Kotlin: Using channel to make a simple work counter - kotlin

I want to make a thread-safe counter to use on some of my services to count concurrent works.
Say, there's the http service that can serve multiple requests and has a property isWorking that is later to be used to display a spinner.
This is my implementation of the counter:
class CounterImpl #Inject constructor(
#IoDispatcher private val ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
#MainDispatcher private val mainDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
private val log: Log
) : Counter {
private val channel = Channel<Int>()
private val _isWorking = MutableLiveData(false)
override val isWorking = _isWorking.asFlow()
init {
MainScope().launch {
channel.consumeAsFlow().onEach {
log(FILE, "counter got a $it", LogType.Debug)
}.scan(0) { acc, value -> acc + value }.map { it > 0}
.collect {
withContext(mainDispatcher) {
_isWorking.value = it
override suspend fun invoke(increment: Boolean) {
log(FILE, "counter invoked with $increment", LogType.Debug)
channel.send(if (increment) 1 else -1)
So the problem is that sometimes the last send call to the channel does not reach to the consumeAsFlow part of the code.
Here's a sample log of what happens:
[Debug] Counter: counter invoked with true
[Debug] Counter: counter invoked with false
[Debug] Counter: counter got a 1
Here, invoke is called once with true and there's a line that says counter got a 1 that corresponds to that true (increment) call. But there's also an invocation with false and I would expect there to be a corresponding counter got a 0 line. But that one never appears.
I also tried iterating the channel with for c in channel if that's what you're thinking.

You don't need a Channel to do that, a MutableStateFlow is enough because the operation you are doing (incrementing/decrementing a number) is free of side effects.
val count = MutableStateFlow(0)
fun update(increment: Boolean) {
count.update { it + if (increment) 1 else -1 }
Note: the function in the update {} lambda may be executed multiple times so it must NOT have side effects.


Why can I cancel a Flow without either invoking yield or determining isActive() identification in Kotlin?

I have read the article.
There are two approaches to making computation code cancellable. The first one is to periodically invoke a suspending function that checks for cancellation. There is a yield function that is a good choice for that purpose. The other one is to explicitly check the cancellation status.
I know Flow is suspending functions.
I run Code B , and get Result B as I expected.
I think I can't making computation Code A cancellable, but in fact I can click "Stop" button to cancel Flow after I click "Start" button to emit Flow, why?
Code A
class HandleMeter: ViewModel() {
var currentInfo by mutableStateOf(2.0)
private var myJob: Job?=null
private fun soundDbFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1000).random().toDouble()
fun calCurrentAsynNew() {
myJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
soundDbFlow().collect {currentInfo=it }
fun cancelJob(){
fun Greeting(handleMeter: HandleMeter) {
var currentInfo = handleMeter.currentInfo
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
) {
Text(text = "Current ${currentInfo}")
onClick = { handleMeter.calCurrentAsynNew() }
) {
onClick = { handleMeter.cancelJob() }
) {
Code B
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
delay(1300L) // delay a bit
println("main: I'm tired of waiting!")
println("main: Now I can quit.")
suspend fun cal() {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var nextPrintTime = startTime
var i = 0
while (i < 5) {
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextPrintTime) {
println("job: I'm sleeping ${i++} ...")
nextPrintTime += 500L
Result B
job: I'm sleeping 0 ...
job: I'm sleeping 1 ...
job: I'm sleeping 2 ...
main: I'm tired of waiting!
job: I'm sleeping 3 ...
job: I'm sleeping 4 ...
main: Now I can quit.
Add Content:
To Tenfour04: Thanks!
If the following content you said is true. I think Code C can be canceled when system finish the operation doBigBlockingCalculation() at one time, right? Why do I need Code D?
Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Code C
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Code D
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
A Flow on its own is cold. Its a wrapper around some suspend functions that will run when collect() or some other terminal suspending function is called on the Flow.
In your Code A, when the Job is cancelled, it is cancelling the coroutine that called collect on the Flow. collect is a suspend function, so that cancellation will propagate down to the function you defined inside soundDbFlow(). Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Here's an example for how you could use this knowledge:
Suppose your function had to do a very long calculation like this:
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Now if you tried to cancel this flow, it would work, but since the data line is a very slow operation that is not suspending, the Flow will still complete this very long calculation for no reason, eating up resources for longer than necessary.
To resolve this problem, you could break your calculation up into smaller pieces with yield() calls in between. Then the Flow can be cancelled more promptly.
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Not a perfect example. It's kind of wasteful to chunk a big IntRange. An IntRange takes barely any memory, but chunked turns it into Lists containing every value in the range.
It has to do with CoroutineScopes and children of coroutines.
When a parent coroutine is canceled, all its children are canceled as well.
More here:

CoroutineScope is skipped

For some reasom my CoroutineScope just stopped working, though, nothing crucial has been changed and errors don't show up. The program skips it and my progress bar remains unchanged. Do you have any idea what could have possibly caused this issue?
class HomeFragment : BaseFragment(R.layout.fragment_home) {
private var todayEventsCount: Int = 0
private var todayCheckedEventsCount: Int = 0
private val mHandler = Handler()
private var mAdapter: FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<EventModel, EventsHolder>? = null
private lateinit var mRunnable: Runnable
private lateinit var barList: ArrayList<BarEntry>
private lateinit var barDataSet: BarDataSet
private lateinit var barData: BarData
override fun onResume() {
override fun onPause() {
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
private fun initFields() {
val progress: ProgressBar = ev_progress_bar
val text: TextView = count
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
mRunnable = Runnable {
if (mAdapter?.itemCount != 0) {
todayEventsCount = mAdapter?.itemCount!!
for (i in 0 until todayEventsCount) {
if (mAdapter?.getItem(i)!!.checked == "1") {
progress.progress = todayCheckedEventsCount
text.text = progress.progress.toString() + "/" + progress.max.toString()
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
mHandler.postDelayed(mRunnable, 30)
There's no point in posting runnables if you're using a coroutine. Half the reason coroutines exist is to avoid this messy nested juggling of callbacks. There are also a few errors I see in your coroutine:
It runs on Dispatchers.IO, even though it never does anything blocking.
It runs on a throwaway CoroutineScope that is never cancelled. You should never use the CoroutineScope() constructor if you're not immediately assigning it to a variable or property through which you can cancel it at the appropriate time. You should be using viewLifeCycleOwner.lifecycleScope instead, since it's already set up to automatically cancel at the appropriate time to avoid crashes.
Your runnables you're posting are not canceled at the appropriate time, so even if you use the appropriate scope, they can still cause crashes. But as mentioned above, you don't need them in a coroutine.
(mAdapter?.itemCount != 0) will evaluate to true even if mAdapter is null, which will promptly cause a crash when you use mAdapter!!.
Fixed code looks like this. If this still doesn't do anything, you'll want to check to make sure your adapter is not null at the time this is called.
private fun initFields() {
val progress: ProgressBar = ev_progress_bar
val text: TextView = count
viewLifeCycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
val adapter = mAdapter ?: return
while (true) {
if (adapter.itemCount != 0) {
todayEventsCount = adapter.itemCount
for (i in 0 until todayEventsCount) {
if (adapter.getItem(i).checked == "1") {
progress.progress = todayCheckedEventsCount
text.text = progress.progress.toString() + "/" + progress.max.toString()
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
I didn't try to follow your logic of what these todayEventsCount and todayCheckedEventsCount properties are. They probably should be locally defined variables in the coroutine.
You're also going to need some condition in the while loop that breaks you out of it. I didn't look closely enough to see what that condition should be. Your original code doesn't break the loop of reposting the runnable forever.

Coroutines how to wait for the data and then continue process

I'm learning coroutines with kotlin, and I have problem how process can wait until process 1 finished then it continue to process 2, from my sample below I have object Network which access API server using getNews(it's running well and get the data)
I called this getNews from refreshNews using asynch - await, with the purpose it wait for the data then it continue running, but "The program Not Wait", it just running process 2 then process 1 finish, so I cannot capture data from API in refresh news
// process 1 - calling api this running well can get the data see process 2
object Network {
var status : NewsApiStatus = NewsApiStatus.LOADING
private var viewModelJob = Job()
private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(viewModelJob + Dispatchers.Main)
fun getNews(filter: String, page: Int =1) : newsData? {
var allNews : newsData? = null
coroutineScope.launch {
RetrofitClient.instance.getAllNews(filter, page).enqueue(object: Callback<newsData>{
override fun onFailure(call: Call<newsData>, t: Throwable) {
status = NewsApiStatus.ERROR
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<newsData>,
response: Response<newsData>
) {
status = NewsApiStatus.DONE
var listResult = response.body()
if (listResult != null) {
if (listResult.data.isNotEmpty()) {
allNews = listResult
Timber.tag(TAG).i( "process 1 total allNews = ${allNews!!.data.size}")
// process 2 - calling process 1 with runBlocking
fun refreshNews() = runBlocking{
val newsData = async {
Timber.tag(TAG).i("proses 2 ${newsData.await()?.data?.size}")
// here I want newsData to wait until it has data
// this main program that call process 2
class NewsListViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
init {
launch returns a reference to the started job. You can use it to wait for the job to finish by calling join():
val job = GlobalScope.launch { // launch a new coroutine and keep a reference to its Job
// ...
runBlocking {
job.join() // wait until child coroutine completes
Currently, your getNews() launches a coroutine and immediately returns. allNews isn't initialised at that point yet.
You need to either call job.join() inside getNews() (would make it blocking), or use async inside getNews() and return its result if you want to keep it asynchronous (you'd need to take the result differently from your http client as you won't be able to initialise the variable declared outside).
It's worth to go through the official coroutine docs:

Upgrading some Corda3 source code to run on v4

First of all, I've only started learning corda 3 months ago so I've got some learning to do.
I've inherited some code that runs fine under Corda v3.3 but the customers want it to run on v4. I'm trying to follow the instructions on the main website. I've got an initiating flow which calls a subflow, which in turn calls a transponder flow.
The initiating flow:
#InitiatingFlow(version = 2)
class TransferFlow(private val issuerName: String = "",
private val seller: String = "",
private val amount: BigDecimal = BigDecimal("0"),
private val buyer: String = "",
private val custodianNameOfBuyer: String = "",
private val notaryName: String = "") : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
"Removed Tokens From Seller"))
class UpdateStatusOfTransferFlow(
private val sessions: Set<FlowSession>,
private val tokenTransferAgreementID: UniqueIdentifier,
private val newStatus: String) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
val idQueryCriteria = QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(linearId = listOf(tokenTransferAgreementID))
val states = serviceHub.vaultService.queryBy<TokenTransferAgreement>(idQueryCriteria).states
if (states.size != 1) throw FlowException("Can not find a unique state for $tokenTransferAgreementID")
val inputStateAndRef = states.single()
val inputState = inputStateAndRef.state.data
val notary = inputStateAndRef.state.notary
val outputState = inputState.withNewStatus(newStatus)
val cmd = Command(TokenContract.Commands.UpdateStatusOfTransfer(),
inputState.participants.map { it.owningKey })
val txBuilder = TransactionBuilder(notary = notary)
txBuilder.addOutputState(outputState, TokenContract.ID)
val ptx = serviceHub.signInitialTransaction(txBuilder)
val sessions2 = (inputState.participants.toSet() - ourIdentity).map { initiateFlow(it) }
return subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(ptx, sessions2))
And the responder:
class UpdateStatusOfTransferFlowResponder(private val session: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
val tokenTransferAgreements = mutableListOf<TokenTransferAgreement>()
var isBuyer = true
var notary = CordaUtility.getNotary(serviceHub) ?: throw FlowException("An notary is expected!")
val signedTransactionFlow = subFlow(object : SignTransactionFlow(session) {
override fun checkTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) = requireThat {
"There must be one output!" using (stx.tx.outputStates.size == 1)
val tokenTransferAgreement = stx.tx.outputStates.first() as TokenTransferAgreement
notary = stx.notary ?: throw FlowException("An notary is expected!")
if (ourIdentity == tokenTransferAgreement.issuer) {
//checks go here
I believe I am supposed to add a call to ReceiveFinality flow at some point, however it only takes 1 session as an argument, not a list as I have here. Should I make multiple calls, one for each session? I am also not sure if the calls should go in the transponder or the UpdateStatusOfTransferFlow class.
Help here would be appreciated.
The FinalityFlow is mainly responsible for ensuring transactions are notarized, distributed accordingly and persisted to local vaults.
In previous versions of Corda, all nodes would by default accept incoming requests for finality.
From V4 onwards, you're required to write a ReceiveFinalityFlow to write your own processing logic before finality.
The way finality currently runs in Corda is the initiating node, as an intermediate step during finality, distributes notarised transaction to all other participants. Each of the participating nodes it sends to will only expect to receive a session from this node.
So where you might submit multiple sessions to the initiating FinalityFlow to include all the participants, the responding nodes will only ever receive just the one session from the initiator.
In the future, we may look at having the Notary distribute the notarized transaction to all participants, but even then, the ReceiveFinalityFlow would still only expect one session, this time from the Notary.

How to suspend kotlin coroutine until notified

I would like to suspend a kotlin coroutine until a method is called from outside, just like the old Java object.wait() and object.notify() methods. How do I do that?
Here: Correctly implementing wait and notify in Kotlin is an answer how to implement this with Kotlin threads (blocking). And here: Suspend coroutine until condition is true is an answer how to do this with CompleteableDeferreds but I do not want to have to create a new instance of CompleteableDeferred every time.
I am doing this currently:
var nextIndex = 0
fun handleNext(): Boolean {
if (nextIndex < apps.size) {
//Do the actual work on apps[nextIndex]
//only execute again if nextIndex is a valid index
return nextIndex < apps.size
// The returned function will be called multiple times, which I would like to replace with something like notify()
return ::handleNext
From: https://gitlab.com/SuperFreezZ/SuperFreezZ/blob/master/src/superfreeze/tool/android/backend/Freezer.kt#L69
Channels can be used for this (though they are more general):
When capacity is 0 – it creates RendezvousChannel. This channel does not have any buffer at all. An element is transferred from sender to receiver only when send and receive invocations meet in time (rendezvous), so send suspends until another coroutine invokes receive and receive suspends until another coroutine invokes send.
So create
val channel = Channel<Unit>(0)
And use channel.receive() for object.wait(), and channel.offer(Unit) for object.notify() (or send if you want to wait until the other coroutine receives).
For notifyAll, you can use BroadcastChannel instead.
You can of course easily encapsulate it:
inline class Waiter(private val channel: Channel<Unit> = Channel<Unit>(0)) {
suspend fun doWait() { channel.receive() }
fun doNotify() { channel.offer(Unit) }
It is possible to use the basic suspendCoroutine{..} function for that, e.g.
class SuspendWait() {
private lateinit var myCont: Continuation<Unit>
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = suspendCoroutine<Unit>{ cont ->
myCont = cont
fun resume() {
val cont = myCont
myCont = null
It is clear, the code have issues, e.g. myCont field is not synchonized, it is expected that sleepAndWait is called before the resume and so on, hope the idea is clear now.
There is another solution with the Mutex class from the kotlinx.coroutines library.
class SuspendWait2 {
private val mutex = Mutex(locaked = true)
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = mutex.withLock{}
fun resume() {
I suggest using a CompletableJob for that.
My use case:
suspend fun onLoad() {
var job1: CompletableJob? = Job()
var job2: CompletableJob? = Job()
lifecycleScope.launch {
someList.collect {
lifecycleScope.launch {
otherList.collect {
joinAll(job1!!, job2!!) // suspends until both jobs are done
job1 = null
job2 = null
// Do something one time