How to install MapLibre-gl in React Native CLI - react-native

I am trying to install MapLibre-gl in react native CLI but I can't find any useful documentation or any step-by-step guide, all I found was some complex stuff that leads to many errors.
I need some explanation on how to install it since there is no npm for it.
thank you.

here are a couple of resources that I found that might be useful:
How to use MapLibre GL Js in react native
In case you would like to ask for further help, find me at


What package does create-react-app docs use

I am wondering how I can create a docs site like create-react-app or react typescript cheatsheets. I am imaging they are using the same package or setup, I just want to know what they are using. Apologies if the answer is too obvious!
After some investigation I discovered they are using docusaurus.

Not able to install bootstrap in react app

I am new to React JS, i have started an online course for react. I followed the steps from the tutorials and encountered this error. Also i checked some solutions on this platform of question posted by others. Please can someone tell me the solution? thanks in advance ;)
install the following package:
I recommend you install Material-UI it's faster and easier web development.
All you need is to visit their web site:

How to create react-native app for route like uber, with the use of HERE-MAP?

installed 'npm install react-native-heremaps --save'
This is for react-native init android, I tried some application using ios concept.
Loading dependency graph, done. Error: Unable to resolve module ./index
Github ios sample
this question is a bit vague for SO, something that would require an entire course to answer. Currently it looks like you should learn how to do react-native android before attempting to add on top HERE. There are many great tutorials to get that started and working.
For the here portion you will have to use the Here-Maps-SDK. Since there isn't a react version of this SDK, you will need to link it using a react bridge.
It's not that easy of a process, and will take a decent amount of work to get right.
Here are some examples to help get started:

react-native-i18n module linking with expo

I am building an app using Create-React-Native-App. As such, my testing and development is in Expo. I am looking for a solution to help with i18n, mostly translations and RTL. I found that ex-react-native-i18n works great, until I try ejecting to create the App, because it needs expo. (Which I don't need or want in the production App)
with react-native-i18n I get this error:
react-native-i18n module is not correctly linked
I tried react-native link and yarn link without success. The ReadMe page for react-native-i18n has extensive instructions for manual linking, but only for AFTER ejecting.
What am I missing here?
Is there a better solution that I'm missing?
I don't think it will be possible to get that module working before ejecting.
Have you tried this library?

React native to expo migration issue with ReactLocalization module

I have an existing React-native project which I'm trying to move to expo
I have followed the steps described here to do this. I have complete all the steps in the article, yet when I start the project I run into the following error.
From my research what I understood is that, a libReactNativeLocalization.a file is missing from somewhere.
Here is the library I'm using for localization.
What am I doing wrong?
With Expo, you can't react-native-link custom native modules. You write just JavaScript (unless you eject, in which case you're in a roughly similar situation before you tried to convert to Expo).
The way you can do localization with Expo is to use these functions:
There isn't a way to use the native module you link to without ejecting unfortunately.
Good luck!