Can someone share the Mule official link to download Data-weave plugin patch for Mule Runtime Version 3.9.0 Community Edition? - mule

In this page a Data-weave plugin patch of Mule Runtime Version 3.9.0 is enlisted as a fixation of "Server Side Request Forgery affecting Mule runtimes in certain use cases". But the patch jar is not available in given link Can anyone help to get the workable link to download the mentioned patch jar?

No. MuleSoft only distributes patches for the Enterprise Edition (ie the commercial version). The reason you can not use the link is that you need to be a customer of the Enterprise Edition. Even if you could access it, trying to use a patch for a different version or edition may cause unexpected failures.


PDF report for SONARQUBE Version 5.5

I currently installed SONARQUBE 5.5 and I have need for pdf reporting. Is there any free plugin available ? If there is any commercial plugin , what will be the cost and where to contact?
I'm not aware of open-source plugins that provide such feature and that are currently compatible with latest SonarQube versions.
The only one I know is the Governance product. But it is available only on the Enterprise Edition provided by SonarSource.

cordova 3.7 in worklight 6.3

Our product is using Worklight 6.3 (which contains Cordova 3.6.3). There is apparently a bug introduced in Cordova 3.6 that doesn't allow selenium tests to be run against it. Is there a supported way we can substitute the latest version of Cordova in Worklight 6.3?
Please see the post below for the problems we're facing:
related link:
There is no way for you, as a developer using MobileFirst Platform 6.3, to replace the bundled Cordova as it will be regenerated during each build in MFP Studio.
What we can do is patch the Cordova build that is used in MFP with the fix you've linked to. What you need to do is to open a support ticket (PMR), requesting this.
Link to this question in the PMR.
#tedL I'v had to deal with Cordova bugs specific to Windows in the past. See my answer in IBM Worklight - How do I patch Cordova? on how I was able to add the patched files in to a automated Worklight build. You can try the same and hope it helps.

Migrate from FUSE ESB to JBOSS FUSE

We are considering to upgrade an existing system which used FUSE ESB 4.4.1 to latest JBOSS FUSE.
From what I understand, JBOSS FUSE is the much newer version of FUSE ESB. But I have no idea how much have it changed and does the code we have already implemented in FUSE ESB possible to run on latest JBOSS FUSE without extensive changes?
You should be able to migrate. Only if you use JBI components then they are deprecated and no longer supported in the upcoming JBoss Fuse 6.2 release. But for OSGi applications you may have developed for the old Fuse ESB, then it should be possible to recompile and deploy as-is, or there is some minor migration effort. Its primary the upgrades to Camel / CXF that may drive migration changes upon you. Or if you are unlucky then OSGi itself may cause a bit of pain to upgrade, as its errors sometimes can be hard to understand and figure out how to resolve.
There is some migration guides at JBoss Fuse documentation, you can find here

Glassfish Eclipse Plugin for Juno

Somehow, at some point, I installed this version of the Eclipse Glassfish Plugin for Juno:
Oracle GlassFish Server Tools
I'm trying to help a co-worker install it too. But the latest version from the marketplace is
Oracle GlassFish Server Tools
I think I must have gotten it from here which is referenced in this accepted anser but that site is now dead. That site is also referenced in this question
Does anyone know what the heck is going on with Eclipse Glassfish Plugin for Juno and Glassfish, and/or a different place from where we can get the version I seem to have?
Or else, tell me where I can report this problem to the team that maintains this plugin other than SO?
Oracle is currently migrating the GlassFish plugins - see
for details.
The old update site is working again (despite appearing empty when you open the URL in your web browser).

Error Installing ESRI ArcGIS Server Java Web ADF Plug-in in Netbeans 7.x

I am very new to GIS. I wanted to use ESRI ArcGIS Server Java Web ADF Plug-in in Netbeans 7.0.1
But when I followed the installation guide/instruction, it failed to install because of some dependency version mismatch.
It shows ...........................
Some plugins require plugin Editor Library to be installed.
The plugin Editor Library is requested in version >= (release version 1) but only (of release version different from 1) was found. The following plugin is affected: ******ESRI ArcGIS Java ADF web controls NetBeans Module.
Any Suggestion to overcome this ??
FYI I am using Windows 7 64bit with 64bit JVM and Netbeans.
Thank you.
The NetBeans plugin was for ADF developers, and the ADF has been deprecated, and 10.1 will be the last release of is the link of the question asked on their official forumbeside this , as you are not a new member , but i want to tell you that atleast google them once before asking such type of simple question.I hope you are not child enough and have read the faqs as well.I am not the one who down voted you but i guess this has been down voted because of your this silly attitudeGoodluck