IIfNull with regexMatch in Azure Data Factory - azure-data-factory-2

In Azure Data mapping, I have 3 columns for telephone numbers T1, T2 & T3.
I want to create another column TelephoneNumber that would return T1 if its not null and the value is in a certain match (to actual telephone numbers) and move on to T2 if the condition isnt met and to T3 lastly.
I tried to combine iifNull with regexMatch as follow
But the outcome is Boolean not the Value.
Could you help please! Thanks
enter image description here

iifNull returns a Boolean value only.
So based on your requirement, you need to use a combination of iifNull and iif.


Want to exclude distinct values that relate to a value in another column of the table in sql

I'm not sure I can do this in sql but the problem I'm running into is that I have one column which has names that relate to many values in another column. What i'm trying to do is only show names that do not relate to one of the values in the other column. I can't just exclude that value because the name appears in multiple rows. Is there a way to do this or do I need to use something like Python? Thanks in advance?
value 1
value 2
If I understand correctly, you want not exists:
select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.name = t.name and t2.value = ?
The ? is a parameter placeholder for the value that you want no names for.

How to make a new column in SELECT clause and fill it with a string/list dynamically with concat of all condition statements satisfied?

So there are two tables in a database. I have to find out whichever rows have discrepancy based on certain conditions (in couple of cases that's just equality checking between fields). I report ID of those rows.
The problem is to also include the reasons in another column as to why that ID is reported. Because an id can be fail multiple conditions (like mismatch on two fields), I just wanted to include all of those reasons in another column.
Basic idea is to append all the mismatches in another column.
I've looked at several SO questions but they don't exactly my use case. So now I'm thinking it's not possible with SQL.
I searched Google for "enter dynamic column values based on conditions sql", and hit : SQL Conditional column data return in a select statement : This adds a static column
I also learned it's possible to add another column in SELECT with dynamic content like this:
WHEN columnname "DEF" then "I" ELSE "YOU" newColumnName
FROM tableName
But I have not been able to find dynamic column value assignment and update SQL. That's the problem.
Expected results:
I just want to be able to concat all the cases "strings" which a record is applicable for.
Do this with the two tables.
So because I have two tables to work with I have to put these conditions in the WHERE sub-clause, and not in the SELECT one.
So, if for ID = 345, column "FOO_MAN" does not match between two tables, and column "BAR_TOO" also does not match between two tables, then?
Then I want my select clause to capture information like this:
It's probably easier to build this type of query dynamically (e.g. using a stored procedure) based on the conditions you want to test, but here is a small example which shows how it can be done:
SELECT t1.id,
CASE WHEN t1.foo != t2.foo THEN 'foo' END,
CASE WHEN t1.bar != t2.bar THEN 'bar' END
) AS reason
JOIN t2 ON t2.id = t1.id
WHERE t1.foo != t2.foo OR t1.bar != t2.bar
Output (for my demo on dbfiddle)
id reason
2 foo
4 bar
5 foo bar

SQL UPDATE part of a string with value from other table

I need to replace part of a string with a value from another database table. Actually I need to replace the userids with emails.
1 |johndoe; janedoe;
2 |otherguy; johndoe;
1 |johndoe |johndoe#test.com
2 |janedoe |janedoe#test.com
3 |otherguy|otherguy#test.com
my query
How can I specify the "part of the string" thing ?
There are a number of comments about changing your schema...which would be the best way forward.
It looks like what you are storing in table1.email is actually a list of UserId from table2. So you'll need to break out these ids in order to join to the tables together.
If you absolutely must follow this path, then there are existing Q+As on the site that will help you:
(I've taken a leap of faith that you are using SQL server ... but if you search I'm sure you can find similar answers for other RDBMSs)
Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows
Multiple rows to one comma separated value
I guess you need the following

Select values from one table depending on referenced value in another table

I have two tables in my SQLite Database (dummy names):
Table 1: FileID F_Property1 F_Property2 ...
Table 2: PointID ForeignKey(fileid) P_Property1 P_Property2 ...
The entries in Table2 all have a foreign key column that references an entry in Table1.
I now would like to select entries from Table2 where for example F_Property1 of the referenced file in Table1 has a specific value.
I tried something naive:
select * from Table2 where fileid=(select FileID from Table1 where F_Property1 > 1)
Now this actually works..kind of. It selects a correct file id from Table1 and returns entries from Table2 with this ID. But it only uses the first returned ID. What I need it to do is basically connect the returned IDs from the inner select by OR so it returns data for all the IDs.
How can I do this? I think it is some kind of cross-table-query like what is asked here What is the proper syntax for a cross-table SQL query? but these answers contain no explaination of what they are actually doing so I'm struggeling with any implementation.
They are using JOIN statements, but wouldn't this mix entries from Table1 and Table2 together while only checking matching IDs in both tables? At least that is how I understand this http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33052/Visual-Representation-of-SQL-Joins
As you may have noticed from the style, I'm very new to using databases in general, so please forgive me if not everything is clear about what I want. Please leave a comment and I will try to improve the question if neccessary.
The = operator compares a single value against another, so it is assumed that the subquery returns only a single row.
To check whether a (column) value is in a set of values, use IN:
FROM Table2
FROM Table1
WHERE F_Property1 > 1)
The way joins work is not by "mixing" the data, but sort of combining them based on the key.
In your case (I am assuming the key field in Table 1 is unique), if you join those two tables on the primary key field, you will end up with all the entries in table2 plus all corresponding fields from table1. If you were doing this:
select * from table1, table2 where table1.fieldID=table2.foreignkey;
then, providing your key fields are set up right, you will end up with the following:
PointID ForeignKey(fileid) P_Property1 P_Property2 FileID F_Property1 F_Property2
The field values from table1 would be from matching rows.
Now, if you do this:
select table1.* from table 1, table2 where
table1.fieldID=table2.foreignkey and F_Property1>1;
Would essentially get the same set of records, but will only show the columns from the second table, and only those that satisfy the where condition for the first one.
Hope this helps :)
If I understood your question correctly this will get the job done.
Select t2.*
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on t2.id = t1.id
where t1.Prop = 'SomeValue'

CharIndex returning null when I know there is overlap in two strings

I have created a new column in my table(table1) . I am trying to populate it with data from another table, table2.
Table1 has a column called 'Name'. 'Name' contains a substring indicating the language of the column. I wish to compare this substring with the 'Language' column of table2, which contains the substring in the name column and insert the corresponding LanguageID into my new column.
So, for instance :
xxXxxxXxxxxxzxzxzxz xxxazxzxxXXXZxxzxzx 2183909213 ENG-UK nfjksdnfnd 723984782347
and table2 :
Language | ID
ENG-uk | 1
In the table1 name column, the string before and after the Language can take any form, a varying number of characters. The language will always have a space before and after it.
So, I want to end up with :
Name | LanguageID
xx... | 1
I have this query which I believe should work :
INSERT INTO table1 (LanguageID)
SELECT t2.ID FROM table2 t2, table1 t1 WHERE CHARINDEX(LOWER(t2.Language), LOWER(t1.Name)) != null
The problem is, when I run this...."(0 row(s) affected)", which should not be the case.
Does anyone have any ideas ?
The reason that you don't get any matches at all is that you can't use the != operator to compare null values, you have to use is not null for that.
However, that will give you a very big result, as the return value from charindex is never null. When the string isn't found it returns zero, so that is what you should compare against.
Also, you can't insert columns, you have to first add the column to the table, then update the records:
update t1
set LanguageID = t2.ID
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on charindex(lower(t2.Language), lower(t1.Name)) != 0
1st, CHARINDEX returns 0 when search string does not exist. It doesn't do null.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186323.aspx
2nd, I think you should UPDATE, not INSERT.
example (this won't work correctly if t2.Language is not UNIQUE):
UPDATE table1 t1
SET t1.LanguageID = (SELECT t2.ID from table2 t2 where CHARINDEX(LOWER(t1.Name), LOWER(t2.Language))>0)
where exists (SELECT t2.ID from table2 t2 where CHARINDEX(LOWER(t1.Name), LOWER(t2.Language))>0)
You should consider adding individual columns for the first table information. Otherwise, you will end up with Performance Issues due to the SubString Operation.
It's clear from the first table that the table schema is not Normalized. Moreover, the First table schema is not suitable for any Search/Sorting operations.