Military Time Form Validation msAccess Form View - sql

I'm having a difficult time doing military time or short time in the form view. I caught an error where the user put in 15:83 which shouldn't be allowed because the minutes are over 59, as well hours being over 23. However, I'm not sure how to create a form validation for something like that and I can't seem to find any documentation for it online surrounding this type of formatting.

in the validation rule property of the text box control on the form enter this expression
=Right([Text6],2)<60 Or Left([Text6],2)<24
i have assumed name of control is Text6

I can't seem to find any documentation for it online surrounding this
type of formatting.
That's because it is difficult and requires quite a lot of code, too much to post here. But, for example, to correct invalid input:
Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
Const TimeHourMaximum As Integer = 24
Const TimeHourDefault As Integer = 20
Const TimeMinuteTenMax As Integer = 5
Dim ctl As Control
Dim Text As String
Dim SelStart As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
Select Case ctl.Name
Case "Logon"
Text = ctl.Text
SelStart = ctl.SelStart
If Not IsDate(Text) Then
If Val(Left(Text, 2)) > TimeHourMaximum Then
Mid(Text, 1) = CStr(TimeHourDefault)
ElseIf Len(Text) > 3 Then
' Length of Text is larger than two hour digits and the kolon.
Mid(Text, 1 + 3) = CStr(TimeMinuteTenMax)
End If
End If
ctl.Text = Text
ctl.SelStart = SelStart
ctl.SelLength = 1
Response = acDataErrContinue
End Select
Set ctl = Nothing
End Sub
Full code, documentation, and a demo application is posted with my project VBA.TimeEntry at GitHub:
Entering 24-hour time with input mask and full validation in Microsoft Access


Highlight matching strings, found in in a form-field text box, either from a table or static array (using MS Access)

I have an Access tool/database with external database (ODBC) connections. It's purpose is to review call logs for issues and the user will decide the severity based on the contents of a message.
I have an idea, to assist the review, using VBA. I created an with about 50 strings, and compare that to a field (memo format) in a form (bound to a table column). I want the routine to ONLY highlight the matching portion of the string.
An example is:
If the array string contains "Repor", it will change the font size and color of only those letters within the memo field Like Reported, . with be larger font and different color
I can successfully do this in Excel VBA with this section of code below ("findar" is a pre-built array, rng1 is the designated range)
For i = LBound(findar) To UBound(findar)
For Each rngcell In rng1
startPos = 0
startPos = InStr(rngcell, findar(i))
If InStr(rngcell, findar(i)) <> 0 Then
rngcell.Characters(startPos, Len(findar(i))).Font.Color = vbBlue
rngcell.Characters(startPos, Len(findar(i))).Font.Size = 18
End If
Next rngcell
Next I
"Character", apparently doesn't exist in Access, so I'm trying this, triggered in the "Got Focus" event: It fails with RunTime error 13. I'm certain this is doable, but apparently not by me.....
Dim i As Integer
Dim startpos As Long
'findar is an array
'incident text is inside the form field
findar = Array("returned", "failed") 'real array is about 50 strings
inctext = Me.txtincidentdesc
lngred = RGB(255, 0, 0)
lngblack = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'reset to default
Me.txtincidentdesc.FontBold = False
Me.txtincidentdesc.ForeColor = lngblack
Me.txtincidentdesc.FontSize = 10
startpos = 0
For i = LBound(findar) To UBound(findar)
With Me.txtincidentdesc
If InStr(inctext, findar(i)) <> 0 Then
SelStart = InStr(inctext, findar(i))
SelLength = Len(findar(i))
txtincidentdesc(Mid(inctext, SelStart, SelLength)).ForeColor = lngred 'fails here RunTime error 13
' Me.txtincidentdesc.ForeColor = lngred ' this works fine
' Me.txtincidentdesc.FontSize = 20 'this works fine
End If
End With
End Sub
I've also considered using a recordset and compare that against the memo field but that also failed. Thanks for any input or help on this. Maybe I'm just approaching it wrong

Searching text file and showing part of the text in a text box

I am working on a application where I have a very large text file. It is basically a large database of error codes with descriptions of how to clear the code after it. What I would like to do, is on the click of a button, search the text file for the specific code and display all text for just that error code into a text box. I have tried many different ways, but am unable to get it to work properly. I went through the entire text file and added a "|" to the beginning of each fault code so that I could specify where the code starts at.
Here is an example of a couple fault codes:
|ACAL-000 Fail to run DETECT Motn Cause: The AccuCal2 Motion failed to
nm. The AccuCal2 motion cannot be started. Remedy: Clear all the
errors before executing AccuCal2. |ACAL-001 Robot is not ready.
Cause: The robot is not ready. The system cannot issue motion
because it is in an error state. Remedy: Clear all faults, then retry
the operation.
If I search for "ACAL-000", I want it to show everything from the | before ACAL-000 to the bar before ACAL-001.
I would post the code that I have written, but I have tried so many different versions that I don't really know which one to post.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my current code after some editing and implementation of what has been recommended. Please see the comments below for more information on how I got to this point. A quick note, I am currently just using "|ACAL-000" for a test search. When this is complete, I have some other (already working) code that will put together a code from a couple of drop down lists.
Function ReadEmbeddedTextFileResource(embeddedResourceName As String) As String
Using stream As Stream = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(embeddedResourceName)
If stream Is Nothing Then
Throw New FileNotFoundException("The resource '" & embeddedResourceName & "' was not found.")
End If
Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(stream, True)
Return reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using
End Using
End Function
Function FindTextBetweenBars(bodyOfTextToSearch As String, textToLookFor As String) As String
Dim i As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.IndexOf(textToLookFor)
If i < 0 Then Return Nothing
Dim j As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.LastIndexOf("|", i)
If j < 0 Then j = 0
Dim k As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.IndexOf("|", i + Len(textToLookFor))
If k < 0 Then k = Len(bodyOfTextToSearch)
Return bodyOfTextToSearch.Substring(j + 1, k - j - 1)
End Function
Private Sub btnShowTroubleshooting_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnShowTroubleshooting.Click
Dim allErrorText As String = ReadEmbeddedTextFileResource(My.Resources.FanucCodes)
Dim errorMessage As String = FindTextBetweenBars(allErrorText, "|ACAL-000")
If errorMessage Is Nothing Then errorMessage = "Error code Not found!"
RichTextBoxFanucFaults.Text = errorMessage
End Sub
Here is a function that should do what you want:
Function FindTextBetweenBars(bodyOfTextToSearch As String, textToLookFor As String) As String
Dim i As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.IndexOf(textToLookFor)
If i < 0 Then Return Nothing
Dim j As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.LastIndexOf("|", i)
Dim k As Integer = bodyOfTextToSearch.IndexOf("|", i + Len(textToLookFor))
If k < 0 Then k = Len(bodyOfTextToSearch)
Return bodyOfTextToSearch.Substring(j + 1, k - j - 1)
End Function
In your button click event handler you can call the function like this:
Dim errorMessage as String = FindTextBetweenBars(My.Resources.FanucCodes, txtErrorCodeToLookFor.Text)
If errorMessage Is Nothing Then errorMessage = "Error code not found!"
txtErrorMessage.Text = errorMessage
where txtErrorMessage is the output textbox to display the error message result,
My.Resources.FanucCodes is your large string resource containing all the error descriptions (with | separators), and txtErrorCodeToLookFor is a textbox that accepts the error code input from the user.

Update text box with each click of a button

I am trying to set up a userform that will be used to take orders. e.g. each time you click the Cappuccino button it will increment the text box by one indicating that you are ordering 1, 2, 3 etc.
As far as I can get it is to only populate the text box one time. Each additional click does not appear to do anything. This is the Code I currently have for it. I tried declaring num as public. I thought that might be part of the problem but it did not seem to make a difference. Could it be a type casting issue since it is a "text" box and I am trying to treat it as in integer?
Private Sub Capuccino_Click()
If (Cap_qty.Value = Null) Then
Dim num As Integer
num = 1
Cap_qty.Value = Cap_qty.Value + num
ElseIf (Cap_qty.Value = IsNotNull) Then
num = num + 1
Cap_qty.Value = num
'Cap_qty.Value = num + 1
'num = Cap_qty.Value
End If
End Sub
Well, that makes a difference. I looked at something somewhere that told me to use Null, IsNotNull. I was able to get it working with the following which at the moment does not make sense to me I will have to figure out why it works this way. I guess there is some background action happening that is letting me do math with stings
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If (TextBox1.Value = vbNullString) Then
TextBox1.Value = 1
TextBox1.Value = TextBox1.Value + 1
End If
End Sub

Is possible to ignore the TextBox?

I'm creating a program to calculate the average. There are 12 TextBox and I want to create the possibility to leave some fields blank. Now there are only errors and the crash of the program. Is possible to create that?
This is part of code:
ItalianoScritto = (TextBox1.Text)
MatematicaScritto = (TextBox2.Text)
IngleseScritto = (TextBox3.Text)
InformaticaScritto = (TextBox4.Text)
ScienzeScritto = (TextBox5.Text)
FisicaScritto = (TextBox6.Text)
MediaScritto = (ItalianoScritto + MatematicaScritto + IngleseScritto + InformaticaScritto + ScienzeScritto + FisicaScritto) / 6
Label10.Text = Str(MediaScritto)
If i leave blank the textbox1 when I click on the button to calculate the average Vb says Cast not valid from the string "" to type 'Single' and the bar of te textbox1 become yellow
I would do the following:
Iterate over the textboxes and check if you can parse the value into an iteger. If yes, add it to a value list.
Then add all values from that list and divide it by the number of cases.
It is faster than big if-statements and resilient against error
dim TBList as new list(of Textbox)
'add your textboxes to the list here
dim ValList as new List(Of Integer)
for each elem in Tblist
dim value as integer
If integer.tryparse(elem.text,value)=True
'report error or do nothing
end if
dim Result as Integer
Dim MaxVal as Integer =0
for each elem in ValList
Maxval +=elem
Result = MaxVal / ValList.count
If you need support for point values, just choose double or single instead of Integer.
Also: regardless what you do -CHECK if the values in the textboxes are numbers or not. If you omit the tryparse, somebody will enter "A" and your app will crash and burn
You just have to check if the TextBox is blank on each one before using the value:
If TextBox7.TextLength <> 0 Then
'Use the value inside
End If
The way to do it depends a lot of your code. You should consider editing your question giving more information (and code) in order to us to help you better.

Error handling in Visual Basic Editor for email field in excel form

I am currently coding a form in excel. I was wondering if there was a way to search the contents of a field for certain characters. I was thinking about using this method to construct a code to check for the integrity of the data entered within the email field. It would look for an "#" and a "." and probably output a boolean value (true or false) if there are not there.
Thank you in advance.
You could pass the value into a function like this:
Function blnValidEmail(strText As String) As Boolean
Dim intPosAt As Integer
Dim intPosDot As Integer
'finds the position of the # symbol'
intPosAt = InStr(strText, "#")
'finds the position of the last full stop'
'checks the last full stop because you might'
'have an address like'
intPosDot = InStrRev(strText, ".")
'makes sure that both exist'
If intPosAt > 0 And intPosDot > 0 Then
'makes sure that there is a fullstop after the #'
If intPosDot > intPosAt Then
blnValidEmail= True
End If
End If
End Function