How to hide key bindings which are coming by default from Eclipse in plugin.xml? - eclipse-plugin

I need to hide the key bindings which are coming by default from Eclipse in my DSL.
I don't need those key bindings as they are unnecessary for a DSL because they are Debug and Run related Key bindings.
Can some one please tell me how can I hide these bindings?


intelliJ shows Bootstrap classes as typos

I just created a new static web project using the Bootstrap template. In my html files it is marking the names of Bootstrap css classes as typos. Surely the worlds smartest IDE is better than that? How do I make it aware of Bootstrap classes? I know I can disable spell checking but that seems like an awful solution.
Please follow WI-4762 for updates to be notified on any progress with it. For now, I can only suggest to either disable the spell checker or add the words shown as typos to dictionary

IDEA: Adding default serial version ID for Serializable howto?

Using IntelliJ, whenever I add implements Serializable it does not offer to add a default serial version id, similar to how Eclipse does it.
Using Eclipse, if i do the same, i get a warning and an offer to
How can i get the same behaviour in IntelliJ please?
This inspection is disabled by default, you need to enable it in Settings:
Once enabled, the quick fix becomes available on Alt+Enter while standing on the highlighted class name:

How to change default javadoc stylesheet?

Is there a command line option to change the stylesheet file created by javadoc?
I would like to use my own css file.
The default blue one is boring. I tried a -stylesheet option, but it's not supported.
Yes, it's possible and actually quite straightforward. If you look for example at Mockito's javadoc: (you can see that they have changed the default appereance just using this stylesheet)
If you are using Maven, you can do that by adding some config in the maven-javadoc-plugin:
In case you are using ant, there is a way to inject the parameter to the javadoc tool:
For more information, there are some discussion topics about that in stackoverflow: JavaDoc Style Sheets
For the maven-javadoc-plugin, you can also use:
which keeps the primary stylesheet, but then also adds the custom one, so that all you need to do is override the rules you want.
Put our-stylesheet.css in the src/main/javadoc directory.

Metro equivalent for HeaderedItemsControl

Converting a WPF application from .Net 4.0 to Metro.
It uses HeaderedItemsControl in various places.
I have not been able to find that control or a replacement candidate in Metro (Windows.UI.Xaml namespace)
So what is the recommended control in Metro to provide the functionality of HeaderedItemsControl?
You could easily create one by deriving from ItemsControl and adding a few simple dependency properties. You can see which properties are present in the WPF version here. You might not need all of them, but from a quick glance I can see a Header property which is just an object type. You would put a ContentPresenter in your HeaderedItemsControl's ControlTemplate and bind its Content to the HeaderProperty using TemplateBinding. Then bind the HeaderTemplate to the ContentTemplate of the ContentPresenter, etc.
Not sure how useful it is though to port WPF XAML code directly to WinRT. You're just asking for trouble in terms of code compatibility, but also porting a likely desktop-designed UI to a more touch-centric world.

Eclipse Plugin: Adding handlers programmatically vs. added via extension framework

I have in my Eclipse plugin some programmatically defined handlers (for instance cut/copy/paste) and some other editor related actions that are defined via the extension framework.
If I close the view of my plugin and reopen it the handlers defined via extension framework seems to break and when executed seems to use disposed gui elements. The programmatically one are readded in the createViewPart() Method and keep working.
I don't get how to reload the handlers defined via extension framework?
In handlers added through the extension framework, they are expected to get what then need to operate from the ExecutionEvent that's provided in the execute(*) method. org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil can extract most of the workbench related information for you.
Saving state in your handler between calls is not guaranteed to work, as the framework can dispose and recreate the handler as it needs to.