How can I save part of a string in an alias using Cypress? - testing

I'm trying to save just a number from a string I get from a paragraph but when I try to asign an alias to it and then check the value it returns undefined. I've tried a few solutions I found but none of those seem to work for me. These are two ways I tried (I tried another one similar to the second one but using split, had same result). The console.log inside of the 'then' doesn't show in the console, and when I try the alias after the code is when I get undefined.
.should('have.text', '/[0-9]+/g')
var fullText = text;
var pattern = /[0-9]+/g;
var number = fullText.match(pattern);

Please convert with + operator and return the numeric value if you want numeric type to be stored.
.then(fullText => {
const number = fullText.match(/[0-9]+/);
return +number // text to numeric
.should('eq', 42) // numeric type

Running your 2nd code on this,
gives the correct outcome
var fullText = text;
var pattern = /[0-9]+/g;
var number = fullText.match(pattern);
console.log(number); // logs 42
.should('eq', '42') // passes
So, you need to inspect the DOM, it looks like it's not what you expect.

The first attempt you were passing a jquery element to the .should() and although some chainers change the subject yours did not so it saved the jquery element as solNumber.
The second attempt invokes the .text() which was passed to the .then() it logs the number correctly. However, you did not return anything at the end of the .then() block, therefore, solNumber should hold the entire paragraph.
This should help you out to extract the specific number and save it as an alias.
.then(paragraph => {
const matcher = /some/
expect(paragraph).to.match(matcher) // check number is there
const indexOfText = paragraph.match(matcher) // get index of match text
return paragraph.substring(indexOfText.index, indexOfText.index + indexOfText[0].length) // return substring
.then(cy.log) // will print out the number you seek


columnSummary is not added

I am trying to add columnSummary to my table using Handsontable. But it seems that the function does not fire. The stretchH value gets set and is set properly. But it does not react to the columnSummary option:
this.${stretchH: 'all',columnSummary: [
destinationRow: 0,
destinationColumn: 2,
reversedRowCoords: true,
type: 'custom',
customFunction: function(endpoint) {
}, false);
I have also tried with type:'sum' without any luck.
Thanks for all help and guidance!
columnSummary cannot be changed with updateSettings: GH #3597
You can set columnSummary settings at the initialization of Handsontable.
One workaround would be to somehow manage your own column summary, since Handsontable one could give you some headeache. So you may try to add one additional row to put your arithmetic in, but it is messy (it needs fixed rows number and does not work with filtering and sorting operations. Still, it could work well under some circumstances.
In my humble opinion though, a summary column has to be fully functionnal. We then need to set our summary row out of the table data. What comes to mind is to take the above mentioned additional row and take it away from the table data "area" but it would force us to make that out of the table row always looks like it still was in the table.
So I thought that instead of having a new line we could just have to add our column summary within column header:
Here is a working JSFiddle example.
Once the Handsontable table is rendered, we need to iterate through the columns and set our column summary right in the table cell HTML content:
for(var i=0;i<tableConfig.columns.length;i++) {
var columnHeader = document.querySelectorAll('.ht_clone_top th')[i];
if(columnHeader) { // Just to be sure column header exists
var summaryColumnHeader = document.createElement('div');
summaryColumnHeader.className = 'custom-column-summary';
columnHeader.appendChild( summaryColumnHeader );
Now that our placeholders are set, we have to update them with some arithmetic results:
var printedData = hotInstance.getData();
for(var i=0;i<tableConfig.columns.length;i++) {
var summaryColumnHeader = document.querySelectorAll('.ht_clone_top th')[i].querySelector('.custom-column-summary'); // Get back our column summary for each column
if(summaryColumnHeader) {
var res = 0;
printedData.forEach(function(row) { res += row[i] }); // Count all data that are stored under that column
summaryColumnHeader.innerText = '= '+ res;
This piece of code function may be called anytime it should be:
var hotInstance = new Handsontable(/* ... */);
setMySummaryHeaderCalc(); // When Handsontable table is printed
Handsontable.hooks.add('afterFilter', function(conditionsStack) { // When Handsontable table is filtered
}, hotInstance);
Feel free to comment, I could improve my answer.

How to select efficiently from a long list of options in react-select

My use case is to allow the user to select a ticker from a long list of about 8000 companies. I fetch all the companies when the component mounts, so I don't really need the async feature of react-select. The problem really is displaying and scrolling through the 8000 items (as described in several open issues like this one).
My thought is why display 8000 entries when the user can't do anything meaningful with such a big list anyway. Instead why not show a maximum of 5 matches. As the user types more, the matches keep getting better. Specifically:
When the input is blank, show no options
When the input is a single character, there will still be hundreds of matches, but show only the first 5
As the user keeps on typing, the number of matches will reduce, but still limited to 5. However they will be more relavant.
I am not seeing this solution mentioned anywhere, so was wondering if it makes sense. Also wanted to find out what's the best way to implement it with react-select. I have tried the following two approaches - can you think of a better way:
Approach 1: Use Async React Select
Although I don't need async fetching, I can use this feature to filter down the options. It seems to work very well:
const filterCompanies = (value: string) => {
const inputValue = value.trim().toLowerCase();
const inputLength = inputValue.length;
let count = 0;
return inputLength === 0
? []
: companies.filter(company => {
const keep =
count < 5 &&
(company.ticker.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue) >= 0 || >= 0);
if (keep) {
count += 1;
return keep;
const promiseOptions = (inputValue: string) =>
return (
getOptionLabel={option => `${option.ticker} - ${}`}
getOptionValue={option => option.ticker}
Approach 2: Use filterOption
Here I am using the filterOption to directly filter down the list. However it does not work very well - the filterOption function is very myopic - it gets only one candidate option at a time and needs to decide if that matches or not. Using this approach I cannot tell whether I have crossed the limit of showing 5 options or not. Net result: with blank input I am showing all 8000 options, as user starts typing, the number of options is reduced but still pretty large - so the sluggishness is still there. I would have thought that filterOption would be the more direct approach for my use case but it turns out that it is not as good as the async approach. Am I missing something?
const filterOption = (candidate: Option, input: string) => {
const { ticker, name } =;
const inputVal = input.toLowerCase();
return (
ticker.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputVal) >= 0 ||
name.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputVal) >= 0
return (
getOptionLabel={option => `${option.ticker} - ${}`}
getOptionValue={option => option.ticker}
you can try using react-window to replace the menulist component
ref :

how to use lodash filter function using variable

I am using lodash in one of my projects to achieve filter. My requirement is we have different SELECT options that are generated dynamically. And these are populated with json.
So my filter function that I need should be generic. For example if there are 3 drop downs.
dropdown1. populated with values whose json_property is ABC_CODE="002"
dropdown2. populated with values whose json_property is xyz_CODE="002"
dropdown2 values should change based on dropdown1 selection
I have a masterdata list, which tells this information.
The loadash _.filter function should use varaibles. Because this filter should be used dynamically for different select options.
var a=_.filter($scope.masterData, function(e){
return _.indexOf(v, e.ABC_CODE) != -1;
console.log(a); //returns array of objects
I get the values.
How can I replace ABC_CODE from a javascript variable. like e.tempVar where tempVar is ABC_CODE
use bracket notation
var a = _.filter($scope.masterData, function(e) {
var key = ABC_CODE;
return _.indexOf(v, e[key]) != -1;
console.log(a); //returns array of objects

handlebars returning index along with data

I have a helper that loops through jason data till a given value and sends the data back to the template.I also want to show at what location the data is present (the index), is there any way where in i can return the Index value along with the data?
Handlebars.registerHelper('print_range', function(items,count,options)
var out = "";
for(var i=0, l=items.length; i<count; i++)
out = out + options.fn(items[i]);
return out;
<script id="template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#print_range options "2"}}
<h1>index</h1> // this index should correspond to i in the helper function
Thanks in advance.
Handlebars.registerHelper('print_range', function(items,count,options)
{{#print_range options "2"}}
Not sure 100% what you're asking, but i do see a problem in your code. You specify 3 parameters in the function, but only give it 2 in your statement call to the helper.
{{#print_range options "2"}}
^ fn name ^items ^ count
Where's the value for your options variable? In handlebars, the parameters for the function go in order after the helper name you are calling

"update" query - error invalid input synatx for integer: "{39}" - postgresql

I'm using node js 0.10.12 to perform querys to postgreSQL 9.1.
I get the error error invalid input synatx for integer: "{39}" (39 is an example number) when I try to perform an update query
I cannot see what is going wrong. Any advise?
Here is my code (snippets) in the front-end
//this is global
var gid=0;
//set websockets to search - works fine
var sd = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:0000");
sd.onmessage = function (evt)
//get data, parse it, because there is more than one vars, pass id to gid
var received_msg =;
var packet = JSON.parse(received_msg);
var tid = packet['tid'];
//when user clicks button, set websockets to send id and other data, to perform update query
var sa = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:0000");
sa.onopen = function(){
sa.onmessage = function (evt) {
gid=0;//make gid 0 again, for re-use
And the back -end (query)
var query=client.query("UPDATE type SET t_name=$1,t_color=$2 WHERE t_id = $3 ",[name, color, indi])
query.on("row", function (row, result) {
query.on("end", function (result) {
Why this not work and the number does not get recognized?
Thanks in advance
As one would expect from the initial problem, your database driver is sending in an integer array of one member into a field for an integer. PostgreSQL rightly rejects the data and return an error. '{39}' in PostgreSQL terms is exactly equivalent to ARRAY[39] using an array constructor and [39] in JSON.
Now, obviously you can just change your query call to pull the first item out of the JSON array. and send that instead of the whole array, but I would be worried about what happens if things change and you get multiple values. You may want to look at separating that logic out for this data structure.