How do I use Angular UI Grid (native to AngularJS) in an Angular 8 project - datatables

I am trying to use the Angular UI Grid in my Angular 8 project. Looking online i can't seem to find anywhere which tells me how to configure it properly.
I know that Angular UI grid is native to AngularJS. But is it possible to implement this into a TS project? I need the table in various different components.
Any help would be great!! :)

You can use ag-grid,mat-table,ngx-datatable instead of angular UI grid.


How to use existing cumulocity widget in custom widget

I created a custom widget using angular 10, Now I wanted to add a datapoint list in the configuration(edit) and access it
I am using c8y-data-point-list directive but my angular application not able to find this selector/associated component.
so my first question is how to use the existing angularJs component in angular? how to import it?
is it possible?
I also want to use more widget in a custom widget from ng1-module, how to achieve it?
c8y-data-point-list is not in the official list of cumulocity components, so it's not possible to use it.
Also the highest version of angular would be the 8th, as they currently only support it and still use angularJS components.

Nuxt generated HTML and JavaScript does not work everywhere

I'm using Nuxt to build a component library for use with the various CMSs that my company uses. Basically, I want to use the generated HTML to create reusable widgets for the CMS. The CMSs in question can't use Vue components directly because the client's admin area doesn't play well with Vue (for example, the inline editor in Kentico 12 does not work at all with Vue and our clients require this functionality).
Using Nuxt to build the component library works great as long as the components don't DO anything. However, if I want to create an accordion that has an #click event, it doesn't work when loaded into the CMS. I narrowed down the issue:
Case A works fine. With Case B, the page loads but none of the scripts work. The events do not fire at all, and I'm getting the following error:
"DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method."
The Accordions component doesn't work on any page that is not
Nuxt is generating the Accordions/index.html page so I'm assuming it's connecting the route with the functionality in the JS, but I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, what to search for or how to fix it. I've been searching for hours. Can anyone help me with this?

OpenTest support for Dojo toolkit

I'm trying to use OpenTest with web applications created with IBM EGL using the Dojo toolkit. The issue with dojo is that it dynamically generates id's every time so they cannot be used as a locator. In addition many elements do not have an xpath so that can't be used either.
It seems like this is a common issue when I search for "dojo" and "selenium" but I haven't found any solutions yet.
Other testing tools have "explicit" support for specific frameworks (e.g. like dojo) so I assume it's technically feasible.
Here is an excerpt from a website where this same question was asked and OpenTest supports building out macros that do just what this indvidual was able to do with .NET code. Please reference the blockquote below as well as the source
I use Selenium to Test my web application which is built by dojo/dijit
and MVC, so far it works fine.
I've faced the same issues with yours before. My way is "don't think
about dojo widgets" when writing steps interacting with them. Treat
them as normal complex html elements. You need to browse your dom tree
on the client after dojo parse your widgets, locate the real dom
element which dijit's value node or interactive part corresponding to
and do thing (Click, SendKey or GetId in your case) to it.
It is also good to wrap some common actions to widgets into Helpers
which can be reused in your project.
Below is a simple .NET example I use to test whether a button exist in
a dGrid, I just use css selector to find the cell, hope it helps:
[Then("I can delete it at row '(.*)'")]
public void Then_I_can_delete_it_at_row(int rowIndex)
var nthRow = Browser.FindElementsChecked(By.CssSelector(".dgrid-content .dgrid-row-table")).ElementAt(rowIndex - 1);
var deleteBtnsInRow = nthRow.FindElementsChecked(By.XPath(".//span[text() = 'Delete']"));
Assert.AreEqual(1, deleteBtnsInRow.Count);

Advanced Mobile View

I use Bootstrap for responsiveness. But my client likes the mobile view of
How is this achieved, or what kinda framework is used for this, or is it an app embedded into the website?
This can be achieved by using bootstrap grid layout with custom styling. There cannot be a framework for such requirements. Bootstrap framework provides the initial base for developing UI elements, rest can be easily customized using Normal CSS styles that depends on designer

Angular-Kendo + Bootstrap Integration?

I am looking for the demo/examples where we have support for the angular-kendo and bootstrap together. I went through the kendo labs also but I was not able to find anything useful regarding the angular-kendo and bootstrap integration.
I checked the responses of the question : Using Angular, Kendo, bootstrap 3 components.
Anything more specific would definitely help.
Thank you.
Here is the link that shows kendo and bootstrap working together. I personally used this demo to learn a plenty about kendo ui.
Hmm, not sure if it's what you wanted, but I recently created a boilerplate project using requires + angular + angular/ui-bootstrap + angular-kendo-ui + angular/ui-router.
I have a header bar using the bootswatch cosmo theme of bootstrap. The default view page have some alerts on it just for demonstration purposes. View3 currently have a kendo drop down list also just for demonstration purpose.
I plan to continue develop it into a showcase of anuglar-kendo-ui, but at least the project structure is already setup and you can do whatever you want with it.
Here is the git:
Let me know:)