html2pdf fit image to pdf - resize

I finally got my html2pdf to work showing my web page just how I want it in the pdf(Any other size was not showing right so I kept adjusting the format size until it all fit properly), and the end result is exactly what I want it to look like... EXCEPT even though my aspect ratio is correct for a landscape, it is still using a very large image and the pdf is not standard letter size (Or a4 for that matter), it is the size I set. This makes for a larger pdf than necessary and does not print well unless we adjust it for the printer. I basically want this exact image just converted to a a4 or letter size to make a smaller pdf. If I don't use the size I set though things are cut off.
Anyway to take this pdf that is generated and resize to be an a4 size(Still fitting the image on it). Everything I try is not working, and I feel like I am missing something simple.
const el = document.getElementById("test);
var opt = {
margin: [10, 10, 10, 10],
filename: label,
image: { type: "jpeg", quality: 0.98 },
//pagebreak: { mode: ["avoid-all", "css"], after: ".newPage" },
pagebreak: {
mode: ["css"],
avoid: ["tr"],
// mode: ["legacy"],
after: ".newPage",
before: ".newPrior"
/*pagebreak: {
before: ".newPage",
avoid: ["h2", "tr", "h3", "h4", ".field"]
html2canvas: {
scale: 2,
logging: true,
dpi: 192,
letterRendering: true
jsPDF: {
unit: "mm",
format: [463, 600],
orientation: "landscape"
var doc = html2pdf()

I have been struggling with this a lot as well. In the end I was able to resolve the issue for me. What did the trick for me was setting the width-property in html2canvas. My application has a fixed width, and setting the width of html2canvas to the width of my application, scaled the PDF to fit on an A4 paper.
html2canvas: { width: element_width},
Try adding the above option to see if it works. Try to find out the width of your print area in pixels and replace element_width with that width.
For completeness: I am using Plotly Dash to create web user interfaces. On my interface I include a button that when clicked generates a PDF report of my dashboard. Below I added the code that I used for this, in case anybody is looking for a Dash solution. To get this working in Dash, download html2pdf.bundlemin.js and copy it to the assets/ folder. The PDF file will be downloaded to the browsers default downloads folder (it might give a download prompt, however that wasn't how it worked for me).
from dash import html, clientside_callback
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
# Define your Dash app in the regular way
# In the layout define a component that will trigger the download of the
# PDF report. In this example a button will be responsible.
app.layout = html.Div(
children = [
children='Download PDF report',
# Clientside callbacks allow you to directly insert Javascript code in your
# dashboards. There are also other ways, like including your own js files
# in the assets/ directory.
function (button_clicked) {
if (button_clicked > 0) {
// Get the element that you want to print. In this example the
// whole dashboard is printed
var element = document.getElementById("main_container")
// create a date-time string to use for the filename
const d = new Date();
var month = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()
if (month.length == 1) {
month = "0" + month
let text = d.getFullYear().toString() + month + d.getDay() + '-' + d.getHours() + d.getMinutes();
// Set the options to be used when printing the PDF
var main_container_width =;
var opt = {
margin: 10,
filename: text + '_my-dashboard.pdf',
image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
html2canvas: { scale: 3, width: main_container_width, dpi: 300 },
jsPDF: { unit: 'mm', format: 'A4', orientation: 'p' },
// Set pagebreaks if you like. It didn't work out well for me.
// pagebreak: { mode: ['avoid-all'] }
// Execute the save command.
Output(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks'),
Input(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks')


Multi page PDF from AppScript - How to insert page breaks? [duplicate]

I would like to programmatically set page breaks in my Google Spreadsheet before exporting to PDF, using Apps Script
It should be possible as you can manually set the page breaks when you print the Spreadsheet (
I found that it's possible in Google Docs ( but they don't mention it on the sheet.
Is there a way to do it, even if it's a "hack"?
Talking about "hacks", you may try to capture HTTP request sent from the Spreadsheet to Google when you are trying to save a sheet as PDF by going to the developer tools - Network.
From this link you can get formatting parameter pc, which in my case looks like this:
[["1990607563",[[45,92],[139,139]],[[0,15]]]],0] // page breaks parameters
Note though that I used custom page breaks and landscape orientation, which are reflected in the response above.
Putting it all together, the following code does the trick:
function exportPDFtoGDrive (ssID, filename, source){
var source = "1990607563"
var dt = new Date();
var d = encodeDate(dt.getFullYear(),dt.getMonth(),dt.getDate(),dt.getHours(),dt.getMinutes(),dt.getSeconds());
var pc = [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0,
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("FolderNameGoesHere").next();
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'payload': "a=true&pc="+JSON.stringify(pc)+"&gf=[]",
'headers': {Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
'muteHttpExceptions': true
const esid = (Math.round(Math.random()*10000000));
const theBlob =
UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+ssID+"/pdf?id="+ssID+"&esid="+esid, options).getBlob();
function myExportPDFtoGDrive(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('yourSpreadSheetID');
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("NameGoesHere");
var filename = ss.getName()+" ["+sheet.getName()+"]";
exportPDFtoGDrive (ss.getId(),filename);
A more detailed explanation of the hack is available here
Export Google Sheets to PDF though in Russian only.
I use a work around. I adjust the page size by altering the row height to fit the paper size I want (A4).
When exporting to pdf google changes sizes to fit the width. I add up the size of the columns and then set the row heights accordingly. Numbers were chosen by trial and error.
var width = 0;
for(var z = 0; z < s4.getLastColumn(); z++){
width += s4.getColumnWidth(z+1);
var a4PageHeightPixels = 1050 * width / 800;
Because I wanted the rows all the same height I set the row height dividing my page height by the number of rows. Having ensured the last row was blank, I adjusted the last row to take up the rounding error.
rowHeight= Math.floor(a4PageHeightPixels/(numDataRows ));
lastRowHeight = a4PageHeightPixels - (numDataRows -1) * rowHeight;
(s4 is the sheet I am using)However, I would expect most people would simply want to insert a blank line at the bottom of each page and adjust its size to fit the pdf paper size.

QUploader component in Julia

I have been developing an application in Julia using Genie Framework and Stipple, and the main task of this app is to implement Sobel and Prewitt operator. The problem that I am struggling with is the uploader component. So basically I am able to upload an image, on button click the image is transformed, but then when i upload another image and try to output the transformed version of it, the output that i get is still the old image. I have been trying to find the issue and I noticed that QUploader API has some methods that could help solve this problem: reset() method, or removeUploadedFiles() method, but I do not know how to call/use these functions regarding Julia syntax. Are there any solutions available?
const FILE_PATH = "public/sample.jpg"
const FINAL_PATH = "final.jpg"
#const IMGPATH = "demo.png"
model = Model |> init
on(model.process_s3) do _
model.imageurl[] = ""
#info "Working"
img = FileIO.load(FILE_PATH)
img_gray = Gray.(img)
#info img_gray
sobel_image = convert(Array{Float64}, img_gray)
lastImage = clamp01nan.(sobel(sobel_image, sobel3_kernel_x, sobel3_kernel_y))
save(joinpath(#__DIR__, "public", FINAL_PATH), lastImage)
model.imageurl[] = "/$FINAL_PATH#$(Base.time())" * string(rand())
#info model.imageurl[]
if (model.process_s3[])
model.process_s3[] = false
function ui(model)
page( model,
class = "container",
title = "Card Demo",
partial = true,
row( # row takes a tuple of cells. Creates a `div` HTML element with a CSS class named `row`.
cell([h1("Edge Detection Project")]),
cell(class="st-module", [
h2("Initial Image"),
class = "q-pa-md row items-start q-gutter-md",
label = "Upload Image",
method = "POST",
url = "http://localhost:8000/upload",
field__name = "img",
btn("Sobel 3x3",color="primary", #click("process_s3 = true")),
cell(class="st-module", [
h2("Transformed Image"),
class = "q-pa-md row items-start q-gutter-md",
#quasar(:img, src=:imageurl, spinner__color="white", style="height: 300px; max-width: 350px")
imageview(src=:imageurl, spinner__color="white", style="height: 250px; max-width: 250px")
route("/") do
html(ui(model), context = #__MODULE__)
route("/upload", method = POST) do
if infilespayload(:img)
#info Requests.filename(filespayload(:img))
open(FILE_PATH, "w") do io
write(FILE_PATH, filespayload(:img).data)
#info File
#info "No image uploaded"
# isrunning(:webserver) || up()
# makes just an anchor link to an HTML document. This will obviously result in buffering the document as the browser might just look for different anchors (and not find them) yet has no motivation to re-download.
On the other hand adding the ? makes the request actually different every time (understood by browser as a different document). In result the cache will not be used - a new copy gets requested.

Printing to pdf from Google Apps Script HtmlOutput

For years, I have been using Google Cloud Print to print labels in our laboratories on campus (to standardize) using a Google Apps Script custom HtmlService form.
Now that GCP is becoming depreciated, I am in on a search for a solution. I have found a few options but am struggling to get the file to convert to a pdf as would be needed with these other vendors.
Currently, when you submit a text/html blob to the GCP servers in GAS, the backend converts the blob to application/pdf (as evidenced by looking at the job details in the GCP panel on Chrome under 'content type').
That said, because these other cloud print services require pdf printing, I have tried for some time now to have GAS change the file to pdf format before sending to GCP and I always get a strange result. Below, I'll show some of the strategies that I have used and include pictures of one of our simple labels generated with the different functions.
The following is the base code for the ticket and payload that has worked for years with GCP
var ticket = {
version: "1.0",
print: {
color: {
vendor_id: "Color"
duplex: {
type: "NO_DUPLEX"
copies: {copies: parseFloat(quantity)},
media_size: {
width_microns: 27940,
page_orientation: {
margins: {
page_range: {
var payload = {
"printerid" : QL710,
"title" : "Blank Template Label",
"content" : HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob(),
"contentType": 'text/html',
"ticket" : JSON.stringify(ticket)
This generates the expected following printout:
When trying to convert to pdf using the following code:
The following is the code used to transform to pdf:
var blob = HtmlService.createTemplate(html).evaluate().getContent();
var newBlob = Utilities.newBlob(html, "text/html", "text.html");
var pdf = newBlob.getAs("application/pdf").setName('tempfile');
var file = DriveApp.getFolderById("FOLDER ID").createFile(pdf);
var payload = {
"printerid" : QL710,
"title" : "Blank Template Label",
"content" : pdf,//HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob(),
"contentType": 'text/html',
"ticket" : JSON.stringify(ticket)
an unexpected result occurs:
This comes out the same way for direct coding in the 'content' field with and without .getBlob():
"content" : HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getAs('application/pdf'),
note the createFile line in the code above used to test the pdf. This file is created as expected, of course with the wrong dimensions for label printing (not sure how to convert to pdf with the appropriate margins and page size?): see below
I have now tried to adopt Yuri's ideas; however, the conversion from html to document loses formatting.
var blob = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob();
var docID = Drive.Files.insert({title: 'temp-label'}, blob, {convert: true}).id
var file = DocumentApp.openById(docID);
This produces a document looks like this (picture also showing expected output in my hand).
Does anyone have insights into:
How to format the converted pdf to contain appropriate height, width
and margins.
How to convert to pdf in a way that would print correctly.
Here is a minimal code to get a better sense of context
I've made the template (80 x 40 mm -- sorry, I don't know your size):
And there is the script:
function myFunction() {
// input data
var matName = '<b>testing this to <u>see</u></b> if it <i>actually</i> works <i>e.coli</i>'
var disposeWeek = 'end of semester'
var prepper = 'John Ruppert';
var className = 'Cell and <b>Molecular</b> Biology <u>Fall 2020</u> a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises';
var hazards = 'Lots of hazards';
// make a temporary Doc from the template
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById('1vA93FxGXcWLIEZBuQwec0n23cWGddyLoey-h0WR9weY').makeCopy();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var body = doc.getBody();
// replace placeholders with data
body.replaceText('{matName}', matName);
body.replaceText('{disposeWeek}', disposeWeek);
body.replaceText('{prepper}', prepper);
body.replaceText('{className}', className);
body.replaceText('{hazards}', hazards);
// make Italics, Bold and Underline
handle_tags(['<i>', '</i>'], body);
handle_tags(['<b>', '</b>'], body);
handle_tags(['<u>', '</u>'], body);
// save the temporary Doc
// make a PDF
var docblob = doc.getBlob().setName('Label.pdf');
// delete the temporary Doc
// this function applies formatting to text inside the tags
function handle_tags(tags, body) {
var start_tag = tags[0].toLowerCase();
var end_tag = tags[1].toLowerCase();
var found = body.findText(start_tag);
while (found) {
var elem = found.getElement();
var start = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var end = body.findText(end_tag, found).getStartOffset()-1;
switch (start_tag) {
case '<b>': elem.setBold(start, end, true); break;
case '<i>': elem.setItalic(start, end, true); break;
case '<u>': elem.setUnderline(start, end, true); break;
found = body.findText(start_tag, found);
body.replaceText(start_tag, ''); // remove tags
body.replaceText(end_tag, '');
The script just changes the {placeholders} with the data and saves the result as a PDF file (Label.pdf). The PDF looks like this:
There is one thing, I'm not sure if it's possible -- to change a size of the texts dynamically to fit them into the cells, like it's done in your 'autosize.html'. Roughly, you can take a length of the text in the cell and, in case it is bigger than some number, to make the font size a bit smaller. Probably you can use the jquery texfill function from the 'autosize.html' to get an optimal size and apply the size in the document.
I'm not sure if I got you right. Do you need make PDF and save it on Google Drive? You can do in Google Docs.
As example:
Make a new document with your table and text. Something like this
Add this script into your doc:
function myFunction() {
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(ID).makeCopy();
var newFile = DriveApp.createFile(copyFile.getAs('application/pdf'));
Every time you run this script it makes the file 'label.pdf' on your Google Drive.
The size of this pdf will be the same as the page size of your Doc. You can make any size of page with add-on: Page Sizer
If you need to change the text in your label before generate pdf or/and you need change the name of generated file, you can do it via script as well.
Here is a variant of the script that changes a font size in one of the cells if the label doesn't fit into one page.
function main() {
// input texts
var text = {};
text.matName = '<b>testing this to <u>see</u></b> if it <i>actually</i> works <i>e.coli</i>';
text.disposeWeek = 'end of semester';
text.prepper = 'John Ruppert';
text.className = 'Cell and <b>Molecular</b> Biology <u>Fall 2020</u> a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises';
text.hazards = 'Lots of hazards';
// initial max font size for the 'matName'
var size = 10;
var doc_blob = set_text(text, size);
// if we got more than 1 page, reduce the font size and repeat
while ((size > 4) && (getNumPages(doc_blob) > 1)) {
size = size-0.5;
doc_blob = set_text(text, size);
// save pdf
// this function takes texts and a size and put the texts into fields
function set_text(text, size) {
// make a copy
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById('1vA93FxGXcWLIEZBuQwec0n23cWGddyLoey-h0WR9weY').makeCopy();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var body = doc.getBody();
// replace placeholders with data
body.replaceText('{matName}', text.matName);
body.replaceText('{disposeWeek}', text.disposeWeek);
body.replaceText('{prepper}', text.prepper);
body.replaceText('{className}', text.className);
body.replaceText('{hazards}', text.hazards);
// set font size for 'matName'
// make Italics, Bold and Underline
handle_tags(['<i>', '</i>'], body);
handle_tags(['<b>', '</b>'], body);
handle_tags(['<u>', '</u>'], body);
// save the doc
// delete the copy
// return blob
return docblob = doc.getBlob().setName('Label.pdf');
// this function formats the text beween html tags
function handle_tags(tags, body) {
var start_tag = tags[0].toLowerCase();
var end_tag = tags[1].toLowerCase();
var found = body.findText(start_tag);
while (found) {
var elem = found.getElement();
var start = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var end = body.findText(end_tag, found).getStartOffset()-1;
switch (start_tag) {
case '<b>': elem.setBold(start, end, true); break;
case '<i>': elem.setItalic(start, end, true); break;
case '<u>': elem.setUnderline(start, end, true); break;
found = body.findText(start_tag, found);
body.replaceText(start_tag, '');
body.replaceText(end_tag, '');
// this funcion takes saved doc and returns the number of its pages
function getNumPages(doc) {
var blob = doc.getAs('application/pdf');
var data = blob.getDataAsString();
var pages = parseInt(data.match(/ \/N (\d+) /)[1], 10);
Logger.log("pages = " + pages);
return pages;
It looks rather awful and hopeless. It turned out that Google Docs has no page number counter. You need to convert your document into a PDF and to count pages of the PDF file. Gross!
Next problem, even if you managed somehow to count the pages, you have no clue which of the cells was overflowed. This script takes just one cell, changes its font size, counts pages, changes the font size again, etc. But it doesn't granted a success, because there can be another cell with long text inside. You can reduce font size of all the texts, but it doesn't look like a great idea as well.

Flutter creat pdf file with different page size and font size

Here with the code to create a pdf file for flutter. I am using plugin pdf 1.0.6.
My questions:
How to create a pdf file width 75mm with auto height to fit the
How to create multi lines of text with different font size?
PDFDocument _generateDocument() {
final pdf = new PDFDocument(deflate: zlib.encode);
final page = new PDFPage(pdf, pageFormat: PDFPageFormat.A4);
final g = page.getGraphics();
final font = new PDFFont(pdf);
final top = page.pageFormat.height;
g.setColor(new PDFColor(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
g.drawRect(50.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM, top - 80.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM,
100.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM, 50.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM);
g.setColor(new PDFColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3));
g.drawString(font, 12.0, "Hello World!", 10.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM,
top - 10.0 * PDFPageFormat.MM);
return pdf;
I recommend you to update to the latest version pdf: ^1.4. as a lot has changed on how to build a pdf.
For the format size I would try PdfPageFormat.undefined or in your case PdfPageFormat(75, double.infinity)
For the multiline with different size I would use the new way of creating a pdf that uses widgets. See the example:
As simple as
pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4,
build: (Context context) {
return Center(
child: Text('Hello World', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 40)),
); // Center
})); // Page

CMS and store hi-resolution images in generated pdf

I'm looking for good CMS for publishing software manuals.
publish manual pages as web pages with thumbnails and shows full resolution after click on image,
exporting manual pages to a pdf file with full resolution images instead to thumbnails.
I found IMHO best wiki system named Tiki Wiki ( but when I export to pdf then I gets low resolution thumbnail.
I solve this problem by very simple Tiki Wiki code modification:
Modify lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php to force using full image resolution instead to thumbnail in print page mode (inserted code 1) and rescale images in generated HTML by 0.5 factor (inserted code 2):
function wikiplugin_img( $data, $params )
$imgdata = array_merge($imgdata, $params);
// inserted code 1 (~410 line)
if ($GLOBALS['section_class']=="tiki_wiki_page print"){
$imgdata['thumb'] = '';
// end of inserted code 1
//function calls
if ( !empty($imgdata['default']) || !empty($imgdata['mandatory'])) {
$fwidth = '';
$fheight = '';
if (isset(TikiLib::lib('parser')->option['indexing']) && TikiLib::lib('parser')->option['indexing']) {
$fwidth = 1;
$fheight = 1;
} else {
// inserted code 2 (~410 line)
if ($GLOBALS['section_class']=="tiki_wiki_page print"){
$fwidth = $imageObj->get_width() / 2;
$fheight = $imageObj->get_height() / 2;
} else {
$fwidth = $imageObj->get_width();
$fheight = $imageObj->get_height();
// end of inserted code 2 (~638 line)
Now, after printing to pdf by wkhtmltopdf we gets pdf with small but full resolution images.
Additional modifies:
Adds following lines to cms/cssmenus.css (or other css included in print mode) for increase bottom margin of image caption:
div.thumbcaption {
margin-bottom: 5mm;
Removes lines from 171 to ~175 in templates/tiki-show_content.tpl for remove the "The original document is available at" foot.