How to create complex-rules for modifier of product in bigcommerce - bigcommerce

I am new in bigcommerce and type to added complex-rules for Modifier of product. below provide the URL of API URL and JSON.
every time give error "The rule must contain multiple modifier conditions with unique modifier ids or a variant condition and modifier condition"{$$.env.store_hash}/v3/catalog/products/{product_id}/complex-rules
Please help where I wrong in send Complex Rule request JSON.
"data": {
"config": [],
"display_name": "Donation",
"id": 188,
"name": "Donation1645178599-166",
"option_values": [
"adjusters": {
"image_url": "",
"price": null,
"purchasing_disabled": {
"message": "",
"status": false
"weight": null
"id": 352,
"is_default": true,
"label": "$5 Donation",
"option_id": 188,
"sort_order": 0,
"value_data": null
"adjusters": {
"image_url": "",
"price": null,
"purchasing_disabled": {
"message": "",
"status": false
"weight": null
"id": 353,
"is_default": false,
"label": "$10 Donation",
"option_id": 188,
"sort_order": 0,
"value_data": null
"product_id": 166,
"required": false,
"sort_order": 0,
"type": "dropdown"
"meta": {}
Complex Rule request JSON:
"product_id": 166,
"sort_order": 0,
"enabled": true,
"stop": false,
"purchasing_disabled": false,
"purchasing_hidden": false,
"price_adjuster": {
"adjuster": "relative",
"adjuster_value": 6
"weight_adjuster": {
"adjuster": "relative",
"adjuster_value": 6
"conditions": [
"id": 5,
"rule_id": 5,
"modifier_id": 189,
"modifier_value_id": 352
Error output:
"status": 422,
"title": "The rule must contain multiple modifier conditions with unique modifier ids or a variant condition and modifier condition",
"type": ""


Product Visibility

When logged in as a buyer, I am unable to see a product I should have access to. Issuing this request, /v1/me/products while passing a token for user buyer01, I see this response:
"Meta": {
"Facets": [],
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 0,
"TotalPages": 0,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": []
I expect to see the product SHIRT listed in the Items array element.
Visibility rules
I've worked through the Visibility Rules Checklist and I believe all conditions have been met:
Product.Active = true
Catalog exists where:
Catalog.Active = true
Buyer is assigned via CatalogAssignment
Product is assigned via ProductCatalogAssignment
One of the following is true:
CatalogAssignment.ViewAllProducts = true
Product is active
{{baseUrl}}/v1/products returns this response:
"Meta": {
"Facets": [],
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": [
"OwnerID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"DefaultPriceScheduleID": "SHIRT_PRICE",
"AutoForward": false,
"ID": "SHIRT",
"Name": "Cotton T-Shirt",
"Description": "A plain white, cotton shirt for everyday use.",
"QuantityMultiplier": 1,
"ShipWeight": null,
"ShipHeight": null,
"ShipWidth": null,
"ShipLength": null,
"Active": true,
"SpecCount": 0,
"VariantCount": 0,
"ShipFromAddressID": null,
"Inventory": null,
"DefaultSupplierID": null,
"AllSuppliersCanSell": false,
"Returnable": false,
"xp": null
Catalog is active
{{baseUrl}}/v1/catalogs returns
"Meta": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": [
"OwnerID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Name": "Example Buyer",
"Description": "Default catalog for Example Buyer",
"Active": true,
"CategoryCount": 0,
"xp": null
Buyer is assigned
Buyer user in organization
{{baseUrl}}/v1/me (with buyer01 cookie) returns:
"Buyer": {
"Supplier": null,
"Seller": {
"ID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Username": "buyer01",
"Password": null,
"FirstName": "Buyer",
"LastName": "User",
"Email": "",
"Phone": null,
"TermsAccepted": null,
"Active": true,
"xp": null,
"AvailableRoles": [
"Locale": null,
"DateCreated": "2022-12-21T00:43:53.507+00:00",
"PasswordLastSetDate": "2022-12-21T00:43:53.543+00:00"
Buyer organization is assigned catalog
{{baseUrl}}/v1/catalogs/assignments returns
"Meta": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": [
"ViewAllCategories": true,
"ViewAllProducts": true
Product is assigned
This may be the issue. When I make the documented assignment:
"ProductID": "SHIRT"
I receive a 200 response that does not show any assignment has occurred:
"Meta": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 0,
"TotalPages": 0,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": []
Note that the above request, as all other steps, is taken from the Getting Started walkthrough. This step is provided under Making Your Product Visible.
This is confirmed by this request:
{{baseUrl}}/v1/products/assignments, which returns no products.
"Meta": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 0,
"TotalPages": 0,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": []
View all products is true
{{baseUrl}}/v1/catalogs/assignments returns
"Meta": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": [
"ViewAllCategories": true,
"ViewAllProducts": true
The issue was that I was making a GET request instead of a POST when doing this:
When issuing a POST, the service returns a 204 No Content.
It is worth noting that the tutorial is a bit out of date--the current Product API documentation omits the above call, and instead has /products/assignments here. This method will return a 405 Method Not Allowed an error if doing a GET, which makes this issue easier to identify.
Now when I view /me/products as buyer01 I see this:
"Meta": {
"Facets": [],
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"TotalCount": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"ItemRange": [
"NextPageKey": null
"Items": [
"PriceSchedule": {
"OwnerID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Name": "Cotton T-Shirt Price",
"ApplyTax": false,
"ApplyShipping": false,
"MinQuantity": 1,
"MaxQuantity": null,
"UseCumulativeQuantity": false,
"RestrictedQuantity": false,
"PriceBreaks": [
"Quantity": 1,
"Price": 10.0,
"SalePrice": null
"Currency": null,
"SaleStart": null,
"SaleEnd": null,
"IsOnSale": false,
"xp": null
"ID": "SHIRT",
"Name": "Cotton T-Shirt",
"Description": "A plain white, cotton shirt for everyday use.",
"QuantityMultiplier": 1,
"ShipWeight": null,
"ShipHeight": null,
"ShipWidth": null,
"ShipLength": null,
"Active": true,
"SpecCount": 0,
"VariantCount": 0,
"ShipFromAddressID": null,
"Inventory": null,
"DefaultSupplierID": null,
"AllSuppliersCanSell": false,
"Returnable": false,
"xp": null

Square API: Object version does not match latest database version

I'm trying to use the following Square API endpoint to update an item, but I'm getting some errors. Here is the item that I'm trying to update.
"type": "ITEM",
"updated_at": "2020-08-08T21:43:41.849Z",
"version": 1596923021849,
"is_deleted": false,
"present_at_all_locations": false,
"present_at_location_ids": [
"item_data": {
"name": "Hummus Plate",
"description": "Olives, feta, tomatoes, tzatziki and warm pita.",
"visibility": "PRIVATE",
"category_id": "ARB5LTTDUSER6T66ZWYO65FL",
"variations": [
"updated_at": "2020-08-08T21:40:14.581Z",
"version": 1596922814581,
"is_deleted": false,
"present_at_all_locations": false,
"present_at_location_ids": [
"item_variation_data": {
"item_id": "7HXK6NVBDKSOK64CCAYZJ2KW",
"name": "Regular",
"ordinal": 0,
"pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
"price_money": {
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
"product_type": "REGULAR",
"skip_modifier_screen": true,
"ecom_available": false,
"ecom_visibility": "UNINDEXED"
Here the body content.
"batches": [{
"objects": [{
"item_variation_data": {
"pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
"price_money": {
"amount": 150,
"currency": "USD"
"idempotency_key": "61994762-3a6s-4b75-sf81-fdfaf"
Here is the error I'm getting:
"errors": [
"detail": "Object version does not match latest database version.",
"field": "version"
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you in advance!
When updating a catalog object in Square, you need to provide the latest version number in the request.
"batches": [{
"objects": [{
"version": "12345",
"item_variation_data": {
"pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
"price_money": {
"amount": 150,
"currency": "USD"
"idempotency_key": "61994762-3a6s-4b75-sf81-fdfaf"

Parsing Twitter Information with jq ("text": null)

I am trying to do some Twitter-analysis via Twurl and extract some information via jq.
I firstly get some tweets via twurl with the command
twurl /1.1/users/search.json?q=judo
Then i used the following line to structure the outpot with jq:
twurl /1.1/users/search.json?q=judo | jq
i get something like this:
"id": 173752759,
"id_str": "173752759",
"name": "#JudoWorlds πŸ₯‹",
"screen_name": "Judo",
"location": "Worldwide",
"description": "The Official Twitter Account of the International Judo Federation πŸ₯‹",
"url": "https:.....",
"entities": {
"url": {
"urls": [
"url": "https://......",
"expanded_url": "",
"display_url": "…",
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"description": {
"urls": []
"protected": false,
"followers_count": 59854,
"friends_count": 847,
"listed_count": 529,
"created_at": "Mon Aug 02 07:55:15 +0000 2010",
"favourites_count": 7074,
"utc_offset": null,
"time_zone": null,
"geo_enabled": true,
"verified": true,
"statuses_count": 16532,
"lang": null,
"status": {
"created_at": "Fri Aug 30 08:27:10 +0000 2019",
"id": 1167353053282013200,
"id_str": "1167353053282013184",
"text": "#JudoWorlds The Alternative Promo \n\n#NeilAdamsJudo https://.....",
"truncated": false,
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"text": "JudoWorlds",
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"screen_name": "NeilAdamsJudo",
"name": "Neil Adams MBE",
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Because i am only interested in certain informations i tried to get the name and the text of the tweet with the following command:
twurl /1.1/users/search.json?q=judo | jq ".[] | { name: .name, text: .text }"
and i get this:
"name": "#JudoWorlds πŸ₯‹",
"text": null
"name": "#WeAreGBJudo",
"text": null
"name": "CBJ",
"text": null
"name": "Santos Futebol Clube",
"text": null
"name": "Marius Vizer",
"text": null
"name": "FF Judo",
"text": null
"name": "Santos FC πŸ‡Ί πŸ‡Έ πŸ‡¬ πŸ‡§ ",
"text": null
"name": "USA Judo",
"text": null
"name": "ε…¨ζ—₯ζœ¬ζŸ”ι“ι€£η›Ÿ -ゴジラジャパン-",
"text": null
"name": "Vila Belmiro",
"text": null
"name": "Deutscher Judo-Bund",
"text": null
"name": "Bruno Secco",
"text": null
"name": "Bobby Judo",
"text": null
"name": "African Judo Union",
"text": null
"name": "",
"text": null
"name": "For competitive judo",
"text": null
"name": "Judo Canada",
"text": null
"name": "Neil Adams MBE",
"text": null
"name": "Sophie Cox",
"text": null
"name": "Galatasaray Judo",
"text": null
Why is this and how can i fix it?
I tried other commands like :
twurl /1.1/search/tweets.json?q=afd | jq ".[] | { name: .name, text: .text }"
but got the error
jq: error (at <stdin>:0): Cannot index array with string "name"
If you need nested 'text' value from 'status' field you should use:
.[] | { name: .name, text: .status.text }
Or shorter version:
.[] | { name, text: .status.text }

Podio Api: Why does PUT request /app/{app_id}/field/{field_id} delete category field options for contact apps?

I'm tring to modify category fields of a contact app using Podio API.
I get the following response for the GET request (
(Previously I created the field with a POST request and everything works fine)
"status": "active",
"type": "category",
"field_id": 189304190,
"label": "myCategories",
"config": {
"default_value": null,
"unique": false,
"description": null,
"hidden_create_view_edit": false,
"required": false,
"mapping": null,
"label": "myCategories",
"visible": true,
"delta": 9,
"hidden": false,
"settings": {
"multiple": false,
"options": [
"status": "active",
"text": "Cat1",
"id": 1,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "active",
"text": "Cat2",
"id": 2,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "active",
"text": "Cat3",
"id": 3,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "active",
"text": "Cat4",
"id": 4,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"display": "dropdown"
"external_id": "mycategories-2"
If I send a PUT request to with the same response, the dropdown category field changes to an inline category field and all the options are deleted. (I expected nothing would happen to my field, I also tried to modify the text of the options, but got the same result).
"status": "active",
"type": "category",
"field_id": 189304190,
"label": "myCategories",
"config": {
"default_value": null,
"unique": false,
"description": null,
"hidden_create_view_edit": false,
"required": false,
"mapping": null,
"label": "myCategories",
"visible": true,
"delta": 0,
"hidden": false,
"settings": {
"multiple": false,
"options": [
"status": "deleted",
"text": "Cat1",
"id": 1,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "deleted",
"text": "Cat2",
"id": 2,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "deleted",
"text": "Cat3",
"id": 3,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "deleted",
"text": "Cat4",
"id": 4,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"display": "inline"
"external_id": "mycategories-2"
Could you please help with any example to update a category fields correctly?
Can you add what the body is when you are using the PUT endpoint?
My guess is that you are somehow not mapping the "settings" parameter correctly. Per the API documentation the settings parameter for a category field should follow this format:
"options": The list of options for the question
"id": The id of the option, only use this for existing options,
"status": The current status of the option, "active" or "deleted", only use this to delete options,
"text": The text for the option (required)
... (more options)
"multiple": True if multiple answers should be allowed, False otherwise

Cart API: is not calculated correctly.... I think

added a product to cart using API price was $29
GET /v3/carts/cartId saw cart_amount was correct
changed product price to $100
GET /v3/carts/cartId saw cart_amount was wrong β€” it did not see that the product price had changed.
Am i doing something wrong. Do you need more info to help me?
bc.add_to_cart = (data,next) => {
let payload = {
line_items: data.line_items,
option_selections: data.option_selections,
gift_certificatesL: null
return`/carts/${data.cartId}/items`, payload).then(data => {
return data; // data only show initial product cost
below i am posting the results of GET carts/id u will see that the lineItem (id: 125) shows the original price, 29.95. Immediately after getting the cart I did a request to GET /catalog/products/125 β€” that one shows the updated price.
GET: carts/${cartId}
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"customer_id": 0,
"email": "",
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"base_amount": 409.7,
"discount_amount": 0,
"cart_amount": 409.7,
"coupons": [],
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"physical_items": [
"id": "d755137f-b09c-4a02-9da6-cab8da1ae332",
"parent_id": null,
"variant_id": 89,
"product_id": 124,
"sku": "test_config",
"name": "Test Configurable item",
"url": "",
"quantity": 2,
"taxable": true,
"image_url": "",
"discounts": [],
"coupons": [],
"discount_amount": 0,
"coupon_amount": 0,
"list_price": 115,
"sale_price": 115,
"extended_list_price": 230,
"extended_sale_price": 230,
"is_require_shipping": true
"id": "eb5695d6-85e5-4b58-891b-a4bd8b48c56e",
"parent_id": null,
"variant_id": 90,
"product_id": 125,
"sku": "test_compt_1",
"name": "test component 1",
"url": "",
"quantity": 6,
"taxable": true,
"image_url": "",
"discounts": [],
"coupons": [],
"discount_amount": 0,
"coupon_amount": 0,
"list_price": 29.95,
"sale_price": 29.95,
"extended_list_price": 179.7,
"extended_sale_price": 179.7,
"is_require_shipping": true
"digital_items": [],
"gift_certificates": []
"created_time": "2018-08-23T15:41:10+00:00",
"updated_time": "2018-08-23T18:57:55+00:00"
"meta": {}
GET /catalog/products/125
"data": {
"id": 125,
"name": "test component 1",
"type": "physical",
"sku": "test_compt_1",
"description": "<p>Type a description for this product here...</p>",
"weight": 2,
"width": 0,
"depth": 0,
"height": 0,
"price": 125,
"cost_price": 0,
"retail_price": 0,
"sale_price": 0,
"map_price": 0,
"tax_class_id": 0,
"product_tax_code": "",
"calculated_price": 125,
"categories": [
"brand_id": 0,
"option_set_id": 38,
"option_set_display": "right",
"inventory_level": 0,
"inventory_warning_level": 0,
"inventory_tracking": "none",
"reviews_rating_sum": 0,
"reviews_count": 0,
"total_sold": 0,
"fixed_cost_shipping_price": 0,
"is_free_shipping": false,
"is_visible": true,
"is_featured": false,
"related_products": [
"warranty": "",
"bin_picking_number": "",
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"search_keywords": "",
"availability": "available",
"availability_description": "",
"gift_wrapping_options_type": "any",
"gift_wrapping_options_list": [],
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"page_title": "",
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"date_modified": "2018-08-23T18:22:52+00:00",
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"preorder_message": "",
"is_preorder_only": false,
"is_price_hidden": false,
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"custom_url": {
"url": "/test-component-1/",
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"base_variant_id": 90,
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"meta": {}
Updating the price of an item in the control panel or using the API will not change the price in an existing cart. If you create a new cart then the price will reflect the changes that were made.
The original cart where line_item is $25 dollars and tax is included as well to give a cart_amount of 29.12
"data": {
"id": "3a4c8e16-e279-4c30-83df-0010f6d54fba",
"customer_id": 0,
"email": "",
"currency": {
"code": "USD"
"tax_included": false,
"base_amount": 25,
"discount_amount": 0,
"cart_amount": 29.12,
"coupons": [],
"line_items": {
"physical_items": [
"id": "1e08875e-bf6f-4f1f-b8ba-b2e3cee10394",
"parent_id": null,
"variant_id": 363,
"product_id": 192,
"sku": "",
"name": "Smith Journal 13",
"url": "http://{store_hash}}",
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