How to get TextEditor From TextDocument - vscode-extensions

Currently I have a TextDocument from the event callback of onWillSaveTextDocument. I want to edit this text document, but to do so I need the class TextEditor. How would I get the associated TextEditor from this TextDocument?

You can use the array vscode.window.visibleTextEditors and find the TextEditor through comparing the documents:
const editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(
(editor) => editor.document === ev.document


I have 2 texts, list and will show list to grid when i click but i want to show the previous text again when i click on it .How to do that?

Initially I setted the text as list in use-state and it change to grid when I click on it.How to show the list again when I click?
const [buttonText, setButtonText] = useState('List');
function handleClick() {
This is the use-state and the function that changes the text.Can anyone help me ?
You can call same method and use ternary operator (check your current state and setState according to it).
function handleClick() {
setButtonText(buttonText == 'Grid' ? 'List' : 'Grid');

How to select a line chart by clicking somewhere else than a datapoint in echarts?

I am using echarts to visualize multiple line-charts. When I click exactly on a datapoint I am able to select a specific line chart. However If I click elsewhere on the line, where there in no datapoint associated, the chart in not selected. I know there is a focus feature by hovering the mouse. I want the same functionality using the click event.
I am using the following method, but I am not sure how to implement it.
myChart.getZr().on('click', params => {
//to be implemented
Here is the configuration example for the hovering effect on echarts:
I solved this with filled-area
I put areaStyle: {} in series' option
then add the following event handler like this
myChart.getZr().on('click', function (params) {
Object.keys( => key.includes(
'__ec_inner_')).filter(key =>[key]
.seriesIndex != undefined).forEach(key => {

Managing Search within data react native

I am building a kind of list app. The list contains almost 100 items. so I need to add a search bar which facilitates user selection .
This is my code
const searchTitle = () => {
const results = state.values();
for (const value of results) {
if (value.title == term) {
const id =;
const title = value.title;
const audio_url = value.audio_url;
navigate('Show', {id, title, audio_url});
Search is working well but the issue that user has to type all the sentence I need to get some modification so the user can type only few words and either get a suggestions or autocomplete the search
any help will be highly appreciated and thank you in advance
For improving the search try the solution by Mahdi N:
For adding a favourite list, you can maintain a new field in each item as favourite and assign it true/false.
Or you can have a favourite list with ids of favourite items.

Flutter - how to get Text widget on widget test

I'm trying to create a simple widget test in Flutter. I have a custom widget that receives some values, composes a string and shows a Text with that string. I got to create the widget and it works, but I'm having trouble reading the value of the Text component to assert that the generated text is correct.
I created a simple test that illustrates the issue. I want to get the text value, which is "text". I tried several ways, if I get the finder asString() I could interpret the string to get the value, but I don't consider that a good solution. I wanted to read the component as a Text so that I have access to all the properties.
So, how would I read the Text widget so that I can access the data property?
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
testWidgets('my first widget test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester
.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: Text("text", key: Key('unit_text'))));
// This works and prints: (Text-[<'unit_text'>]("text"))
var finder = find.byKey(Key("unit_text"));
// This also works and prints: (Text-[<'unit_text'>]("text"))
var finderByType = find.byType(Text);
// This returns empty
// This throws: type 'StatelessElement' is not a subtype of type 'Text' in type cast
I got it working. I had to access the widget property of the Element, and then cast it as text:
var text = finder.evaluate().single.widget as Text;
Please check this simple example.
testWidgets('Test name', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// findig the widget
var textFind = find.text("text_of_field");
// checking widget present or not
expect(textFind, findsOneWidget);
//getting Text object
Text text = tester.firstWidget(textFind);
// validating properies
You can use find.text
testWidgets('finds a Text Widget', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Build an App with a Text Widget that displays the letter 'H'
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Text('H'),
// Find a Widget that displays the letter 'H'
expect(find.text('H'), findsOneWidget);

Calling member functions on click/tap within sencha touch 2 templates

I am rather new to sencha touch, I've done a lot of research and tutorials to learn the basics but now that I am experimenting I have run into a problem that I can't figure out.
I have a basic DataList which gets its data from a store which displays in a xtemplate.
Within this template I have created a member function which requires store field data to be parsed as a parameter.
I would like to make a thumbnail image (that's source is pulled from the store) execute the member function on click/tap.
I can't find any information on this within the docs, does anyone know the best way to go about this?
Here is a code example (pulled from docs as I can't access my actual code right now).
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>'
tapFunction: function(name){
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);
I want to make the paragraph clickable which will then execute the tapFunction() member function and pass the {name} variable.
Doing something like onclick="{[this.tapFunction(]} " does not seem to work.
I think functions in template are executed as soon as the view is rendered so I don't think this is the proper solution.
What I would do in your case is :
Add a unique class to your < p > tag
tpl : '<p class="my-p-tag">{name}</p>'
Detect the itemtap event on the list
In your dataview controller, you add an tap event listener on your list.
refs: {
control: {
myList: {
itemtap: 'listItemTap'
Check if the target of the tap is the < p > tag
To do so, implement your listItemTap function like so :
listItemTap: function(list,index,target,record,e){
var node =;
if (node.className && node.className.indexOf('my-p-tag') > -1) {
Hope this helps