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Closed last year.
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how do you input 2 props in one line in VUEJS?
Im using vuejs 2 and element UI.
<el-table-column prop="`(creator_name + creator_username)`" label="Founder"></el-table-column>
The output should be
in Vue, you can passing the variable as props with colon as prefix
in your case:
<el-table-column :prop="`${creator_name} ${creator_username})`" label="Founder"></el-table-column>
in Vue you have to put : before a property to dynamically assign value to it. in your case it should be
<el-table-column :prop="creator_name + creator_username" label="Founder"></el-table-column>
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is it better practice to pass in the event when using it in a method or to just have it implied:
<input #keyup.enter="chooseMe($event)"/>
<input #keyup.enter="chooseMe"/>
chooseMe(evt) {
I'll assume that you are asking about performance rather than developer opinion. (For example, it could be argued that explicitly passing the $event argument makes the component's intention clearer, but that's an opinion. It's also more verbose.)
The compiler generates a wrapper function around any handler that uses a function invocation (i.e. () in the attribute value), to allow for passing $event as an argument. When using modifiers like .enter in your example, it does this even if there is no invocation.
To test any performance impact, you can use a test suite like Here are the results of such a test running on Windows/Chrome.
<div #click="test"></div>
Result:: ~502,653 operations per second.
<div #click="test($event)"></div>
Result:: ~536,685 operations per second.
It's faster (by an imperceptible margin) to include the $event in this case. But the difference is insignificant enough to be irrelevant. If you had to compile 500,000 event handlers, the act of compilation for both syntaxes would take around 1 second.
In Option1 you create an expression each time the component gets rendered. But, in Option2 in each cycle, just one method is addressed. So, it's better to define methods and address them in the template.
Consider this sample:
v-for="item in items" :key=""
There are a theClickHandler method and item.length different expressions in each render (at most)!!
To handle this situation you can use HTML data attributes:
v-for="item in items" :key=""
and get the clicked item in hanlder method:
theClickHandler(e) {
const id =
const [item] = this.items.filter(x => === id)
console.log('clicked item:', item)
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Refer this firepath :
<input id="gwt-uid-20138" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0">
Note: this id value gets changed.
If id is changing, maybe try to find checkbox using label next to this checkbox?
Try something like this:
If selector of your checkbox keeps on changing you need to identify it with the property which is always constant and unique.
From your example you can see that gwt-uid- part is always constant, you can use the same to identify the element.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[starts-with(#id, 'gwt-uid-')]"));
To find the checkbox element you have to take help of the id attribute. But as you can see the id attribute is dynamic, so we have to make our Locator Strategy dynamic. Now if you observe the id attribute closely you will observe that the gwt-uid- part is constant and only the remaining part i.e. 20138 is dynamic. So we can use the starts-with() method for the dynamic id and to identify the checkbox uniquely we will also include the type attribute while constructing the locator. So to find the checkbox element you can use the following line of code :
Java :
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[starts-with(#id,'gwt-uid-') and #type='checkbox']"));
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Closed 5 years ago.
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<input id="actionQty_8445901" style="position:absolute" onclick="AddMeToCart(this)" type="checkbox">
select multiple check box
<input id="actionQty_8445901" style="position:absolute" onclick="AddMeToCart(this)" type="checkbox">
am trying this but its working for one check box only
You can use this xpath to select multiple checkboxes
and also use findElements() method to select it
List<WebElement> checkElements= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//input[contains(#id,'actionQty')]"));
for (WebElement check_elem: checkElements) {;
Xpath of the element will be like
//input[starts-with(#id, 'actionQty_')]
then you need to find number of checkbox and click element withinloop
Then you can get all the checkbox
List<WebElement> allElements = driver.findElements(By.xpath(" //input[starts-with(#id, 'actionQty_')]"));
for (WebElement element: allElements) {;
//do your operation
Hope it will work
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to Vue! I want to build a simple select field with value:
"0" => "No age limit", 6 ->90
So, I would like to build 6 to 90 with a v-for, but I don't know exactly how to do it, and still to have the initial "no age limit"
Any idea how to do it???
It shoud be something like this:
<option value="0">No age limit</option>
<option :value="n+6" v-for="n in 85">{{n+6}}</option>
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
el: 'body'
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Due to Umbraco documentation being very.... how should I say.. 'loose'? and split between 'old Umbraco' and 'current Umbraco', I am finding it difficult to find a page that comprehensibly lists all of the standard/default fields of a Node/Document.
I am interested in the current version (4.6.1 at time of writing, using the 'new schema').
Fields such as:
So, what default/standard fields does every Umbraco Node/Document have?
OK, so it looks like that is the best answers we're going to get. So using the xslt snippet posted by forzagaribaldi, we have the following list:
(Case is wrong for all of these however, e.g. isdoc rather than isDoc)
If anyone can elaborate on this list they will get the tick!
You can always get an xml dump of a node by using xslt 'copy-of':
<xsl:param name="currentPage"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select="$currentPage" />
Will return all elements and attributes (including nodename, createdate, updatedate, level, etc).