Django template syntax error: could not parse remainder % 2 - django-templates

I am getting a TemplateSyntaxError: "could not parse remainder % 2 from num%2":
{% if num%2 ==0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

You can't use arbitrary Python expressions in Django templates. You should create a custom filter for them.
However, for your expression there is a built-in tag divisibleby. From its example:
{{ value|divisibleby:"2" }}
If value is 4, the output would be True. So the final answer looks like (untested):
{% if num|divisibleby:"2" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


How to create histogram bins for use in dbt using Jinja template?

I am trying to create histogram bins in dbt using jinja. This is the code I am using.
{% set sql_statement %}
select min(eir) as min_eir, floor((max(eir) - min(eir))/10) + 1 as bin_size from {{ ref('interest_rate_table') }}
{% endset %}
{% set query_result = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict(sql_statement) %}
{% set min_eir = query_result['min_eir'][0] %}
{% set bin_size = query_result['bin_size'][0] %}
{% set eir_bucket = [] %}
{% for i in range(10) %}
{% set eir_bucket = eir_bucket.append(min_eir + i*bin_size) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ log(eir_bucket, info=True) }}
select 1 as num
The above code returns dbt.exceptions.UndefinedMacroException.
Below is the error log.
dbt.exceptions.UndefinedMacroException: Compilation Error in model terms_dist (/my/file/dir)
'bin_size' is undefined. This can happen when calling a macro that does not exist. Check for typos and/or install package dependencies with "dbt deps".
Now, I haven't written the SQL yet. I want to build an array containing the historical bins, that I can use in my code.

Concatenate columns using a macro in DBT for Redshift

I want to concatenate a few columns using column1 ^^ column2 ^^ ... syntax in DBT for Redshift. If there are NULL values in the columns ## should be used, resulting in f.e. ## ^^ ##. I have found the following macro for concatenation:
{% macro safe_concat(field_list) %}
{# Takes an input list and generates a concat() statement with each argument in the list safe_casted to a string and wrapped in an ifnull() #}
concat({% for f in field_list %}
ifnull(safe_cast({{ f }} as string), '##')
{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %})
{% endmacro %}
When I use it in my select statement:
{{ safe_concat([street, city]) }} as address_key
from source
I get the following error. Is this related to the code I am using?
Database Error in model address (models/address.sql)
syntax error at or near "as"
LINE 32: ifnull(safe_cast( as string), '##')
Try wrapping your column names in quotes when you call them in the macro - I think it’s trying to pass in the variables street and city (because you’re already inside of curly braces), which don’t exist so are evaluating to None
you can try pushing every loop into an array and then you can use evaluated strings.and also for concat func. you can use '~' this.
{% set query_results = [] %}
{% for f in field_list %}
{% set x = ifnull(safe_cast({{ f }} as string), '##') ~ '^^' %}
{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% set query_results = query_results.append(x) %}
{% endfor %}
return{{query_results }}

can i use OR in Shopify case

let say I have three products and made a case
I want to know if I can use OR instead of duplicating the content again
{% case shipping_method.title %}
{% when 'packageA' || 'packageB' %}
around 5000 lines
{% when 'packageC' %}
{% endcase %}
Yes you can but it must be a valid syntax. || is not a valid operator in liquid.
You have to use or instead so it becomes {% when 'packageA' or 'packageB' %}

Volt not including file if path is concatenated

I'm trying to iterate through a Model collection in volt:
{% if model.elements|length > 0 %}
{% for element in model.getElements() %}
{% include "partials/panels/edit-" ~ element.getType() ~ ".volt" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The type can be text or images. If i use the above code, i get the error:
View '/path/to/phalcon/apps/frontend/views/partials/panels/edit-image.volt' was not found in the views directory
I'm sure that the file exists, since if i changethe include, it'll work:
{% include "partials/panels/edit-image.volt" %}
It'll also fail on:
{% include "partials/pandels/edit-" ~ "image.volt %}
What is the reason that the first version is producing that error?
( I know i could just use ifs.. But theres quite a list of element types later on. )
This will not work.
To include view dynamically use partial:
{% if model.elements|length > 0 %}
{% for element in model.getElements() %}
{{ partial( "partials/panels/edit-" ~ element.getType() ) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
There is no '.volt' since partial will add it.

Remove variants from variants array on product in Liquid

Good evening! I am trying to remove variants from the variant array on a product using pure Liquid(Shopify templating language). I would only like to use javascript as a last resort.
Below is where I am so far. Anything that is the variant in the if check needs to be removed from currentProduct.variants.
{% assign currentProduct = product %}
{% for variant in currentProduct.variants %}
{% include 'shappify-variant-is-csp' %}
{% if csp_variant != 1 %}
//need to remove the object that meets this if statement
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I'm pretty sure you're going to need to use some javascript to achieve this. Take a look at this article on the Shopify wiki: How do I remove sold out variants from my options drop-downs.
Modifying the code in that article for your situation, you'll want something like this:
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% include 'shappify-variant-is-csp' %}
{% if csp_variant != 1 %}
jQuery('.single-option-selector option').filter(function() { return jQuery(this).html() === {{ variant.title | json }}; }).remove();
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}