Why is request.get giving different results from my browser? (webscraping) - beautifulsoup

I'm very new to python and I'm trying to make a web scraper that collects ads that people have posted on this dutch site that you can use for selling your old stuff.
First, I ask the user for a search_term, a distance and a postal_code.
Then, these three variables are inserted into the URL and the request.get is made. See the function declaration below:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
BASE_URL = 'https://www.marktplaats.nl'
def find_ads(BASE_URL, search_term, distance, postal_code):
new_url = f"{BASE_URL}/q/{search_term}/#distanceMeters:{distance * 1000}|postcode:{postal_code}"
html_text = requests.get(new_url, timeout=5).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'lxml')
ads = soup.find_all('li', class_='mp-Listing mp-Listing--list-item')
for index, ad in enumerate(ads):
ad_name = ad.find('h3', class_='mp-Listing-title').text
ad_location = ad.find('span', class_='mp-Listing-location').text
print(ad_location + "\n")
print(ad_name + "\n")
search_term = "bike"
distance = 3
postal_code = 1234ab
find_ads(BASE_URL, search_term, distance, postal_code)
The url that is created (new_url) is exactly like I want it. When I copy new_url to my browser, I get the page that I want to scrape, with my location and the distance set.
HOWEVER, when I look at the ad_location, I expect them all to be the city I am in currently, but what I see in my console is random cities scattered across the Netherlands. This means that the page is ignoring my location somehow.
My question: How come requests.gets gets a different result than when I use the same URL in my browser? Why is it ignoring the distance and postal_code I feed into it?

The page is dynamic. You can get the listings through their api though:
import requests
def find_ads(search_term, distance, postal_code):
url = 'https://www.marktplaats.nl/lrp/api/search'
payload = {
'distanceMeters': '%s' %(distance * 1000),
'limit': '30',
'offset': '0',
'postcode': '%s' %postal_code,
'query': '%s' %search_term,
'searchInTitleAndDescription': 'true',
'viewOptions': 'list-view'}
jsonData = requests.get(url, params=payload).json()
ads = jsonData['listings']
for index, ad in enumerate(ads):
ad_name = ad['title']
ad_location = ad['location']
print(ad_location, "\n")
print(ad_name, "\n")
search_term = "bike"
distance = 3
postal_code = '1234ab'
find_ads(search_term, distance, postal_code)
{'cityName': 'Dordrecht', 'countryName': 'Nederland', 'countryAbbreviation': 'NL', 'distanceMeters': -1000, 'isBuyerLocation': False, 'onCountryLevel': False, 'abroad': False, 'latitude': 51.811457038595, 'longitude': 4.6650731189384}
Cortina fietsen de grootste voorraad bij Mega Bike Dordrecht
{'cityName': 'Dordrecht', 'countryName': 'Nederland', 'countryAbbreviation': 'NL', 'distanceMeters': -1000, 'isBuyerLocation': False, 'onCountryLevel': False, 'abroad': False, 'latitude': 51.811457038595, 'longitude': 4.6650731189384}
FIETSEN MET LICHTE LAKSCHADE lage prijzen bij Mega Bike


Pandas: Creating multiple new columns from function with multiple output values

Im trying to scrape a website for multiple values regarding a list of books. The links to the book pages are stored in a dataframe. Now I need a function that iterates those links and adds the book values to new columns in the dataframe. I don't want to request the page again every time I'm scraping a new book value, so I want to do it all in one function.
The problem is the function then returns multiple values (e.g. book_title and book_rating) which I don't know how to best add to the dataframe.
I tried the following, which I know can't work but I'm stuck:
import requests as rq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd
#function to get the book page
def get_book_page(page):
# Construct the URL
books_page_url = page
# Get the HTML page content using requests
response = rq.get(books_page_url, headers = headers)
# Ensure that the response is valid
if response.status_code != 200:
print('Status code:', response.status_code)
raise Exception('Failed to fetch web page ' + books_page_url)
# Construct a beautiful soup document
doc = bs(response.content, "html.parser")
return doc
#function to scrape the book title
def scrape_book_title(book_content):
title_tag = book_content.find("h1", class_="bc-heading bc-color-base bc-size-large bc-text-bold").text.strip()
title_tag = "fehlt"
return title_tag
#function to scrape the book rating
def scrape_book_rating(book_content):
star_tag = book_content.find("li", class_="bc-list-item ratingsLabel")
rating_tag = star_tag.find("span", class_="bc-text bc-pub-offscreen").text.strip()
rating_tag = "fehlt"
return rating_tag
#function I'm trying to fix
def get_book_title(links):
bs_page = get_book_page(links)
bs_content = bs_page.find("ul", class_="bc-list bc-spacing-s2 bc-color-secondary bc-list-nostyle")
book_title = scrape_book_title(bs_content)
book_rating = scrape_book_rating(bs_content)
return book_title, book_rating
#here I would like to add the columns "A_Titel" and "A_Rating" with the values of "book_title" and "book_rating"
df['A_Titel'], df['A_Rating'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_book_title(x.Link), axis=1)

How to improve the speed of getting request content via the request module

The below functions extract content from 'http://thegreyhoundrecorder.com.au/form-guides/' and append all content to a list. The function works fine, although the speed at which the content is scraped from the website is slow. This line tree = html.fromstring(page.content) in particular slows down the process. Is there a way I can improve on the speed of my request.
import lxml
from lxml import html
import requests
import re
import pandas as pd
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
greyhound_url = 'http://thegreyhoundrecorder.com.au/form-guides/'
def get_page(url):
"""fxn take page url and return the links to the acticle(Field) we
want to scrape in a list.
page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
my_list = tree.xpath('//tbody/tr/td[2]/a/#href') # grab all link
print('Length of all links = ', len(my_list))
my_url = [page.url.split('/form-guides')[0] + str(s) for s in my_list]
return my_url
def extract_data(my_url):
fxn take a list of urls and extract the needed infomation from
greyhound website.
return: a list with the extracted field
new_list = []
for t in my_url:
page_detail = requests.get(t)
tree_1 = html.fromstring(page_detail.content)
title = ''.join(tree_1.xpath('//div/h1[#class="title"]/text()'))
race_number = tree_1.xpath("//tr[#id = 'tableHeader']/td[1]/text()")
Distance = tree_1.xpath("//tr[#id = 'tableHeader']/td[3]/text()")
TGR_Grade = tree_1.xpath("//tr[#id = 'tableHeader']/td[4]/text()")
TGR1 = tree_1.xpath("//tbody/tr[#class='fieldsTableRow raceTipsRow']//div/span[1]/text()")
TGR2 = tree_1.xpath("//tbody/tr[#class='fieldsTableRow raceTipsRow']//div/span[2]/text()")
TGR3 = tree_1.xpath("//tbody/tr[#class='fieldsTableRow raceTipsRow']//div/span[3]/text()")
TGR4 = tree_1.xpath("//tbody/tr[#class='fieldsTableRow raceTipsRow']//div/span[4]/text()")
clean_title = title.split(' ')[0].strip()
#clean title and extract track number
Track = title.split(' ')[0].strip()
#clean title and extract track date
date = title.split('-')[1].strip()
#clean title and extract track year
year = pd.to_datetime('now').year
#convert date to pandas datetime
race_date = pd.to_datetime(date + ' ' + str(year)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
#extract race number
new_rn = []
for number in race_number:
match = re.search(r'^(.).*?(\d+)$', number)
new_rn.append(match.group(1) + match.group(2))
return new_list
except ConnectionError as e:
print('Connection error, connect to a stronger network or reload the page')

Following urls in javascript - Scrapy Splash

I am extremely new to web scraping. I manage to extract information from static websites but am now trying my hand following urls and extracting data (which ofcourse involves some javascript). I have installed scrapy-splash for the same which is running perfectly fine.
The website I am trying to scrape is https://www.ta.com/portfolio/investments/ari-network-services-inc and the button to the top right side takes you to the next page (which is javascript, hence splash). I want to scrape some basic data (like company name, sectors etc) on all the pages till the last one. This is what I have done so far and I need help to correct this to successfully execute.
import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest
import urllib.parse as urlparse
class TAFolio(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'Portfolio'
start_urls = ['https://www.ta.com/portfolio/investments/ari-network-services-inc']
def start_requests(self):
for url in self.start_urls:
yield SplashRequest(url=url, callback = self.parse, args={"wait" : 3})
def parse(self, response):
companyname = response.css('h1.item_detail-main-info-heading::text').extract_first()
sectors = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[0].extract()
investmentyear = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[1].extract()
status = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[2].extract()
location = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[3].extract()
region = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[4].extract()
team = response.css('div.item_detail-main-info-group a::text').extract()
yield {
'companyname': companyname,
'sectors': sectors,
'investmentyear': investmentyear,
'status': status,
'location': location,
'region': region,
'team': team
next_page = response.css('li.item_detail-nav-item--next a::attr(href)').extract()
if next_page is not None:
yield SplashRequest(urlparse.urljoin('https://www.ta.com',next_page),callback=self.parse, args={"wait":3})
This gives me the correct information for the start_url but doesn't proceed to the next page.
Update. The issue was in the order in which I had the scraping of websites. Below is the updated code which worked well.
import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest
import urllib.parse as urlparse
class TAFolio(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'Portfolio'
start_urls = [
def start_requests(self):
for url in self.start_urls:
yield SplashRequest(url=url, callback = self.parse, args={"wait" : 3})
def parse(self, response):
companylink = response.css('div.tiles.js-portfolio-tiles a::attr(href)').extract()
for i in companylink:
yield response.follow('https://www.ta.com' + str(i), callback=self.parse1)
def parse1(self, response):
companyname = response.css('h1.item_detail-main-info-heading::text').extract_first()
sectors = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[0].extract()
investmentyear = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[1].extract()
status = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[2].extract()
location = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[3].extract()
region = response.css('.item_detail-main-info-group-item::text')[4].extract()
team = response.css('div.item_detail-main-info-group a::text').extract()
about_company = response.css('h2.item_detail-main-content-heading::text').extract()
about_company_detail = response.css('div.markdown p::text').extract()
yield {
'companyname': companyname,
'sectors': sectors,
'investmentyear': investmentyear,
'status': status,
'location': location,
'region': region,
'team': team,
'about_company': about_company,
'about_company_detail' : about_company_detail

automatic crawling web site

I got help from here to crawl on law.go.kr with the code below.
I'm trying to crawl other websites like http://lawbot.org, http://law.go.kr, https://casenote.kr.
But problem is that I have no understanding of html...
I understood all the code and how to get html address for the code below but it's different on other websites...
I want to know how to use the code below to crawl other web pages.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Using request get 50 items from first page. pg=1 is page number, outmax=50 items
per page
response = requests.post(
# Parse html using BeautifulSoup
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# Go through all pages and collect posts numbers in items
items = []
for i in range(1, 2):
# Get all links
links = page.select("#viewHeightDiv .s_tit a")
# Loop all links and collect post numbers
for link in links:
# Parse post number from "onclick" attribute
items.append(''.join([n for n in link.attrs["onclick"] if n.isdigit()]))
# Open all posts and collect in posts dictionary with keys: number, url and text
posts = []
for item in items:
url = "http://law.go.kr/precInfoR.do?precSeq=%s&vSct=*" % item
response = requests.get(url)
parsed = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
text = parsed.find('div', attrs={'id': 'contentBody'}).text #전문 저장
'id': 'contentBody', 제목제외 저장 'class': 'pgroup'
title = parsed.select_one("h2").text
posts.append({'number': item, 'url': url, 'text': text, 'title': title})
with open("D://\LAWGO_DATA/" + item + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
One more example for lawbot.org:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
base_url = 'http://lawbot.org'
search_url = base_url + '/?q=유죄'
response = requests.get(search_url)
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
lastPageNumber = int(page.select_one("li.page-item:not(.next):nth-last-child(2)").text)
casesList = []
for i in range(1, lastPageNumber + 1):
if i > 1:
response = requests.get(search_url + "&page=" + str(i))
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
cases = page.select("div.panre_center > ul.media-list li.panre_lists")
for case in cases:
title = case.findChild("h6").text
caseDocNumber = case.findChild(attrs={"class": "caseDocNumber"}).text
caseCourt = case.findChild(attrs={"class": "caseCourt"}).text
case_url = base_url + case.findChild("a")['href']
casesList.append({"title": title, "caseDocNumber": caseDocNumber, "caseCourt": caseCourt, "case_url": case_url})
# print("title:{}, caseDocNumber:{}, caseCourt:{}, caseUrl:{}".format(title, caseDocNumber, caseCourt, case_url))
for case in casesList:
response = requests.get(case["case_url"])
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
body = page.find(attrs={"class": "panre_body"}).text

How to get ASINs XPATH from 2 different Amazon pages that have the same parent nodes?

I made a web scraping program using python and webdriver and I want to extract the ASIN from 2 different pages. I would like xpath to work for these 2 links at the same .
These are the amazon pages:https://www.amazon.com/Hydro-Flask-Wide-Mouth-Flip/dp/B01ACATW7E/ref=sr_1_3?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1520348607&sr=1-3&keywords=-gfds and
https://www.amazon.com/Ubbi-Saving-Special-Required-Locking/dp/B00821FLSU/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1520265799&sr=1-1&keywords=-hgfd&th=1. They have the same parent nodes(id, classes). How can I make this program work for these 2 links at the same time?
So the problem is on these lines of code: 36, 41
asin = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#id="detail-bullets"]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/ul/li[4]').text
asin = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#id="detail-bullets_feature_div"]/div[#id="detail-bullets"]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/ul/li[5]').text. I have to change these lines to output in the csv the ASINs for these 2 products. For the first link it prints the wrong information and for the second it prints the ASIN.
I attached the code. I will appreciate any help.
from selenium import webdriver
import csv
import io
# set the proxies to hide actual IP
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': ''
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server="%s"' % ';'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in proxies.items()]))
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\Users\Andrei-PC\Downloads\webdriver\chromedriver.exe",
header = ['Product title', 'ASIN']
with open('csv/bot_1.csv', "w") as output:
writer = csv.writer(output)
for i in range(len(links)):
product_title = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="productTitle"][1]')
prod_title = [x.text for x in product_title]
asin = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#id="detail-bullets"]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/ul/li[4]').text
print('no ASIN template one')
asin = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#id="detail-bullets_feature_div"]/div[#id="detail-bullets"]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/ul/li[5]').text
print('no ASIN template two')
data = [prod_title[0], asin]
print('no items v3 ')
with io.open('csv/bot_1.csv', "a", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as output:
writer = csv.writer(output)
You can simply use
to get required element on both pages