Vue.extend and $mount() alternative for a Vue3 repository - vue.js

I am implementing Micro-Frontend Architecture in my Vue2 repo, where I made various web components and injected them in the parent repo named admin_portal.
After upgrading this repository from Vue2 to Vue3, I am stuck in a method where I use Vue.extend and $mount().
Attaching a method where I am facing this issue:
renderService(node) {
const query = Object.keys(this.$route.query).length ?
this.$route.query :
const attrsString = `:token="accessToken" ${
query ? ':search-params="params"' : ""
const ServiceClass = Vue.extend({
template: `<${this.service.tagname} ${attrsString}></${this.service.tagname}>`,
props: ["service", "params"]
const instance = new ServiceClass({
propsData: {
service: this.service,
params: JSON.stringify(query)
name: this.service.tagname,
store: this.$store,
computed: {
accessToken() {
return this.$store.state.auth.user.token;
if (node) {
this.$refs.serviceContainer.replaceChild(instance.$el, node);
} else {
this.instance = instance.$el;
Vue.extend & $mount() are deprecated in Vue3.
Attaching a documentation URL of Vue2 where the above code is still working.
After my repo was upgraded from Vue2 to Vue3, I again want to implement the same kind of thing.

Related with Vue3

I have a Vue 3 app and an express server. The server does not serve any pages just acts as an API so no file is sent to client.
I am trying to set up in one of my vue components but whatever I try does not work. Using keeps giving 't.prototype is undefined' errors.
I have tried as well with no luck.
Any advice would be appreciated as to the reason and solution for the error above, I have tried various SO solutions without success, and the best way forward.
You can use I have used of 4.4.1 version.
step: 1
Write class inside src/services/SocketioService.js which returns an instance of socketio.
import {io} from '';
class SocketioService {
constructor() { }
setupSocketConnection() {
this.socket = io(URL, {
transports: ["websocket"]
return this.socket;
export default new SocketioService();
Step 2:
Import SocketioService in App.vue. You can instantiate in any lifecycle hook of vue. I have instantiated on mounted as below. After instantiation, I am listening to welcome and notifications events and used quasar notify.
import { ref } from "vue";
import SocketioService from "./services/socketio.service.js";
export default {
name: "LayoutDefault",
data() {
return {
socket: null,
components: {},
mounted() {
const socket = SocketioService.setupSocketConnection();
socket.on("welcome", (data) => {
const res = JSON.parse(data);
if (res?.data == "Connected") {
type: "positive",
message: `Welcome`,
classes: "glossy",
socket.on("notifications", (data) => {
const res = JSON.parse(data);
let type = res?.variant == "error" ? "negative" : "positive";
type: type,
message: res?.message,
position: "bottom-right",

How to get the this instance in vue 3?

In vue 2+ I can easily get the instance of this as a result I can write something like this,
// main.js
// home.vue
showClose: true,
message: 'Success Message',
type: 'success',
What should I do for vue 3 as,
Inside setup(), this won't be a reference to the current active
instance Since setup() is called before other component options are
resolved, this inside setup() will behave quite differently from this
in other options. This might cause confusions when using setup() along
other Options API. - vue 3 doc.
Using ElMessage directly
ElementPlus supports using ElMessage the same way as $message(), as seen in this example:
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
export default {
setup() {
const open1 = () => {
ElMessage('this is a message.')
const open2 = () => {
message: 'Congrats, this is a success message.',
type: 'success',
return {
Using $message()
Vue 3 provides getCurrentInstance() (an internal API) inside the setup() hook. That instance allows access to global properties (installed from plugins) via appContext.config.globalProperties:
import { getCurrentInstance } from "vue";
export default {
setup() {
const globals = getCurrentInstance().appContext.config.globalProperties;
return {
sayHi() {
globals.$message({ message: "hello world" });
Note: Being an internal API, getCurrentInstance() could potentially be removed/renamed in a future release. Use with caution.
Providing a different method where the idea is to set a globally scoped variable to the _component property of the viewmodel/app or component:
pageVM = Vue.createApp({
data: function () {
return {
renderComponent: true,
envInfo: [],
dependencies: [],
userGroups: []
mounted: function () {
//Vue version 3 made it harder to access the viewmodel's properties.
pageVM_props = pageVM._component;

Mount vue component - Vue 3

I want to do this in Vue 3
new ComponentName({
propsData: {
title: 'hello world',
But I'm getting this error: VueComponents_component_name__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.default is not a constructor
Currently, we are using the above approach to append VUE components in our legacy app via append
I would like to do the same on VUE 3 but I haven't found the way to do it
Thanks in advance
I found the solution to my answer, mounting a vue component in vue 3 (Outside vue projects) is different than vue 2, this is the approach :
// mount.js
import { createVNode, render } from 'vue'
export const mount = (component, { props, children, element, app } = {}) => {
let el = element
let vNode = createVNode(component, props, children)
if (app && app._context) vNode.appContext = app._context
if (el) render(vNode, el)
else if (typeof document !== 'undefined' ) render(vNode, el = document.createElement('div'))
const destroy = () => {
if (el) render(null, el)
el = null
vNode = null
return { vNode, destroy, el }
el: DOM element to be appended
vNode: Vue instance
destroy: Destroy the component
This is the way to mount vue 3 components to be appended directly to the DOM, and can be used as below:
// main.js
import { mount } from 'mount.js'
const { el, vNode, destroy } = mount(MyVueComponents,
props: {
app: MyVueApp
Hope it Helps, regards!
Just for future visitors to save some time, I was searching for the same answer and found a plug-in that does exactly what Luis explained en his answer at
Makes it a little simpler to implement.
It is easy to create a new vue3 app and mount to a DOM directly,
const appDef = {
data() {
return {title: 'hello world'};
template: '<div>title is: {{title}}</div>',
var el = document.createElement('div');//create container for the app
const app = Vue.createApp(appDef);
app.mount(el);//mount to DOM
//el: DOM element to be appended
console.log(el.innerHTML);//title is: hello world

what is vuex-router-sync for?

As far as I know vuex-router-sync is just for synchronizing the route with the vuex store and the developer can access the route as follows:
However, I can also handle route by this.$route which is more concise.
When do I need to use the route in the store, and what is the scenario in which I need vuex-router-sync?
Here's my two cents. You don't need to import vuex-router-sync if you cannot figure out its use case in your project, but you may want it when you are trying to use route object in your vuex's method (this.$route won't work well in vuex's realm).
I'd like to give an example here.
Suppose you want to show a message in one component. You want to display a message like Have a nice day, Jack in almost every page, except for the case that Welcome back, Jack should be displayed when the user's browsing top page.
You can easily achieve it with the help of vuex-router-sync.
const Top = {
template: '<div>{{message}}</div>',
computed: {
message() {
return this.$store.getters.getMessage;
const Bar = {
template: '<div>{{message}}</div>',
computed: {
message() {
return this.$store.getters.getMessage;
const routes = [{
path: '/top',
component: Top,
name: 'top'
path: '/bar',
component: Bar,
name: 'bar'
const router = new VueRouter({
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
username: 'Jack',
phrases: ['Welcome back', 'Have a nice day'],
getters: {
getMessage(state) {
return === 'top' ?
`${state.phrases[0]}, ${state.username}` :
`${state.phrases[1]}, ${state.username}`;
// sync store and router by using `vuex-router-sync`
sync(store, router);
const app = new Vue({
// vuex-router-sync source code pasted here because no proper cdn service found
function sync(store, router, options) {
var moduleName = (options || {}).moduleName || 'route'
store.registerModule(moduleName, {
namespaced: true,
state: cloneRoute(router.currentRoute),
mutations: {
'ROUTE_CHANGED': function(state, transition) {
store.state[moduleName] = cloneRoute(, transition.from)
var isTimeTraveling = false
var currentPath
// sync router on store change
function(state) {
return state[moduleName]
function(route) {
if (route.fullPath === currentPath) {
isTimeTraveling = true
var methodToUse = currentPath == null ?
'replace' :
currentPath = route.fullPath
}, {
sync: true
// sync store on router navigation
router.afterEach(function(to, from) {
if (isTimeTraveling) {
isTimeTraveling = false
currentPath = to.fullPath
store.commit(moduleName + '/ROUTE_CHANGED', {
to: to,
from: from
function cloneRoute(to, from) {
var clone = {
path: to.path,
hash: to.hash,
query: to.query,
params: to.params,
fullPath: to.fullPath,
meta: to.meta
if (from) {
clone.from = cloneRoute(from)
return Object.freeze(clone)
.router-link-active {
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<router-link to="/top">Go to Top</router-link>
<router-link to="/bar">Go to Bar</router-link>
fiddle here
As you can see, the components are well decoupled from vuex and vue-router's logic.
This pattern sometimes works really effectively for the case that you're not concerned about the relationship between current route and the value returned from vuex's getter.
I saw this thread when I was learning Vue. Added some of my understanding on the question.
Vuex defines a state management pattern for Vue applications. Instead of defining component props and passing the shared state through props in all the places, we use a centralized store to organize the state shared by multiple components. The restriction on state mutation makes the state transition clearer and easier to reason about.
Ideally, we should get / build consistent (or identical) views if the provided store states are the same. However, the router, shared by multiple components, breaks this. If we need to reason about why the page is rendered like it is, we need to check the store state as well as the router state if we derive the view from the this.$router properties.
vuex-router-sync is a helper to sync the router state to the centralized state store. Now all the views can be built from the state store and we don't need to check this.$router.
Note that the route state is immutable, and we should "change" its state via the $router.push or $router.go call. It may be helpful to define some actions on store as:
// import your router definition
import router from './router'
export default new Vuex.Store({
actions: {
// actions to update route asynchronously
routerPush (_, arg) {
routerGo (_, arg) {
This wraps the route updates in the store actions and we can completely get rid of the this.$router dependencies in the components.

Cant mount children component to ref

I have a problem with VuePaginator , that I can mount it to my Vue app $refs properties. I am doing everyting according to docs, here is my component in the html:
<v-paginator :resource.sync="comments" ref="vpaginator" resource_url="{{route('api.item.comments', $item->pk_i_id)}}"></v-paginator>
The pagination works correctly, but I can't trigger fetchData() from the vuejs code, because paginator is not getting mounted to vm.$refs.vpaginator.
Here is the code that I use:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#comments',
data : {
comments: [],
newComment: {
text: ""
components: {
VPaginator: VuePaginator
methods: {
addComment: function(comment){
var vm = this;
this.$$('meta[name="item-url"]').attr('content'), comment)
comment.text = "";
}).catch(function (error) {
logRefs: function(){
I have created logRefs() function to check the $ref property and it is always undefined.
Since you are using the Version 1 of VueJS, usage is a bit different - check this demo,js,output
<v-paginator :resource.sync="comments" v-ref:vpaginator resource_url="{{route('api.item.comments', $item->pk_i_id)}}"></v-paginator>
Docs Reference: