Laravel Row duplication inserted, with updateOrCreate method with Race-Condition - sql

i have function in my controller that create a forecast :
public function updateOrCreate(Request $request, $subdomain, $uuid)
$fixture = Fixture::where('uuid',$uuid)->firstOrFail();
'local_team_score' => 'integer|min:0',
'visitor_team_score' => 'integer|min:0',
'winner_team_id' => 'integer|nullable'
if ($fixture->status !== "PENDING"){
return response()->json([
'message' => "You can not add or modify a forecast if the fixture is not pending"
], 403);
$winner_team = null;
// local team win
if ($request->local_team_score > $request->visitor_team_score) {
$winner_team = $fixture->localTeam;
}elseif ($request->local_team_score < $request->visitor_team_score){ //visitor win
$winner_team = $fixture->visitorTeam;
}else{ // draw
$winner_team = FixtureTeam::where('team_id',$request->winner_team_id)->first();
$user = auth('api')->user();
$platform = Platform::first();
$forecast = Forecast::updateOrCreate([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'fixture_id' => $fixture->id,
'platform_id' => $platform->id
'local_team_score' => $request->local_team_score,
'visitor_team_score' => $request->visitor_team_score,
'winner_team_id' => is_null($winner_team) ? null : $winner_team->team_id
return new ForecastResource($forecast);
As you can see i use updateOrCreate methods to add or update a forecast.
The problem is when 2 requests from the same user run at the same time (and no forecast is already created) 2 row are inserted.
Do you have a solution ?
I See that the problem is not new but i could not find a solution

updateOrCreate does 2 steps:
tries to fetch the record
depending on the outcome does an update or a create.
This operation is not atomic, meaning that between step 1 and 2 another process could create the record and you would end up with duplicates (your situation).
To solve your problem you need following:
determine what columns would give the uniqueness of the record and add an unique index (probably compound between user_id, fixture_id, platform_id)
you need to let database handle the upsert (ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in MySQL, ON CONFLICT (...) DO UPDATE SET in Postgres, etc). This can be achieved in Laravel by using the upsert(array $values, $uniqueBy, $update = null) instead of updateOrCreate.


cakephp4 get 1st record from containing table with order by a field

I have cakephp4 project
having 1 to many relationship between Portfolios and PSnaps
I want to show all 'Portfolios' with one associated record from PSnaps where its PSnaps.status=1 and order=>['PSnap.order_at'=>'ASC']
I tried many things but getting the correct result
below is giving 90% correct result only ordering on PSnaps.order_at is not working.
along with hasmany() i have created hasOne() association as shown in below model
class PortfoliosTable extends Table
public function initialize(array $config): void
$this->hasOne('FirstPSnaps', [
'className' => 'PSnaps',
'foreignKey' => 'portfolio_id',
'strategy' => 'select',//also tried join
//'joinType'=>'LEFT',//also tried inner,left,right
//'sort' => ['FirstPSnaps.order_at' => 'ASC'], //*******this is not working
'conditions' => function (\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp, \Cake\ORM\Query $query) {
$query->order(['FirstPSnaps.order_at' => 'ASC']);//*******also not working
return [];
$this->hasMany('PSnaps', [
'foreignKey' => 'portfolio_id',
$pfolios = $this->Portfolios->find('all')
return $q
it is returning correct porfolios with 1 p_snap record but ordering/sorting is not correct as I need first p_snap something like where p_snap.status=1 and p_span.portfolio_id= limit 1.

Use another column as default value in migration

I am trying to add a new column to existing tableName table which has a column anotherColumn.
exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table('tableName', table => {
How should I get the value of the existing column into this new column?
The short answer is, you can't: the defaultTo value can't come from another column. However, if you're just trying to have the default take place at the time of migration you could do this:
exports.up = knex =>
knex.schema.table('tableName', t => {
.then(() => knex('tableName').update('newColumn', knex.ref('anotherColumn'));
It should hopefully be obvious that this will not update new rows being inserted following the migration: for that you'd need a trigger, or to ensure that you covered it in your insert code.

Yii 2 can rewrite WHERE condition from model?

I have some where condition in my model .
Its check is field active or no.
Now I need to write a join relation. But I need to remove where condition. Is it possible?
My model.
public static function find() {
return (new AssetgroupsQuery(get_called_class()))->active();
My relation
public function getAssetgroup(): \app\models\AssetgroupsQuery {
return $this->hasOne(Assetgroups::class, ['asg_id' => 'ass_group'])->andOnCondition(['asg_active' => '1'])
->viaTable('assets', ['ass_id' => 'log_ass_id',]);
I need to got all active assets and join, if asset is empty I need to got null fields, but
model where condition added to my current sql query and remove all fields which assets are null.
I try to add some where Condition to remove old where, but it don't work.
Can you help me?
You can reset existing conditions by using where(null).
On relation level:
public function getAssetgroup(): \app\models\AssetgroupsQuery {
return $this->hasOne(Assetgroups::class, ['asg_id' => 'ass_group'])
->andOnCondition(['asg_active' => '1'])
->viaTable('assets', ['ass_id' => 'log_ass_id',]);
Or directly on join:
$query = MyModel::find()
'assetgroup' => function (ActiveQuery $query) {

Collecting a referenced app's values

I am trying to cleanup and optimize my come I am running on podio's API. What I am currently doing is using the filter query to return a collection from one app. I then loop over that collection. On each item I use Podio get_field_value to return the value(s) of a field in a referenced app. This creates a lot of API calls. I would like to retrieve everything in one API call Here is a simple version of my current code:
$collection = PodioItem::filter(WHSE_ID, array(
"filters" => array(
WHSE_EQUP_STATUS => array(2),
"sort_by" => WHSE_LOAD_IN,
"sort_desc" => false,
"limit" => 50
foreach ($collection as $item) {
// Table-A ID
$whId = $item->item_id;
// Referenced App Item(s)
$nucId = $item->fields[0]->values[0]->item_id;
// Get Referenced App Item Field
$app_b_value = PodioItem::get_field_value($nucId, NUC_LOAD_OUT);
echo $app_b_value;
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I am thinking inline with the way you would use JOIN in a mysql query.
Thank you for any help you can provide!
if you are trying to get value from each item from filtered collection, you don't need to make podio calls each time.
Podio filter call will give you item with values. you just have to get value from each item.
like following
foreach ($podioFilterData['items'] as $itemData) {
$itemFields = $itemData['fields'];
foreach ($itemFields as $field) {
$value = $field['values'][0];

NHibernate accumulate queryOver conditions

I want to do a sort of filtering chain to filter Receipt objects using queryOver functionality.
The chain can differ in length, according to the parameters user chooses on the screen.
Eventually, I want the chain to run somehow like this:
public IList<Receipt> RunFilters()
IQueryOver<Receipt, Receipt> currQuery = NHibernateHelper.Session.QueryOver<Receipt>();
foreach (var item in filters)
currQuery = item.RunFilter(currQuery);
return currQuery.List();
So, the question is - how RunFilter should be defined? I thought it should be
public IQueryOver<Receipt, Receipt> RunFilter(IQueryOver<Receipt, Receipt> prevFilter)
and they I can do filters like
return prevFilter.Where(receipt => receipt.TotalSum > 0);
But I can't do
return prevFilter.JoinQueryOver(v => v.Store).Where(vv => vv.Name.Equals(m_storeName));
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
return prevFilter.JoinQueryOver(v => v.Store).Where(vv => vv.Name.Equals(m_storeName));
the above can be written as
Store storeAlias = null;
return prevFilter.JoinAlias(v => v.Store, () => storeAlias).Where(() => storeAlias.Name == m_storeName);
EDIT: fixed equation