Using Firebase Auth id tokens to authenticate (multiple) Cloud Run services - firebase-authentication

Related to Security Cloud Run services for end-users and other services
I'm using:
Firebase Auth to generate id tokens for users with Google, Microsoft, GitHub ... identities
Cloud Endpoints on Cloud Run to invoke (Cloud Run) gRPC services
Firebase Auth users are auth'd by one of my services
Where I'm struggling....
My app provides 1 or more Cloud Run services that the app's users should be able to curl. But authenticating Cloud Run services require per-service id tokens; the id token's audience must use the Cloud Run service URL and the Cloud Run service URL is service-specific.
It seems as though I ought to be able to exchange the Firebase Auth id token for (Google Account) id tokens (with appropriate audiences) that can then be used to invoke the Cloud Run service. The proxy could also run on Cloud Run and it would use my app's auth service to verify whether the id token user should be issued with a Google id token.
Guillaume Blaquire's answer proposes either Coud Endpoints or a proxy similar to what I describe above. However, Cloud Endpoints requires that the backend services be known at deploy time (which these Cloud Run services won't be) and I want to provide the user with the id token so that they can use curl or some other tool to make the auth'd request.
Cloud Run has some compelling documentation for Authenticate (sic.) but I want something between:
Authenticating users -- I have the JWT but I want to receive a Google id token for the Cloud Run service
Authenticating service-to-service which Guillaume's alternative proposal in the answer.

Rather than place your Cloud Run behind Cloud Endpoints, where you have to know the Cloud Run instances ahead of time, you can handle the request and authentication inside the Cloud Run instance itself.
To be able to handle Firebase Authentication tokens inside the Cloud Run instance, they must be setup so that they can be invoked unauthenticated. Then, inside the Cloud Run, it should launch a web server, parse the incoming request (paying attention to the Authorization header - Firebase Auth sample) and then either action or terminate the request.
To achieve this, take a look at this thread for details on how you can handle both HTTP and service-service requests. Alternatively, you could just deploy the Functions Framework image from which that thread's code is based.
If you want cleaner URLs, host multiple endpoints within a single Cloud Run instance and then place that instance behind Cloud Endpoints or you can take a more manual approach via a custom domain using a service like Firebase Hosting.


User/Session creation based on Github OAuth

I am working on the implementation auth or session (doesn't matter for now) service for my project API. I decided also to support account/session creation workflow based on Github OAuth (Device flow because the client is a CLI tool).
So, in general, my workflow should be next:
User requests the auth/session service (not directly but I skip that for simplification)
auth/session service requests authorization and receives user token by Github OAuth
auth/session service requests the user data based on the received token
auth/session service creates userrecord / session based on user data and returns this token/session to the client
The client can use the token returned from auth/session service to call my custom API.
Sounds clear, I have two approaches but all of them have downsides, and I cannot deside what to choose:
The first approach is perform Github AOuth on Auth/Session service, there is the workflow diagram:
The downside of this approach that I need to poll Github server from my Auth/Session service and poll Auth/Session service from the CLI, otherwise I doesn't have option to pass token for my API to CLI.
The second approach is perform Github AOuth on the cliend side (CLI app). There is the workflow diagram:
The downside of this approach is that client will need to explicitly pass github token to Auth/Session service. Also we open details of implementation, because end to end scenario to receive Github token will be performed on client and all that Auth/Session service need it just Github API token. It confuse me a little bit... Also, in next generation, the application will have native app and web clients, in that case we will need perform fully separate workflows for each client type.

difficulties making Cloud Run service the target of an Apps Script project--audience and scopes

I am unable to create an OpenID Connect identity token to send as bearer token for a cloud run request. From the apps script I cannot make a token using (ScriptApp.getIdentityToken()) which has an audience the Google front end will allow through. When I arrange for the script to send a token instead that I've made with gcloud print-identity-token--identical except for the audience--that invocation succeeds.
Note I believe this may the same issue as seen here: Securely calling a Google Cloud Function via a Google Apps Script.
Also google cloud authentication with bearer token via nodejs.
One workaround suggests restructuring the GCP/Apps Script projects. Others mostly use service accounts, and use service account keys. I believe it's possible using IAM and use of google auth for one to produce a usable SA identity token (short term service account credentials) but I can't demonstrate it.
I am working around this currently, but I'd like to understand the essential problem. I think it has something to do with the cloud run service's hosting project's Oauth consent screen, and the inability to add the associated web application client-id as a scope.
In the Cloud Run docs, there is a section about performing authenticated calls to Cloud Run from other services outside GCP. The process would be the following:
Self-sign a service account JWT with the target_audience claim set to the URL of the receiving service.
Exchange the self-signed JWT for a Google-signed ID token, which should have the aud claim set to the above URL.
Include the ID token in an Authorization: Bearer ID_TOKEN header in the request to the service.
Step 1 could be performed as described here while setting the aud claim to the URL of the receiving service. I believe ScriptApp.getIdentityToken() does not set the proper audience to the JWT
For step 2, I believe you should perform a POST request to with the appropriate parameters grant_type and assertion. This is explained in the "Making the access token request" section here
The resulting token should be used in step 3
I just wrote an article on that topic and I provide an easy way based on the service account credential API. Let's have a look on it and we can discuss further if required.

Authenticate client-side app with Google Cloud Platform

I am currently developing a client-side app where users login using e-mail/password against MongoDB Atlas. The backend runs completely serverless.
All logged in users should be able to upload and retrieve images from GCP - Storage bucket without a visible login, which means the application should authenticate for every user on the background.
I was thinking about using Google Service Accounts in combination with auth0, but I don't know where to start...
If someone could help me tell where to start, that would be great :)
The question is difficult to answer. However, here some insights.
The prefered way is to have a serverless backend, AppEngine standard, Cloud Run or Cloud Function for doing this. The user performs its authentication and then exchange security token between the frontend and the backend. When the user want to reach a GCP resource, it asks the backend, which request the request thanks to its own service account.
By the way, it's easy to trace the user request and to serve him only the resources related to it. And you have only 1 service account, for the backend
If you grant access to a bucket to a user, it could download all the files (But maybe there is one bucket per user?). If you chose to limit object access with ACL, the management is complex.
You don't need to have a service account per user (and in any case, you have a quota to 100 service accounts per project), you can use Cloud Identity Platform (CIP) instead of your MongoDB database for authentication (CIP don't perform authorization, you should use MongoDB for authorization and other stuffs related to authenticated user). CIP is Firebase Auth rebranded

Getting 403 Forbidden on Google Cloud Run with API key

I have set up a very simple Node application with Express on Google Cloud Run.
It works great, but when I set it up with "Allow unauthenticated invocations to [service] (y/N)?" to No, I get a 403 Forbidden even though I created an API key and I'm making the calls adding key=[My API key] in the query string, as told in the documentation. My URL ends up looking like[My API key].
I've tried with restricted (for Google Cloud Run) and unrestricted API keys.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Cloud Run, like many product in GCP, doesn't support API Key authorization. As detailed in your provided link, only a subset of service use API KEY.
It's also mentioned :
API keys do not identify the user or the application making the API request, so you can't restrict access to specific users or service accounts.
Where Cloud Run authentication section specify this here
All Cloud Run services are deployed privately by default, which means that they can't be accessed without providing authentication credentials in the request.
By the way, the Cloud Run expectation and the API Key capabilities aren't compatible.
However, if you want to access to your Cloud Run private service with API Key a workaround exist. You can deploy an Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) on another Cloud Run service. In it, authenticate the API Key and, if it's valid, call the Cloud Run private service with the ServiceAccount of your ESP (which must have roles/run.invoke role).

App engine support for Third Party token for API access

I have hosted a web service on App engine cloud endpoint. The APIs are protected by Auth2.0 as google say but for google accounts.
What I want to achieve is allow these APIs to be accessed using 3rd party tokens. Lets say I have my on Authentication server also providing User Management. I want my google endpoint APIs to be access based on the 3rd party token I provide at the time of API call.
Is this possible?
If Yes, Where should I write the mechanism to verify the clients authenticity and hint of how its to be done.
Also is there any demo project available that provides user management and authentication server and returns a token that can be accepted by App Engine.
On your app engine project, create the authentication mechanism to validate clients.
As such, there is no single solution available for User management, Authentication Server and Token Issuance, but separate modules are easily available.