I'm finding a way to add a custom header according to the url path in haproxy or traefik.
by example:
For a url: http://domain/toto/app, I want the reverse-proxy add a header: somekey=toto before it sends to the back service.
update : in my example, /toto is a dynamic value, it is only konwn at runtime.
You have several options to add a header for the request to the backend service.
http-request add-header
http-request set-header
It depends if the header is already exist or not which directive you can use.
How do I set up another Host Header in the cloudflare worker?
For example, I have set up a ip for my site's www record
By default www requests are sent with the header www.ex.com but I want to send the www requests with the new.ex.com header
You need to configure a DNS record for new.ex.com so that it points to the same IP address. Then, you can make a fetch() request with new.ex.com in the URL.
If you cannot make new.ex.com point at the right IP, another alternative is to make a fetch() request using the resolveOverride option to specify a different hostname's IP address to use:
fetch("https://new.ex.com", {cf: {resolveOverride: "www.ex.com"}});
Note that this only works if both hostnames involved are under your zone. Documentation about resolveOverride can be found here.
You cannot directly set the Host header because doing so could allow bypassing of security settings when making requests to third-party servers that also use Cloudflare.
// Parse the URL.
let url = new URL(request.url)
// Change the hostname.
url.hostname = "check-server.example.com"
// Construct a new request
request = new Request(url, request)
Note that this will affect the Host header seen by the origin
(it'll be check-server.example.com). Sometimes people want the Host header to remain the same.
// Tell Cloudflare to connect to `check-server.example.com`
// instead of the hostname specified in the URL.
request = new Request(request,
{cf: {resolveOverride: "check-server.example.com"}})
The server response comes with HSTS header, and since I'm using reverse proxy HSTS header is also being sent through proxy response.
Since there are different domains (proxy and server) does HSTS make the browser automatically change the schema from http://proxyhost.com to https://proxyhost.com? or the preload list will call automatically https://serverhost.com when the user will request http://proxyhost.com?
does HSTS make the browser automatically change the schema from http to https
Indeed! and since:
a reverse proxy HSTS header is also being sent through proxy response.
... the configuration of a reverse proxy can involuntarily make your domain set theHSTS header.
Took some while to see why my apache server sets the HSTS header - for I hadn't configured that in the apache web server. It was due to a ReverseProxy: as the foreign domain sets theHSTS header this header comes then (reverse proxy!) with my domain's name. This was then propagated to the client's browser which stores it. Thus, all my domain's sites (and in this case also all my subdomains!) where forced to use https (not when using e.g. curl of course, but firefox, chromium etc.).
Thanks for your question - it was already the perfect direction!
In my case I simply could use aRewriteRule instead of a reverse proxy :) but this of course depends on your scenario.
You also gave the proper answer in your comment:
in this case I should unset HSTS header in the reverse proxy
Right! Just add Header unset Strict-Transport-Security directly after the ProxyPassReverse directive, and you can use a reverse proxy without inherit the HSTS header.
We run a website which is hosted using WCF.
The website is hosted on: https://foo.com and the ssl certicate is registered using the following command:
netsh http add sslcert hostnameport=foo.com:443
When we browse the website on the server, all is fine, and the certificate is valid.
There is a loadbalance in front of the server which listens to bar.com and then redirects the request to our server.
The loadbalancer doesn't rewrite the get URL, but only the Host Header.
The rewritten header looks like this:
GET https://foo.com/ HTTP/1.1
Host: bar.com
Connection: keep-alive
Now we have some issues which indicates that the ssl certificate is invalid in this case.
The Loadbalancer itself has a certificate registered listening to https://bar.com
Is it ok/allowed that the get URL and the Host in the http header are different?
If it is ok to have different values in the header, under which url should we run the site? get URL or Host url?
Well, referencing the RFC2616:
If Request-URI is an absolute URI, the host is part of the
Request-URI. Any Host header field value in the request MUST be
So, back to your questions:
It is allowed but a bad idea as it will create confusion, better to use relative path. i.e.
GET /path HTTP/1.1
instead of
GET https://foo.com/path HTTP/1.1.
Modify the loadbalance configuration to do so. Or make the both values the same.
If Host header has a value different than the request URI, then the URI is taking priority over the Hosts header.
I am trying to force browser to use https even when the user enters http URL. The idea is to use http response headers from the server. I am able to implement redirection using redirect (in site.conf) & Rewrite (which is disliked universally) but want to test out this method too.
Now I have tried adding the the following to my /etc/apache/sites-enabled/mysite.conf but despite the browser receiving the header response the user is not redirected to https (default apache page is shown):
Header set Location https://www.example.com/
Header set X-Forwarded-Proto: https
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=180; includeSubdomains"
Do I have to change anything else in the apache configuration to achieve this? (all modules are correctly loaded)
The Location header is only used for redirect responses (with a HTTP response code of 3XX) or Created responses (with a HTTP response code of 201):
Just setting the header on a random page will not make the browser redirect.
When you use apache Redirect and Rewrite rules they set the response header AND add the location header. I really don't know why you'd want to do this manually.
And rewrite is not "universally disliked". It just overused when redirect would be simpler and more efficient in a lot of cases. If you need something more complicated then Rewrite is the right tool to use.
Finally you should not sent the Strict-Transport-Security header on a HTTP response (and the browser will rightly ignore it you do) but only on a HTTPS responses.
I have a page that issues an HTTP redirect. I need to append the current session id (jsessionid) to the end of the HTTP redirect to pass this id as a GET parameter in the redirect.
Can mod_header's Header append directive pick up a cookie value via SetEnvIf?
Should a rewrite rather be involved? But mod_rewrite just rewrites the request not the response, yes?
How would you solve this from an Apache perspective without touching back-end code?
Update: the Apache-JVM is handled by either mod_jk OR via IBM HTTP Server connection to WebSphere.
As to my knowledge, with Apache HTTPd you do it like this:
SetEnvIf Cookie "mycookie=([^;]+)" MYCOOKIE=$1
SetEnvIf Cookie "mycookie=([^;]+)" HAVE_MYCOOKIE=1
Header add Set-Cookie "mycookie=%{MYCOOKIE}e; expires=0" env=HAVE_MYCOOKIE
You can also add additional cookie attributes like path and domain if you want.