Test Production Build Locally - vue.js

I'm running into a bit of a wall and hoping for some help. It's probably something really simple that I'm overlooking. Our team is working on our lighthouse score, mainly focused on mobile optimization. Is it possible to actually build and serve those compiled files locally? What's the best way to do that and test what our performance is?

Think of it from a high level, you are building your Vue application into a static website. Static websites only require a simple HTTP server. Therefore you can host and test this production build two different ways:
With a simple local HTTP server (apache, nginx, node express), or you could use something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server
Host your production build online somewhere, such as https://pages.github.com/


AngularJS2 in PHP Apache

Today is my first day on AngularJS. I am following few tutorials on AngularJS v.2 with JavaScript. There is a prerequisite of Node.js. My development environment is PHP MySQL Apache (Xampp).
My question is, can I write & run angular app on apache without node.js?
angular2 and its ecosystem heavily depend on npm and node. While you theoretically could develop your application in a non-node environment, it would be a nightmare to set up and maintain.
Setting up a proper tool-chain would take ages if at all possible.
It'd be a total waste of time and a painful experience. Ending with a frustrated you setting up node.
Edit: your backend can be xampp based just fine! There's no need to use a node based production environment.

NodeJS/ExpressJS production deployment

OK, this may be a dumb question, or entirely unnecessary, but I'll risk sounding like an idiot to know for sure.
I have a prototype application frontend using Angular2 and a backend (really just a RestAPI server) using Node/Express. I have the frontend stuff building/minifying/browserfying etc. for production deployment.
Is there anything that is typically done to the backend server to do the same? Bundling all the JS files and minifying them or anything?
I can't seem to find anything about it without it including steps for using the express server for views/content. In this prototype, ExpressJS is ONLY a RestAPI server, the frontend will be deployed to a separate web server. It may be moot to look for this, since it's not going to be that large of a system, but I'm really curious.

Web server to host Sencha app?

I am looking to develop some web app for my Android device. Found Sencha and think it might be a good tool to try out.
I suppose I would need to find a web server to host the Sencha app to run the app? What kind of web server is needed? I suppose one that able to run HTML5, CSS, Javascript is enough?
Can anybody recommend one (free one)?
Thanks for the answers to the above post. I am new to this stuff, so got some more follow-up and somewhat related questions:
1) I read from the Sencha site that the app can be developed locally using things like XAMPP installed on local Windows PC. Question -- Why need this local host when I can just use an external Web Host?
2) It was also mentioned that for Windows may not need XAMPP if Window's Internet Information Server (IIS) is already running. How do I know if my computer is running this and so don't need to install another local server? (I asking this because I had installed an XAMPP before on another computer and things got quite messed up and so I want to avoid doing it if possible).
3) Once I got a web host, to have an app running, I would just have to have the JS files in the web host together with the Sencha framework right? If so, then I don't understand what is meant by "Build" in the Sencha documentation.
Sencha Touch is a client side framework, therefore there are no server side requirements. That said, any web host should do.
However, I'll go ahead an make a recommendation... a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySql) will work the best. Of course you can substitute any of the stack for something of your favor, this setup seems to be the most favorable. Some of my colleagues utilize Ruby/RoR instead of PHP, so as you can see it is quite flexible in terms of environment.
When searching for a hosting provider, do your research and select something that fits with your budget but still gives you the best bang for your buck. Be sure to ask them questions!
Tip: Make sure you have access to your web server's configuration file so you can add mime_types and make other mobile oriented tweaks if needed.
First you must know that HTML5, CSS and Javascript are all front end stuff that do not count when you talk about Hosting. These are taken care of by the client agent (browser).
What really matters is your server side language: PHP, Python(Django), Ruby, etc.
So it mainly doesn't matter which framework, as much as which language that framework use.
This is a generic answer that will help you decide not only in terms of Sencha but for any other framework.
Take for instance WordPress. It uses PHP and MySQL, so first I look if my Web host supports Mysql and PHP and in general this would be enough to know that I can use if for my WordPress site.
And by the way, most Web host companies allow you to ask them questions before buying. So go ahead and question them about anything that concerns your requests.
Sencha provides an app hosting service through its Sencha.io cloud services.

Repository, live site, all in one same server

Honestly, I don't really know how to begin.
I have a live site in a VPS. My development flow is usually making changes on my local machine, then pushes to live via capistrano. I use git, but I don't really know the setup (as it was done by a friend). So I am not sure my git repo is local, or in the server.
Now I wanna do something more manageable. I want to use Redmine to track my development. Having said this, I would like to host my repo in the same server as my live server. This can give easy access to the other remote developers. Is it a good idea to host this repo in a same server?
Also, in future, I will need to have a unit test and functional test server. I reckon this should be separated from the live server right?
What is a good arrangement? Of course I am pretty tight with budget, and I don't wanna buy my own physical server.
I've hosted dev and live versions in the same VPS, e.g. dev.site.com. I usually make it basic auth to give at least a little privacy into its development. But if your source repository is also on the same VPS, then you need to have a standard backup process that gives you an off-VPS copy. You definitely don't want all your eggs in one basket.
For multi-developer use, you just need a repo that everyone can access. The dev instance is better split to the developer machines, plus a regular build cycle for dev version that includes everyone's changes. That would be your test/QA server. Unit tests can just be a local version.
Does that help? Not sure if this answer is as technical as you want.

Can I Replace Apache with Node.js?

I have a website running on CentOS using the usual suspects (Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Since the time this website was originally launched, it has evolved quite a bit and now I'd like to do fancier things with it—namely real-time notifications. From what I've read, Apache handles this poorly. I'm wondering if I can replace just Apache with Node.js (so instead of "LAMP" it would "LNMP").
I've tried searching online for a solution, but haven't found one. If I'm correctly interpreting the things that I've read, it seems that most people are saying that Node.js can replace both Apache and PHP together. I have a lot of existing PHP code, though, so I'd prefer to keep it.
In case it's not already obvious, I'm pretty confused and could use some enlightenment. Thanks very much!
If you're prepared to re-write your PHP in JavaScript, then yes, Node.js can replace your Apache.
If you place an Apache or NGINX instance running in reverse-proxy mode between your servers and your clients, you could handle some requests in JavaScript on Node.js and some requests in your Apache-hosted PHP, until you can completely replace all your PHP with JavaScript code. This might be the happy medium: do your WebSockets work in Node.js, more mundane work in Apache + PHP.
Node.js may be faster than Apache thanks to it's evented/non-blocking architecture, but you may have problems finding modules/libraries which substitute some of Apache functionality.
Node.js itself is a lightweight low-level framework which enables you to relatively quickly build server-side stuff and real-time parts of your web applications, but Apache offers much broader configuration options and "classical" web server oriented features.
I would say that unless you want to replace PHP with node.js based web application framework like express.js then you should stay with Apache (or think about migrating to Nginx if you have performance problems).
I believe Node.js is the future in web serving, but if you have a lot of existing PHP code, Apache/MySQL are your best bet. Apache can be configured to proxy requests to Node.js, or Node.js can proxy requests to Apache, but I believe some performance is lost in both cases, especially in the first one. Not a big deal if you aren't running a very high traffic website though.
I just registered to stackoverflow, and I can't comment on the accepted answer yet, but today I created a simple Node.js script that actually uses sendfile() to serve files through the HTTP protocol. (The existing example that the accepted answer links to only uses bare TCP protocol to send the file, and I could not find an example for HTTP, so I wrote it myself.)
So I thought someone might find this useful. Serving files through the sendfile() OS call is not necessarily faster than when data is copied through "user land", but it ends up utilizing the CPU and RAM less, thus being able to handle larger number of connections than the classic way.
The link: https://gist.github.com/1350901
Previous SO post describing exactly what im saying (php + socket.io + node)
I think you could put up a node server on somehost:8000 with socket.io and slap the socket.io client code into tags and with minimal work get your existing app rocking with socket.io (realtime baby) without a ton of work.
While node can be your only backend server remember that node likes to live up to it's name and become a node. I checked out a talk awhile back that Ryan Dahl gave to a PHP Users's group and he mentioned the name node relating to a vision of several node processes doing work and talking with each other.
Its LAMP versus MEAN nowadays. For a direct comparison see http://tamas.io/what-is-the-mean-stack.
Of course M, E and A are somewhat variable. For example the more recent koa may replace (E)xpress.
However, just replacing Apache with Node.js is probably not the right way to modernize your web stack.