use case statement along with partition by - sql

I have data as below
if there is a customer 1, and he has multiple rows of comments. Even if any one of the comments has the keyword "sania", I want that customer to be flagged as '0'. else mark as '1'.

Something like this?
, comments
, min(case when comments='sania' then 0 else 1 end)
over (partition by customer) as new_flag
from Tbl


How to check unique values in SQL

I have a table named Bank that contains a Bank_Values column. I need a calculated Bank_Value_Unique column to shows whether each Bank_Value exists somewhere else in the table (i.e. whether its count is greater than 1).
I prepared this query, but it does not work. Could anyone help me with this and/or modify this query?
(SELECT Bank_Value
FROM [Bank]
GROUP BY Bank_Value
THEN '0' ELSE '1'
END AS Bank_Key_Unique
FROM [Bank]
A windowed count should work:
END AS Bank_Value_Unique
It works also, but I found solution also:
select CASE WHEN NULLIF(LTRIM(RTRIM(Bank_Value)),'') =
(select Bank_Value
from Bank
group by Bank_Value
having (count(distinct Bank_Value) > 2 )) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS
from Bank
It was missing "distinct" in having part.

SQL - Subselect in select clause - how to create column which decides uniqity logic

I am trying to write subselect which will run through returned data, then checks status of all and then decides uniquity logic.
Is there any way to find out following ?
case any of data has 'Active' status first one will be marked as 1 everything else as 0
case there is no 'Active' status then first 'Expired' status will by marked as 1 and everything else as 0
case there is no 'Active' and 'Expired' status then first 'In Progress' will be marked as 1 and everything else as 0
I was trying to write it like this but i need to have it in one case statement
SELECT, a.status,
WHERE )AS unique
Result should look like picture for expired case
Thank you in advance for any tips.
Use a window function:
select t.*,
(case when row_number() over (partition by id
order by case status when 'Active' then 1 when 'Expired' then 2 else 3 end
) = 1
then 1 else 0
end) as unique_flag
from my.table t;
If the lookup table is the same as source table, then you can use LAG function with constant and use its default value to mark the first row with 1 and others with 0. But you need to order your rows by some fields to deal with duplicates on status.
select, a.status,
lag(0, 1, 1) over(
partition by
order by
case a.status
when 'Active' then 0
when 'Expired' then 1
else 3
end asc,
a.some_more_columns asc /*To find that first row when there are duplicates by status*/
) as unique_flag
from MY_TABLE a
And what about object naming: never use keywords as identifiers. Calling column with date as date, table with users as users and some unknown table as table makes you design error prone.

Mark values with diffreent tag in sql

I have one endpoint that is 7. I would like to few numbers 40,35,30,26,22,18,12 mark as completed.(This is an example. The value may be different) and few numbers 13,17,21,27,32,38,43 mark as pending. (This is an example. The value may be different) Can we achieve by SQL statement? for number details, please find the image.
If your DBMS supports Windowed Aggregates:
with cte as
( select ID, point,
-- find all rows after the latest 7 row
sum(case when point = 7 then 1 end)
over (order by ID DESC) as cumsum
from tab
select ID, point,
case when point = 7 then 'endpoint'
when cumsum is null then 'pending' -- no 7 after those IDs
else 'completed'
from cte
If you want everything before the first "7" as "completed" and the rest as "pending", then you can use window functions and cumulative logic. One method is:
select t.*,
(case when point = 7 then null
when id < min(case when point = 7 then id end) over ()
then 'complete'
else 'pending'
end) as mark
from t ;

How to Count Distinct on Case When?

I have been building up a query today and I have got stuck. I have two unique Ids that identify if and order is Internal or Web. I have been able to split this out so it does the count of how many times they appear but unfortunately it is not providing me with the intended result. From research I have tried creating a Count Distinct Case When statement to provide me with the results.
Please see below where I have broken down what it is doing and how I expect it to be.
Original data looks like:
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value REF
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item1 Order1 170 INT1
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item2 Order1 0 INT1
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item3 Order2 160 WEB2
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item4 Order2 0 WEB2
How I expect it to be:
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value WEB INT
CompanyA 03/01/2019 4 2 330 1 1
What currently comes out
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value WEB INT
CompanyA 03/01/2019 4 2 330 2 2
As you can see from my current result it is counting every line even though it is the same reference. Now it is not a hard and fast rule that it is always doubled up. This is why I think I need a Count Distinct Case When. Below is my query I am currently using. This pull from a Progress V10 ODBC that I connect through Excel. Unfortunately I do not have SSMS and Microsoft Query is just useless.
My Current SQL:
, SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate
, Count(DISTINCT SopOrder_0.SooOrderNumber) AS 'Orders'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooOrderNumber IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Order Items'
, SUM(SopOrderItem_0.SoiValue) AS 'Order Value'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'INT'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'WEB%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'WEB'
SBS.PUB.Company Company_0
, SBS.PUB.SopOrder SopOrder_0
, SBS.PUB.SopOrderItem SopOrderItem_0
SopOrder_0.SopOrderID = SopOrderItem_0.SopOrderID
AND Company_0.CompanyID = SopOrder_0.CompanyID
AND SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate > '2019-01-01'
, SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate
I have tried using the following line but it errors on me when importing:
, Count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference ELSE 0 END) AS 'INT'
Just so know the error I get when importing at the moment is syntax error at or about "CASE WHEN sopOrder_0.SooParentOrderRefer" (10713)
Try removing the ELSE:
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference END) AS num_int
You don't specify the error, but the problem is probably that the THEN is returning a string and the ELSE a number -- so there is an attempt to convert the string values to a number.
Also, learn to use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax. Simple rule: Never use commas in the FROM clause.
count distinct on the SooOrderNumber or the SooParentOrderReference, whichever makes more sense for you.
If you are COUNTing, you need to make NULL the thing that your are not counting. I prefer to include an else in the case because it is more consistent and complete.
, Count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference ELSE null END) AS 'INT'
Gordon Linoff is correct regarding the source of your error, i.e. datatype mismatch between the case then value else value end. null removes (should remove) this ambiguity - I'd need to double check.
Editing my earlier answer...
Even though it looks, as you say, like count distinct is not supported in Pervasive PSQL, CTEs are supported. So you can do something like...
This is what you are trying to do but it is not supported...
dups as
select 1 as id, 'A' as col1 union all select 1, 'A' union all select 1, 'B' union all select 2, 'B'
select id
,count(distinct col1) as col_count
from dups
group by id;
Stick another CTE in the query to de-duplicate the data first. Then count as normal. That should work...
dups as
select 1 as id, 'A' as col1 union all select 1, 'A' union all select 1, 'B' union all select 2, 'B'
,de_dup as
select id
from dups
group by id
select id
,count(col1) as col_count
from de_dup
group by id;
These 2 versions should give the same result set.
There is always a way!!
I cannot explain the error you are getting. You are mistakenly using single quotes for alias names, but I don't actually think this is causing the error.
Anyway, I suggest you aggregate your order items per order first and only join then:
, so.sooorderdate
, COUNT(*) AS orders
, SUM(soi.itemcount) AS order_items
, SUM(soi.ordervalue) AS order_value
, COUNT(CASE WHEN so.sooparentorderreference LIKE 'INT%' THEN 1 END) AS int
, COUNT(CASE WHEN so.sooparentorderreference LIKE 'WEB%' THEN 1 END) AS web
JOIN so ON so.companyid = c.companyid
SELECT soporderid, COUNT(*) AS itemcount, SUM(soivalue) AS ordervalue
GROUP BY soporderid
) soi ON soi.soporderid = so.soporderid
GROUP BY c.coacompanyname, so.sooorderdate
ORDER BY c.coacompanyname, so.sooorderdate;

Creating flag column

I would like to ask you for your help. I want to create a flag column, that will mark specific contract numbers whith 1, where the "CLOSED" column is empty in some rows.
I tried
case when CLOSED is null then 1 else 0 end as flag
but it's not working. Thank you for your responses
example picture
I think you need analytic max() here:
select t.*,
max(case when closed is null
then 1
else 0
end) over (partition by contract_number) as flag
from t