I want to use children of routes specifically for the router-link-active class being passed through all components in the path tree. Unfortunately, the child components don't render. I've read that child components require <router-view> in the parent component to be rendered.
Is there a way to benefit from the router-link-active class in the whole router tree without having to put <router-view> into the parent component?
i'm using vue.js and vuetify.
elements made by parent element exist in my code.
i want to change parent element's class dynamically depending on it's child class, like jQuery has() method.
is vue.js has any way to do this?
jQuery has()
You can access a state if a child property of a child on different ways. (I assume the child class is set based on a certain state).
You could use vuex that keep a state over several components. You could emit a state back to you parent component. Or you could use the ref to access the child components properties.
<component ref="childcomponent"></markdown>
process: function(){
// items is defined object inside data() of the child component
var hasClass= this.$refs.childcomponent.item
I have a e-editor component which helds the real editor, then I load the e-editor component in a different component.
My question now is: How can I access the v-model=“content” of the component from the view component, and can I pass data from the view component to the model ?
Thanks for your help
I know in vue, I can use this.$parent to get the upper component in the vdom tree. But I'm expecting something different: to get the component that rendered the current component.
For instance, I have a component (named comp-container) with template:
And in comp-b the $parent would be an instance of comp-a not comp-container which I'm expecting.
My current aproach is traversing up with the $parent attribute until I find comp-b exists in $options.components. This method is working for now but seems quite ugly and breaks if comp-b is a globaly registered component. Is there an official way to do this?
Passing the parent template component via props as <comp-b :container="this"></comp-b> may do the job, but it's too verbose to be liked.
I'm not sure about the exact use case, but basically if there are slots involved (which I almost assume, because otherwise $parent will work fine), you can find the rendering component at:
Basically, the context property of a slot is the rendering context (rendering component - i.e. the component who's template the component was rendered in).
Only tested with Vue 2
How to change the props passed in the child component of the vue-router?
I use the vue-cli to generate a webpack project, but I am new to vue-router.
I know it uses $emit and $on to change between the child component and parent component, but how to change the props passed in the child component of the vue-router? I have no idea which is the top element.
Use dynamic routes with params:
There is an official react-native example regarding routing which uses props instead of state.
However all other router component libraries use state instead of props. Especially, the libraries that have prepared for Flux and Redux usages.
What is the main idea of state usage in router components?
The reason why they use navigator=this.props.navigator in this example is that this is a child component, where a parent component is passing down its navigator to the child through props. You generally do not pass down state directly into a child component, you pass down a prop that could be used in "getInitialState".
Here we see that this is simply the syntax used to pass a prop from parent to child. We want to pass the navigator between different components so that the app is consistent, they are all using the same navigator to navigate between different pages.
Just a warning though, when passing props as state to a child component, note it should be clear that it's only for initialization.