Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'raw-loader' - ngx-bootstrap

Let me start by saying I realize this isn't specifically an issue with ngx-bootstrap and definitely goes above and beyond the call if anyone ends up being nice enough to help me out, but here's the situation:
A few years ago, we created our own internal fork of ngx-bootstrap that we could modify to fit our needs. It has been generally amazing and the initial work of the ngx-boostrap team is very appreciated. The issue now is in upgrading the dependency to Angular 12, the demo code breaks due to issues with raw-loader...
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'raw-loader
Here is an example of the code that causes the error:
code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/disable-transition/accordion-disable-transition.component.ts').default
I have found documentation stating the raw-loader isn't compatible with angular-cli 12.2 and greater, but I see you guys have it working above that version. I have been looking through your code, trying to reverse engineer what you did, but can't figure it out. Doesn't anyone have any hints for me?
Thanks a million in advance.


'TypeError: express_jwt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default(...) is not a function' when trying to leverage express.jwt to auth required sign-in

Hope the holidays are treating everyone well. I'm a beginning coder working on a full stack application. Currently I'm trying to build a back end skeleton leveraging MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. Everything seems to be going well but for using an express json web token to authenticate a required sign-in method. What's odd to me is the error references '. . . Webpack imported module 2 . . .' . I am using Webpack and Babel as compilers etc. but don't have the experience to connect the relationship between Webpack and express-JWT. My guess is that one of the modules I'm working with is out of date and thus not compatible with the others but am not sure which one. Of course, there could be an error in my code but I've tried to debug based on the error message to no avail. Would greatly appreciate your insights and help - thank you!
As mentioned, I'm a beginning coder but have tried the following: a) the two stack overflow threads below seemed to point me to documentation or updated syntax and I've tried variations of both but to no avail.
express-jwt got TypeError: express_jwt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default(...) is not a function
TypeError: Webpack imported module is not a function.
Given the suggestions to review documentation I reviewed Webpack, Express, and even React (plan to use react on the front end) documentation but again, I didn't see, what in my mind, could be related subject matter. I think someone with more experience would prob know exactly where to look in the documentation but I don't seem to be able to put the pieces together given the little coding experience I have. Guidance on where to look in the documentation would be great as I'm eager to get more comfortable reviewing primary reference material. Regardless, appreciate the help and plan to pay it forward one day soon - thanks again!
Screenshots below: respective code truncated for relevance, package.json file
[respective code truncated for relevance] (
package.json file

Missing template arguments before '(' token in adder_cpu.cpp

I am new to IPU and I am running the tutorials from the graphcore.
When I run the second step to compile the program, I got the error.
Is anyone experienced with the IPU and graphcore know how to solve it?
I think there is a small bug in SDK2.6. If you edit line 48 of adder_cpu.cpp as follows:
eng.readTensor("output", gccs::ArrayRef<float>(results));
then it should work.
The ipu version should compile already using:
make adder_ipu

MySql.Data.MySqlClient shows confusing error

I'm using VS2019 and today I opened my project to continue working but a strange error occured that I really don't understand. The MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace shows this:
and every mysql commands shows this error:
but when I start the debugging it's working fine i don't know whats causing this since I'm not very knowledgeable with programming. How do I get rid of this?
From your scenario it's bit unclear what exactly problem at your end. You could try couple of hacks though
Clean solution and rebuild your project
If that does not resolve your issue, try to remove dll reference "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" from reference and referring to latest documentation from Microsoft, import correct namespace again. Hope this helps you.

How to fix JSONDecodeError?

I am new to OSMnx and followed the steps from the website ( on how to make a "Street network + building footprints: square-mile visualizations" map.
All I did was change the location name to teutopolis and change the coordinates to the town I am trying to map out, but it kept giving me a JSONDecodeError output. I added an image of what I input and the error output that it gave me. Being new to coding, I am not sure what this all means as I tried to search for an answer but did not understand.
Any help on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure you're using the latest version of OSMnx (0.8.1 as of this writing). This issue is documented on GitHub and was fixed/released two months ago.

Error building BigQueryJavaGettingStarted java sample

trying to compile
from this location:
Cant't seem fix the error:
Line:125, return Bigquery.builder(..... - method is undefined.
Using v2-rev88-1.15.0
Is the code old, or the Jars out of date? Any help appreciated.
Closing question since I got this working. My main interest was in debugging Google's RESTFul API. I didn't realize that you could do this with Python BQ tool. There is a swi