Add Dynamic Behavior on Component in QML - qml

Recently I wanna add behavior in js function in QML but I dont know how!
For example , how I can do this:
Behavior on color{
ColorAnimation {}
Component.onCompleted: rect.setBehavior = behavior; // it's wrong expression
I just need some API like top wrong expression , is that exist?
also I tried bottom code too but couldn't work:
also I can try below code too :
Component.onCompleted: behavior.enabled = true;
because I want prevent working behavior when creating rectangle and enable it after completed , but it won't work correctly!
but when I have a lot of behaviors on specific conditions I just want use one line code for change behavior on (for example) Color , something like:


How to customize Pull-To-Refresh indicator style in NativeScript/Vue?

I am trying to customize the style of Pull-To-Refresh indicator in NativeScript/Vue app. There seems to be no example code for Vue. I tried to place the following code adapted from Angular into , got errors when running the app.
<PullToRefreshStyle indicatorColor="white" indicatorBackgroundColor="blue"/>
Can anybody offer a working example or update the following page?
On a side note, according to doc here:
Only color and background color can be customized. Is there anyway to get around this change size of indicator?
The only way I can think of is to set both foreground and background of indicator to transparent then use page level activityIndicator.
Just set the attributes on pullToRefreshStyle property
<RadListView :pullToRefreshStyle="pullToRefreshStyle">
import * as colorModule from "tns-core-modules/color";
data() {
return {
pullToRefreshStyle: {
indicatorColor: new colorModule.Color("red"),
indicatorBackgroundColor: new colorModule.Color("green")

How to switch to another XML layout after click on button?

I would like to have one kotlin file with the logic and I would like to allow users to switch between two different XLM layouts (logic of program is still the same, but layout of buttons shall be changed when clicking on button).
I simply add setContentView function to setOnClickListener for this button in order to load activity_main_second_layout.xml layout.
PS. activity_main_second_layout.xml is almost the same like activity_main.xml, I only changed the position of elements (not the names of elements)
button_switch_to_the_second_design.setOnClickListener {
When clicking on the button, voala, the layout really changes to the second one.
BUT the functionality of the program is not working any more, the logic disappear. It seems that I need to resume running of the program somehow to make the code working again without interuption including loss of variables.
There is a lot of ways to do that.
In my opinion you should not try to change layout in runtime - it's possible, but you have to override setContentView and rebind all views and all listeners (or do it in other method, which will be called after changing the layout).
So... Sth like this:
fun sth() {
fun rebindLayout(#LayoutRes layoutId: Int) {
when (layoutId) {
R.layout.activity_main_first_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
R.layout.activity_main_second_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
The other's, better I think is to create independent fragments and change fragment via fragmentManager.
Others approches - ViewAnimator, ViewSwitcher.

CUBA platform how to dynamically change field color

I'm trying to dynamically change some field color when it has changed due to some processing.
CUBA documentation explains how to do it statically through web theme extension (, but not dynamically. Although it is possible in Vaadin ( on which platform web gui is built upon.
I suppose that if I use the Vaadin way of injecting CSS it will work (which I will try) but I will then have Vaadin specific code, which I'm trying to avoid.
Is there a CUBA way of doing so I'm missing ?
I'm trying to have any field of a form to change background color when it has changed from its initial value. As per CUBA documentation ( I need to :
- create a SCSS mixin with background color
- inject the field in the editor class in order to have access to it
- react to a field change event and then define the style name of the field
I did create the SCSS mixin, but two issues I have :
1) I would like to retrieve the field instance dynamically instead of injecting it (keep code clean and light)
2) I would like to avoid defining the background color statically so that the color could be parameterized at runtime
For 1) I tried to injected the fieldGroup and used getFieldComponent(), then applied the style with setStyleName on it when it is changed. It worked but I would prefer to define this behavior for every field that is an input field.
For 2) apart from using Vaadin specific feature of injecting CSS (and tighing my code to Vaadin (and so leading me away of generic interface) I do not see how to do
Hope it's more clear
You cannot set truly dynamic color (any RGBA) from code to field but you can create many predefined colors for your field:
#import "../halo/halo";
#mixin halo-ext {
#include halo;
.v-textfield.color-red {
background: red;
.v-textfield.color-blue {
background: blue;
.v-textfield.color-green {
background: green;
I do not recommend using styles injected from code (as Vaadin Page does) since it is a mixing of logic and presentation. Instead you can create all predefined styles (30-50 styles should be enough) and assign it depending on some conditions using setStyleName method:
public class ExtAppMainWindow extends AppMainWindow {
private TextField textField;
private int steps = 0;
public void changeColor() {
if (steps % 2 == 0) {
} else {
If you want to apply the logic of color change for all TextFields inside of FieldGroup you can iterate FieldGroup fields in the following way:
for (FieldGroup.FieldConfig fc : fieldGroup.getFields()) {
Component fieldComponent = fieldGroup.getFieldComponent(fc);
if (fieldComponent instanceof TextField) {
TextField textField = (TextField) fieldComponent;
textField.addValueChangeListener(e ->

Change plain line to arrow line in infovis

How to change plain line to arrow line in infovis?
Currently there are some lines between blocks, I found some css files, but I cannot find which content describing the line behaviour such that I can change the plain line to arrow line.
Generally spoken: You can't (and shouldn't) change it via CSS. Define such properties during the setup.
Here's a brief explanation:
The Code that generates and Edge (which is a line in network visualizations) is generated by the Edge method/function which sits inside Options.Edge.js.
The function Edge is a property/module of the $jit object and works like this:
var viz = new $jit.Viz({
Edge: {
overridable: true,
type: 'line',
color: '#fff',
CanvasStyles: {
: '#ccc',
shadowBlur: 10
} );
It's important that you define overridable as true as you else can't override anything. The parameter that you're searching for is type. The allowed values are line, hyperline, arrow and I'm pretty sure that bezier will work as well - not sure if this is true for every type of graph. You can as well define custom graph Edge types - an example is missing in the documentation.
To change the Line/Edge style, there's another function that triggers before rendering. You just have to define it during the graph registration $jit.Viz( { /* add here */ } ); - code from the example/Spacetree here:
// This method is called right before plotting
// an edge. It's useful for changing an individual edge
// style properties before plotting it.
// Edge data proprties prefixed with a dollar sign will
// override the Edge global style properties.
onBeforePlotLine: function(adj){
if (adj.nodeFrom.selected && adj.nodeTo.selected) {$color = "#eed";$lineWidth = 3;
else {
The final step would now be to inspect what can deliver and then either add the style you want or define a new one using a closure.
There might be another way to go on this: Example for a ForceDirected graph. Take a look at the documentation here.
$jit.ForceDirected.Plot.plotLine( adj, canvas, animating );
Maybe you could even use something like this:
var edge = viz.getEdge('Edge_ID');
edge.setData( property, value, type );
Disclaimer: I got no working copy of theJit/InfoViz library around, so I can't help more than that unless you add a JSFiddle example with your code.
As I just read that you only want to change to the default arrow type, just enter this type during the configuration of the graph.

How to make a MovieClip remove itself in AS3?

What is the equivalent to removeMovieClip() in AS3?
Apparently many have the same question:
How to completely remove a movieclip in as3
Remove movie clip as3
How to remove childmovieclip and add to new parent movieclip
removeMovieClip(this) in AS3?
Destroy/Delete a Movieclip???
Remove movie clip
But none of their solutions seem to work, for me:
Im working on flash CS4 with AS3:
I have a very simple movie with a single button called click. On pressing the button, a new instance of coin is created:,justclick);
function justclick(e:MouseEvent){
var money=new coin
It might not be the best code, but it works fine. Now, the coin MovieClip is supposed to show a small animation and remove itself. In good old AS2 I would have added:
in the last frame of the animation. But this doesn't exist in AS3.
I have tried, without success:
this.parent.removeChild(this) // 'Cannot access a property or method of nullobject reference'...
this.removeMovieClip() // 'removeMovieClip is not a function'
removeMovieClip(this) //'call to possibly undefined method removeMovieClip'
unloadMovie(this)//'call to possibly undefined method removeMovieClip'
This one should be working; it's what I use. One problem I had when I switched to AS3 is that sometimes it wouldn't be added as a child right, so you might want to check that. You also have to import flash.display via putting this at the top if you're not already:
import flash.display.*
You should also remove the event listener on it before removing it.
If your animation is ending on frame 20.
note: using 19 because flash count frames from zero(0) similar to array index.
class animatedCloud
public function animatedCloud(){
addFrameScript(19, frame20);
private function frame20(){
Always ensure that those self removing movieclips can get garbage collected.
This solution wiped away all my instances from a loaded swf's library symbol:
var mc:MovieClip = new definition() as MovieClip;
mc.x = 1000 * Math.random();
mc.y = 1000 * Math.random();
mc.addFrameScript(mc.totalFrames - 1, function onLastFrame():void
mc = null;
public static function removeDisplayObject(displayObject:DisplayObject):void {
/* normal code
if(displayObject && displayObject.parent){
displayObject ? displayObject.parent ? displayObject.parent.removeChild(displayObject) : null : null;
I use, in an extra blank keyframe at the end of the MovieClip which should remove itself:
Found it to be the proper and best solution.