Kick participant that joins a call - jitsi

I am using iframe API of Jitsi, I would like to keep the limit of a room to only 3 participants. If a fourth participant joins the room, the participant should automatically get kicked. This is my current api, how do I kick the 4th participant?
var api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options);
api.addListener('videoConferenceJoined', ({id}) => {
let numberOfParticipants = api.getNumberOfParticipants();
if(numberOfParticipants > 3) {

You can use the "participantJoined" event instead of "videoConferenceJoined".
As it is fired whenever a participant joins. While "videoConferenceJoined" fires when you join the conference.


Managing 2 conferences with Voximplant scenario

I am trying to make conference with Voximplant, and when user makes a call to another user, while the call is still going on, it makes another call to another user making two calls and the callees is added to a video conferencing.
But it seems the caller is billed twice and the scenerio doesnt look optimised. What should i do to bill once and optimize it?
var call, conf = null;
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.Started, handleConferenceStarted);
function handleConferenceStarted(e) {
// Create 2 conferences right after session to manage audio in the right way
if( conf === null ){
conf = VoxEngine.createConference(); // create conference
Logger.write('Conference started')
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.CallAlerting, function(e) {, handleCallConnected);
let new_call = VoxEngine.callUser(e.destination,e.callerid,e.displayName,{},true)
function handleCallConnected(e) {
Logger.write('caller connected');
mode: "FORWARD",
direction: "BOTH", scheme: e.scheme
You need to end the conference when there are no participants. Refer to the following article in our documentation: You can find the full scenario code there.
Additionally, I recommend to add some handlers for the CallEvents.Disconnected and the CallEvent.Failed events right after
because sometimes the callee may be offline or press a reject button. 🙂

How to read values from a view to insert in ratingValue and ratingCount in my web in order to be recognized by Google Structured data testing tool?

I was using an external service to get Aggregate Rating in my recipes blog, but dis service disappeared so I decided to build one myself. First of all, this is my first experience with cloud data and JavaScript programming so please, be paciente with me :-).
I'm doing my experiments in this duplicate of my blog:
by now it works as I planned, letting one to vote and storing results in a oracle table, making it possible to retrieve results from a view of this table to get ratingCount and ratingValue values, as anyone can see in that link...
But at the end, despite you can see the stars, despite you can vote and get result stored, showing voting results, Structured data testing tool don't see tag values, so all work is useless.
I think I'm getting close to the problem, but not getting close to the solution. I have the impression that the cause of my problems is the asynchrony of the execution of the script that brings the data from the table, while the function is executed, the browser continues to render the page and it doesn't arrive in time to write those values ​​before the google tool can read them, so they appear empty to it.
I have tried everything including labels and variables in GTM with the same result. The latest version of the code, from this morning is installed right before the "/head" tag and it looks like this:
<script style='text/javascript'>
var myPostId = "<>";
// <![CDATA[
var micuenta = 0;
var nota = 0;
getText("{\"receta\":{\"$eq\":\"" + myPostId + "\"}}");
async function getText(file) {
let x = await fetch(file);
let y = await x.text();
let datos = JSON.parse(y);
nota = datos.items[0].media;
micuenta = datos.items[0].votos;
// This version gives the same result and is interchangeable with the previous one. I keep it commented so as not to forget it:
// var settings = {
// "url": "{\"receta\":{\"$eq\":\"" + myPostId + "\"}}",
// "method": "GET",
// "timeout": 0,
// "async": false,
// };
// $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
// if (response.items.length != 0) {
// micuenta = response.items[0].votos;
// nota = response.items[0].media;
// }
// });
The key is, I think, getting this call to execute before Google's tool finishes rendering the Blogger post page.
The URL that I invoke to get the data calls an oracle view that returns a single row with the corresponding data from the recipe, placing this call:
In the browser the result is the following:
And I just need to take the median and votes values ​​to create the RatingCount and RatingValue labels
Can anyone offer me an idea that solves this little problem? :-)

Check if number has whatsapp via whatsapp web

I know it's possible to create a button to start a conversation for a number.
But is it possible to check first if this number has whatsapp?
I need a grid with multiple numbers, and show the option to start conversation only for numbers that have whatsapp.
Note: I want to make this process logged in to whatsapp web.
It is a bit old question, but i get this question when i search for the same thing. After some reads, this is what i get. Hope it could help someone that search the same thing.
You could use the Client.getNumberId() function to check if the mobile phone number is registered on WhatsApp or not, check out the documentation on
Note: you might need to sanitized the phone number first to ensure it is in the right format, which is , etc 618123456789.
61 is the country code, and the 08123456789 is the usual mobile number (remove the first zero on it).
var client = whatsAppWebClient.client;
var mobile_no = '628123456789';
// Get the registered WhatsApp ID for a number
var number_details = await client.getNumberId(sanitized_number);
if(number_details) {
console.log("Sending message to ", number_details);
/* send message */
} else {
console.log(sanitized_number, "Mobile no is not registered on
import {Client} from 'whatsapp-web.js';
const client = new Client({
// client configuration if any
// other blocks of code goes here
//function for checking if number is registered on whatsapp
const isNumberOnWhatsapp = async (number) => {
return await client.isRegisteredUser(number)

How to populate the store and sequentially await return using Redux Observable?

I am attempting to use Redux Observable to call an action to fetch some data, wait for its return, then fetch some more data that relies on it.
I have an epic which populates a store from a fetch FetchTodos. This listens for the FETCH_TODOS action and then calls my todos API and populates {todos: [] } =
I also have a comments section in my store todoComments. However, I would like to only populate todoComments once FETCH_TODOS has returned and populated the store.
In imperative code, this might look like:
let todos = await api.get('/todos');
await dispatch("FETCH_TODO_COMPLETE", todos)
let firstId = getState().todos[0].id
let comments = await api.get(`/todos/${firstId}/comments')
await dispatch("FETCH_COMMENTS_COMPLETE", { todo_id: firstId, comments})
The closest I saw to this was this issue in the Redux Observable Repo, but I could not understand how to do this efficiently. This is a pretty common scenario for me.
I would like to reuse as much code as possible. In this example, I may dispatch FETCH_TODOS from multiple components.
How would i accomplish this with Redux-Observable?
Based on our conversation in the comments:
In redux-observable, you can sequence things in numerous ways. You could do it all in one epic using normal RxJS, or you could split them into multiple ones. If you split them, the subsequent epic would listen for the signal that the previous one has completed its task. Something like this:
// this assumes you make your `api.get` helper return an Observable
// instead of a Promise which is highly advisable.
// If it doesn't, you could do:
// Observable.from(api.get('/url'))
// but Promises are not truly cancellable which can cause max
// concurrent connections issues
const fetchTodosEpic = action$ =>
.switchMap(() =>
.map(todos => ({
const fetchComments = action$ =>
.switchMap(({ todos }) =>
.map(comments => ({

How do I delete data in gun DB when path has multiple objects

How do I delete data when my path contains multiple objects? gun.path('saving_accounts').put(null) would delete all savings accounts.
Or, do you have a way to handle the null errors when iterating over data that has a 'deleted' object? I'm providing fully working examples to try to help in answering. Say I create gun data with this:
// localStorage.clear();
var gun = Gun();
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// create record
var saving1 = gun.put({
name: "Bank of America",
accType: "Saving",
last4: "5555",
favorite: true,
status: true,
created: "some date created"
var saving2 = gun.put({
name: "Bank of America",
accType: "Saving",
last4: "4123",
favorite: true,
status: true,
created: "some date created"
var saving_accounts = gun.get('saving_accounts')
Then i can query all savings accounts with something like this:
const queryMultiple = (data_path) => {
console.log("Query for: " + data_path);
gun.get(data_path).map().val((name, ID) => {
// console.log(ID);
console.log(, name.accType, ID);
I tried to delete a record based on the gundb question here and wiki gun.path('object3').put(null) but I'm not sure how to change it for my application. On the savings account path, there are multiple savings accounts. So if i want to delete a specific savings account, i delete it by id but I think i'm doing it wrong. Say the id of the account i want to delete is FesxPaup8gzuNSsLFlWXMKaL:
// delete record
const deletebyID = (data_path, qID) => {
console.log("DELETE record");
deletebyID('saving_accounts', 'FesxPaup8gzuNSsLFlWXMKaL');
But the .put(null) above will make the object FesxPaup8gzuNSsLFlWXMKaL point to null and when i list all savings accounts again with queryMultiple('saving_accounts'); I get a cannot read property name of null.
How do I delete data when my path contains multiple objects?
Side note: eventually i will nest multi transactions for a savings account under each savings account so I will have to do the same thing when deleting a account transaction that was made by mistake. Also hopefully when i delete a savings account, it automatically deletes/nulls all of that accounts transactions too but i haven't gotten past playing playing with data at this first layer.
#jtlindsey great question! You are correct though on how to delete data, even about how to delete an item inside a list/collection/table. But here is how to get the results you want:
Quick Solution:
Change your query to this:
const queryMultiple = (data_path) => {
console.log("Query for: " + data_path);
gun.get(data_path).map().val((name, ID) => {
if(!name){ return }
// console.log(ID);
console.log(, name.accType, ID);
And it will work. Why? Because it filters out any nulled account.
Why All the Nulls?
Deletes in GUN work like Mac OSX or Windows or Linux. The nulling tells every machine to "Put this data in the trash/recycle bin". The reason this is useful is because it lets you change your mind about deleting something, so you can recover it later if you want. (Recovering deleted content/files happens a LOT, but it something most people don't think about).
The null data also is useful for notifications! This is very applicable when you are designing frontend websites and you are rendering HTML. Let's go over a simple example:
Imagine your user is checking the site on his phone, and realizes he needs to get clear up some issues that are a little bit more complicated so he logs on with his laptop. After checking the details on the laptop he decides to delete the account. Underneath his "click" action causes your run code to run:
// delete record
const deletebyID = (data_path, qID) => {
console.log("DELETE record");
deletebyID('saving_accounts', 'FesxPaup8gzuNSsLFlWXMKaL');
Which is correct. However, if he then closes his laptop and picks his phone back up... he'll notice his account is still there!!! Which is not a good experience. But with GUN fixing this is easy because of the null notification:
gun.get(data_path).map().on((account, ID) => {
var UI = $("#account-" + ID);
updateUI(ID, account);
Now when they pick up their phone it will reflect the current state of their accounts! They'll see that it had been removed on all their devices because the null got synced to all devices.
Does that make sense? Does that your answer your question? Need help with anything else? As always, and and .