How to hide IntelliJ IDEA's "Background tasks" window using the keyboard? - intellij-idea

IntelliJ IDEA's Background Tasks window can be shown by following Window → Background Tasks → Show in the main menu.
But once it's open, I can only hide the window by clicking on the top right dash button, which requires reaching for the pointing device.
Is there a way to hide IntelliJ IDEAD's Background Tasks window using only the keyboard (either by an existing keymap, or by navigating through the main menu)?

It's not possible at the moment, feel free to vote for the corresponding issue.


Intellij documentation popup hides warning popup

In the Intellij Settings I activated Editor > General > Show quick documentation on mouse move and I like it. But when there is a warning message also shown as popup when the mouse hovers over, then the documentation popup just hides the warning like this:
Well, that's not nice. Is there a way to solve that?
The are a couple of alternatives to displaying the quick documentation as a popup:
Display the quick documentation in a separate panel.
Display the quick documentation in a floating window.
To display the quick documentation in a separate panel:
Position the mouse so that the quick documentation popup is displayed.
Click the Options icon in the bottom right of the popup.
Select Open as a Tool Window from the drop down menu.
After doing that the quick documentation popup is displayed in a panel on the right. It is still automatically updated as you move the mouse.
Alternatively, to display the quick documentation as a floating window:
Click the Options icon in the top right corner of the panel.
Select Windowed Mode from the drop down menu.
After doing that the quick documentation is shown as a floating window which you can position wherever you want. You could even place it on another screen if you have multiple screens. Again the content is still automatically updated as you move the mouse.
Select Open as a Popup from the Options drop down menu on the panel or the floating window (or press CTL/Q) to revert to using a popup for the quick documentation.
The best choice is a matter of personal taste, but both of those approaches would solve your overlapping popups problem.
The previous screen shots were produced using IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 EAP. With Ultimate 2017.3 it seems that the situation is slightly different. After clicking the Options icon, only a control to adjust the font is shown. In that case click the Pin icon in the top right of the window:
After doing that click the Options icon in the top right of the window to see the menu options:

IntelliJ Idea: how to dock the java-doc window

how can we dock the java-doc window to the IntelliJ IDE?
There is no Docked mode in the window-popup like explained in the IDE help
e.g. it should be like the Structure, Messages, Version Control tool Window.
Yes, there is something wrong with this window: by default it shows up in your face, preventing you from getting any work done, and it is not immediately obvious how to dismiss it. A programmer's first encounter with this window tends to be a rather bad user experience.
The way I dismiss it is as follows:
Click on the gray gear menu (the one at the top, not the blue one right below it)
Uncheck Floating mode. It will then obtain a "Docked Mode" option.
Move it to any side you like; it will then stay there.

Activate all windows from background when clicking on main window

I have an Objective-C application with a main window and a small progress window with a stack view to show the current progress.
If the application is put in the background by activating any other application and then clicking on the Dock icon, both the Main and secondary windows is brought to the front and shown.
But, if I just click one of the windows when in the background, only that window is activated and brought to the front, the other stays in the back.
I want to implement so that when I click on the main window it does the same thing as clicking on the Dock icon, it should show both windows on top with the Main window activated.
But if I click on the progress window, I don't want the main window to be brought to the front.
I haven't been able to find a way to do this, how should I go about achieving this?
You can detect the window being clicked with the window delegate's -windowDidBecomeKey: or -becomeKeyWindow, or the app delegate's -didBecomeActive:.
Then depending on your exact needs, you can use [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:] or [[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:] (and possibly NSApplicationActivateAllWindows).

Docked view of breakpoints in IntelliJ IDEA

I am trying to get a permanent view of breakpoints (or at least lasting until I remove it) docked next to the Debugger panel. E.g. I would like it to take place of Watches, since I do not use watches much. Currently, viewing breakpoints is done by clicking the small double circle icon in the Debugger but that pops a new large window that occupies most of the screen. I would like a small and permanent view of breakpoints (just like the one in Eclipse).
If you open up the Favorites tool window (Alt+2) you will see the breakpoints.
You cannot put this window inside the Debug tool window but you can have it docked above or beneath (or anywhere you want).
Like this:
Or like this:
The last image shows the Debug window docked with the Split Mode Off while the Favorites window has Split Mode On
CTRL + SHIFT + F8 works for me
IDEA 2017.1.3 allows breakpoints to be edited (e.g enabled/disabled) from the Favourites window (right click, Edit breakpoint).

Is it save to remove Main Menu?

I'm writing an agent (so no dock icon or menu bar) based around a status item. The Main Menu never gets displayed. Can I remove it without problems?
If the user could want to use any keyboard shortcuts while interacting with your status item, then you'll want to keep the main menu around. Even when it's not visible, an app's main menu is the provider of keyboard shortcuts like Copy and Paste.
Learned from hard experience.