I'm using vuejs with quill.
I'm not using npm or any other build tools, only linking vuejs and quill.min.js in the header of my html.
If quill works, v-model doesn't and vice versa.
<div id="editor">
<input class="textarea" v-model="email_content">
<input id="editor" class="textarea" v-model="email_content">
<div id="editor">
<textarea class="textarea" v-model="email_content"></textarea>
doesn't do the job.
Console doesn't show any error.
I'm trying to load dynamic images here. My api provides me only with the filename. I combine it with the path (which is the public path of nodejs), then I require it from vuejs to show the image.
It all works fine in the development but when it comes to production build it fails and says "Cannot find the module".
I've spent tons of hours to this and still cannot find an answer.
Edit - I noticed after the production build earlier images I saved from development mode is also displayed in production build.but If I try save a new image from a production build it wouldnt work.My URL is somehow converted to point the public/img folder in vue from development mode.
<div class="section-1" v-for="(cardinfo,index) in cardinfos" style="cursor:pointer" :key="index" #mouseover="moment(cardinfo)">
<div class="img-wrap" >
<a #click="deleteAd(cardinfo)">
<mdb-icon v-if="data.myads" icon="trash-alt" class="close red-text" size="lg" />
<img class="img-fluid ad-image" :src="getImgUrl(cardinfo.images[0])" alt="ad" v-on:click="navigateToAd(cardinfo)" />
<div class="wrapper" v-on:click="navigateToAd(cardinfo)">
<hr class="mb-3" />
<div class="venue">
<div class="contact">
<div class="Conducted-By" >
<p title="Click to visit">{{cardinfo.lecturer}}</p>
<div class="info-footer">
<div class="info">
<div class="name">{{time}}</div>
in Script
getImgUrl(pic) {
return require("../../../tuition/public/images/" + pic);
vue.runtime.esm.js:1888 Error: Cannot find module './marques-brownlee-wallpaper.jpg-1588649676704.png'
at n (.*$:142)
at s (.*$:137)
at o.getImgUrl (Card.vue:107)
at Card.vue?852f:1
at o.jt [as _l] (vue.runtime.esm.js:2630)
at o.B (Card.vue?852f:1)
at o.e._render (vue.runtime.esm.js:3548)
at o.a (vue.runtime.esm.js:4066)
at na.get (vue.runtime.esm.js:4479)
at na.run (vue.runtime.esm.js:4554)```
I want to add f7-timeline component in my Vue app.
I added Framework7 and Framework7Vue in my app.js file. Other Framework7 components like <f7-button> and <f7-progressbar> works properly. But when I use <f7-timeline>, give this error in console :
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
found in
---> at src/pages/timeline/timeline.vue
<App> at src/app.vue
<f7-timeline-item day="21" month="DEC" inner content="Some text goes here"></f7-timeline-item>
<f7-timeline-item day="22" month="DEC" inner content="Another text goes here"></f7-timeline-item>
<f7-button>Button Text</f7-button>
<f7-progressbar :progress="20"></f7-progressbar>
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
f7-timeline is used by Framework7 Vue.js V1 and its deprecated. in the Latest Version (4.1.1) you can display your timeline using normal HTML like this:
<div class="timeline">
<div class="timeline-item">
<div class="timeline-item-date">21 <small>DEC</small></div>
<div class="timeline-item-divider"></div>
<div class="timeline-item-content">
<div class="timeline-item-inner">
<div class="timeline-item-time">12:30</div>
<div class="timeline-item-title">Title</div>
<div class="timeline-item-subtitle">Subtitle</div>
<div class="timeline-item-text">Text</div>
<div class="timeline-item">
... another timeline item ...
For more information, you can check the Framework7 Vue.js Kitchen skin for timeline demo.
I am very new to Vue.js, I want to learn in this codepen (not mine) why if we remove the div with id="app" fails to render email validator input field.
<div class="container" id="app">
<div :class="['input-group', isEmailValid()]">
<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1"><span class="fa fa-envelope"></span></span>
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email Address" v-model="email" />
I want to sue this email validator input field in my single file component i.e. (.vue), if I add attribute el: '#app' still I get not able to find element app in the console. even if I keep the div with id="app"
I tried this:
<div :class="['input-group', isEmailValid()]" id="app>
<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1"><span class="fa fa-envelope"></span></span>
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email Address" v-model="email" />
to fit it in my single file component but it doesn't work!
It's because Vue doesn't know where to mount.
see new Vue({ el: '#app' in the script? If you want to change the id, change both the div id and the el value. If you remove it, you'll need to find another way to mount.
I have what I think is a basic question for Vue, but I'm trying to run a method on click while also running a v-for loop on a component.
I'm not sure why but I can't get anything to run on that click handler but I see nothing in the Vue documentation saying that this isn't possible. Right now I'd settle for getting my console log running.
v-for="step in steps"
Here is the template for IconBox.vue:
<div class="icon-box">
:style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + step.image + ')' }"
<div class="text">
<div class="inner">
<h5>{{ step.name }}</h5>
<p v-if="step.description">{{ step.description }}</p>
{{ isSelected }}
I could run the click in the component itself but I need the parent well aware of what's happening to handle a selected boolean.
To use native events in component tags you should add .native modifier
<IconBox #click.native="yourMethod"/>
Check this guide.
To check it I suggest you to create a method and add console.log() inside it.
I have been playing around with Vue lately, and here's how I solved a similar problem in my project
v-for="step in steps"
Changes to
<template v-for="step in steps">
I want to display tweets like card-columns in my page.
I am not able to use Masonry in my vue webpack template. i have used tried it through npm & CDN but not getting grid properly.
in main.js
import Tweet from 'vue-tweet-embed';
import Masonry from 'masonry-layout';
in html
<script src="https://unpkg.com/masonry-layout#4/dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js"></script>
in template
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-item" v-for="i in topics">
<Tweet class="" :id="i.tweets.quoted_status_id_str" :options="{ theme: 'light' }" error-message-class="text-center text-muted tweet_err"><div class="text-center text-muted card" style="margin-top:12px;min-width:30px;"><i class="ion-social-twitter"></i>Loading tweet...</div></Tweet>
I have used vue-masonry.
(We need to take care of redraw method this.$redrawVueMasonry(); on update or change.)