Is there a way to check if npm is installed properly since I got a lot of warnings during installation? - npm-install

I installed npm after installing node using the sudo command. I got it installed but got a lot of warnings. I ran npm audit fix next, since this was recommended. I am not sure now if it is installed properly. Version seems ok (8.4.1.)

The warnings are really not an issue, it is common.
The warnings may be showing Dependency warnings, Unsupported warnings. You don't have to worry about it.
If the warning is based on outdated dependencies you can run ncu -u to upgrade them automatically.
If you don't want to see the warnings while on an installation
use : npm install --silent


How can I install NODE_MODULE_VERSION 46

How can I install a Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 46? I keep running into a NODE_MODULE_VERSION mismatch, and recompiling hasn't helped so switching node versions might be easier.
Basically, I keep coming across this:
Warning: The module '/home/cwaugh/workspaces/myproject/build/Release/addon.node'
was compiled against a different Node.js version using
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 46. This version of Node.js requires
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 57. Please try re-compiling or re-installing
the module (for instance, using `npm rebuild` or `npm install`). Use --force to continue.
So far, I've tried using n to change to different versions (one of my dependencies requires 4.9.1 or below), but that doesn't seem to change the NODE_MODULE_VERSION as recognized by the warning.
I've also tried recompiling:
I've tried deleting node_modules and running npm install again. (this error looks like it's coming from the project root, but it never worked for anything in the node_modules folder either)
node-gyp configure --target=4.9.1 && node-gyp build --target=4.9.1. I got the idea from here, and hoped I'd have better luck than mxcd.
node-pre-gyp rebuild. I saw this, and thought it might work for me.
This works on another, older computer running a vagrant image. Unfortunately, vagrant isn't working on the new computer either, so I've been trying from scratch. Sometimes, I wonder if it's because I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. The server's can't seem to go past 16.04 when they run our docker image.
It turns out I was getting different versions from node and nodejs
$ node --version
$ nodejs --version
I upgrade to node v8.10.0, redo everything, and the error's gone!
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 8.10.0
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
node-gyp clean
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build
grunt build
grunt start
I tried uninstalling nodejs (since this it's been replaced by just "node"), but node-grunt-cli requires it. I'm guessing that grunt uses nodejs instead of node to check its version, causing the error. The Ubuntu repositories have Grunt v0.4.5, while Grunt stable is at v1.0.3, so it's possible a newer version of grunt would also solve this problem.
The solution didn't work for me since I had just one node version (10).
What was happening in my project, was that the package.json was pulled from the remote repository with an old version package.
At the moment of installing node modules locally (using yarn), it would download up-to-date dependencies, creating incompatibility.
After trying several solutions, what finally worked for me was picking the specific package that was giving me headache (login-funcs-nodejs) and run:yarn upgrade login-funcs-nodejs --latest

NPM deprecated package makes install fail

I am struggling to understand why trying to run a npm install fails when one of the packages in the list is deprecated. A warning shouldn't make the command fail, shouldn't it?
I found the culprit PR. They created a version that hard breaks..
Got to love MS..

Trying to install grunt-cli, but need help to upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0

I was working through the Thinkster Angular/Firebase tutorial and in the installation process I got to the part where I needed to install grunt-cli with this command in the terminal:
npm install -g bower grunt-cli
and got this error:
lodash#<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0.
How do I upgrade my lodash?
This is probably because of the dependency chain. I guess grunt is still stocking to the older version of lodash. I think you should be fine as long as grunt is supporting it.
You find more info on this at

Diagnosing npm’s “invalid” error in package list

When I do npm list --global, one package, phonegap, shows as invalid.
npm ERR! invalid: phonegap#5.0.0-0.28.1 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phonegap
No other packages have any errors or problems. I’ve tried to look into this, and learned that the message means a dependency is unfulfilled, but I can’t figure out which one. If I run npm update --global phonegap it exits cleanly, with no errors.
I originally installed npm & node via Homebrew, if that’s relevant. Here’s my full list of globally installed packages.
How do I diagnose this?
Have you tried changing the permissions for that package? I recently had a similar problem with global packages and it turned out to be a permissions issue

Travis not installing npm modules

I'm new to travis- I'm trying to get it to install my npm modules for my project and can't even get past that. "npm install" and "npm test" work fine on my computer (a mac). However, when I push my commits to travis it complains that:
Error: No compatible version found: ini#'^1.2.0'
Valid install targets:
npm ERR! ["1.0.0","1.0.1","1.0.2","1.0.3","1.0.4","1.0.5","1.1.0","1.2.0","1.2.1","1.3.0"]
Note that ini is not something I was originally including in my package.json, but it is depended on by something that I am using. I tried explicitly adding the 1.2.0 version of ini to my package.json but it still complains. I get similar complaints about other upstream dependencies.
Is there something about how travis is doing npm install that greatly differs from my local machine where it is working fine? Really stumped here.
Here's a link to my latest travis failed build:
This is due to the NPM version coming with Node.js 0.8. It doesn't support the ^ syntax for declaring dependecies.
You could either use Node.js instead:
node_js: 0.10
Or you could update npm, which would bring support for the dependency version:
before_install: npm update -q