How do I optimise my website for "mobile view optimisation' - optimization

We have a website where we duplicated the homepage and changed it as we wanted.
When we view it on our laptop and tablet the copied page is working but in the mobile view we cannot see the last part of the page?..
We have not changed any settings and would be very grateful for any help to resolved this.
Thank you

Its all about the css. You should check all what is missing for mobile view.


Header in mobile version of elementor doesn´t change

I have a problem with changing header in elementor. When I want to change location of my button or site logo in mobile version in elementor header template nothing happens. Only when I move the button from desktop in elementor it changes on mobile too but that makes my desktop version look bad. Somebody please help I will be really grateful for any ideas. Thank you
You have to create 2 different sections 1 for desktop and 1 for mobile. Hide mobile version for desktop and desktop version for mobile. You can apply different styles for both desktop and mobile but for the change of positions of elements you need to use different sections. You can check the following screenshot. The top one for mobile header and bottom one for the desktop header.

Buefy Steps only show 1 b-step-item when viewing in Mobile view

Hi i am a newbie in Vuejs, Buefy. I am implementing a Buefy Steps UI. in Desktop Version all the b-step-item are showing but when viewing to mobile version. only one b-step-item is showing (which is the current active one) i want show all b-step-item when viewing in mobile version. Is it possible? Can anyone guide me? Thank you.
Here is the code:
You can set the mobile-mode to null and it will keep the same behavior as desktop.

Magnific Popup appears below page on mobile

I'm asking this question here because the Magnific Popup docs said this was the best place for questions.
I'm having an odd issue, on smaller windows and mobile the popup appears below the page and you have to scroll down to it. I haven't had this issue before and I was hoping someone else had.
You can check the demo site at
You have to use media queries and override the required classes, for the mobile versions.
Figured it out for anyone else who may have this problem. I'd applied padding to the popup, and that was breaking the layout, so adding box-sizing:border-box worked. Phew.

Changing Taskbar menu icon in nodewebkit app dynamically

I am working on a nodewebkit app. Looking for a functionality where in I can change task-bar icon of app to notify users, similar to what Skype does when a new message is received by user.
Is there any way it can be done in Nodewebkit?
Initially I tried changing window.icon in package.json file, but then I came to know that it is used only once, i.e. on app load. So that did not work.
Anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance
Window.requestAttention(Boolean attention) is what I was looking for.
It worked for me.
Thanks to Dhiraj, It gave me an additional feature for icon.

Facebook login button showing "Undefined" instead of "Login"

The facebook login button implemented in my website was showing the text as "undefined" instead of "Login" in firefox latest version in Windows 7. So to fix that i went to get the latest code from the Plugin page at
Its showing "undefined" in the preview button also. What should be done to get it fixed?
I am ready to use the latest code given but it looks like a problem with facebook JS to me.
Sorry! I don't have enough rep to post an image :P
I reported it to fb and referenced Ravi's screenshot. Here's my bug report, if you want to subscribe -
This problem once frustrated me and i searched for the solution in many sites. I find one site to be very helpful for me as my problem is solved and solution is easy to understand. so i am sharing with you guys. just go to and get your problem solved.