Customize Airflow / TFX Pipeline to upload Files in S3 - amazon-s3

I am currently trying to customize a tfx pipeline, which is being orchestrated by Airflow.
Basically I want to upload all generated files by the DAG to a S3 bucket storage after the run of the pipeline.
The issue is that every tfx pipeline component gets parsed into a individual DAG, because of this I can not access these via abc.downstream("xy")
By my understanding, see this documentation for how the pipeline gets build dag-runner.
My code is based on the tfx-taxi-example.
Maybe I have not fully grasped the concepts of the TFX pipeline yet, so please make me aware if I am trying to solve this in a overly complex way.
I would greatly appreciate an alternative approach to what I am trying to accomplish ;)


MLflow pipelines on databricks

I need to run four pyspark scripts over a databricks cluster back to back as steps in mlflow as a pipeline. Can someone please help me with any online content for this. This is an optimization algo model where there is no .pkl file involved to be read and make prediction . It can be considered as four pyspark scripts to be triggered back to back as a pipeline over MLflow in a batch mode.
I know it works in Azure ML studio where we make a pipeline and define these steps where each step is tagged to a .py script. I want to replicate a similar scenario here.

Triggering a nextflow pipeline upon data dump in AWS S3

I am working on automating a pipeline for processing of NGS data and am a bit confused about what services are available and/or appropriate for this task. My ideal workflow can be seen below:
Raw data comes off instrument and is stored in some S3 bucket
This dump is recognized by some service, could be airflow, cloudwatch, s3 invokes a lambda function, etc?
Whatever that trigger may be, it kicks off my nextflow workflow (runs which processes the data and dumps it back to s3 for further downstream analysis
The question that I would really like help with is: What would be considered best practice or a suitable option for the bolded bullet point? What tool/service/utility could I use as a trigger to run a script?
Thanks in advance!

Using AWS Glue to Create a Table and move the dataset

I've never used AWS Glue however believe it will deliver what I want and am after some advice. I have a monthly CSV data upload that I push to S3 that has a staging Athena table (all strings) associated to it. I want Glue to perform a Create Table As (with all necessary convert/cast) against this dataset in Parquet format, and then move that dataset from one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket, so the primary Athena Table can access the data.
As stated, never used Glue before, and want a starter for 10, so I don't go down rabbit holes.
I currently perform all these steps manually, so want to understand how to use Glue to automate my manual tasks.
Yes, you can use AWS Glue ETL jobs to do exactly what you described. However, it doesn't perform CREATE TABLE AS SELECT queries, instead it does it with ETL jobs based on spark. Here is github repo that describes such process in quite detailed way and here is more of official AWS documentation on ETL programming based on AWS Glue service. After the initial setup, you can define some trigger events/scheduling to run your Glue ETL jobs automatically.
However, one thing to remember is cost of using AWS Glue services. Since it is based on execution time, sometimes it is not that trivial to forecast the final cost. For the workflow you described, performing CTAS queries with Athena would work just fine to transform your data and write it into a different s3 bucket. In this case you would know exactly price since it depends on the size of your data. Then you can use AWS API to do some manipulation with metadata catalog, so that new information would be accessible and in once place.
Since you are new to AWS Glue ETL jobs, I would suggest to stick with CTAS queries for simple tasks (although you can come up with quite complicated queries) and look into an open source project Apache Airflow for automation/scheduling and orchestration. This is the approach the I am using for tasks similar to yours. Airflow is easy to setup on both local and remote machines, has reach CLI and GUI for task monitoring, abstracts away all scheduling and retrying logic. It even has hooks to interact with AWS services. Hell, Airflow even provides you with a dedicated operator for sending queries to Athena. I wrote a little bit more about this approach here.

Apache Airflow or Apache Beam for data processing and job scheduling

I'm trying to give useful information but I am far from being a data engineer.
I am currently using the python library pandas to execute a long series of transformation to my data which has a lot of inputs (currently CSV and excel files). The outputs are several excel files. I would like to be able to execute scheduled monitored batch jobs with parallel computation (I mean not as sequential as what I'm doing with pandas), once a month.
I don't really know Beam or Airflow, I quickly read through the docs and it seems that both can achieve that. Which one should I use ?
The other answers are quite technical and hard to understand. I was in your position before so I'll explain in simple terms.
Airflow can do anything. It has BashOperator and PythonOperator which means it can run any bash script or any Python script.
It is a way to organize (setup complicated data pipeline DAGs), schedule, monitor, trigger re-runs of data pipelines, in a easy-to-view and use UI.
Also, it is easy to setup and everything is in familiar Python code.
Doing pipelines in an organized manner (i.e using Airflow) means you don't waste time debugging a mess of data processing (cron) scripts all over the place.
Nowadays (roughly year 2020 onwards), we call it an orchestration tool.
Apache Beam is a wrapper for the many data processing frameworks (Spark, Flink etc.) out there.
The intent is so you just learn Beam and can run on multiple backends (Beam runners).
If you are familiar with Keras and TensorFlow/Theano/Torch, the relationship between Keras and its backends is similar to the relationship between Beam and its data processing backends.
Google Cloud Platform's Cloud Dataflow is one backend for running Beam on.
They call it the Dataflow runner.
GCP's offering, Cloud Composer, is a managed Airflow implementation as a service, running in a Kubernetes cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
So you can either:
manual Airflow implementation, doing data processing on the instance itself (if your data is small (or your instance is powerful enough), you can process data on the machine running Airflow. This is why many are confused if Airflow can process data or not)
manual Airflow implementation calling Beam jobs
Cloud Composer (managed Airflow as a service) calling jobs in Cloud Dataflow
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment itself, using Airflow's KubernetesPodOperator (KPO)
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment with Airflow's KPO, but this time in a better isolated fashion by creating a new node-pool and specifying that the KPO pods are to be run in the new node-pool
My personal experience:
Airflow is lightweight and not difficult to learn (easy to implement), you should use it for your data pipelines whenever possible.
Also, since many companies are looking for experience using Airflow, if you're looking to be a data engineer you should probably learn it
Also, managed Airflow (I've only used GCP's Composer so far) is much more convenient than running Airflow yourself, and managing the airflow webserver and scheduler processes.
Apache Airflow and Apache Beam look quite similar on the surface. Both of them allow you to organise a set of steps that process your data and both ensure the steps run in the right order and have their dependencies satisfied. Both allow you to visualise the steps and dependencies as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in a GUI.
But when you dig a bit deeper there are big differences in what they do and the programming models they support.
Airflow is a task management system. The nodes of the DAG are tasks and Airflow makes sure to run them in the proper order, making sure one task only starts once its dependency tasks have finished. Dependent tasks don't run at the same time but only one after another. Independent tasks can run concurrently.
Beam is a dataflow engine. The nodes of the DAG form a (possibly branching) pipeline. All the nodes in the DAG are active at the same time, and they pass data elements from one to the next, each doing some processing on it.
The two have some overlapping use cases but there are a lot of things only one of the two can do well.
Airflow manages tasks, which depend on one another. While this dependency can consist of one task passing data to the next one, that is not a requirement. In fact Airflow doesn't even care what the tasks do, it just needs to start them and see if they finished or failed. If tasks need to pass data to one another you need to co-ordinate that yourself, telling each task where to read and write its data, e.g. a local file path or a web service somewhere. Tasks can consist of Python code but they can also be any external program or a web service call.
In Beam, your step definitions are tightly integrated with the engine. You define the steps in a supported programming language and they run inside a Beam process. Handling the computation in an external process would be difficult if possible at all*, and is certainly not the way Beam is supposed to be used. Your steps only need to worry about the computation they're performing, not about storing or transferring the data. Transferring the data between different steps is handled entirely by the framework.
In Airflow, if your tasks process data, a single task invocation typically does some transformation on the entire dataset. In Beam, the data processing is part of the core interfaces so it can't really do anything else. An invocation of a Beam step typically handles a single or a few data elements and not the full dataset. Because of this Beam also supports unbounded length datasets, which is not something Airflow can natively cope with.
Another difference is that Airflow is a framework by itself, but Beam is actually an abstraction layer. Beam pipelines can run on Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Google Cloud Dataflow and others. All of these support a more or less similar programming model. Google has also cloudified Airflow into a service as Google Cloud Compose by the way.
*Apache Spark's support for Python is actually implemented by running a full Python interpreter in a subprocess, but this is implemented at the framework level.
Apache Airflow is not a data processing engine.
Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and
monitor workflows.
Cloud Dataflow is a fully-managed service on Google Cloud that can be used for data processing. You can write your Dataflow code and then use Airflow to schedule and monitor Dataflow job. Airflow also allows you to retry your job if it fails (number of retries is configurable). You can also configure in Airflow if you want to send alerts on Slack or email, if your Dataflow pipeline fails.
I am doing the same as you with airflow, and I've got very good results. I am not very sure about the following: Beam is machine learning focused and airflow is for anything you want.
Finally you can create a hive with kubernetes +airflow.

AWS S3 ETL tool options

Trying to get a handle on what I would use to schedule and run jobs to move data into S3, run scripts on it and move it around s3 afterward.
My requirement is to be able to ingest from API's and also directly from databases. Some formats to ingest will be XML, and others could be flat files. The raw files need to be joined and transformed and turned into a format that graphs could be produced with.
What is AWS glue is like as an ETL tool? My specific question is can you see the finished pipelines showing the data sources and processing parts in a graphical view once they are created?
I have used Azure Data Factory - and it had a graphical UI to view and monitor the pipelines which I found quite useful. Just wondering if AWS glue has a similar thing.
If not - would Nifi on AWS S3 be a good way to do this?
If you are looking for the best GUI, I would recommend NiFi. It is commonly used with S3 and has many connectors out of the box for other data sources. It becomes even more interesting if you want to do things outside of the AWS cloud.
That being said, I would think that Glue will also get the job done.
Running Data Factory when you have a heavy AWS footprint feels like an anti-pattern.
Full Disclosure: Have not worked with Glue/Data Factory and work for Cloudera, the driving force behind NiFi
I'm currently using AWS Glue to extract data from DB into s3, manipulate the data and save it back to Redshift/S3 or send via API to my client. AWS Glue GUI is not that good, you won't see a diagram of your flow and sometimes you will need to use other tools like step functions, airflow to orchestrate your job. Also, most of my jobs I have to use PySpark because AWS Glue methods are too limited.
Related to monitoring, you can see if there is an error, how many CPU and memory is been consumed by your job, s3 bytes read/written. If you want additional information you need to use logger or print to send it to the logs.