jqueryLazy not triggering when images gets visibles via css changes - jquery-lazyload

I have a bunch of images, say 100 images, in a web page, and only 10 are visible without scrolling the page. The first 90 images have a "myclass" class.
I manage all images with jquery lazy (http://jquery.eisbehr.de/lazy/), and it works perfecty if I scroll the window.
However, If I make $(".myclass").hide() before scrolling down, I see the last 10 images, which don't have the "myclass" class, bug jquery lazy doesn't "reveal" them.

Because lazyload triggers on scroll events.
$(window).scroll() (which triggers the scroll event on the window) is enough to solve the issue.
If the scrollable div is not the window object, use it instead of $(window).


Viewport position changes when loading more items using vue-masonry library

I am using the vue-masonry library. At first I have 6 items, so I crated a LoadMore Button to see more of them. The problem is, that when I am in mobile, the items load perfectly, but the viewport changes. see the image attached.
Is there something I can do, to prevent the scrolling movement?

Is there a way to prevent my CSS keyframe animation from starting until that element scrolls in view?

I've used keyframes to animate the entrance of some elements onto my page, however the elements are located at the bottom of the page, so the animation takes place before you see them.
Is there a way to stop the animation from happening until the user scrolls into view of the elements? Preferably not a jQuery solution since I am not familiar with it.
Note: I know there is a library called wow.js that solves this issue, but it uses animate.css for it's animations. This is a problem for me because I was using animate.css originally but it was overwriting/conflicting with some other css I had. That is why I switched to using keyframes for the animations, and in order to have all the properties of elements working correctly I believe I have to stay with keyframes rather than animate.css
I found my own answer! Wow.js still works because you don't have to necessarily use animate.css animations, you can still use your own custom animations.

UIWebView inside full screen UICollectionView with paging

I want to have a full screen UICollectionView with paging, with a UIWebView in every cell.
The WebView should scroll up and down, and the CollectionView should move pages left and right.
Also, I want the pages on the cells will preload so when the user move to a certain page the html page will already be there.
What is the correct way to handle this?
It's hard to put it all in here, so check out if this project gets you closer to solving your problem.
Notice that there is no preloading, because if you'll write your own html and there won't be any network calls, you don't need to preload pages - changes will be instantly visible to your users.
You always gonna have to reload the UIWebView in UICollectionViewCells because they are reusable, but if you want you can make a hack, an UICollectionView that it is 3 times bigger than the frame of your main view it has to begin in the second page and finish in the one before the last.
It is going to have always 3 webviews preloaded (but you can make the hack bigger if you want) or you can make a UIScrollView with pagination activated which always gonna have all of the webview preloaded.

iScroll5 Infinite scrolling - lazy loading

A am developing a list based app, wherein I am tryin to use iScroll5 to implement lot of animations and smooth scrolling functions. I would like to do lazy loading of my contents wherein I want to load first 50 list elements to DOM and based on user scroll event asynchronously bind the next set of list elements to the DOM.
Am I on the right track to go with the iScroll5 - Infinite scrolling API or is there any other library which does the job for me ?
If you want to use infinite scrolling , means on page load some content are pre load and then user scroll down and other content are load on scroll with lazy loging, if i am understan right then please try to use jscroll jquery plugin.. it's very good for infinite scroll.
http://jscroll.com/ you can find here document and example of this plugin.

Can I maintain smooth scrolling when loading HTML into child UIWebView?

I need to show a paginated slideshow of moderately DOM-intensive HTML pages in an iPad application.
All documents are tailored for iPad screen so there is never any scrolling inside UIWebViews.
I decided to put UIWebViews inside UIScrollView for pagination.
It works really well and smooth after all web views have rendered their content.
However, I can't afford waiting for 20, 30 or 50 web views to load before user can scroll: it takes minutes.
I tried to anticipate swipes in scrollViewDidScroll handler and pre-load a few next pages as user keep scrolling.
This worked much better (no performance difference between 10 or 150 web views).
However calling loadHTMLString in scrollViewDidScroll handler causes scrolling to lose it smoothness.
I don't care if it takes a second longer to show a particular UIWebView—all I want is for scrolling to be smooth and available as soon as possible, and to lazily preload UIWebViews on the go.
How do I achieve that?
This is a difficult problem and there is no easy/elegant way to solve it.
One way to speed up the scroll would be to lazy load the pages as you stated in your question. However, in order to ensure smoothness you would have to control when the loading happens.
So say you began by loading the first 5 pages on initial launch. When the user scrolls to page 2 and STOPS, you begin loading page 6. As soon as the user starts scrolling again you pause the loading only to resume when they have stopped on a new page. Pausing the loading in between will help smooth out the scrolling. Also, make sure you release data when possible because it can build up and hinder smooth scrolling down the line.
Another option would be to have the UIWebViews begin loading only as soon as the user stops on the page. So say I scroll to page to, once the scrolling stops I begin to load the HTML. This is not as "pretty" as the first options but it will ensure that the scrolling is smooth.
Another option, this one is a bit out there, is to run through and load all the HTML pages rich text. Leaving out all the DOM intensive stuff. Then grab a screen shot of those semi-loaded page using this method. When the user stops on the page you load it all the way including the DOM intensive stuff. This will let the user feel as thought they are scrolling quick with everything loaded.
Here is a great scrolling class that I have used before.
Here is some code to help with method 3.
Good luck and I hope that this helps!
Here is a great post from the guys at LinkedIn on how they solved webView scrolling problems. It would be worth a read.