Running against Edge on selenium-standable server - selenium

I am trying to run Edge in selenim-standalone server on my Mac.
I’ve followed the CLI command to install but when I try to with wdio project I get the following error:
ERROR webdriver: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new service: EdgeDriverService
Started my server using this command:
selenium-standalone start
I have not had much luck finding another person having the same issue.
Server is running with node 14
Wdio project is running with node 16
any thoughts on what it might be?

Issue resolved.
I ended up running the install command in node v16 and that worked. I did have to delete selenium-server jar file the first time because it was corrupt. Though I re-ran the install command again it worked.


Failed to load bundle - Could not connect to development server

I've been looking for a solution to this issue for a day now but couldn't fix it.
I have not used react native for a month when everything was working fine.
Now, if I try to run an existing project that used to work (react native 0.59.5) or a brand new project (react native 0.59.9) with the iOS simulator on my mac, I get the error:
Failed to load bundle - Could not connect to development server
Any idea how I can fix this?
Ok found the issue. Was thinking it might be watchman related issue and wanted to use the command brew reinstall watchmanto reinstall it. By running this command, I found an error
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Mojave. Install the Command Line Tools: xcode-select --install
Looks like the command line tools for xCode was not available anymore.
I launched the command xcode-select --install and then reinstalled watchman just in case. It is now working!
Couldn't connect to development server error
This error is received when the metro bundler isn't running in port 8081. To start the bundler, from project folder run:
npm start
Now, try reloading your app (ctrl + R for iOS / r+r for Android).
Also, check your terminal in case the project failed initial build due to some error.

Protractor installed in offline mode - error for webdriver-manager start - what am I doing wrong

I need to install and use Protractor / Selenium on the machine without Internet access.
To do that, I've tried to download all needed files and copy them to the destination machine.
On my machine (with Internet access)
I installed Protractor and Selenium webdriver with the following command:
npm install -g protractor
webdriver-manager update
On destination machine (without Internet access)
I copied all files from the location returned by npm config get prefix to the computer without Internet access.
Then I executed following command on the machine without Internet access:
npm --cache-min 9999999 install -g protractor
which seems to succeed.
However, when I try to execute webdriver-manager start command, I receive following error message:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at errnoException (dns.js:50:10)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:92:26)
I receive the same error when executing webdriver-manager update (as in this case: webdriver-manager start: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT)
What am I doing wrong? How should I properly setup Protractor and webdriver on the machine without Internet access?
Because webdriver-manager start will look up the latest version number of selenium-server.jar and webdriver binaries through internet no matter they are already exists on local.
But webdriver-manager not supply cmd option to disable the looking up.
The quick way is to run the java cmd behind webdriver-manager start directly to skip the looking up.
-jar C:\Tools\npm-global\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\selenium-server-standalone-3.11.0.jar
-port 4444
The complex way is to change webdriver-manager code or setup a mirror on local and use cmd option: --alternate_cdn and point it to your local mirror url. ( I didn't verify this can work, get it after read some source code)

How to stop angular-cli freezing on "loadRequestedDeps: silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree"?

I am running Windows 8.1 with node version 7.7.3 and npm version 4.1.2.
I have been working on an Angular tutorial without issues. At some point since finishing that tutorial I installed Python. I am not sure if it is related, but I have mentioned it just in case.
Today I am trying to create an Angular application and it hung without completing.
I did some research and it tells me to do this:
npm uninstall -g #angluar/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g #angular/cli
The last command hangs at this point:
loadRequestedDeps: silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
I opened the command prompt "run as administrator" to run these commands.
Everything I try fails. I have connected to a completely different network to eliminate that as the problem and that didn't fix anything. I have uninstalled and reinstalled node.js and that hasn't fixed the problem either.
I can ping just fine.
What is causing this error?
I finally found the answer! I ran the following command in the command window:
echo %temp%
It had 3 temp paths in there. I removed the two I didn't need and voila, it works!

Error during "selenium-standalone install" command

Currently I am using the below commands for start the server (using Mocha framework) during second command am getting an error message. Please find the below and share your input
1. npm install selenium-standalone#latest -g
2. selenium-standalone install
3. selenium-standalone start
Error Log: During "selenium-standalone install"
firefox install:
from: to:
throw err;
^ Error: Could not download
at Request. (C:\Users\xxuser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\se
It is either an issue with google not having the file in the right place or selenium-standalone having the wrong url. If you go to
it will download a zip file.
if you go to
you get:
NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.
The issue isn't firefox (gecko) driver it is internet explorer's driver.

Intellij error gulp is not on your path

I'm running a project in intellij that uses gulp.
After running the debug I get this error.
| Error Error executing script RunApp: java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem executing execUiBuild.
standard out: 'Installing npm packages and running gulp.
gulp is not on your path. Make sure it is installed.
Anyone know how to fix this. I have gulp installed on my machine already.
In Intellij you can add Build/Run Configurations.
Depending on where you have Node installed and Gulp the paths will be different but here is where you can enter it for the project.
You can get to this screen by choosing "Run" -> "Edit Configurations"
If you haven't already setup a gulp task you can add one by choosing the + on the very top left of the window.
You can get the path to the installed version of node by doing the following command in a terminal:
which node
if you are using nvm it should return something like:
Gulp should be in the /lib/node_modules/ folder of node that you have installed:
Those are the two paths that you need to get it up and running.