I am currently building an app using the following
Express API
Redux-Toolkit & RTK Query
I have all of the authentication logic implemented, but have ran into an issue.
So, upon successful login, the express api returns 2 httponly cookies containing the access/refresh tokens.
I have an endpoint in my api to get the current user using the access token i.e /api/auth/me
This all works fine, but what I can't figure out is the best way to fetch the user on each page load and store them in the redux state.
Do I use RTK Query to hit the /api/auth/me endpoint and just call the query whenever I need it throughout the app?
Ideally I fetch and set the user in _app.tsx, but I cannot use redux dispatch since it's outside of the <Provider store={store}></Provider>
Also for example if I wanted to use the redux stored user in getServerSideProps I can't seem to do that either because it's not client side and doesn't have access to redux.
I just can't seem to find a good way to simply set the authenticated user and be able to use them globally throughout the app whether it's inside redux store or in something like getServerSideProps.
Any advice would be truly amazing, I am totally lost.
One way of persisting authentication state is storing the token in the local storage. And in the main App component you can check whether the token is present in the redux store. If it's not there you can set it manually in useEffect function.
As such:
useEffect(() => {
fetchAuthTokenFromLocalStorage().then((token) => {
I'm a beginner in react native and I'm creating an app. I've done some research about how to make a secured react native app, but I didn't found much information. I've come up with a "solution" myself, but I want to make sure this is the right way to do this. So I need the help of some react native/javascript/security experts if possible, to quickly check if my approach is OK or not?
I have included 3 questions in this text, but obviously they're related. I've put them in bold. Feel free to answer one or more questions, I appreciate every answer!
I'm creating an app in react native. For a user to be able to use the app, the user should create an account and sign in. I'm using an JSON web token as an access token to authorize the requests made from the app to the server, and to identify the user (I store the user ID in the JSON web token).
At my server, I first check if the access token is valid. If so, I get the user ID out of the access token and use this user ID to identify the user.
For extra security, I'm also using refresh tokens, because an access token is only valid for 10 minutes. When a user send a request with an expired access token, the server responds with a 401 not authorized status.
To make my code more "managable", I've created a wrapper function in react native. I wrap every "request function" (every function where I do a GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request to the server) with this wrapper function. This wrapper function checks the response of the request. If the response status is 200, the response is returned to the code. If the response status is 401, the refresh token is send to a specific endpoint to obtain a new access token. When the access token arrives at the app, the previous request is made again with the new access token. The wrapper function also stores the new access token in (temporary) redux (keychain or shared preferences). 1. Is a wrapper function a good idea? For me, it's more manageble because now I'm reusing the code.
Every time the user opens the app, a new access token is requested, and when a user closes the app, the current access token is deleted, even if it is not expired yet. That way, I want to make sure that every app "session" starts with a new access token. 2. Is this okay? Or should I prevent unnecessary requests to the server when I still have a (possibly) valid access token?
In my react native app, this wrapper function is located in a context component. This "authentication" context is wrapper around my other components in App.js like this:
<AppNavigator />
This way, my wrapper function is accessible to all my other components. My authentication context looks like this:
const AuthenticationContext = createContext({
accessToken: null,
wrapperFunction: () => {}
const AuthenticationProvider = (props) => {
let accessToken = null
const refreshToken = useSelector(state => state.auth.refreshToken)
const wrapperFunction = () => {
// wrapper function
// set the access token
// await fetch('server endpoint')...
return (
<AuthenticationContext.Provider value={{ accessToken, wrapperFunction }}>
3. Is using a context a good practice to do stuff like this?
Server-side, I store every refresh token in a database. When a user requests a new access token, I check if the sent request token still exists in the database. If not, I have revoked access for this user and the user should be logged out. This way, I want to make sure I can "manage" users.
Yes, it makes sense. Actually I can't think of a better way to manage the scenario you mentioned. When you wanna temper the request before it's sent, you will need a single function to do so. You could also use some hooks e.g. onBeforeSend and onAfterReceive, but in your case I don't see any extra value for this.
I do not agree with the deletion of a valid token. You can still send request to server on every app start to get user's last data -might have changed on another device-. I don't understand the logic of starting the app with a new session -maybe more information?
I don't think you need to pass the wrapperFunction/token using context. It would be best if you could send user data by context. you wrapper function can access the token directly from asyncStorage. And each component can call the function directly by importing it.
I believe you are taking the approach of using a wrapper function since the relevant API requests are made directly in components. The best practice is to move such requests outside (E.g. Redux actions with a middleware like redux-thunk) the components.
It's better to check if the access token is expired (by decoding the token) before sending the API request and retrieve the new access token. This will reduce the amount of requests to server. You can implement a common request method which handle this check as well.
I think since your access token expires every 10 mins this is unnecessary. Is there a specific reason to start each session with a new access token?
You can pass in user access details using the context. I think it's matter of preference. Passing in the wrapper function is not needed if you're handing the requests through a common request method.
I am trying to check the authentication status of a user when he opens my react-native application. I have used redux-persist to get my react store to persist on the device after my application has closed. My question is do I need to do this if I am going to use firebase authentication ? What are the 'rules' with regard to using firebase and redux-persist together ? How to make sure they work together properly ?
See the whole point of redux-persist is to store the redux state even when the app is closed via either AsyncStorage/sql-lite-storage.
I believe previously you used to store your JWT token and check if its valid and show the user the respective screens.
Now since FirebaseAuth doesnt have any such flow, you can omit the loginReducer in redux persist configuration.
Like this :
const persistConfig = {
key: 'root',
storage: storage,
blacklist: ['navigation'] // navigation will not be persisted
But there may be some other places you use the redux store , like suppose i use redux persist to store the trip data of user, so it doesnt fetches every time. So just check out whats your purpose.
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts.
I've been using the localStorage to store the JWT token and do the authentication, it works fine because the backend is protected, what is not, are the front end pages in Vue.js and its components, anyone can create a false token in the browser and access the pages, the panel menu, but the data is not loaded because the token is invalidated by the backend. Did you realize that the user will be able to navigate the pages normally? How can I avoid this? Only allowing back-end validated users to navigate the site.
I'm using Vuex and I can not think of a solution. The isLogged state receives the localStorage token, so the user can easily circumvent the browser.
I thought of a solution, do not judge me. Before entering each route, send a request to the back end to check the token, if false, remove the localStorage, would this be a good one?
I'd say your solution is a pretty decent one to start with, but I think you can improve it a bit.
Because you're using VueX, what you could do is store the user (or some other variable) in the Vuex Store. Then before each route you can check if the Store has a user.
If the Store doesn't have a user, check if the localStorage has a token. If there is no token, then the user is not authorised to go to the route.
If the localStorage does have a token, call the back-end and check if the token is valid. If the token is valid, store the user in the Vuex Store and continue. If the token is not valid, than the user is not authorised to go to the route.
This will prevent you from creating unnecessary calls to the back-end whilst still having the validation.
Or you could for example in your store state have a user object that has something like 'userRole' this way you could check for Authentication/Token/Role.
I am new to react-native and redux. I have successfully created a login function which calls a post-request api. The credentials insert by a user are matric no and password. I have another post-method api need to be called to display a list of data in another page after the user successfully logged on. However I dunno how to pass the matric no to another page since there is no event that ought to trigger the user to enter their matric no i order to call the post-method api. Can somebody help me how to solve this?
Use Redux Store or AsyncStorage to store important login information like token or your matrix no.
Retrieve on next page in componentWillMount() and send to Ajax to validate and get data.
ref : https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/asyncstorage.html
you might want to use react redux. Using this u can acess anything from anywhere fast and simple.
Its a little hard to setup but once u have setup its easy to manage and u get info anywhere in the app refer this link: Getting started with Redux.
It covers different aspects of using redux. Starting off with a simple example of counter. It also deals with how to manage an api call where the result can be accessed anywhere from the app.
Good luck!
I'm figuring out the data-flow, and writing action oriented code to deal with Redux.
This is the flow:
I reach SplashScreen and check if accessToken exists. If no, I send the user to LoginScreen. Else, I take him to the HomeScreen.
The flow is rather simple but I'm not able to wrap my head around how to store the token, expire the token or just check if user is logged in. So, technically, when a user logs in, the state(access token) should change. I'm not asking for code, just some pseudo-code and a little explanation will help!
If you want to user the redux store to save token or any user credentials you will need to ensure the state is saved on localStorage, and for that you can use a redux middleware like this or this, or you can use middle-ware of your own :
export default store => next => action => {
let result = next(action)
localStorage.state = JSON.stringify(store.getState())
return result
I don't know if you are using react router, If you are, take a look at this example: authenticator I think it's really the best way to do it..
In my app I used react-native-keychain. When a user logs in, I store the accessToken in the redux store. From there, any time I'm making a request, I just get the token from the store, ensure that it's valid, and make the request.