The vim plugin is broken, but only when opening certain language files.
I can't seem to delete most characters- but I can delete brackets.
It's extremely frustrating and I can't find how to see what is getting in the way of the vim mappings.
If I move over text and type x nothing is deleted but sometimes it is if the text is near a {. I have no idea what is happening- can I turn on debugging output for the vim plugin?
I am using vscode editing legacy php code. The phpcs extensions is great in finding potential problems. However, the old code is using tab instead of 4 spaces for indentation. phpcs would report with:
Spaces must be used to indent lines; tabs are not allowedPHPCS(Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent.TabsUsed)
Because it is old code, I am not planning to fix all of the tab problem. Is there any way to turn off this rule?
I tried to find phpcs config files, cannot find any. Ideally I can set a globaly, or project-wise, to disable it. Can anybody help?
Using IntelliJ, if you type or copy code and the indentation or formatting is not correct, you can easily press Shift Command L and it fixes indentation and formatting. This works on all languages I've tried (python, javascript, html/css, etc)
Is there a way to do the same using VSCode but can't find any way to do it.
IntelliJ Before
Improper space on parenthesis, unnecessary space between colon and parenthesis, too little space between lines, and incorrect indentation on the if True line.
IntelliJ After
It used PEP8 code standards and fixed all the issues mentioned.
Is there a way to do this on VSCode?
When I use Python or any language in that indentation matters I hit enter after the : then it put the cursor in the right place.
Currently I'm having an issue where I cannot make any changes to some files in my project. When hitting the return or space bar key it will only select text and not create new lines or spaces respectively.
I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the VCS features but cannot seem to find any settings to correct the Read-Only issue I'm running into.
This issue did raise it head after installing the Dash plugin. Not sure if this is coincidental or related.
update: After further test it looks like some files go into a sort of preview mode. Return and Space bar keys will let you scan the file and hitting any other keys will wake up the edit function. Strange?
IdealVim caused this for me. Definitely plugin related.
I have intellij 13.1.3 Ultimate and have been using it for my PHP projects. All my files.php are nicely hightlighted for php.
This morning I had to create a new file called "report.php". At first I create it with right click > new > file, but this gave me no hightlighting. So I deleted it and tried again with a right click > new > php file with same result. Now what ever the way I create it, it thinks the file is txt (it seems so) and there is no code highlighting. It's pretty frustrating.
I have tested the creation of a new file with a different name "reports.php" but this time with right click> new > PHP file, and it came nicely highlighted. i tried to rename the file to "report.php" but it came back to no highlighting!!
It seems Intellij is stuck with the name report.php being a type text.
I tried to delete the file, restart the IDEA, recreate it the right way, no luck.
I tried power save mode on, and off. No luck.
I tried File > invalidate cache/restart, ... no luck.
I'm out of options here...
Is there a way to FORCE intellij to interpret a file? Is the name "report" a reserved word?!?!?
How can it be so stupid...
edit: I also tried the suggestion in : IntelliJ: how to force editor to treat a file as javascript? but php is not in the list of the Template data language
Also in settings > file types, I saw two Php file entries. One with no extention, and one properly configured. I deleted the bad one but it reappears after a restart of the IDEA!
Please go to Settings | Editor | File Types and remove the association of "report.php" with the text file type. (The erroneous association was created because of a bug in IntelliJ IDEA, but unfortunately we don't currently have specific steps to reproduce for it.)
I recently switched from Sublime Text to IntelliJ and I trying to figure out, if there's a way for IntelliJ to auto detect what indentation the current file is using and use that instead of the default
I have to deal with a lot of 3rd party code, which can have different indentation settings, which I'm not allowed to change for obvious reasons.
Sublime Text was able to detect and abide to the indentation for the current file, which is quite intuitive and unobtrusive. IntelliJ on the other hand just sticks to it's own settings, resulting in mixed tabs and spaces, wrong indentation levels and wrong merge conflicts.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ behave, other than having to manually change the indentation settings every time I get a file with different indentation.
In recent versions of Intellij there is a Detect and use existing file indents for editing setting for this:
Each project you open in IntelliJ has it's own settings. You will need to set the indent style the first time you open up the project, but it will be saved after that (and can be different for every project you work on). From the IntelliJ help site:
Project settings are stored with each specific project as a set of xml files
under the .idea folder. If you specify the
default project settings,
these settings will be automatically used for each newly created project.
You can edit the indent settings for the project in the Code Style dialog.