ready to use. When you type and select login, then hit cmd + alt + j it will surround.
Another option would be creating a live template which will print everything in the template but you fill login.
{{ __('$NAME$') }}$END$

Interactive Report Title defaults to 'Applicaiton'

I have an Interactive Report that displays Images in one column. The images are displayed directly from Images I loaded into shared components.
The report query:
Tbl_I.Type || Tbl_I.Name as Minifigure,
Tbl_I.Quote as QUOTE,
'AddToCart.png' as ADD_TO_CART
from "Tbl_090_ImagePackages" "Tbl_P"
left outer join "Tbl_091_Images" "Tbl_I"
on Tbl_P.ID = Tbl_I.Image Package
where Tbl_P.ID = :P201_GROUP
The column in question is 'ADD_TO_CART'.
The Column attributes are as follows:
Display Type: Display as Text(escape special characters)
Link Text:
<img src=#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART# alt=Application Express height=30 width=30
Link Attributes:
ID=#ID# class="AddToCart"
Target: Page in this Application (Current Page)
The Title is defaulting to 'Application' and I can't get rid of it or change it. I have tried changing the Link Attributes to: title="Testing" ID=#ID# class="AddToCart" Unfortunately this has not worked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Seems like your link text is malformed? Put your attributes between quotes, single or double. When you view your page source with eg Firefox, you'll notice strings highlighted in red: these are invalid html. The browser is forgiving up to a certain point, but if you confuse it enough things like this may start happening.
<img src="#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART#" alt="Application Express" height=30 width=30 />

Fixed text when scrolling

My program displays an ABAP list, I'm trying to show a header (some lines of text, nothing fancy) fixed when scrolling down in a report.
Is there some kind of tag or declaration that I have to use?
In SE38 you can define list heading with 'GOTO -> Text Elements -> List Headings`.
You can define a list header, and titles for your list (Columns heading).
One advantage: With GOTO -> Translations you can define different texts in different languages.
Another way to get this maintenance screen:
From your list, you can choose: System -> List -> List Header.
Another way:
You can use top-of-page to define your header text inside your report code.
write 'My header'.
You can use the TOP OF PAGE event to write something that will stick at the top of the page while scrolling. You can find more info here.
You can also use the list headers from Text Elements menu. More info here.
Best regards,
One way is directly using top-of-page in your code.
Other way is calling reuse_alv_grid_display or reuse_alv_list_display (depending on your output type) and declaring "top-of-page" in the I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE line. Then create a sub-routine with the same name as your "top-of-page". In that you can write
wa_list-typ = 'H'.
wa_list-info = ''.
APPEND wa_list to it_list.
clear wa_list.
wa_list-typ = 'A'.
wa_list-info = 'Report Header'.
APPEND wa_list to it_list.
clear wa_list.
wa_list-typ = 'S'.
wa_list-info = 'Report Header'.
APPEND wa_list to it_list.
clear wa_list.
depending on what you want (header, action or selection).
Finally you can use REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE function and call the table(in this example it_list).
Hope it helped.