How to rank using Learning to Rank Algorithms - xgboost

I am new to Learning to Rank and trying it out using XGBRanker. I have viewed a lot of articles which mention that if ranks are given from 1-5, 5 is the most relevant and 1 is the least. The scores generated by XGBRanker in pairwise approach are sorted in the descending order signifying the relevance.
I want to take a different approach. I want my rank 1 to be the most relevant. In this case how should I go about solving this problem ?


Select the best "team" of 9 "players" based on overall "team" performance only

I have 9 bins named A through I containing the following number of objects:
A(8), B(7), C(6), D(7), E(5), F(6), G(6), H(6), I(6)
Objects from each bin fulfill a specific role and cannot be interchanged. I am selecting one object from each bin at random forming a "team" of 9 "players":
T_ijklmnopq = {a_i, b_j, c_k, d_l, e_m, f_n, g_o, h_p, i_q}
There are 15,240,960 such combinations - a huge number. I have means of evaluating performance of each "team" via a costly objective function, F(T_ijklmnopq). Thus, I can feasibly sample a limited number of random combinations, say no more than 500 samples.
Having results of such sampling, I want to predict the most likely best combination of "players". How to do it?
Keep in mind this is different from classical team selection because there is no meaningful evaluation of F() based on individual performance. For example, "player" a_6 may be good individually, but he may not "like" e_2 and therefore the performance of "team" containing the two suffers. Conversely, three mediocre players b_1, f_5, i_2 may be a part of an awesome "team". What's know is the whole "team" performance, that's all.
One more detail: contributions of the individual roles A through I are not weighted equally. Position of, say, E may be more important than, say, H. Unfortunately, these weights are not known upfront.
The described problem must be know to combinatorial analysts, but I haven't found anything exactly like it. Linear programming solutions with known individual "player" scores do not apply here. I will be most grateful for a specific name under which this problem is known to experts.
So far I have collected 400 samples. Here is a graph of the sorted F(T) values vs. a (arbitrary) sample number to illustrate that F(T) is "reasonable".
F(T) graph of sorted samples

RavenDB -- More Like This -- Need a (similarity) metric; not just rank-orders

I have a RavenDB / 'More Like This' example running (C#) as per
Creating more like this in RavenDB
However, in addition to receiving similar documents back, I really need some measure of similarity back for those documents.
I am assuming (correctly?) that the order in which I get the similar documents back represents the rank-order scores of the documents' similarities (first one back has the highest similarity, second one back has the second highest similarity, etc.).
However, rather than rank orders I need the metric similarity results. This assumes (of course) that the rank orders are computed from a more continuous metric; e.g., tf-idf. If that is true, can I get a hold of those metric scores?
When using MoreLikeThis, you can issue a query such as the following:
from index 'Product/Search'
where morelikethis(id() = 'products/1-A')
And assuming you have setup the TermVector on the index properly, you'll get the results.
In the metadata of the results, you have the index score, which is what I think you are looking for.

Sqlite, autocomplete cities based on location and relevance

I'd like your advices regarding optimalization of this:
I have SQLite database with +- 3000 cities, all of which have name and some lattitude and longitude. All cities have also relevance (based on how often user visits them). Relevance is classic integer. Then, I have user location, again, as lat/lon coordinates.
I need to create autocomplete editBox. Suggestions must satisfy these conditions:
1) Phrase in editBox must be a substring of suggested city name.
2) Suggestions must by ordered first by relevance. (Classic integer ordering, no problem)
3) If relevance is the same, then suggestions are ordered by distance to user.
4) Display max. 10 suggestions.
Since there are usually a lot of cities with equal relevance, biggest problem is the distance ordering.
My current approach:
A) Get IDs and coordinates of cities that satisfy condition (1) and (2) using classic: name LIKE '% phrase%' ordered by relevance.
B) Split result to groups by relevance. Order these relevance groups by distance using sorting in Java.
C) When there are 10 suggestions that are fixed, (f.e. 11 relevance groups, all containing one city, so no location ordering is needed) stop ordering.
This works well. But, there is a problem. Usually, very few cities have different relevance.
So when user starts typing and there is just one or two letters in the search phrase, I end up sorting 500 cities by distance, just to get to my 10 suggestions, what I find highly inefficient.
Is there any better way to handle such situations using SQLite?
P.S. It is running on Android, if that helps :)

Use Cases for Redis' "Score" and "Ranking" Features for Sets

What are some use cases for Redis' "score" and "ranking" features for sets (outside of the typical "leaderboard" examples for games? I'm trying to figure out how to make use of these dynamic new features as I anticipate moving from using a traditional relational database to Redis as a persistent data store.
ZSETs are great for selections or ranges based on scores, but scores can be any numerical value, like a timestamp.
We store daily stock prices for all US stocks in redis. Here's an example for ebay...
ZADD key score member [score member ...]
ZADD stocks:ebay 1 30.39 2 32.70 3 31.25 4 31.75 5 29.12 6 29.87 7 29.93
The score values in this case would normally be long timestamps, with that aside, if we want daily prices for the last 3 days, we simply convert two dates to timestamps and pull from redis using the timestamp range 1 3...
zrangebyscore stocks:ebay 1 3
1) "30.39"
2) "32.70"
3) "31.25"
The query is very fast and works well for our needs.
Hope it helps!
zset is the only type of key who can be sorted
by example you can imagine puts all comments key id of a specific article in a zset,
users will vote up/down each comments and this will change the score value
after that when you need to draw comments you can get them ordered, better comments in first place (like here)
using ZREMRANGEBYSCORE you can imagine delete all pretty bad comments each days
but as each redis type, they still basic, give you a dedicated use case is hard there can be some :- )

How to normalize Lucene scores?

I need to normalize the Lucene scores between 0 and 1.
For example, a random query returns the following scores...
What's the biggest score ? 10.0 ?
You can divide all scores with the maximum score to get scores between 0 and 1.
However, please note that the normalised scores should be used to compare the results of a single query only. It is not correct to compare the scores (normalised or not) of results from 2 different queries.
There is no good standard way to normalize scores with lucene. Read this: ScoresAsPercentages and this explanation
In your case the highest score is the score of the first result, if the results are sorted by score. But this score will be different for every other query.
See also how-do-i-normalise-a-solr-lucene-score
There is no maximum score in Solr, it depends on too many variables, so it can't be predicted.
But you can implement something called normalized score (Scores As Percentages) which is not recommended.
See related links for more details:
Is it possible to set a Solr Score threshold 'reasonably', independent of results returned? (i.e. Is Solr Scoring standardized in any way)
how do I normalise a solr/lucene score?
Remove results below a certain score threshold in Solr/Lucene?
A regular normalization will only help you to compare the scoring distribution among queries (and theirs retrieved lists).
You cannot simply normalize the score to compare the performance between queries.
Think of a query which all retrieved documents are highly relevant and received the same (high score), and on another query that the retrieved list comprise barley relevant document (again, with the same score) - now, no matter the per-query normalization you make - the normalized score will be the same.
You need to think on a cross-query factor that can bring all the scores to the same level.
For example - maybe computing similarity between the query and the whole index, and use that score somehow along with the document-score
If you want to compare two or more queries, i found an workaround.
You can compare your highest scored document with your queryterm using the LevenstheinDistance or LuceneLevenstheinDistance(Damerau) class to get the distance between your queryterm and your result. The result is the similiarity between them. Do this for each query you want to compare against. Now you have a tool to compare your queries using the similiarity of your querytherm and your highest result. You can now choose the query with the highest score of similiarity and use this for next proper actions.
//Damerau LevenstheinDistance
LuceneLevenshteinDistance d = new LuceneLevenshteinDistance();
similiarity = d.getDistance(queryterm, yourResult );
I applied a non-linearity function in order to compress every queries.