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How can I use SQL to calculate Feet and inches from a column that gives the Height value?
Height = 65
I need to transform into Feet and inches, by dividing 65/12 = 5 feet 42 inches.
I am new, so What is the function that I need to use?

You can use division and modulo. Most SQL dialects have a concatenation function or operator:
select Concat(65/12, ' feet ', 65 % 12, ' inches')
5 feet 5 inches


Converting height and inches (with decimal) to inches

I have a character based height field with some irregular entries. The most typical case is straightforward such as 6'3", or 5'11' (easy to convert). Unfortunately, we also have some entries with a decimal in the inches value such as 5'2.5" or 5'3.25".
My goal is to convert to an integer-based total inches, taking out the decimal, and rounding to the nearest inch.
Any helps?
First Get your feet (the number before the ') and multiply by 12, then get your inches (number between ' and ") ad round to the nearest whole number, add these numbers together and that's your height in inches :)
This query might help:
CAST(SUBSTRING(your_column, 0, CHARINDEX ('''',your_column)) as INT)
* 12
CHARINDEX('''', your_column) + 1,
LEN(your_column) - CHARINDEX('''',your_column) - 1) as DECIMAL),0)
as Height

Precision of div in SQL

select 15000000.0000000000000 / 6060802.6136561442650
gives 2.47491973525125848
How can I get 2.4749197352512584803724193507358?
Thanks a lot
You can't, because of the result rules for determining precision and scale. In fact, your scale is so large that there's no way to shift the result (ie, specifying no scale for the left operand).
The decimal data type supports precision up to 38 digits
... but "precision" here means the total number of digits. Which, yes, your result should fit, but the engine won't shift things for you. The relevant rule is:
Operation Result precision Result scale *
e1 / e2 p1 - s1 + s2 + max(6, s1 + p2 + 1) max(6, s1 + p2 + 1)
* The result precision and scale have an absolute maximum of 38.
When a result precision is greater than 38, the corresponding scale is
reduced to prevent the integral part of a result from being truncated.
.... you're running afoul of the last note there. Here, let's run the numbers.
Your operands have precisions (total digits) of 21 and 20 (p1 and p2, respectively)
Your operands have scales (digits after the decimal) of 13 (s1 and s2)
21 - 13 + 13 + max(6, 13 + 20 + 1) <- The bit in max is the scale, too
21 + max(6, 34)
21 + 34
= 55, with a scale of 34
... except 55 > 38. So the number of digits needs to be reduced. Which, because digits become less significant as the value gets smaller, are dropped from the scale (which also reduces the precision):
55 - 38 = 17 <- difference
55 - 17 = 38 <- final precision
34 - 17 = 17 <- final scale
Now, if we count the number of digits from the answer it gives you, .47491973525125848, you'll get 17 digits.
SQL Server can store decimal numbers with a maximum precision of 38.
SELECT CONVERT(decimal(38,37), 15000000.0000000000000 / 6060802.6136561442650)
AS TestValue brings 2.4749197352512584800000000000000000000.
If there is a pattern in the first parameter, you may save some precision with re-formulation such as
select 1000000 * (15 / 6060802.6136561442650)
I can't test it in sql-server, I have only Oracle available and I get

whats the best datatype to store height?

Pretty straight forward question, I want to store feet and inches in 1 column using a decimal, but I dont want it truncated like how the float type does.
Store all your data in MKS (metric). When presenting and storing convert the data into an international standard. and store it in a decimal type.
Thus if your tool to gather the data is in 6'2" format convert it into cm and save in your data table. Then reverse this for display.
By saving in a standard format decimal cm. finding people with the same range of height is easier, where as if Ft and In are in separate columns ranges are really hard.
The imperial unit system still used in Myanmar, Liberia and that one country in North America is unfortunately not very arithmetics-friendly. There is no native data-type to handle the strange base12/base3/base1860 math for it.
You should really use the much more widely-used metric system and use a FLOAT or DECIMAL value representing meters.
However, when you really want to stay with the imperial system, you should store the value in inch and do the conversation to feet + inch on the GUI level.
Decimal lets you store an exact precision.
The question is if you want to store it in feet or inches.
If inches then:
feet * 12 + inches
If feet then:
feet + (inches / 12)
If inches the conversion back
declare #inches dec(8,4)
declare #indesinfoot as dec(8,4);
set #indesinfoot = 12;
set #inches = (12*#indesinfoot) + 6.25;
print #inches;
SELECT cast(#inches/#indesinfoot as Int) as feet,
inches % #indesinfoot AS inches;
I would go with inches as you can get some rounding error with division but not with multiplication.
Use DECIMAL Data type
It lets you specify the precision you need for your specific needs, without truncating like FLOAT
NUMERIC() or DECIMAL() will work for a single column answer, but you'll need to decide if you're storing feet or inches. These fields use precise math and accurate storage.
If you must store feet and inches, you'll need to either define your own datatype (which is fairly complicated) or use two NUMERIC() or DECIMAL() fields.
Not that you'd ever run into precision problems with feet or inches with FLOAT when measuring something the size of a human being. You'd be off by a hair. Literally.
Example procedure to convert the old English system to metric. No error checking but it will give you an idea how to convert data as entered into data for storage.
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ConvertHeight
#Input varchar(10)
#FT AS DECIMAL(18,10) = 0,
#IN AS DECIMAL(18,10) = 0,
SELECT #FT = CAST(left(#Input,CHARINDEX('''',#Input,1) - 1) AS DECIMAL(18,10));
SELECT #IN = CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(#Input,CHARINDEX('''',#Input,1) + 1,10),'"','')AS DECIMAL(18,10));
SET #CM = 2.54 * ((12 * #FT) + #IN);
I suggest to store the data in single unit,either inches or in cm.
Ideally give the user option to enter it in any format. Convert and show the user information in all the possible units like in feets and inches and cm.

SQL Server : Decimal Precision/Scale are yielding strange results

I was working on a bit of SQL for a project, and I noticed some seemingly strange behavior in SQL Server, with regard to what the answer looks like when dividing with decimals.
Here are some examples which illustrate the behavior I'm seeing:
DECLARE #Ratio Decimal(38,16)
SET #Ratio = CAST(210 as Decimal(38,16))/CAST(222 as Decimal(38,16));
select #Ratio -- Results in 0.9459450000000000
DECLARE #Ratio Decimal(38,16)
SET #Ratio = CAST(210 as Decimal)/CAST(222 as Decimal);
select #Ratio -- Results in 0.9459459459459459
For the code above, the answer for the query which is (seemingly) less precise gives a more precise value as the answer. When I cast both the dividend and the divisor as Decimal(38,16), I get a number with a scale of 6 (casting it to a Decimal(38,16) again results in the 0's padding the scale).
When I cast the dividend and divisor to just a default Decimal, with no precision or scale set manually, I get the full 16 digits in the scale of my result.
Out of curiosity, I began experimenting more with it, using these queries:
select CAST(210 as Decimal(38,16))/CAST(222 as Decimal(38,16)) --0.945945
select CAST(210 as Decimal(28,16))/CAST(222 as Decimal(28,16)) --0.9459459459
select CAST(210 as Decimal(29,16))/CAST(222 as Decimal(29,16)) --0.945945945
As you can see, as I increase the precision, the scale of the answer appears to decrease. I can't see a correlation between the scale of the result vs the scale or precision of the dividend and divisor.
I found some other SO questions pointing to a place in the msdn documentation which states that the resulting precision and scale during an operation on a decimal is determined by performing a set of calculations on the precision and scale of the divisor and dividend, and that:
The result precision and scale have an absolute maximum of 38. When a result precision is greater than 38, the corresponding scale is reduced to prevent the integral part of a result from being truncated.
So I tried running through those equations myself to determine what the output of dividing a Decimal(38,16) into another Decimal(38,16) would look like, and according to what I found, I still should have gotten back a more precise number than I did.
So I'm either doing the math wrong, or there's something else going on here that I'm missing. I'd greatly appreciate any insight that any of you has to offer.
Thanks in advance...
The documentation is a little incomplete as to the magic of the value 6 and when to apply the max function, but here's a table of my findings, based on that documentation.
As it says, the formulas for division are:
Result precision = p1 - s1 + s2 + max(6, s1 + p2 + 1), Result scale = max(6, s1 + p2 + 1)
And, as you yourself highlight, we then have the footnote:
The result precision and scale have an absolute maximum of 38. When a result precision is greater than 38, the corresponding scale is reduced to prevent the integral part of a result from being truncated.
So, here's what I produced in my spreadsheet:
p1 s1 p2 s2 prInit srInit prOver prAdjusted srAdjusted
38 16 38 16 93 55 55 38 6
28 16 28 16 73 45 35 38 10
29 16 29 16 75 46 37 38 9
So, I'm using pr and sr to indicate the precision and scale of the result. The prInit and srInit formulas are exactly the forumlas from the documentation. As we can see, in all 3 cases, the precision of the result is vastly larger than 38 and so the footnote applies. prOver is just max(0,prInit - 38) - how much we have to adjust the precision by if the footnote applies. prAdjusted is just prInit - prOver. We can see in all three cases that the final precision of the result is 38.
If I apply the same adjustment factor to the scales then I would obtain results of 0, 10 and 9. But we can see that your result for the (38,16) case has a scale of 6. So I believe that that is where the max(6,... part of the documentation actually applies. So my final formula for srAdjusted is max(6,srInit-prOver) and now my final Adjusted values appear to match your results.
And, of course, if we consult the documentation for decimal, we can see that the default precision and scale, if you do not specify them, are (18,0), so here's the row for when you didn't specify precision and scale:
p1 s1 p2 s2 prInit srInit prOver prAdjusted srAdjusted
18 0 18 0 37 19 0 37 19

Objective-C Formatting CGFloat

CGFloat a=3.45378;
I want change the result to
CGFloat a=3.45f; only 2 precision
I know how printf works. but I don't know how to do this just keep 2 precision.
To lose the extra precision, and round to the nearest two decimals, follow these steps:
Multiply your number by 100 : 345.378
Round your number to the nearest integer : 345
Divide your number by 100 : 3.45