I want to update Ebay product price using Ebay API - api

I am searching and trying to update the eBay store price using the eBay API. I have the App ID DevID and cart ID. I have been trying to update the price using the API. I went through the documentation of eBay API. But couldn't find any proper solution.
Is there any script in PHP that can help me?

The easiest way ito update price and quantity s to use ReviseInventoryStatus API.
Just need to supply ItemID and price
Then to build procedure you can browse SO:
How to change product quantity with Ebay API
If you only need to update price/quantity Isuggest you not to use any SDK.


Shopify - get price, stock on hand hand in realtime from external database

My company would like to sell products through the Shopify Platform, but be they want to be able to get their prices and stock levels from an external data base. We have developers that know how to create an API, but we do not quite understand how to set up a private app to do this.
For instance, we want to make an ajax call to this endpoint www.{ourDomain}/shopify/getPrice.html?Part=UserRequestedPart and the endpoint would return some JSON or XML data which I would expect to parse and display in Shopify.
Create a private app with write_products and write_inventory scopes.
Access your endpoint to get current prices/inventory from your external database.
Update Shopify product prices/inventory using Shopify API.
Use Product Variant to update prices.
Use Inventory Level endpoint to update the quantity.
More details can be found here: Shopify Admin API

eBay Trading API - How to get shipping label for an order to be shipped?

I am able to get the orders for a seller through eBay GetSellerList (Trading API) and GetOrders (Fulfillment API) calls. I also found an API
CompleteSale for processing the orders but could not find any API for generating the shipping label like this sample Label.
Any help is appreciated.

Need to modify Shopify products API BY Shopify team then return back to me

It is necessary to modify Shopify products API as per my client requirement.
For example the below products API is available in Shopify API reference document.
GET /admin/products.json
I am able to get list of products from above API. But i want to filter products based on price by sending price as input parameter and get related products as a response.
For that post API is needed. Do shopify team provide Products API for filtering products by sending input parameter as that is not available in API reference?
Kindly give me the information. Thanks in advance
No, there is no way to filter on a price range using /admin/products.json. You can page through all of the products, 250 at a time, and find the products that meet your criteria that way.

Importing Historical Sales Data via API

I'm scouting for a business solution, I haven't tried bigcommerce yet but would want to confirm a few things first.
Is there a way to import historical sales data via API? Is there a direct way to do this?
Here are some of the available fields that I'd like to import:
Product ordered
Sale price
Do you think it would work if I create a new product for this, assign the sale price to it, create an Order, assign the previously created product, and lastly mark the order complete? However, I wonder how this would affect my reports.
You can import all orders from BigCommerce using API.
Check Orders API Call.
Simple PHP cURL Snippet to get orders.

BigCommerce API v2 Product Add with SKU

We are trying to implement the v2 API in BigCommerce to be able to add products to BigCommerce from our system.
It seems that you cannot set the Product SKU field when adding a product. This makes the product API totally meaningless. Is this by design?
How are we supposed to know if a product is already added if it does not have a SKU? SKU should be updateable for ADD product case, it can be ready only for UPDATE product case. I think this is a serious bug in the API.
Please advise how to add product with API with SKU.
If you look at the API documentation for the SKU resource under Create Product, https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus#create-product-sku, you will see that you first have to add the base SKU or the parent and then the options, or Skus. The call to add the Sku must contain the parent product ID, POST /api/v2/products/{product_id}/skus. You cannot do it in one API call to my knowledge