Twitter API : Error: Request failed with code 403 (image upload) - api

There are a few things I don't understand about the Twitter API.
I am using the following package:
Which allows me to connect to a twitter account.
I recover all the credentials of the connected account.
(Among other things, I manage to recover user data and send simple tweets)
I am trying to upload an image.
So I have the following code:
const result = await
command: "INIT",
media: file,
prefix: "",
And I got the following error returned to me:
Error: Request failed with code 403 - You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you'll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here: (Twitter code 453)
I have read and write permissions.
(since I manage to send tweets)
I understand that the V2 api of twitter does not allow image upload, but here I am using V1?
Can you give some information ?


Flutter Google Sign In Couchbase Authentication Code Flow

As we are migrating our app from Firebase to Couchbase, we also need to change the authentication part. We are using the google_sign_in package and would like to continue using it to have the native Google Sign In popup. Using the package we can get a serverAuthCode, which from my understanding we can then send to the _oidc_callback endpoint of Couchbase Sync Gateway. First I had to set disable_callback_state to true in the Sync Gateway configuration ("DisableCallbackState determines whether or not to maintain state between the /_oidc and /_oidc_callback endpoints."). However, when I now send the serverAuthCode to the _oidc_callback endpoint, I get the following error with status code 500:
body: {"error": "Internal Server Error", "reason": "Failed to exchange token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: {\n \"error\": \"invalid_grant\",\n \"error_description\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"}
I assume it is because the login was done using the package and not through the browser with a redirect to the app afterwards. Now I have no idea how to do this correctly though, that I sign in with the google_sign_in package and then use the code to get the tokens from the Sync Gateway. I can't find any helpful information for this problem.
I would be very happy if someone could help me, possibly in a call. Maybe this way something like this can be solved faster.

invalidAudienceUri error when list files in OneDrive for Business

My Registered Application uses the REST API to synchronize files with "OneDrive for Business". It worked for a year, but recently, my customer reported an error when syncing with "OneDrive for Business". It responds with an error when my app lists or uploads files to it.
For example, listing files in "OneDrive for Business":,name,size,deleted,folder,file,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime
"OneDrive for Business" returns the following error:
"error": {
"innerError": {
"code": "unauthenticated",
"message": "Invalid audience Uri ''."
My application has logged correctly into "OneDrive for Business" by OAuth2 and added the authentication header correctly.
Could someone tell me what the cause of the error, how to avoid the problem?
From the hint of Brad, I have resolved the problem, but may not a beautiful way.
Here is the program steps to resolve the problem: (Sorry I have omitted the links, because I can not put too many links)
Show the OAuth2 consent dialogbox, let the user allow the application to access the OneDrive for Business, obtain the Authentication Token (AuthToken).
Use the AuthToken to get the AccessToken and RefreshToken of discovery API. Here is the help of discovery API.
Use the above AccessToken to access discovery API to get the resource URI of your account. The result is like "htts://";
Show the OAuth2 consent dialogbox AGAIN, let the user allow the application to access the OneDrive for Business, obtain the Authentication Token (AuthToken2).
Use the AuthToken2 to get the AccessToken2 and RefreshToken2 of "htts://".
Access your "OneDrive for Business" resource by AccessToken2 and RefreshToken2.
Old OneDrive for Business API need not Step4 and Step5, just use AccessToken and RefreshToken to access the resources, but new APIs need Step4 and Step5.

Skype For Business Online Authentication Error - 403 Permission Denied

Hello Microsoft/Azure/Skype experts,
I'm tasked with accessing presence data from Skype For Business Online accounts from my macOS app (native).
I'm unfortunately stuck and i always get a 403 error when i access the autodiscover request and never get the link to the applications resource
I have been following this documentation
We have registered the app in the Azure Management Portal using our Office 365 account credentials.
We have used custome redirect URL (http://localhost)
Allow Implicit Flow is set to true in manifest
We pre-configure the permissions needed for Skype for business
Issuing a GET as specified in the documentation to initiate sign in and authorization check.
This returns a 200 OK.
We got the Auto discover URL as described in the documentation.
This is what i get - i use the domain marked in RED.
As per the documentation, they ask me to do this
Requesting an access token using implicit grant flow
So i issue a GET as described
response_type=id_token &client_id=######-4d41-485e-871f-0a22aa79e52b
Now this shows the sign in page, i sign in and then it throws an error
I researched and could not fix this error.
So after lots of research and looking at this Microsoft documentation LINK ( , apparently there is another way of getting the bearer token.
I then Request individual user consent by sending the SCOPE parameter for Skype for Business.
I then issue a GET request to
This returns an access code which i use in next step to get the TOKEN
STEP 5 - Get the bearer TOKEN
Issue a POST to following URL With the
following data in POST body
"grant_type": "authorization_code", "client_id":
"######-4d41-485e-871f-0a22aa79e52b", "scope":
"", "code":
"OAQABAAIAAACEfexX.........", "redirect_uri": "https://localhost"
This returns the bearer token in the following response JSON
"access_token" = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1........w4b-- gnWG_iOGtQ";
"expires_in" = 3599;
"ext_expires_in" = 3599;
scope = "";
"token_type" = Bearer;
Yay! Got the bearer token at laaast!
Now back to the main documentation
And where we do this - 'Resending an autodiscovery request with the bearer token'
We execute a GET request to
Now this, as per the documentation should return this JSON
BUT i GET A 403: PERMISSIONS denied error
<div class="content-container"><fieldset>
<h2>403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.</h2>
<h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page
using the credentials that you supplied.</h3>
So thus i have never got the applications url and I have checked the manifest, registration and i have no idea, why i get this error.
Any inputs would be appreciated.
For step 4, you need to specify nonce=somestring in the URL. Typically this should be a securely random value that is only used once. It can contain any value.
Also, you are only requesting an id token. Set response_type=id_token+token.

instagram api OAuthPermissionsException live mode

I'm having an issues with the new API policy of Instagram
I already got my app approved and got basic permissions
IG API Permissions
When using the app on sandbox mode I can get API response only for my own user, however when I move to Live Mode and try using the API all I receive is error 400 code
For example
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthPermissionsException",
code: 400,
error_message: "This client has not been approved to access this resource."
Even using the same API with my own username still getting the same error
I was trying to search on it but all I can find is the same error happens to unauthorized users
Any idea ?
I have fixed the This client has not been approved to access this resource Issue by Authorizing the Instagram public_content scope by visiting the following URL and clicking Authorize.[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[YOUR_REDIRECT_URI]&scope=public_content&response_type=token
I found the reason, I can't use that endpoint because I have only permission for basic. for more information

Amazon Cloud Drive REST api endpoint

I am building a program that will list albums/folders and images from my Amazon Cloud Drive. I am able to authenticate and get a token by following the instructions here at amazon public apis.
I am having trouble with the next call to get my endpoints described here under Account API.
Using get
GET : {{metadataUrl}}/account/endpoint Gets the customer end-point against
which REST queries will be executed.
So my request looks just like this in fiddler and on my site just like it is described on the Amazon site here under Get Endpoint. The only differences is the token for obvious reasons.
Sample Request:
GET /drive/v1/account/endpoint HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer
My response is:
"message":"Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter.
Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter.
Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter.
Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date'
or a 'Date' header. Authorization=Bearer"
What I am expecting:
"customerExists": true,
"contentUrl": "",
"metadataUrl": ""
I did find some information about building the objects in my response from amazon, however, it's not listed in the documentation on the amazon developer site. Is this something new that has not been updated in the docs or am I doing something wrong?
I had a new line between Authorization: Bearer and my token Atza|IQEBLjAsAhQ5zx7pKp9PCgCy6T1JkQjHHOEzpwIUQM. After removing the new line my issue was fixed..