I am trying to convert April 2, 2012, 12:00 AM into a DATETIME/DATE/TIMESTAMP type I dont really mind just not a string.
The problem here however is that within the PARSE_DATETIME function the format string, specifically the %e element string which is for the single digit day is always preceded by a space and in my string I need a comma. The docs read The day of month as a decimal number (1-31); single digits are preceded by a space..
My parse function is as follows PARSE_DATETIME('%B %e, %Y, %I:%M %p','Timestamp) AS 'Date' but I get back the error No matching signature for function PARSE_DATETIME for argument types: STRING, DATETIME. Supported signature: PARSE_DATETIME(STRING, STRING) at [4:5]
Any help would be much appreciated.
You are likely seeing the error message because the timestamp field you are using is already a datetime. Your format string functions as expected with sample data:
with sample_data as (
select 'April 2, 2012, 12:00 AM' as input_string
select PARSE_DATETIME('%B %e, %Y, %I:%M %p', input_string) from sample_data
Which results in:
I would make sure your input data is as expected
I Want to parse or cast the following column which is the format of this example STRING:
18 Apr 2016 10:17:50
into one new column as a DATETIME in this format:
So the above would read as an example of one of the thousands of rows:
I'm not sure what's throwing this one off but I either get a column full of nulls or a message saying:
Mismatch between format character ':' and string character ' '
I've tried parse_Datetime and safe.parsed_datetime with the correct syntax and format elements as well as casting. I'm obviously doing something wrong.
use PARSE_DATETIME you find there also more parameters
SELECT PARSE_DATETIME("%d %b %Y %T", "18 Apr 2016 10:17:50") as dt
I have a varchar2 datatype field (lmp_date) that can return either null or what looks like a timestamp value. Changing the database data_type to DATE isn't a possibility, so now I'm needing to convert this to a date, but with the values this column returns, I'm having some problems.
Returned values for lmp_date =
null or 2021-06-11-00.00.00
Date format needed: MM/DD/YYYY
I've tried cast, convert, substr+instr to no avail
ETA - A couple example attempts (because there have been 10+:
select order_no, to_date(lmp_date) lmp_date from table_a - with error message of 'ORA-01861: literal does not match format string'
select order_no, to_date(substr(lmp_date, 1, instr(lmp_date, '00' -15))) lmp_date from table_a - since lmp_date has null value possibilities, this doesn't work successfully
select order_no, cast(lmp_date as date) lmp_date from table_a - with same error message of 'ORA-01861: literal does not match format string'
select order_no, to_date(lmp_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') lmp_date from table_a - ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
There have been more attempts, this is all I can remember
To convert a string to a date, use the to_date() function with a suitable format mask:
to_date(lmp_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS')
The format model elements are in the documentation.
The result of that is a date data type, which is an internal 7-byte representation. Your client or application will format that for display, which may be based on your NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting, so you can modify that to change hot all dates are displayed; or use to_char() to convert the date back to a string, e.g.:
to_char(to_date(lmp_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
although if you want it as that string you can just use string manipulation with substr() and concatenation:
case when lmp_date is not null then
substr(lmp_date, 6, 2) || '/' || substr(lmp_date, 9, 2) || '/' || substr(lmp_date, 1, 4)
When you do either of these:
cast(lmp_date as date)
this also relies on your session NLS_DATE_FORMAT; and the "literal does not match format string" error indicates that it doesn't match the string, e.g. if you have the still-default 'DD-MON-RR' setting. It would actually work - for you in your current session - if you changed that setting. I've shown that here just for info. But to work for anyone regardless of their session settings, you should use to_date() with an explicit format mask, and don't rely on or assume anything session-specific.
You were nearly there with:
to_date(lmp_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and again the "date format picture ends before converting entire input string" message tells you what is wrong - your string carries on past the YYYY-MM-DD elements. Expanding the format mask to match all of the string, as I did above, means it knows what each part means.
If you were really only interested in the date part then you could cut the end off the string:
to_date(substr(lmp_date, 1, 10), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
but that's only really useful if you have a mix of string values where some have times and some do not. (The resulting date will always have a time; it will just be midnight.) And if you have dates with different formats then it gets a bit complicated - partly why you shouldn't store dates as strings.
I have a column with strings as datetimes. I want to convert the whole column to datetime format.
"19.03.2020 08:14:13"
"30.04.2020 08:57:45"
I tried this:
select *,
PARSE_DATETIME("%d%m%y %H:%M:%S", Example) as Date_example
from xx.yy.zz
but i got an error
Failed to parse input string "19.03.2020 08:14:13"
Can anyone help me and tell me why this is not working? Is it because day,month and year are separated by the dot instead of slash?
PARSE_DATETIME('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', example) as Date_example
your original format specifier is missing the dot separator between the date components
you want %Y rather than %y for the year component (the former is a 4 digits year, while the later is 2 digits)
We can shorten the query a little with %T:
PARSE_DATETIME('%d.%m.%Y %T', example) as Date_example
I'm sure this is quite simple, but I've been stuck on it for some time. How can I convert a varchar field (YYYYMM) to a date (MM/01/YY) in SQL?
Edit: I'm using Open Office Base (HSQL), not MySQL; sorry for the confusion.
Try the str_to_date and date_format functions. Something like:
select date_format( str_to_date( my_column, '%Y%c' ), '%c/01/%y' ) from my_table
try :
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(myDate,'01'),'%Y%m%d')
FROM myTable
From mysql.com:
This is the inverse of the DATE_FORMAT() function. It takes a string str and a format string format. STR_TO_DATE() returns a DATETIME value if the format string contains both date and time parts, or a DATE or TIME value if the string contains only date or time parts.
The date, time, or datetime values contained in str should be given in the format indicated by format. For the specifiers that can be used in format, see the DATE_FORMAT() function description. If str contains an illegal date, time, or datetime value, STR_TO_DATE() returns NULL. Starting from MySQL 5.0.3, an illegal value also produces a warning.
Range checking on the parts of date values is as described in Section 11.3.1, “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”. This means, for example, that “zero” dates or dates with part values of 0 are allowed unless the SQL mode is set to disallow such values.
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('00/00/0000', '%m/%d/%Y');
-> '0000-00-00'
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('04/31/2004', '%m/%d/%Y');
-> '2004-04-31'
Get the year:
Get the month:
Compose the date:
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(field FROM -2 FOR 2), '/01/', SUBSTRING(field FROM 2 FOR 2))
This will convert from YYYYMM to MM/01/YY.
To be clear: if you're looking for method to convert some value of type Varchar/Text to value of type Date than solutions are:
using CAST function
CAST(LEFT('201205',4)||'-'||SUBSTRING('201205' FROM 5 FOR 6)||'-01' AS DATE)
starting from OpenOffice 3.4 (HSQLDB 2.x) new Oracle-like function TO_DATE supposed to be available
in addition to the written i can mention that you also can construct a string with ANSI/ISO 'YYYY-MM-DD' formatted representation of the date,- Base will acknowledge that and succesfully convert it to the Date type if necessary (e.g. INSERTing in Date typed column etc.)
Here is doc's on HyperSQL and highly recommended OO Base guide by Andrew Pitonyak
I am trying to get the date portion of a datetime field. I know I can get it with date_format, but that returns a string or "varchar" field. How can I convert the result to date and not as varchar?
This is my query returning the varchar:
(Select Date_Format(orders.date_purchased,'%m/%d/%Y')) As Date
I tried several combinations from this question, but could not make it to work:
mysql query - format date on output?
Any help is appreciated.
Try to cast it as a DATE
Use the DATE function:
SELECT DATE(orders.date_purchased) AS date
Either Cybernate or OMG Ponies solution will work. The fundamental problem is that the DATE_FORMAT() function returns a string, not a date. When you wrote
(Select Date_Format(orders.date_purchased,'%m/%d/%Y')) As Date
I think you were essentially asking MySQL to try to format the values in date_purchased according to that format string, and instead of calling that column date_purchased, call it "Date". But that column would no longer contain a date, it would contain a string. (Because Date_Format() returns a string, not a date.)
I don't think that's what you wanted to do, but that's what you were doing.
Don't confuse how a value looks with what the value is.
I see the many types of uses, but I find this layout more useful as a reference tool:
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2004-01-20' ,'%Y-%m-01');
syntax of date_format:
SELECT date_format(date_born, '%m/%d/%Y' ) as my_date FROM date_tbl
'%W %D %M %Y %T' -> Wednesday 5th May 2004 23:56:25
'%a %b %e %Y %H:%i' -> Wed May 5 2004 23:56
'%m/%d/%Y %T' -> 05/05/2004 23:56:25
'%d/%m/%Y' -> 05/05/2004
'%m-%d-%y' -> 04-08-13